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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • This is one of the reasons I left Reddit. Sure everyone needs to be paid for their work but it gets a little more suspect when I donate my time and attention, and it is monetized, and I still have to deal with too many ads

    And someone who does NOT deserve to be paid is the “journalist” who writes those articles “LoveBunny68 on social media site Reddit said ….”. I guess I hope that is some sort of automation because no one deserves to be paid for that and I imagine an actual writer ready to commit suicide if stuck writing those

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • We’re all donating our time and attention to Lemmy, which is worth something even on a non-commercial site.

    But yes, some of us also help with the costs and chores. I appreciate everyone who does but I also appreciate everyone who makes this an interesting place worth chipping in for

  • Holy voting choices!
  • That’s the problem. That’s been the problem. Personally I do like Biden and what he’s done but he’s clearly too old. Even back in November when they started more actively campaigning, it already seemed too late to find someone else. Now it’s 7 months later

    The only other candidate that has successfully raised his stature is Newsom, but if the internet is representative, the entire middle of the country is reflexively anti-California (plus he was campaigning for 2028)

  • Holy voting choices!
    1. During Biden’s first term, we’ve made several of the biggest steps toward addressing climate change, ever
    2. Biden has made huge steps, despite congressional opposition, in making education and healthcare more affordable
    3. The real estate and rental prices are local, and some of us live where our local politicians are at least trying
  • Eat shit Spotify.
    1. My teens like it

    2. I can predictably ask for either an artist or “like an artist” and get hours of what I asked for. (Apple just segued into random stuff so I always had to get it back on track. Someone I want listen to specifically someone do if I ask for that I expect to get that)

  • Holy voting choices!
  • She is shit because she was given the platform of VP with the sole job of developing name recognition as the next candidate, yet many of us have a worse opinion of her than we started with

    I know VPs should generally be silently partners but this is the one time we needed one who succeeded at any initiative

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • Not at all, it’s just a reaction. When you drop your mentos into Diet Coke, you see a very excited reaction, but do you really call that an emotion or can you really connect that with any entity’s awareness?

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I may have to try that again: at the time I got too many complaints from my kids. Now Spotify hugely increased prices, probably to pay for its attempt to collect Podcasts that I’m not interested in.

    Unfortunately I agreed with my kids: other music services just don’t works as well

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • It’s the fish argument all over again. Some vegetarians reason they can eat fish because fish has simple enough nervous system that it can be aware of its suffering. Sure it reacts to pain, but is it aware?

    Similarly, grass may react to damage, but have such simple systems that you can’t even call it pain, much less that they have any awareness of pain

  • Why don't you...
  • I so agree. I mean I don’t watch streamers period because I don’t have patience for the ads, but my teen gets so excited every time he beats a streamer at any video game (or he beats a “college” team), I’m not going to piss on his campfire

  • Why don't you...
  • Even more exciting than watching a pro soccer team beat whoever they’re playing is watching my kid beat whoever they’re playing.

    Even more exciting than watching pro hockey is watching my college team beat whoever they’re at laying, despite never having a personal connection.

    And yes, the medias attempts to highlight specific athletes around Olympic times and make us feel a personal connection used to work, until they overdid it. Now it’s just ads

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • This is also crazy to me - correcting the teacher was at worst a way to get extra homework and present the facts to the class.

    Except computers. Those teachers were lost and welcomed any help

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • These stories are so crazy to me …… sometimes it seems looks I got a better secular education from my religion school in the 1970s, with nuns. For many years the science teacher was the only lay teacher, never mentioned religion and we were certainly never fed any of that creationist crap from anyone.

    It was not a Jesuit school but they really left a great impression of the long history Jesuit pursuit of knowledge and science

  • Traeger Grills AA5B

    What are your funny mess ups?


    Anyone else forget how to use a regular grill? Apparently I can no longer control my heat, and toasting buns are beyond me. Back to the Traeger, I guess

    Do you have any amusing stories where you messed up?

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Spicing up the neighborhood

    I tried Paprika chicken! The jalapeños were the thing: I could smell them from the neighbors house!

