As an American... that dumbass doesn't speak for me. I sure as fuck didn't vote for him. I'm unfortunately stuck with him. But I have no want to take over any land... anywhere. Trump should man up, take ownership, and say HE wants to take over Gaza strip, Panama, Canada,... Earth.
Which only works for now. They've already gotten you to be ok with the upcharge price for the "smart" hardware. Soon they're going to require online activation for "reasons". So choosing to not connect it won't work. And they'll do regular ad connection checks and if it fails to update ads after so much time the TV will prompt an error to please correct the network.
Hate it all you want, it's going to happen.
The Chadwich doesn't even come with a side of guns. What is this weak beta shit.
Now I understand all those videos of guys thinking it's a covid test and getting mad. That looks almost identical to a covid tester I had.
You should see a doctor for better confirmation. My understanding has been, if you see positive on the test, see the doctor for actual confirmation since various things can throw the at home testers off.
No no no. If you're going to fight human form replicators you need someone who can fight toe to toe. Get Odo.
Times change. You used to not be able to run Linux in Windows, but you can do that too.
It didn't refer to funding. It's marketing only. If you ask 100 what does AAA in video games, you'll get a wide breadth off answers, because it's not a real term, but it sounds good and people will make up their own definition or repeat one they heard.
Even if it is, at current rate, one day we'll look back and go "remember when tipping was optional, and less than 100%, we were truly spoiled back then"
Part of the issue is there's a disconnect from what's being shown and what's already happened. So, XCOM, and I think XCOM2 (it's been a while since I played both) create a table with "random" values on map load. This means, you can 100% save scum the shit out any encounter because cause and effect will always be the same, it's not a live "dice roll". Part of this sucks, because what happened is hidden from the player. Something like BG3, you can see "Oh, I swung, rolled a 3, and these modifiers, my total was 14 and they have an AC of 15". Also, some games help by using a pseudo-random where the probability of something happening, actually increases over time. Example would be Dota2, where something like bash, shows a given percent, but it's actually on a scale. Each attack changes the % chance the next bash may happen, eventually getting to a point it's nearly a guarantee. This type of random is often used to make the game feel more fun for the player (to nudge the numbers one way or the other). However, with a pre-seeded table, this likely isn't happening.
Then you add the visual component. Point blank range, it'll say "99%" and you miss. Or the number will seem low, despite point blank range. And you have the visual of the %.
So you add those together, the game likely not helping the player and just using a pre-seeded table plus the visuals with the human notion of really only remembering the extremes and you get the overall feeling of "game not fair". You made 10 shots in a row with only 30% chance, but you only remember the single 99% chance you missed
For me I hate phone calls because it's someone demanding I drop what I'm doing to address whatever they want. Keep in mind, 99% of phone calls I get are at work form co-workers.
The number of "quick calls" that are actually quick I can count on 1 hand, and still have room for more. I have tasks to accomplish, things to do. And I'm spread so thin between all the things I do, there's a fair chance I'm going to forget something about what you asked/told me. If it's in text form I can review it when I loop back to it. You need me to check/validate/run something, cool. I have record of what, when, and if I completed it. Just because you have a question does not make it an emergency on my part.
As for my home phone, the only folks who ever call me are either telemarketers or scams. If a friend called I'd probably answer (if I have the time). But I think most of my friends are in the same boat, we have so much to do these days (non-recreation) that it's just not easy to find time. A lot of my friends have side-hustles or a second job or are in class (like me) in order to stay competitive. When I was a kid, I remember my parents could unwind at the end of the day, friends would just come over to hang out. It just ain't like that no more.
Just do the same thing they did. Print stickers of Trump saying 'I did this' pointing to high prices of things like eggs.
Honey might just be the straw. But Linus has a long list of controversies. And in every case, he never takes responsibility. It's always somebody else, or miscommunication, etc.
Like a decade ago, they were promoting some fake science products on their channel. When was brought out to light that the products were fake, they never made a retraction. Instead they made videos about being the victims about being called out because the videos were promoting fake products. Ltt promoted hyperloop and Tellspec. I'm sure there's more, but I can't recall
I don't know what you hope to accomplish with these memes other than pushing people to the right.... Like is that the goal? Because it seems like that's the goal. It's a constant strawman fallacy with the same bullshit format the far right uses in their memes.
Yeah, there's a ton of options. They work slightly differently, but just look for 'violin mute' and you'll find them.
