When one of the first things you mention about him is "$280B of revenue" as though that's a good thing in the context of health insurance, yeah, fuck you.
That much revenue isn't, by itself, the bad part. Revenue is just how much you take in from your sales. If they had minimal overhead and paid the majority of that out to claims, that would be fine (in the context of our existing healthcare system). The problem is the profit, how much of that $280B goes into the company's pockets instead of claim payouts.
Your point is valid, but I wouldn't really place this guy in "the media." He's CFO of some investment firm. Just another C-suite executive trying to calm the rowdy peasants from atop his gilded throne, hoping to keep his head on his shoulders.
Someone else also pointed out there is exactly one photo being passed around of Brian Thompson. You would think they would find more family oriented photos to push the narrative
They also made sure to mention that his kids go to public schools. And they've never missed a meal or any health care or been cold or hungry or anything. What difference?
That's an interesting date considering we learned about the drunk driving arrest in 2017 recently. Seems like she probably went through a tough time before she finally was able to get a separation.
Not that I think there’s anything bad about being separated/divorced, but it’d be a lie to paint him as a family man.
I'd urge you to reconsider this. Seperating from your partner does not invalidate you from being a 'family man' or a good parent. My parents divorced when I was a young age, and both of them remain committed to being attentive and involved parents (and grandparents).
Oh! Oh! Do Hitler next! Talk about how he served his country in war, how he was a painter and a successful politician and then leave out the "other details" about him.
Born to humble means. His father, a selfless civil servant. His mother, a simple homemaker. They were probably really proud when he was appointed Verbindungsmann of an Aufklärungskommando of the Reichswehr.
He's going through a divorce and his kids hated him. But this isn't unusual for the "everyman" who climbs over a hill of his neighbors' corpses to get that brass ring.
Once you've gone from pleb to president, you feel entitled to certain things that only a visit to Little Saint James can provide.
Anyone who comes from humble beginnings should understand the struggle of the common man, and have empathy.
If you come from humble beginnings and then work your way up into a position of tremendous power, and then think "I've made my fortune now, so fuck the poors" then that's EVEN WORSE, not better!
tl;dr: The beginnings justify the ends. If you're a teenager thinking about becoming a murderer or rapist later in life, consider learning the trombone.
Fuck him even more then. Since he comes from humble beginnings he should know what it's like not being rich, but he just decided to be a greedy asshole.
What do you expect from a CFO of mergers and acquisitions? They’re more inhuman than healthcare execs, if that’s possible, since their entire job is to buy companies and fire people, thus leaving them completely without insurance.
I think if he had any personal friends who thought he was a good person the media would have made time for them to speak up about it. But only other rich executives have.
IMO, a “decent man” would have turned down working in a company that made health into a profit-making machine. He would have at least resigned when AI was pushed forward to deny even more medical claims, but instead gave his blessing. One can be evil and deadly without having to pull a trigger, look at the ton of politicians that do it daily and they get away with it because they look polished.
I would have taken the job and tried to not be the leader in denied claims. Truth be told, I would probably funnel my excess income to single player supporting politicians.
There’s a lot of distance between an executive and those whose lives they impact. It’s probably too easy to forget there are people involved, and just pay attention to the numbers
So ambitious small town guy with no empathy or ethics moved up the chain until he profited off the pain and suffering of others. I'm sure many of these trash humans trying to praise him have never had to worry about how they were going to stay alive. You notice they are all just like him. Trash.
Wasn't there a reddit post about this guy and how he was like a womanizer or something and he and his wife have been separated for years, basically saying this guy wasn't the pillar of humanity the media was making him out to be? If there was a post, was any of that true?
No idea about cheating or a womanizer, but he and his wife were separated for years. He had a DUI, was sued for fraud, and possibly engaged in insider trading.
Yeah, he came drom humble beginnings, but he didn’t stay humble.
