Demon Demon
1 0 Replymegameth
kendrick lamer
Iran maiden
loo fighters
lady maga
nine inch fails
pearl ham
20 0 ReplyMilky Cyrus
Sheryl C_ow
Men I Thrust
Post _alone
Fister the People
Sage the Elephant
The Strokers
10 0 ReplyMen I Thrust
Weirdly, kinda the same vibe as the original.
1 0 Reply
Rape against the machine
15 0 ReplyWu-Tang Clam
15 0 ReplyGay-Z
14 0 ReplyMagadeath
24 0 ReplyThe sick, the dying... and the dead. Feat RFK Jr
1 0 Replybased
6 0 Reply
Green Hay
5 0 Reply50 Cunt (😬)
7 0 Replyit said ruin not improve
5 0 Reply
Gear Factory
8 0 Reply10 0 ReplyAnd so... The factory grows...
7 0 Reply
Public Enema
14 0 ReplyMeatallica 🍖
7 0 ReplyMC Hamper
6 0 ReplyConway Twatty
2 0 ReplyRun DNC Cum 41 Subtime American Idiom by Greet Day Edward Shart and the Magnetic Zeros
4 0 ReplyDJ Jizzy Jeff
5 0 ReplyArctic Donkeys
10 0 ReplyRape Against the Machine
33 0 ReplyApes Against the Machine
5 0 Reply
The jamones
2 0 ReplyDrape
3 0 ReplyMUSK
18 0 Replythis is worse than the ratm one
4 0 Reply
Linkin Bark
14 0 ReplyLinkin Pork
2 0 ReplyI don't know, that could be the dog parody we all need.
2 0 ReplyBlinkin Park
6 0 Reply
5 0 ReplyRed Zeppelin
The Beagles
The Tall American Rejects
The Feastie Boys
Cannibal Copse
Marilyn Mansion
Dead Can't Dance
Foot Minor
Preen Day
The Bagles
The Poo Fighters
Pearl Yam
Linkedin Park
Punk Floyd
Lil Jon and the Beast Side Boys
Shania Train
Tony Keith
Christopher Pee
Horse of Pain
House of Rain
Effervescence (too many letters but oh well)
Edit: Lush
9 1 ReplyBest I could come up with is:
The Meatles
Pelvis Presley
RakeI need coffee.
12 0 ReplyPelvis Presley
"Thank you. Thank you very much. ...Giggity"
3 0 ReplyBravo, dude. I like 'em.
4 0 Reply
With just one letter? How? Addition? Substitution? Removal?
Anyway, here's:
Irony Maiden
2 1 ReplyThe Beanles
9 0 ReplyI on Maiden
10 0 ReplyFool
6 0 ReplyGoo Fighters
11 0 ReplyLoo Fighters
4 0 ReplyOh come on
Poo Fighters7 0 Reply
girl inbred
9 0 ReplyChurches
5 0 ReplyStool
Grateful Dad
The Curve
The Poors
Tonic Youth
18 0 ReplyGrateful dad sounds like a pretty good band name for a bunch of middle aged men who play 60s and 70s covers
4 0 ReplyWould certainly make their kids Chappell Groan.
2 0 Reply
3 0 ReplyDragon Farce Food Fighters ...
ehh I'm bad at this
5 0 ReplyIce Lube
12 0 Reply- Whitey Houston
- Dr. Drew and Scoop Dogg
- Pinko
- Johnny Fash
- Michael Jacks On
- Donna Bummer
- George Strain
- Eric Crapton
- Teat Loaf
7 0 ReplyThe Beatless
10 0 Reply
96 0
9 0 Reply
I hope I don't duplicate any...
Rolling Scones Dank Sarah Polite Breed Rad Religion Gamma Gay Motorlead The Flash
2 0 ReplySmilie Autumn
2 0 ReplyCream Theater
32 0 ReplyLmao damn
4 0 Reply
Klink 182
55 0 ReplyWeird AI Yankovic
50 2 Reply31 0 Reply
Blond guardian
Alice pooper
Feast in black
Eletric mom
Irony maiden
Jimmy beat world
Beg myers
Pearl ham
Rice against
Seek iron
yThe deer hunter
The dines
8 0 ReplyKnightwish
For if they want to lean more into their Power Metal credentials
2 0 ReplySome alternatives:
Po Werwolf (lit. butt werewolf)
Bland Guardian
Nightfish (known for their hit single Fishmaster)
3 0 ReplyNow i'm sad that i didn't used nightfish
2 0 Reply
These are great, but how did you blow straight past 'the dear cunter'?