I've noticed a trend already with tech reviewers trying to sell that, actually massive AI upscaling and fake AI frames are actually a good thing! And they're now this new metric Nvidia pulled out it's ass that reviewers at pointing to of line a supposed 80% of users, use DLSS. No days if Nvidia turned it on (via there crap 3rd party app), encouraged it to be in by default in games, etc. no mention how they got this telemetry data either, if it's even real. I know I personally turn DLSS in all forms off.
I can't help but feel like this $2000 card is now like an $800 card once you strip away the 'AI' bullshit.
With Disney, always assume sequels. They milk every IP to the ground.
The Confederacy was an enemy state.
I mean, in story yes. But the behind the scenes production reasons for the changes exist. And those production reasons are why the story elements exist.
My love letter to Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian Studios
I'll try to keep this short, sweet, and to the point.
I, like so many of you, love this game. Possibly more than we should. But for me, before this game, I had truly lost most of my interest in video games as a whole. Every year, various problems get worse and 2023 was the final straw for me. Ever increasing greed (Blizzard, Unity, EA, just every studio really). To say they came out in a lazy, incomplete, greedy state undersells it I feel. I truly feel we're still on the brink of another video game crash. Because the crash wasn't just one game (E.T.) but was the general greed and terrible quality of the industry back then. Pushing new products (games, consoles, accessories, etc.) just to push new products with crazy turn around time all in the name of profit. And this year, just stacked with all prior years, I had enough.
This game is so good in all the right ways. The writing, the acting, the world feels alive. NPCs respond differently based on who you are and what you've done. Even banter between your party. A truly impressive amount of thought put into things allowing you the player to really play however you want. It's not a mad loot carousel because your character power isn't based on gear directly and is tied to the character which allows for far more interesting items. There's no greed either, no stupid 'sEaSoN pAsS', no excel spreadsheets worth of 'versions', no subscription, no shop using real money for gear/cosmetics, no 'planned DLC' that's obviously content they cut out in order to sell back to the consumer. Heck, this game supports multiplayer... REAL multiplayer in that I don't believe you ever actually need a dedicated server. I believe you can do direct remote, split screen co-op, and LAN play... what other game in the last decade does that?
It reminds me of how games used to be before Bethesda broke the seal with horse armor.
BG3 is just a complete, high quality game, for gamers. It feels like it was made with love, care, and respect. And playing the game brings me joy.
Where to find EA information
Are there any good collections anyone might be aware of, for EA information or datamined information.
I'm curious to see what ideas got scrapped and how things changed. I know of a few things, like a little on Daisy. How certain abilities were actually going to be handed out.
But places like Grymforge really elude to something... there's a bunch of stuff hints that something might be near. From whatever caused some of the destruction you see. Because I refuse to believe it's all a vague reference to Yurgir.
And then there's some MTG pictures I saw, that list someone has potentially the main villain, in the very least a bad guy, and in the current game plays a very different roll.
Edit: Added spoiler tag just in case
Only 'complaint' with BG3
So, after playing many hours and just recently starting Act 3, there's been one thing that's been bugging me and I finally have it sorted out.
The whole "rarity" attached to gear is really dumb and misleading.
It's using the overly used grey/green/blue/'purple' coloring and naming that's common and many other RPGs. But in those games, it's somewhat reflective of rarity... which is what it's described as in BG3, the rarity of an item. But it's a lie.
Example Periapt of Wound Closure
is an item that's sold by a vendor. How is it rare? As far as I can tell, there's just one in the game. But every named item I have, there's just one in existence.
I think labeling things as common/uncommon/rare/ etc. is wrong and thus makes people think certain items are better simply based on the 'color' of the gear instead of considering what the gear does. I've already had this conversation with multiple friends who absolutely think they're going to give a "stat stick" to their caster, because they're so used to Blizzard's way of thinking. Or that they 'needed' new gear because they leveled up and now must replace gear asap (even in Act 1). The fact I showed videos of some guy soloing the game, or beating the game as lvl 1s, or a video of some guy causing havoc by chucking potatoes and only potatoes... falls on deaf ears.
I think if the naming was swapped from 'rarity of item' to 'quality of enchantment' it would make more sense, but I still think it's not necessary. Or if it was standardized to like normal gear (nothing special) remains grey, gear that's just slightly enchanted (like +1 Sword) is green, and all unique named items are blue. Since you certainly can get lots of grey, fewer greens, and only one named. But that's just an idea.