"Oh damn, that's unbelievable," I said before eating another whole box of thin mints.
It's security theater. They have a whole department, loss control, that watches the cameras and double checks the inventory counts to find thieves and track stuff, plus RFID detectors for high value stuff. Anything that slips through the cracks ends up either insured or a write off that their accountants can use to justify not paying corporate taxes.
So when you see the receipt checker, derisively say no and keep walking. And if they lay so much as a finger on you, file assault charges.
After all, if the corporations can abuse the system, so can you.
Oh hey look he found one of his vertebrae.
I think your comment spent too long being tumble dried.
Well I mean it's Reddit, that's half their MO now. The other half is being thought police.
I would say that he only calls it horrible because he didn't do it. Them I remembered that he's also been calling his own stupid shit horrible lately.
Scale. Most sci fi notoriously sucks at doing large scale well. 40K, of all things, is one of the few that does.
Trump: fuck you Canada
Canada: no, fuck you Trump
Trump: uh... Double fuck you Canada!
I can't wait for Trump to come up with the brilliant, never before thought of "just print more money."
Trump is peak Dunning Kruger.
The amazing thing is that the government doesn't get nearly as much tax income as you'd expect from these hugs companies. It's almost as if the politicians have some other, secret motivating factor. Oh well, I guess we'll never know.
The thought police have been running roughshod over us since the Orange Idiot took over. You know what that means.
Victorian aristocracy: ah, yes, mowed laws, because useful land is for peasants.
Why do men go bald on top of their heads but not the facial hair?
I guess that goes for eyebrows and other body hair in general, but it seems like hair loss with age is very specifically only on top of the head and nowhere else.