8 0 ReplyYeah that's way better
1 0 ReplyI was about to post that! You beat me to it
1 0 Reply
4 0 ReplyBrian Emo
4 0 ReplyCorn
Fallout Toy
Poo Fighters
3rd Stroke
Sugar Roy
Electric Fight Orchestra
Fears for Tears
CEO Speedwagon
38 0 ReplyElectric Fight Orchestra is kinda fire
23 0 ReplyYou are exceptional at this game! Poo fighters 😂
7 0 Reply
The Residents of the United States of America
1 Pilots
Teach Boys
Net Shop Boys
Temple of the Log
4 Nun Blondes
0 Unlimited
Simply Rod
The Sax Pistols
Space Girls
Procul Warum
The Orfspring
Damn, a LOT of really old and/or bad bands there 😄
11 0 ReplyWe could really use a bunch of old, beardy guys with saxophones cover Sex Pistol songs.
2 0 ReplyPoundgarden got me lol
6 0 Reply
The Bestie Boys
25 0 ReplyI'd give them a listen.
5 0 Reply
- A Bribe Called Quest
- Rad Religion
- Iggy Pip
- Rolette
- 3 Coors Down
- Tooters
- Distorbed
- Everlost
- Fuckshot LeFonque
- Mullet For My Valentine
- Dead Can Dunce
- John Soxx / John Fuxx
- Kim Milde
- Kings of Peon
- Piss
- Los Lomos
- Sadness
- Bark Knopfler (good name for a dog though!)
- Kisfits
- Neneh Churry
- Lightwish
- Outfast
- Rantera
- Papa Coach
- Petshot Boys
- Prance
- Project Kitchfork
- Public Enema
- Wage Against The Machine
- Rummstein
- Red Rot
- Red Slapper
- Polling Stones
- Mush
- Rantana
- Sneaker Pumps
- Spoop Dogg
- Stang
- System of a Yawn
- The Teach Boys
- The Lure
- Thelonius Gonk
- Pestbam
20 2 ReplyThank you for making me laugh so hard at the word "piss" 😄
2 0 ReplySneaker Pumps
3 0 ReplySystem of a Dawn?
3 0 Reply
24 0 ReplyThere is a band called Geezer actually. American stoner rock
3 0 ReplyWeener
(Wiener would be better, but I only get one letter. Oh well.)
6 0 Reply
Nine Inch Fails
28 0 ReplyNi
6 0 Reply
System Of A Gown
29 0 Reply- Fatboy Slip
- Iran Maiden
24 0 ReplyFratboy slim
12 0 Reply
Barenaked Laddies
9 0 ReplyMy fiance:
- Buck Street Boys
- Ice of Base
- Daf Leppard
- Pearl Jim
- The Cute
- Nightwash
- Derp Purple
- Doltbeat
- The Meatles
Rot Zombie (me but it's not really ruined so it doesn't count)
7 0 ReplyThe meatles 👌👌👌👌👌
2 0 Reply
Foul Coughing
The Pillage People
The Shite Stripes
9 0 ReplyThe Shite Stripes just about killed me
Was their debut album skid mark?
2 0 ReplyI love the pillage people. They're my favorite Nordic Black Metal band.
2 0 Reply
Clappell Roan
The Spews
Pogs in a Pile
Grizzly Beer
Waylon Wennings
1 0 ReplyAimen Mann
The Flan Parson's Project
Johann Sebastian Back
Pat for Lashes
Cowboy Munkies
Daft Bunk
Explosions in the Ski
Dans Zimmer
Date Bush
Pale Raves
Sigur Róse
Steely Pan
The Ting Tongs
Wolf Slice
Yas7 0 ReplySinkin' Park
23 0 ReplyLinkin Pork
24 0 ReplyLickin Park
14 0 Reply
Super Trump
13 0 ReplyLinkin Parm
11 0 ReplyBy adding or removing letters?
Red hat chili peppers Like Moths to flakes Puppy I see stairs Wage was SETYØURSNAILS Hollow Font marilyn mansion I prefail Blank-182 Travis Scotty
3 0 ReplyPink Flood doesn't ruin them
Punk Floyd, however... Those who know, know.
