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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 4
Comments 807
  • You want to cite a source for that because I can't find anything. Everything I'm finding says that before 1959 it was never used as a name and only as a word. And the name translates differently than Mildred.

  • Landchads take note
  • What is your actual malfunction!?

    I have two words of advice. One take your own advice, because everything you just yelled at me about applies to you.

    Two context, I have no idea what you're talking about. The conversation was about is fast food price similar to sit down restaurant price. It was 11:00 p.m. so I used an app where I could see multiple restaurant pricings in one central location. You're over here getting on your goddamn high horse. You need to go reevaluate your priorities.

  • Landchads take note
  • Feel free to get in a car and go drive around tonight look at prices. You said you didn't see proof I provided proof and then you complaining cuz you don't like it cuz it's not in the context that you wanted. This is on you.

  • Landchads take note
  • So I have to use doordash to look at pricing cuz I'm not installing the McDonald's app.

    The quarter pounder with cheese it is $10.59 for the combo meal. It used to be just over $2 when I was a teenager.

    Using DoorDash still but for a local restaurant called muddy cow, the cheeseburger meal there is $13.

    So I can go to McDonald's and will cost me $11 or I can go to the sit down restaurant and it'll cost me $13. And the sit down restaurant the burger was fresh cooked, I get way more fries (and frankly better fries), and I don't act like pickles are the most valuable thing on the planet.

    I don't know just open up door dash and start looking at prices around you that's what I did.

  • New Crazy Taxi title will be an open-world, massively multiplayer AAA game, according to Sega
  • You know it. Think of all the skins, decals, tires, and practical effects for the car. Then there's going to be all the clothes for your character! Oh and spray paint for some reason, every game needs spray paints that everyone hates so it can fill up slots in the loot box!

  • US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts
  • And there are still people who think voting for a third party is a good idea.

    Well it is. Because far to many people are simply voting for the lesser of evils, because our options have been terrible for decades. And the longer we keep perpetuation this broken system, the worse it's going to get.

    Lets say Biden wins... this exact same shit show is coming about in 4 years again. And when that orange clown was in office, people were already trying to set up a Trump dynasty... that for some fucking reason that family should just be in power. This pattern cannot continue. We need to get out of "lets go with what will hopefully do the least damage" and start voting in people that are actually going to represent the people. Sure maybe POTUS might not be the best place to start with that, but it needs to start somewhere.

    And if not the Trump family, it's going to be some other bozo like Elon (somehow) or Bezos because our political system has become that much of a joke.

    The rich keep getting away with shit, nothing happens. Corrupting in our government, nothing happens. Corruption in our police, nothing happens. Rights are being taken away from people, nothing happens. In some areas of the country, public schools are now displaying the 10 commandments for some reason. Oh and public taxes are going to help fund private schools. And school shootings.... and nothing happens. Our national debt is out of control. And the state on how veterans are taken care of is pathetic. I'm sick and tired of incompetent and inept leadership. So yeah, maybe a 3rd party might be a good idea. Or we can keep this shit show up until it's too late, which is the most likely outcome.

  • Los Angeles’s Mayor Was Contemplating a Mask Ban. She Just Got Covid.
  • So, a bank said, staying home didn't prevent a contagious disease from spreading... And you didn't question that? You were like 'the money people said so' and that was good enough...

    I mean if you wanted to argue it didn't work because people didn't listen and didn't do the lockdown and went out... That just means people are selfish pricks, not that the science wouldn't have worked. How do you not piece that together? A bunch of MAGA morons yelling 'my freedoms', is largely why it kept going. You trusted a bank over the CDC. Fucking wild.

  • Los Angeles’s Mayor Was Contemplating a Mask Ban. She Just Got Covid.
  • So, what's your position on people who cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze? Do you like, spread your "underground" news with them? That surgeons only wear all that stuff because it's a Big Pharma scam? There's so much out there, countless videos people made showing how masks help prevent the spread of disease, not just Covid, in case you thought somehow Bill Gates 5G microchips were like, specific.

    Which Fox News/far right extremist "underground" source you listen to on the daily? I wanna know which sound bites you like to repeat like a parrot, but pass off as your own.

  • Framework Laptop 16, six months later
  • This statement doesn't actually give a clear picture. It's doesn't explain why.

    It's the windows fan curve more aggressive?

    What programs were being ran?

    What was the actual fan speed?

    What was the actual temp?

    What was the exact version of Windows/Linux?

    We're these 'experiments' ran in the same hardware under the same conditions.

    You can choose to be LTT and just say whatever and pass it off as fact, or you can be GN and back it up with highly detailed facts.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I would say, it because the lyrics aren't something Spotify made. No one's picking up Spotify because only Spotify has lyrics. Spotify isn't writing the songs. Regardless of what someone might think of Spotify or Spotify free, it's withholding something that they have that they didn't make from people that perhaps need it. It'd be like if broadcast TV or any on demand video service (YouTube, Disney, Netflix, etc.), said hey you didn't pay no more closed captions for you (where a free version is applicable, of course).

