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JackbyDev JackbyDev

Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.

Posts 44
Comments 2.6K
  • Ah, but if we care at all about normalization and that's calculatable from the other columns (it should be) then it shouldn't be a column. Unless it's expensive and this is a view, of course.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Not the supreme court?

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • For the love of all things pure, holy, and just, please do not use YAML in your APIs...

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • It's entirely disingenuous because who the hell is throwing JSON into YAML without converting it? Oh wow, I changed the file extension and it still works. I'm so glad we changed to YAML!

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Unless you're dealing with some insanely flexible schema, you should be able to know what kind of number (int, double, and so on) a field should contain when deserializing a number field in JSON. Using a string does not provide any benefits here unless there's some big in your deserialzation process.

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Should be like 0o777 to mimic hex 0xFF

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Do you actually use them?

  • Belching
  • Why would there be an age and my_age column on the table GIRLS?

  • Belching
  • Why is there a separate table for men and women in the first place? Shouldn't there be a person table with a many to many relationship with itself (because polyamory exists)?

  • Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
  • every accusation is a confession.

    This is all I could think of when Trump said Democrats would use every avenue both legal and illegal to overturn election results.

  • Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
  • More like there being chemicals that actually fucked up frogs' genitals but we only ever heard about it through the lens of Alex Jones and "turning the freaking frogs gay [sic]"

  • Al rule
  • I fucking hate sans serif fonts with l and I looking the same.

  • Al rule
  • Sandwich's*, unless he's a hive mind

  • A New Reality Show Will Pay Cash if Players Can Convince Experts the Earth Is Flat
  • These people already cling to fringe beliefs because they feel marginalized by society. Bullying them on national television is not going to make them any more likely to change their beliefs. It's only going to make them double and triple down.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • They say they already use it to manage GitHub issues so it's definitely more than "point 0" right now.

  • Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  • That's always struck me as odd, but I'm also very much an outsider looking in. A "gecko electron" does sound intriguing though.

  • Sun Clock

    A 24-hour clock that shows sunrise, sunset, golden hour, and twilight times for your current location. It also shows the current position and phase of the moon, and its rising and setting times.

    (I did not make this project.)

    I love this website. It helps me visualize time with regards to the sun very well. If I could get my FitBit to display this as a clock face I definitely would. It's such a beautifully simple site.

    I'm sharing it in honor of the solstice today. It's (roughly) solar noon on the east coast. I think I found this site on Reddit prior to the Lemmy Exodus, so I'd like to share it here for everyone to enjoy. Happy solstice. Happy summer (or winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere).

    Also, based on the community info panel I believe this is on topic here, but if there is a better community for "cool site I found" let me know. ❤️☀️


    Case recommendations? Mid/full. Looking for something easy to get in and lift.

    I feel like a case can really make or break a build. Or at least your enjoyment of it. My specs are below, but I sort of picked a case at random. I'm looking for suggestions.

    My current build has served me since 2010 and it's time to upgrade the CPU, Motherboard, and case. Everything that can be replaced easily has been and it's really showing it's age. I mention this because it's likely the case I pick will be used for the next ten years of my life!

    Stuff I care about

    • Ease of opening for cleaning/assembling. Part of why I don't clean my current on as much as I should is how annoying it is to open.
    • Ease of moving. I'm more interested in handles than weight, but I still don't want something stupidly heavy.
    • Size. I'd prefer something a little too big rather than something a little too small. I don't necessarily want a full tower though. As long as I can get in easily and there is some extra room for the next GPU I'll inevitably buy in the next 10 years I'm good.

    Stuff I don't care about

    • Water cooling. I have zero interest in getting custom water cooling. Too much effort for me.
    • Looks. I don't really want some crazy RBG thing, but I also don't specifically need some super minimalist thing either.
    • Price. So, obviously I don't want to waste money, but if I need to splurge a little I'm willing to. Within reason.

    PCPartPicker Part List

    Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- CPU | AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 3.4 GHz 8-Core Processor | $162.00 @ Amazon CPU Cooler | Deepcool AK620 68.99 CFM CPU Cooler | $64.98 @ Amazon Motherboard | MSI MPG B550 GAMING EDGE WIFI ATX AM4 Motherboard | Purchased For $0.00 Memory | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory | $54.99 @ Amazon Memory | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory | $54.99 @ Amazon Storage | Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive | $159.99 @ Amazon Storage | Seagate Barracuda Compute 2 TB 3.5" 7200 RPM Internal Hard Drive | $64.98 @ Amazon Video Card | Zotac GAMING Trinity GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 8 GB Video Card | Purchased For $0.00 Case | Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case | $104.97 @ Amazon Power Supply | EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G6 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply | $133.99 @ Amazon | Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | | Total | $800.89 | Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-14 14:57 EDT-0400 |


    SD Card fails to format using official SD Card format tool on Windows SD Card fails to format using official SD Card format tool on Windows -

    I don’t get a very detailed error message but it fails and tells me to try reinserting it. I’ve tried a few times. It fails at different percentages sometimes. Any thoughts or ways to get a more detailed error message? I have Mac and Linux too.

    Cross post


    SD Card fails to format using official SD Card format tool on Windows

    I don't get a very detailed error message but it fails and tells me to try reinserting it. I've tried a few times. It fails at different percentages sometimes. Any thoughts or ways to get a more detailed error message? I have Mac and Linux too.


    If you fail to pull Gale through the portal, can you recruit him later?