2 0 Reply- House Rat
- The Honkeys
- Shaboogey
- Moldplay
6 0 ReplyMoldplay! Why didn't I get there lol
4 0 Reply
Fleetwood Man
Guts 'n Roses
The Olsen Brothels
The Fillers
13 0 ReplyGuts 'n Roses is cool though so it doesn't count as ruined.
Gits 'n Roses or Puns 'n Roses though...
2 0 ReplyGuns 'n Poses? Guns 'n Ropes? ...hmm still kinda cool.
Guys 'n Roses? Buns 'n Roses?
2 0 Reply
- Alice in Chairs
- Queers if the Stone Age
- Scone Temple Pilots
- Ho Doubt
- Red Hot Child Peppers
7 0 ReplyMalice in Chains
Queefs of the Stone AgeNow Doubt
Red Hot Chilli Preppers2 0 Reply
Pearl Jim.
15 0 ReplyPear Jam
3 0 ReplyDammit, i was gonna do that one!
Alternative: Earl Jam
6 0 Reply3 0 ReplyI also considered Pearl Ham.
5 0 Reply
15 0 ReplyMethallica
13 0 ReplyMarilyn Hanson
Green Bay
The Guess Why
5 0 ReplyBed religion!
4 0 ReplyYou lost the chance to use P on Korn
3 0 Reply
Lady Gag
Green jello
Poo fighters
Notorious P.I.G.
System of a downs
I could do this all day lol
10 0 ReplyGreen jello
About that...
Teenage me actually passed up the opportunity to buy the original CD press before the name change. Why? Because teenage me was 13 and had no idea what he was looking at, so he picked the one that said Jellÿ because that's what was on MTV.
4 0 ReplyOh damn that sucks. I had the original name on a tape but it has been long since lost to time.
3 0 Reply
The Weaknd
9 0 ReplyBully Joel
Fatboy Slime
Fire Straits
Feetwood Mac
8 0 ReplyPC/DC
6 0 ReplyDC/DC
5 0 ReplyBoosting this
1 0 Reply
9 0 ReplyIggy Poop
4 0 ReplyRed Hot Chili Peepers
6 0 ReplyCorn
10 0 ReplyPiss
10 0 ReplyZZ Stop
10 0 ReplyEZ Top
5 0 Reply
The Pho
Miracle of Wound
Beer Ghost
Steve Cunte
Robbie Fucks
Royal Bloop
Real Big Fish (it's a real fish)
Jizz Emu
3 0 ReplyBlank-182
5 0 ReplyFool
9 0 ReplyToot
11 0 ReplyTowl
8 0 Reply
Papa Coach
Fratboy Slim
Van Haven
A-ha > Ha-ha
Green Hay
Jimmy Fat World
Sabrina Carp
7 0 ReplyThe cunt of monte cristo
2 0 ReplyBeetles
6 0 ReplyThe Beatless
12 0 Reply"What do you call the Beatles without Ringo?"
1 0 ReplyThe Beagles.
5 0 Reply
Coke1 0 ReplyFeel Big Fish
Less Than Cake
7 0 ReplyDo Doubt
Skreetlight Manifesto
Mighty Mighty Bosstoner
Same Ferris
Bad Caddies
Operation Ivf
4 0 ReplyHoldfinger
The Aquarats
Rad Manners
The Skitalites
Toots & The Maytags
The Roasters
Stankin’ Pickle
The Stackers
3 0 ReplyBad caddies is kinda accurate these days. I've also heard them called maga caddies because of the singer
1 0 Reply
Vanilla ick
Muse -> Musk
Lol Jon
5 0 ReplyColon Hay
2 0 ReplyShed Zeppelin
6 0 Reply4 0 Reply
7 0 ReplyRash
4 0 Reply
Moby > Morby
5 0 ReplySackstreet Boys
5 0 ReplyPicnic at the disco
7 2 ReplyThat's 2
10 0 Reply
5 0 ReplyFeart
4 0 ReplyPlayer
Rave against the machine (ok this is actually lit)
Machine hear
3 0 ReplyMnemic -> Anemic
3 0 ReplyArchspine
4 0 ReplyArch Enema
3 0 Reply
Four Cops
The Ink Snots
3 0 ReplyIs that first one bush or muse?
2 0 ReplyProbably Rush
3 0 Reply
4 0 ReplyNatalie Portman’s Shaved Herd
Sex Pistons
2 0 ReplyMetallic
2 0 ReplyBolton
2 0 ReplyXitter
2 0 ReplyRed Box
1 0 ReplyBeastie Boyz
1 0 Reply