    If Spotify wants to put stuff behind a paywall it can be features of the platform.

    My personal opinion is Spotify sucks, full stop. The CEO is a real piece of work. This just goes on the pile of reason Spotify sucks.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I didn't even know they did that, Glad I don't have an account with them. I'm partially deaf, most music I can't understand what someone singing. Those fun things people do of like "most common misheard lyrics" is basically my life. On the plus side I enjoy music from around the world because unintelligible music is unintelligible no matter where it's from. They're very few artists I feel like I can understand, and realistically I'm probably wrong.

    In real life, I read lips to help augment my terrible hearing. Fun fact during the mask man dates during COVID, was probably the worst time for me. A lot of people I could hear talking as I could hear noise but I could not make out what it was. Leading to a lot of awkward conversations.

    Anyhoo, that's all to say that for music that I do like I do have to see the lyrics. It's what converts the noise into words.

    So, fuck you Spotify, My life's difficult enough already, I'm not paying your shitty service so you can charge me for my impairment.

  • Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off
  • It's not like it was a mutually exclusive option. I have an S9 and I swamp between wireless and wired audio all the time depending on the setting. These newer phones have only one option. Bluetooth does not work well everywhere. Frankly forcing more things into the same radio frequency just makes it worse.

  • My love letter to Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian Studios

    I'll try to keep this short, sweet, and to the point.

    I, like so many of you, love this game. Possibly more than we should. But for me, before this game, I had truly lost most of my interest in video games as a whole. Every year, various problems get worse and 2023 was the final straw for me. Ever increasing greed (Blizzard, Unity, EA, just every studio really). To say they came out in a lazy, incomplete, greedy state undersells it I feel. I truly feel we're still on the brink of another video game crash. Because the crash wasn't just one game (E.T.) but was the general greed and terrible quality of the industry back then. Pushing new products (games, consoles, accessories, etc.) just to push new products with crazy turn around time all in the name of profit. And this year, just stacked with all prior years, I had enough.

    This game is so good in all the right ways. The writing, the acting, the world feels alive. NPCs respond differently based on who you are and what you've done. Even banter between your party. A truly impressive amount of thought put into things allowing you the player to really play however you want. It's not a mad loot carousel because your character power isn't based on gear directly and is tied to the character which allows for far more interesting items. There's no greed either, no stupid 'sEaSoN pAsS', no excel spreadsheets worth of 'versions', no subscription, no shop using real money for gear/cosmetics, no 'planned DLC' that's obviously content they cut out in order to sell back to the consumer. Heck, this game supports multiplayer... REAL multiplayer in that I don't believe you ever actually need a dedicated server. I believe you can do direct remote, split screen co-op, and LAN play... what other game in the last decade does that?

    It reminds me of how games used to be before Bethesda broke the seal with horse armor.

    BG3 is just a complete, high quality game, for gamers. It feels like it was made with love, care, and respect. And playing the game brings me joy.


    [SPOILER] Where to find EA information

    Are there any good collections anyone might be aware of, for EA information or datamined information.

    I'm curious to see what ideas got scrapped and how things changed. I know of a few things, like a little on Daisy. How certain abilities were actually going to be handed out.

    But places like Grymforge really elude to something... there's a bunch of stuff hints that something might be near. From whatever caused some of the destruction you see. Because I refuse to believe it's all a vague reference to Yurgir.

    And then there's some MTG pictures I saw, that list someone has potentially the main villain, in the very least a bad guy, and in the current game plays a very different roll.

    Edit: Added spoiler tag just in case


    Only 'complaint' with BG3

    So, after playing many hours and just recently starting Act 3, there's been one thing that's been bugging me and I finally have it sorted out.

    The whole "rarity" attached to gear is really dumb and misleading.

    It's using the overly used grey/green/blue/'purple' coloring and naming that's common and many other RPGs. But in those games, it's somewhat reflective of rarity... which is what it's described as in BG3, the rarity of an item. But it's a lie.

    Example Periapt of Wound Closure is an item that's sold by a vendor. How is it rare? As far as I can tell, there's just one in the game. But every named item I have, there's just one in existence.

    I think labeling things as common/uncommon/rare/ etc. is wrong and thus makes people think certain items are better simply based on the 'color' of the gear instead of considering what the gear does. I've already had this conversation with multiple friends who absolutely think they're going to give a "stat stick" to their caster, because they're so used to Blizzard's way of thinking. Or that they 'needed' new gear because they leveled up and now must replace gear asap (even in Act 1). The fact I showed videos of some guy soloing the game, or beating the game as lvl 1s, or a video of some guy causing havoc by chucking potatoes and only potatoes... falls on deaf ears.

    I think if the naming was swapped from 'rarity of item' to 'quality of enchantment' it would make more sense, but I still think it's not necessary. Or if it was standardized to like normal gear (nothing special) remains grey, gear that's just slightly enchanted (like +1 Sword) is green, and all unique named items are blue. Since you certainly can get lots of grey, fewer greens, and only one named. But that's just an idea.
