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MelodiousFunk MelodiousFunk
Posts 122
Comments 1.1K
Firefly species may blink out as US seeks to list it as endangered for first time
  • I would leave about 1/4 acre unmowed on the side

    If I did that my entire yard would be overgrown, because it's smaller than that lol. I did let the backyard mostly go wild a few years ago, had an interesting mix of native species and invasive. Invasive won by a landslide, even while manually keeping the English ivy in check. Creeping Charlie and purple deadnettle went everywhere. Some areas eroded so much due to lack of turf roots (either outcompeted or succumbed to the combo of early direct light followed by shade most of the day) that it's basically just big baked bald spots. One of these years I'm going to try and figure something out to repair it... just need the intersection of time and money.

  • Firefly species may blink out as US seeks to list it as endangered for first time
  • Also run all those "mosquito control" companies out of town, because they're killing all the insects on all the properties around wherever they spray

    Had a guy knock on my door a few months ago. They were "doing work in the neighborhood" (of course) and offering to treat the yard for carpenter ants. I declined. "It sure would be a shame if your neighbors all got treated and you ended up with an infestation." Buddy, if all you got is movie mob threats, your career in "sales" is going to go about as well as the last dozen things you tried and failed at.

  • When I see a mention of Star Trek in non-Trek Communities
  • heard of it and think it's some kind of nerdy thing from the past.

    This just happened to me on Saturday.

  • Free sample only $9.95
  • Need? None, really. It's like when you get to the North Pole, the entire concept of "north" breaks down. It would be the same with post-scarcity. Or should be, except...

    Have? Completely up to the whims of whoever controls the technology. Which... takes a look at the planet will be whoever is left standing once the nut jobs wipe out everyone that they hate. "Computer, ICBM, nuclear."

  • Southern Cross Squad
  • Gorgeous! The set may be an obvious cash grab, but it's a good looking one for sure.

    I had to bail partway through the set for financial reasons. Hoping to complete it one day.

    Side note on other CDA kits: was anyone else disappointed by the molded colors for the Sleggar and Moroccan Front GMs? The promo pics for Sleggar looked like the chest color was on the blue side of teal (beautiful), but the molded color was squarely green ( The Moroccan orange ended up coming out much duller IRL. I know they paint the example models, but usually the colors are pretty close to the plastic (or vice versa). These two just kinda left me bummed.

  • Free sample only $9.95
  • Same. Bummed that we'll probably never get remasters of DS9 and Voyager.

  • Free sample only $9.95

  • *life changes not guaranteed to be desirable

  • Today's mystery: Do I have a cold, or did I socialize too much this week?
  • I got tired just reading your list. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Can God create a snail so iron-filled that he himself cannot affect it?
  • Is it holding a lantern and a small dagger?

  • I ❤️ Vulcanian candor
  • Wait... Mr. T has been talking shit on the internet? Why was I not informed?

  • Vinegar
  • You're probably miracle-intolerant.

  • Vinegar
  • It'll cure what ails ya.

    Somehow. Doesn't matter what it is. Miracle cure, yessiree.

  • English Ivy
  • The most painful part is when I go to garden centers and see it for sale.

    "Buy it for life!"


  • English Ivy
  • I'm playing whack a mole with my own ivy. Fuck the prior house owners for letting it get out of hand. I got all of it from the trees and the side of the house but it always grows back. I'm still finding sprouts from thick woody vines that have been there forever apparently. I tried removing it from the fence but realized very quickly that it's the only thing holding it together. 😒

    And fuck the English for bringing it over (we both know it was them, even their plants are colonizers).

  • I will take the ring to Mordolva.
  • Thanks, I think I did really well asking my spouse to save this from Facebook, send it to me, and then me posting it here.

    takes a tiny bow

  • Mike Lindell claims ignorance over neo-Nazi symbolism in MyPillow prices
  • You're really on a roll with all of this pedanting.

  • English Ivy
  • My yard begs to differ.

  • I will take the ring to Mordolva.

    ExxonMobil Accused of “Deceptively” Promoting Chemical Recycling as a Solution for the Plastics Crisis.
  • A Pyrrhic victory is still a victory.

    counts useless numbers in a spreadsheet representing useless pieces of paper as society collapses around them

  • Commence pedantry in 3...2...1...

    I guess today is "share the pain" day!


    If I lose that fucking cat one more time...


    I am intrigued yet mildly revolted


    ...I can't even

    I think I'm pre-traumatized just thinking about the implications of this crossover.

    Microblog Memes MelodiousFunk

    Posted from my Squatty Potty


    Clone Horses with Bombs

    JFLD is not going to like this one 😅


    Lunch break ceiling companion

    Leaned my car seat back and realized I had an unexpected visitor. I believe it's a familiar jumping spider. Not sure when or how it got in but there's not much to eat in here.

    Our lunches are similar in that regard 🫥




    Sometimes it's impossible to choose


    50-50 on this being an actual product


    War makes strange bedfellows

    Mobile Haro with SD Sazabi parts

    chef's kiss



    How am I supposed to play basketball with this?


    Things could be worse


    Marin, don't panic

    There's a shovel around here somewhere. Keep your cool. Bury him deep.

    Nobody will know.


    ...I am suddenly apprehensive about the baloney screening


    Glory to your Hole!


    And then everyone clapped

    bertstrips MelodiousFunk

    Another valuable life lesson from Elmo and friends!

    cross-posted from:


    Easier Infinity Wing on 1.2.1 and other Wing Related Glitches

    Good info but definitely has Monty Python energy:

