Oh this AI bubble is good for the lulz. Do the developers even know what they're trying to teach? I don't think they do, and I don't think the AI system does, either.
What will they do when the kids don't actually learn anything? Will they send the T1000 after them?
Yeah like maybe we want to know what's true and not just his casual thoughts... Are there visions of a plan? Or thoughts of a plan? Or plans of a plan? That would be useful information too.
They can do a lot. Do you remember the last twenty years under Democrat presidents? Republicans obstructed tons of things successfully, even when they were in the minority.
It's a question of planning and willpower. Of course there are no perfect solutions, so don't ask for those.
It is a Ponzi scheme, my friend. The point is irrational belief that they could have value somehow.
I've never heard an HR worker pretend to care about me, lol. Those jerks are at least too busy to pretend. Integrity of a sort, lol.
And if it is private you can file for bankruptcy, right? Right?
Some. And if they don't, the lower rank ones risk getting locked up.
Why would you buy a flagship phone? It sounds like you want not that. And not that exists.
The Democrats in Washington failed us, and they won't admit it or retire. So of course we are going to target them... Otherwise, they'll try the same thing in 2 years and get the same result.
I'm afraid you don't see any of the depth in politics. Different people have different goals, and we actually need to openly discuss their goals if we're going to work together in the future.
I believe they are competent at doing exactly what they have been doing. The system is working to benefit some people. :-(
I think that's a weak point in terminology.
If you want to say left = liberal = Democrat, then you're intentionally overlooking the vast differences between the three groups. And even within the Democrats, there is a lot of variation.
Most Washington Democrats hold center-right views on many major topics. For example, war, immigration, corporate welfare. Well, all of this depends on definitions, and people intentionally use conflicting terminology. But anyway, of course different political groups hold different political views. That's normal.
"we" did not fail. We did everything right, but the result was bad.
And the corporate funders of the DNC didn't fail; they're richer now than they were before. They got exactly what they wanted.
The "undecided" people were always decided. Decided against genocide, always were, always will be. You want them to learn ... learn what, exactly?
We all told Harris how to win and she refused to take our advice. Even now she can't admit that she screwed up... Or maybe she actually believed her pro-genocide stance was a good one, and if so, good riddance.
... white male heads of family
How to say you don't know what a word means without saying you don't know what it means.
Even California? California is really big on that, last I heard.
Kamala is 100% corporate Dem, and they helped create this mess. She has zero interest in recognizing that she was and is part of the problem.
Remember that they accurately believed the DNC were horrible. They stopped Hillary. They stopped Biden and Harris. Good for them? Kinda, not really though.
... We know Trump is worse. Far worse. But they saw a legitimate threat, a group of people who were not going to make their lives better, and they took some kind of action to stop them.
And then lots of bigotry. Can't forget that.
If you're interested to try to get to know this person, you can ask directly as others have mentioned. They might naturally interpret it as you hitting on them, if the ages and such are similar.
If you want to be cautious, small talk is fun and less direct. Mention something from the local community or last weekend or whatever. Talk about the weather.
Sell meth to Musk's gang? Get them hooked.
I'm working on a website for high school writing (in English). If you want to take a look, and possibly offer feedback, feel free.
Guns Being Destroyed in 1997 - Ozzy Man Reviews
YouTube Video
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Here's Ozzy Man's critical analysis of Johnny Howard the Prime Minister buying back guns and crushin' them ay. It may have some relevance to current American events.
WINDER, GA—In the hours following a violent rampage in Georgia in which a lone attacker killed at least four individuals and injured nine others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Wednesday that there was no way to prevent the m...

> WINDER, GA—In the hours following a violent rampage in Georgia in which a lone attacker killed at least four individuals and injured nine others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Wednesday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place...
Interesting titles
Can you think of any titles from real journal articles or essays that are eye-catching?
I'm writing a document for high school students taking an English writing class, and rather than create my own examples, why not use real ones? Several of my students have expressed frustration, and I have some guidelines and brainstorming tools, but what I don't have are two dozen neat examples.
Ramsey Khalid Ismael, known as 'Johnny Somali' on YouTube, was arrested with another American, Jeremiah Dwane Branch.

> OSAKA – An American man known for streaming provocative videos has been arrested on suspicion of breaking into a construction site in Osaka, police said Friday. > > Ramsey Khalid Ismael, 23, known as "Johnny Somali" on YouTube, was arrested with another American, Jeremiah Dwane Branch, 24, who says he is a university student, according to police. > > Ismael's videos include those in which he makes light of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and makes racist comments about Japanese people. > > The two men allegedly made an unauthorized entry into a hotel construction site in Osaka's Chuo Ward on Aug. 30 with Branch filming a masked Ismael at the scene, according to the police. > > They have told police they will not speak until they see lawyers, police said.