Americans should generally vote for political parties that prevent immoral companies from excessive profits and damage to society and individuals.
Too bad they have more hate for foreigners than love for themselves, believing that they could be wealthy and free too, one day.
Perhaps this is all true and he was a relatively decent guy, but we will never know that for sure. What we do know for certain is that he was one many horrible cunts responsible for the harm and despair of far too many innocent people just trying to live normal, healthy lives. The nation is getting fucking tired of this bullshit and as a result the only part of this rich assholes legacy that really matters anymore is the one where he is a shitty proxy for all our anger and frustrations.
I don’t really think you can do that job and be responsible for the things he was responsible for… and still be a good person. I honestly believe those two things are wholly incompatible.
I feel the same way about anyone with far more resources than they could possibly need in a lifetime. You can’t possibly be in that position and be a good person. You just can’t. No matter how many good things you do with your money, having that much at all makes you a bad person, due to what it takes to amass in the first place.
One of the big lies that the elites tell themselves is that anyone and everyone of merit with be lifted to their rightful station in society. They need this illusion because otherwise, they'll have to face the fact that their success is just based on birth circumstances. They latched on the the few working class slobs that somehow navigate up the rungs of society.
But what exactly did Brian Thompson achieve with his success? Did he funnel his excess wealth back to the community he came from? No, he just accumulated wealth like all the rest.
Also, pretty sure he was cheating on his wife and doing insider trading, which checks out with the elites.
If we really have a society where everyone is lifted to their rightful station... Then someone really needs to explain to me why anyone is homeless? Why any child goes hungry? Your average trailer park and 50 bucks in Food Stamps is still well below what the worst of us deserves.
It's their prosperity gospel. They think that being poor is a sign that you've lived a sinful, wrongful life and their wealth is a sign that they've lived a righteous life. Why do you think whenever some poor person(or immigrate) commits a heinous crime, mainsteam media puts them on blast, but when a CEO does something that can be calculated to cause may times more harm, it's ignore or even praised?
What's worse? A single rape committed by a vagrant or a health insurance company denying 100 rape kits? What's going to get more coverage on the nightly news? I'm sure those news anchors believe that they're where they are purely though their individual merit.
anyone and everyone of merit with be lifted to their rightful station in society.
I think that's part of the protestant work ethic. People are predestined to a level of holiness in the material world we live in, and their predestined level of holiness grants them the ability to produce a quality and quantity of work that achieves their said level of predestined holiness. Thus, the wealthier a person is, the more holy they were predestined to be (sounds like a loophole in predestination to me). If you look at religion from a sociological lens, then the protestant work ethic is a great leadership tool to encourage the workers to produce as much as possible for several reasons: it creates a belief in social mobility that is based on work, workers are teased with being more holy if they worker, workers are threatened with being less holy if they work less hard, and leaders and wealthy individuals are seen as being the more holy. This was a revolution in Christian values at the time of the Protestant Reformation because it made wealthy people more holy, which was in contradiction to Christian dogma at the time. Roman Catholics, who were dominant before the Protestant Reformation, valued only actions directly related to the church, and anything else was irrelevant. I'm not an expert on this, so I may be wrong, but I think part of predestination to Roman Catholics was applied at the creation of a person because by being human, they were already predestined by God to be a certain level of divine. In essence, what mattered in terms of holiness were works for the church. Labor was less motivated to produce goods for the sake of creating wealth. The impact was that Roman Catholicism was a better match for a feudalistic society in which works contributed to their lord and church. Whereas, Protestant Christianity was better suited for a market economy in which individuals were encouraged to produce for the sake of becoming wealthy (ie holy). Therefore, Protestant Christianity took hold well in the developing United States of America as had a synergistic relationship with the economic model, which we continually see portrayed in media as the American Dream and that wealthy individuals are morally just and given unlimited get out of jail free cards (unless they betray other wealthy individuals).
