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jinarched jinarched
Posts 88
Comments 137
I swear it slows down when it knows I'm in a rush.
  • “Jesus man! You don't look for Windows update! Windows update finds you when it thinks you're ready.” ― Hunter S. Thompson probably

  • I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • If you know those five intuitively, adding and subtracting become automatic even with adhd.

    1 + 9 = 10

    2 + 8 = 10

    3 + 7 = 10

    4 + 6 = 10

    5 + 5 = 10

  • It's a banger
  • I said hey

    You're coming all the way

    I've got some hell to pay

    I'm diggin' all the way

    All the way down

    I said hey

    You're coming all the way

    I've got some hell to pay

    Gonna rape you every way

    On the way down again

    (20 years later and it still sounds in my head like it was yesterday.)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Your stomach is now bloated.

  • Fire rule
  • Makes me think of this

  • It must be a test
  • Outside? But that's where the evil tree pollen is D:

  • "Bleach blonde, bad built butch body"
  • Welp since she's the one who started the shit show. Here.

  • What is a song you wanted to find again for a long time, but it gave you no clear clue about how to search for it?
  • A techno mix made with Super Mario bros. from the early 2000s most likely from Napster or Kazaa. It wasn't a melody from any of the Mario games, but it was constructed with sounds from it.

  • EA is looking at putting in-game ads in AAA games — 'We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that,' says CEO
  • I don't get people bringing Coca Cola when talking about a company fucking its consumer in the ass (here is a cock analogy for you, you seem to like those). Boycotting Coca Cola because it's a company with terrible practices on their employees will probably not work because it doesn't affect the consumer experience. It's not like Coca Cola puts lead in its product or some shit that might affect the taste. Here the company reduces the quality of its product. For instance, boycotting Roku because they put ads in their HDMI cables that triggers when the user hits pause would probably work because it makes the experience shitty.

    If you think boycotting doesn't work with gaming, you haven't paid much attention recently.

  • EA is looking at putting in-game ads in AAA games — 'We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that,' says CEO
  • Let's add EA to the list of companies I'm boycotting.

    Oh? What a coincidence; it was already there.

  • Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause
  • I really don't give a shit about a company like Amazon that gaslights its employees into not voting for an union through a bullshit campain, that sabotages said votes, and that overworks them to the point they are forced to piss in bottles and shit in bags.

    I kinda hope they fucking sink to be honest.

  • I plan on blowing my brains out soon.
  • Life used to be extremely bad for me mentally due to mental illness, traumas and a really bad life situation I thought would never change. I planned to kill myself several times in the past. Those plans weren't abstract; I knew exaclty how I would do it.

    My head starts spinning when I think about how close I was to actually doing it. It spins because, while I have to deal with lots of bad stuff that sadly won't ever go away, I certainly don't want to kill myself today.

    I think you should consider the possibility that things might very well get better in the future even if it doesn't seem like it right right now. Killing yourself is permanent. While you won't be able to regret it, you very well might be grateful you didn't do it. I sure am.

  • Totally not a cult
  • Dude's got a Trump stamp.

  • NSFW
    This show used to be about good ol’ fashioned family values
  • Jesse Robert, what the fuck are you talking about

  • Death Mark I - Rumors

    I may have said this before...
  • So... yeah, I get it's 100% unreasonable to ask this, but I think it's true that the story is great especially once you hit Shadowbringer. Won't blame anyone for not making it though.

  • ofc its 'pakleds'
  • Pepperonis

  • Dungeon Siege 1 - The Main Theme


    Anonymous;Code - NAKANO SYMPHONYS


    Necro / Twelve's Stage - Snowland


    Streets Of Rage 2 - Slow Moon

    The whole OST is a banger


    Sim City - Village


    Earthbound - Onett Theme


    Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road


    The Last Spell - Hordes Descend


    Ghost Trick - Awakening AWAKENING

    AWAKENING Track 09 Ghost Trick Original Soundtrack Nintendo DS (2010)


    Shadowrun (SNES) - Gunfight Shadowrun - Gunfight (SNES OST)

    ~Shadowrun SNES Soundtrack~ Publisher: Data East Developer: Beam Software Composer: Marshall Parker Release Date: 1993

    Shadowrun - Gunfight (SNES OST)