    Huge hit, very forgiving, and fast, but more of a grill item than a smoker item. My Traeger made it easy and almost foolproof, with the wireless meat thermometer. The recipe has a huge hit with my family! Love that salsa, but if you don’t have much spice tolerance, beware.

    This was actually the first time I’ve cooked dark meat chicken with skin on since I was a kid, my teenagers’ first introduction to that, believe it or not. That’s where the recipe falls down. The cooking temperature was perfect for the meat, but there’s no way you’re getting crispy, browned skin with that.

    I did set the grill to 365° instead of 350° but that wasn’t enough to make a difference. Granted, I haven’t checked the accuracy of the temperature setting, but it cooks food in the expected time at the intended temperature, and I have confirmed the meat thermometer matches. Next time I use this, I’ll try the last 10 minutes at max temp to see if that helps

    Has anyone gotten a good crispy skin from their Traeger? What time and temp? My propane grill gets much hotter, but I really don’t want to use both for one food

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Oink & cluck

    Finally an all around success! Helps to be a bit less ambitious and pick something that uses less time.


    Oink and cluck. I’ve done bacon wrapped stuff before but really like this prosciutto better!


    I did have to have help making the salsa, and the sweet potatoes needed a lot more time than the other veggies. I’d never had salsa like that but it was perfect to liven up plain root veggies.


    Outstanding dessert and easy to put together.

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Fishy, fishy, cross the ocean ….

    Continuing the learning experience …..

    • on stovetop:
    • made this morning: Pineapple Gazpacho
    • sourdough loaf (did not make)

    Absolutely fan-effing-tastic

    But, things to learn…

    • I planned ahead and bought ahead! Yay!
    • recipe manager generated a shopping list. Yay!
    • great recipes, but a lot of work to bring them all together
    • but missed one bunch of cilantro
    • saved by the meat thermometer! — the import to my recipe manager somehow lost “step 3, increase temperature to 450°”

    It really pays to be flexible, and I had compromised and bought pre-made loaves of sourdough. When things were looking late, I served the gazpacho and bread as an appetizer.

    The pecan pilaf was not only outstanding, but it was not at all affected by sitting in the pot 40 minutes waiting for salmon! This is a lot of work for rice but I highly recommend!

    Salmon was really good (not dried out) especially with that avocado salsa, despite cooking over an hour (30 min at 165°, 15+ min getting up to temp, 20 or so at 450°, 5-10 min oh shit I didn’t allow notifications for the meat thermometer ). Kudos to salmon for being so forgiving!

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Where are some great smoker recipes?

    I found a two year old thread on great smoker recipes on that other site. Where do you get yours and what is your favorite?

    Let’s add some resources to the sidebar - I’m not going to blindly add from that other site but will be happy to add anything you find useful, even if just copy-paste from there

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Smoked Ribs take too long

    The big grill claims to fit 7 racks of ribs…. But three St Louis fills it pretty good. I may need to make the corn bread inside.

    This time I planned slightly better, thanks to a recipe app, and generated shopping lists, but …… didn’t get to the store until morning, got a late start, endured massive crowds and got a really late start

    This is not the recipe I wanted to follow but it’s the one I have time for:

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Traeger Recipes The Best Pellet Grill Recipes - Traeger Grills

    The best pellet grill recipes for grilling and smoking turkey, chicken, steak, bacon, brisket, salmon, vegetables and everything in between. Get inspired.

    The Best Pellet Grill Recipes - Traeger Grills

    Traeger has some great recipes and videos at their website - definitely my first place to look as I learn the ropes (no, not affiliated with them, nor profit in any way. Just a fan).

    However when I tried to somehow group or save multiple recipes, I couldn’t make them convenient for a meal - lots of clicking back and forth, too much searching yet again for the same recipe

    • trying to print or share - they only send the link, which is not useful.
    • “Saving” only worked for one item
    • You couldn’t effectively create a meal plan with multiple recipes - no way to assign tasks, combine shopping lists, coordinate steos

    Anyone have tips on how to use them more effectively?