Oh man.... I really want downvote this but like your point is right but like oh God fucking damn do we really need a post pointing out that the CEO asshole had a hobby? No duh.
He also had a job sentencing poor sick people to death.
We all know plenty about him from the boot being pushed into our throats from people like him and his friends who are all friends and think we'll of each other but...
Man the level of disconnect from these people. Completely can't understand the language of the oppressed and why we don't see their grand vision we are not a part of.
It doesn't offend me if you downvote. Let me also point out he pleaded guilty to drunk driving in 2017, and became the CEO in the same month, so his regard for humans is pretty low.
To try to make us feel guilty for cheering his demise.
I don't care if his kid was Tiny Tim who's now spending every second of Christmas in debilitating agony, tears streaming down his face till his ducts run dry.
It doesn't change that because of this monster we call Brian Thompson, thousands of people who "had families" died from diseases that could have been cured with the simplest of anti-biotics, but saving money was just THAT important to this Butcher of the ill and broken.
So let me make sure I have this straight: Grew up in stereotypical small town Americana, undoubtedly observed the people around him struggling, had an opportunity to get lucky, learned nothing from his upbringing, and elected to deliberately contribute to making everyone else's problems worse now that he was no longer "little people."
We don't have a cannon anywhere on the planet capable of firing people like this far enough into space.
Gang you are missing the point. Thompson worked really hard from humble beginnings to become the absolute best at being a horrible human being. That’s gotta count for something, right? /s
I have good memories of Brian Thompson. grabs a pipe for a good solemn smoke
Why I remember when he was there on a cross next to Jesus himself, comforting the poor messiah. He actually got into the business hoping that less people would die of crucifixion related injures. It's why he declined so many people, the money had to be there so that if they crucified Christ again his old friend would recover this time.
No I'm just fucking with you. Brian was a mass murderer and his passing is not mourned, not even by the billionaires. They don't give a shit about Thompson, they're just worried they could be next.
Also is that really his picture? I'm not one to judge people for their appearances, but I'm not sure they could find a douchier looking picture of him if they tried.
He was innocent I tell you, he was just drinking a nice bottle of water to keep his hydration up. So it turned into wine at some point, why should we lock a man up for witnessing the miracles of our Lord and Savior....
This country is broken. The powers at be ask us to view wealth as righteousness. Regular humans are expendable. We must protect those that have the most by grinding up those with the least.
And they're trying to export this sentiment to the rest of the world.
I'd say dark times are ahead but that statement ignores all this darkness we find ourselves writhing in.
Yeah. You can see it in the way that those "investing to get rich too" types talk about how what they are doing is right and that anyone could accomplish it if they were good as well as if the spare income to invest is not an issue worth considering because if they were moral they would have money and that they will soon be wealthy too because they are good.
All American religions are based on wealth. Even those who don't think themselves religious pray to it every day.
We are at the end of what we have known and not yet in the time tomorrow. Now is the time of Monsters.
He was immaculately concepted to a slave from a traditional farming planet whose athletic ability made him a star in the pod raising circuit. Despite such humble origins he was able to rise to become not only one of the few members of the venerable jedi order but distinguished himself with his valor in the clone wars. He even earned a seat on the jedi council. This man - not the person who dismembered him in cold blood - was everything that was right and good about the galaxy.......
I'm not convinced we're much different except by circumstance. Anyone trying to manage that many human interactions is only going to see numbers. I know we'd like to think we have been or would be filtered out, but I'm not convinced.
The problem is corporate structures that create these behemoths that essentially can't have ethical liability. Someone else will do his job now. Killing him benefits exactly nobody. Just more distraction from what we should be focusing on.
Most of us don't choose who insures us - our company or personal finances do. There's no market here for people to walk away with their dollars. Anything even a little outside the system has been crushed.
I know that not at leftists are vegan (though they should be) but I don’t think saying he worked in meat processing is a good example to give to convince us of his supposed moral character