    I failed the strength check despite being a paladin and using inspiration. I never saw him again even after getting through nearly all of act 2. I've asked this before, maybe even in this community, but no one gave a concrete answer, likely because the game was still new.

    CassetteFuturism JackbyDev

    Not really Cassette Futurism (or Vaporwave) but I think folks here might like it still.

    cross-posted from:

    > Not really Vaporwave, but not too sure where it fits. These styles inspired a lot of Vaporwave things so I thought you might enjoy.


    How can I find more literal translations of Spanish words and phrases?

    I used to be confused why "mi nombre es" and "me llamo" seemed to both mean "my name is". I read that "me llamo" really means "I am called" but I guess culturally they use "me llamo" in the same way we use "my name is" even though "mi nombre es" is a more literal translation.

    I'm asking because there are a lot of phrases I'm learning that I know how to use but am still confused. If I knew the actual literal translation I would feel more comfortable. Things like "my brother likes basketball" being "A mi hermano le gusta el baloncesto" are confusing. The use of el doesn't confuse me, that's just how it is and I can see past it, we just don't say "I like the basketball" in English. But what is the point of "a" at the start? To? To what? To my brother? I sort of understand le. I'm not sure when to use it, I'm developing an intuitive understanding of when to use me/te/le/nos as opposed to yo/tú/él/ella/nosotros but it's still tricky.

    So I'm wondering where I can find actually literal translations of these phrases. So many sites seem to use the phrase to mean "translation" (or maybe I'm misunderstanding the term literal translation but I'd think it is as one to one as possible).


    OP finds vulnerability where a forum sends you your password in plaintext over email and everyone misses the forest for the trees Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. -

    Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. Don’t use a password there that you’ve used anywhere else.

    Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. -

    This thread is frustrating. Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring that a forum sends you your password (not an automatically generated one) in an email on registration.

    Reddit Was Fun JackbyDev

    Reddit's official TikTok account hypocritically showing off MSOutlookit Reddit on TikTok

    Everybody is so creative! Search “pcottle github msoutlook” to check it ou. #reddit #github #workhack

    MSOutlookit is a "skin" for Reddit that makes it look like Outlook. In case the joke isn't clear it makes it easier to hide Reddit browsing at work from folks looking over your shoulder.

    It's just super disheartening to see Reddit themselves show this off after killing third party apps.


    WIP on The Master Master Sword

    I bought two foam Master Swords and taped them together and covered it in foam clay. Once it dries I will paint it green like the Zonai goop glue from Tears of the Kingdom.

    I was trying to think of something funny to make and I think fusing two Master Swords is the best thing.


    Where the hell do you recruit Gale if you fail to yank him from the portal?

    I feel like I'm losing my damn mind. I would've reloaded (or literally restarted the entire game) if I realized how much content a single damn skill check less than 30 minutes in would make me miss by failing. I feel like I've been nearly everywhere in Act 1. Where the fuck is he? Did I miss him? I'm like 30 hours in now. I don't want to restart the game.


    Am I locked out of a romance after saying no to them? (No spoilers here.)

    I've been poking around and trying to avoid spoilers to check. This is before the celebration I see everyone mention. I told Lae'zel no because I wanted to do it later. It seems like the option is gone now. Does it ever come back? Is there any console command or mod to fix it?

    CassetteFuturism JackbyDev

    Rotary Cell Phone (Description and Build)

    CassetteFuturism JackbyDev Why the Future of Data Storage is (Still) Magnetic Tape

    Disk drives are reaching their limits, but magnetic tape just gets better and better

    Why the Future of Data Storage is (Still) Magnetic Tape

    Does anyone have experience with Funtoo?

    I've been curious to try Gentoo out on a VM to see what it's like. Funtoo sounds like a slightly easier version.


    What's the best wiki resource?

    Over the years it's become tougher and tougher to find good sources of information for popular games with gaming journalism websites having a lot of SEO. The Fextralife wiki is garbage and was garbage for other games I've played before too.


    Any D&D 5e veterans having trouble getting used to things?

    My knowledge of 5e is definitely useful for some things but it also feels like a hindrance at times. I chose to make a character into the Battle Master subclass of Fighter. I misread quite a few of the maneuvers.

    • Commander's Strike uses one of your attacks and a superiority die to allow an ally to immediately make an attack as an action. This is useful for getting extra attacks out of especially heavy hitters like rogues. In BG3 it lets them make an extra attack on their turn. And I think they don't get any extra damage from the superiority die.
    • Maneuvering Attack uses a superiority die to allow an ally to use their reaction to move up to half their speed and not trigger opportunity attacks from the target of the attack. In BG3 it lets effectively lets them get a free disengage on their turn (so not just against your target). So it's a little better and a little worse.

    These were two of my favorite abilities as a fighter and it helped encourage me to keep other players focused when it wasn't their turn. Also, we had a big group, so getting to do something small when it wasn't your turn helped with the boredom.

    I'm not complaining, some of the changes are good and some are bad. All in all you can't really compare the two because one is a videogame and one is a tabletop game. A lot of the abilities have great QoL changes for videogames. Guidance lasting for a while is great. Many abilities that last a long time now just last until a rest. True Strike got a buff -- it's not necessarily great or anything but not pointless anymore. (True Strike did have some very small very niche uses but all in all it was mostly bad since it's better to just attack twice 99% of the time.)

    It feels like some of the spells have descriptions slightly wrong but maybe I'm just confused. I'm enjoying the game. It's rough around the edges but I do like it.