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    First smoke

    I don’t know if my neighbors ar going to love me or hate me - tiny yards all close together so they’re going to smell what’s cooking…..

    I have no idea what I’m doing but go big or go home: here’s two big ass pieces of meat (14# pork butt came apart)


    First obstacle: how do you pick up a 14# hunk of hot meat? I don’t think any of my cooking utensils can handle that. I didn’t leave room for the tray of Mac and cheese I wanted to add, plus it will eventually be cooked

    Traeger Grills AA5B

    Coming soon …..

    So, no posts, no comments, not even a description on the community. Are we doing this or what?

    Without a description, what should we even post here? Maybe something like “TRACKING INFO WAS JUST UPDATED. MY TRAEGER IS COMING SOON!!!!!”


    Hazy skies with the Sox

    A few years back at Fenway Park watching the Boston Red Sox

    I think this was the game where I was carded and didn’t have my license to prove I’m old enough to drink. Lol, found one of the guys literally half my age to buy beer for me. I guess thanks for the entertainment at stupid adherence to paperwork despite greyed haired reality staring in disbelief



    Blueberry lemon and the Dropkick Murphies

    Finally able to turn off the heat, sitting out on the deck.’c “Shipping off to Boston” with the dog, listening to the Dropkick Murphies with an adult “lemonade”. SUMMMERTIME!!!!

    Ok, not so scenic, especially since I didn’t include the dog, but let’s see you do better. Please. Let’s see beer in the Alps and places more scenic than my deck


    Unfortunate ad placement

    I don’t know if this fits the community, but the way ads placement works can lead to some unfortunate results

    Just looking for some cooking ideas, and I wish I could forget what I saw



    Where to get paint touchups?

    Yesterday at the grocery store, someone keyed my new car. It’s not like I could have done anything to annoy someone, since there wasn’t anyone parking in the next spot when I pulled in, and I was almost perfectly centered in my spot

    I just got the car in November, and it’s that really nice new navy blue. Looks fantastic. And now it’s keyed. I hope it was at least an acciden somehow, because I’ve read too many articles online about people just wanting to see the world burn

    For anyone else who had to have the paint touched up, can I take it to a normal body shop? Or does it need something special? Where would I look?


    Lens flair for the win

    Insufficient tinting, but lens flair got the image at 95%


    Seafood feast!

    I hope this is ok to post: cast iron adjacent and has not better home on Lemmy ….

    Seafood feast I made for the kids last night. That fried rice started as 2c dry rice and would have been tough to make without the space of this griddle top! Or maybe it’s just me, I can’t seem to make it without spreading out and making a mess

    It’s all an experiment

    • only the second time cooking tuna steak
    • only a few times trying to sear shrimp
    • fried rice - ok, hot sesame oil was new, gave it a nice kick without being hot

    Probably use it for a massive number of pancakes tomorrow

    So this is also a cry for help: what can I replace this with?

    • I’m getting an induction glass top, which doesn’t support griddles of any kind
    • I don’t want to go back to Teflon, that all stand-alone electric griddles seem to be
    • I don’t know how big to consider: during the week it’s just me and a skillet is sufficient, but kids do come home from college
    • I considered getting a Blackstone or similar, but the weather here is not friendly to outdoor cooking half the year

    Anyone have ideas what to look for in a stand-alone griddle that’s not Teflon, and is cast iron or cast iron adjacent?


    Dinner around the world

    Can I just say, I’m really happy how successfully my kids appreciate a huge variety of foods, and I’ll pat myself on the back for part of it.

    We had a bit of a rough start with one kid allergic to everything and the other just not eating. Now they’re teenagers and not only know how to eat healthily, but enjoy a huge variety from many cuisines (and are almost at my level for hot sauce)

    Today one kid was home and he thoroughly enjoyed:

    • breakfast: cilbir
    • lunch: pupusas with avocado mash (and when I offered my hot sauce selection, he picked ghost pepper sauce!!!!)
    • dinner: tuna steak and halloumi over salad in a sesame dressing with nori

    At my house: dinner around the world!

