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dharmacurious Dharma Curious

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

Posts 3
Comments 219
Revolution is Not a Part-Time Job: a Response to @ContraPoints
  • Hit me up if someone does? Also not able to watch right now

  • Red Flags
  • My best friend married a girl he knew for like 2 months in 2020. Bear in mind, he was just south of 30, had never had a serious relationship. Blew up his whole family for the relationship, had to come live with me for a bit before they got married. I love him to death, and I couldn't say a word. He has completely changed since they got together, gotten deep into conspiracy shit, cut off basically everyone. We used to talk literally 8 hours a day sometimes, and talked every day without fail. I'm lucky if I speak to him once every 6 months now. Everyone saw the red flags with her, but everyone who said anything got completely cut off, no contact. So I kept my mouth shut, and plan on being there for him if it blows up.

    I hope it doesn't. I hope I'm wrong, and he's happy for the rest of his life. But I also really hope he gets his fucking vaccine sometime soon.

  • I regret everything
  • Post (dough)nut clarity is a bitch

  • “Black People Were Just Less Smart Back Then” -Grandma
  • Lunch counters were segregated in the US. A fairly common protest was black folk sitting at lunch counters and trying to order lunch. This often causes uproar and unrest, riots. I believe the woman who's about to have water poured on her head is black, it's just that the picture makes her look white, or she's fairly passing.

  • Ancient aliens
  • Heimdall or Hermod>

    Sounds like he's Nimrod.

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • This has nothing to do with anything, but I know what homogenized means in the context of milk, but when I was a kid, I used to think it meant milk from different cows had been mixed. Like, that's why the called it homogenized. That they were, for some reason, mandated to make giant vats of cow-juice from millions of cows, and stir it together before they could sell it.

  • Fixed¡
  • I can pretty comfortably read it backwards. Taught myself to read mirrored and upside down as a kid, because I had a lot free time. But It's pretty fried, and it didn't look right, so I had to know what it would look like reversed again lol

  • What do people's pets tell you about them?
  • What is a silverfish? Like... The bug? Perhaps this is a regional thing

  • Fixed¡
  • Thank you for teaching me how to reverse images on my phone lol

  • jd vance
  • I also have gorgeous eyelashes. And I've never fucked a couch! It would've made the vacuum jealous.

  • A cool guide to Modern cable
  • I'm convinced this guy is going to cure most diseases and colonize Mars before the rest of us do.

  • Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit
  • Okay, I rarely comment on political posts on Lemmy, because I value my time, and my sanity. And I agree with you. This is our best chance. But I just want to say that Kamala does not represent a way to defeat American fascism. She represents a way to buy some time until we can form a movement that goes so far beyond neo liberal policies it's unreal. It's still unlikely, but she's hopefully buying us 4 years.

    Maybe I'm just being pedantic, but it genuinely worries me when people think that Kamala or really any major politician in the US can defeat fascism. Normal got us here, normal will send us right back.

    Again, not trying to be an ass, and perhaps you also meant she buys us time, but this shit scares me. If she wins in November, and even I, as a filthy commie, I hope she does, it isn't a victory in the war against American fascism. It's a bandaid, a canteen of water, and a chance to regroup.

  • 24 July 2024
  • It's alternative current. You can't see it because it's a still image, but that alligator clip is actually alternating back and forth between the two terminals 60 times per second.

  • Anon struggles with financial difficulties
  • Also should be using an alt, but too lazy.

    Not illegal stuff, just very fringe stuff. There's like 5 videos that float around and all link back to paid sources. Once you've finished to those same 5 videos for the 30th time, you're fucking bored with them, and you have to seek out homemade stuff by being involved in online communities for it, or by paying for it. Most of the time the homemade shit you also have to pay for.

  • Harry Potter and the Nuclear launch codes
  • Started reading that once. I think it was fairly newish then, but I'm not sure. It irritated how they did my boy Ronald. Movie Ron was a box of hair with a broken wand, but book Ron was clever and inventive and generally very good at creative problem solving.

  • People are having trouble following Harris’s campaign Twitter account
  • I'm not on tiktok, but I'll admit to using YouTube as a search engine a lot. Also googling something and immediately hitting the video tab before reading any of the results.

  • Nope
  • What cartoon is this from? I swear I've seen this, and it's driving me crazy

  • How vulnerable are various Western Supreme Courts from devolving into the mockery that is the current US one?
  • Totally agreed. But I'm saying it. We're fucked. Even if Trump loses, best case scenario is a couple years of delay. We're not addressing any root problems, and a trump loss only plays into the idea that we're somehow destined to avoid the shit that happens elsewhere.

  • How vulnerable are various Western Supreme Courts from devolving into the mockery that is the current US one?
  • Okay, so, American here who has been telling fellow Americans "it can happen here" for years about various shit. Because I know it can. There's no reason it can't.

    But seeing someone use that expression to say that something happening in the US could happen elsewhere just made that phrase click in a terrifying way.

    It can happen here.

    It has already happened

    Oh God

  • can't use eternity on new phone

    Hey, folks, I just got a new phone, and reinstalled Eternity on it. But no matter which account I try to log in with, I'm getting an error ("cannot fetch user info") when I try to log in.

    Any help is much appreciated. I'm not sure if eternity is on the play store, but I got it through f droid if that matters.


    Mary the mini dachshund

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Dharma Curious

    I present to you baby pictures of Mary the mini dachshund

    Mary is 2 and a half, and currently lives with us, her sister Maizie, and her adopted brother Monty. Pictures available upon request.