    Edit: or maybe I need to rephrase …. As Americans with no other cultural heritage and whose families eat “American” food, my kid in one day had food inspired by Mediterranean cuisine, Central American, and Asian. Polished his plate and asked for more!


    [QUESTION] What to look for in an Olive Oil?

    I use extra virgin olive oil for some cooking - where taste matters, but never knew what to look for.

    Several years back, we did a taste test of brands and styles found in my grocery, and settled on one that was good, but they no longer stock it. Now I need to look for a new one but still have no idea what to look for, so what do you look for?

    I used “Philipo Berio” brand robusto. I don’t know if that’s considered good but it tastes good to me and has a reasonable price. My grocery still carries the brand but not robusto and the other styles don’t have as much flavor.

    Apparently robusto is not a thing, since no other brand uses that nomenclature, so what can I look for to find one with a strong flavor? How can I find a “good” brand without spending a lot? Is there a price sweet spot, like with wine?


    [discussion] …. But can you walk the walk

    I can talk the talk, but this is really going to test that ……

    I live in a fairly walkable town outside one of the most walking and transit oriented cities in the US. I’ve always been a transit and walkable communities advocate.

    My town is centered on a train station/bus/taxi/scooter/bicycle hub and we have a traditional walkable “Main Street” with shops and restaurants that we pedestrianize for the summer. We have a new rail trail that will eventually connect to a statewide network, a riverwalk and even kayak rentals in the middle of downtown

    Higher density housing is centered on the downtown, dominated by 4-6 story apartment/condos, including residential over commercial. Works great. Surrounding that is a belt of 2-3 story multifamily houses, townhouses, and small apartments. I’m the first street zoned for single family, but I can still walk to the town center, and take the train into the nearby major city.

    I even spoke up in favor of new statewide zoning, requiring “as of right” zoning for large apartment buildings near transit …… maybe you see where this is going …..

    When I was out walking my dog this morning, I saw construction …. apparently there are a couple huge 6 story apartment buildings going in just a couple blocks away. It all seemed like a great idea until it was my neighborhood. It was a great idea when things were grouped by size. But now it’s a behemoth towering over three deckers and the like, and even looming near single family housing.

    I’ve “talked the talk” but really don’t know if I can “walk the walk”. This really seems excessive for the neighborhood.

    What do you think? Could you still support higher density housing when it means something twice the height going into your neighborhood, hundreds of tenants where now it’s 3-10 per building? What would you do when you get what you were asking for but it’s in your neighborhood and way out of scale?

    iPhone AA5B

    Is it worthwhile capturing personal photos as spatial?

    I currently have no use for spatial photos, can’t justify the price of the Vision Pro headset, and really don’t have a reason to have strong motivation.

    Looking back at old family photos, I see sepia from my parents, faded from when I was a kid, and low rez/faded even from when my kids were little, looking across that timeline, the march of technology is clear. Older photos are noticeably older (even when not printed).

    However I have a phone that can take spatial pictures and has extra storage, and I just had to raise my iCloud storage. Assuming spatial photos and videos becomes commonplace, it will be another noticeable jump in photo technology. Reviewers of the Vision Pro rave about them

    Do you think

    • spatial photos will become common/normal, or are just a fad like 3D tv?
    • is there a standard format or is it Apple specific?
    • it’s worth getting a jump on the technology for personal photos, even without a use yet? Presumably I will have a use at such time as I look back on personal photos

    How to get “green bubbles” texting to an iPhone user?

    After all this online drama over something as silly as green bubbles, I just discovered their power. I had a brief power outage and apparently my cell provider had degraded service, so I had no data and text messages didn’t go through. Then I tried a green bubble conversation and it worked.

    SMS worked, when data and iMessage did not. So how can I do that on purpose? I don’t know if this is a normal occurrence but the next time I have degraded service with no data, does anyone know if there is a way to SMS to fellow iPhone users?
