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swab148 swab148
Posts 31
Comments 1.1K
The entire Dragon Age series is only $10 on steam until June 27th.
  • Pg-13, you can save anytime except for combat and cutscenes, not in the slightest

  • The entire Dragon Age series is only $10 on steam until June 27th.
  • Blood Dragon Armor, basically required for adepts

  • which one is made up?

  • Rule people
  • Especially since it doesn't have to be a devil per se, just any entity that's more powerful than you and willing to share.

    That is to say: GOO-locks strip for C'thulu

  • Project Clippy
  • How did Clippy know I was playing KSP?

  • Almost all of the American ones I've heard of are terrifying.
  • These sound like Gen 1 Pokedex entries

  • Lake Worth Beach
  • You mean the Lake Worth with one tiny public dock, that doesn't have a beach? The Lake Worth that's almost entirely owned by upper class jerkoffs? The Lake Worth that's so polluted that you can't eat the fish out of it?

    Fuck Lake Worth.

  • Post Sponsored By Microsoft
  • I don't see Hannah Montana Linux, that's a paddlin'

  • Human to bat comparison
  • That poor lady is being carried away by that giant bat, and all anyone here wants to do is compare their arm structures‽

  • Networking rule
  • P2P should be a mother bird vomiting into a baby bird's mouth

  • 4 year ruled Lemmy meme to put things into perspective
  • Too many pixels, needs more compression

  • too soon?
  • HOOOLD MYYYY HAAAAND (I want you hold my hand)

  • NSFW
    what do you think my cup size is? [OC] [F]
  • Got that dog in ya

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • Stamets had a hater, he probably just made a new profile lol

  • Free Games swab148

    [Epic] Dragon Age: Inquisition GOTY

    Free on Epic until 5/23/24 at 10:00 am CST


    First build in a hot minute, any suggestions?

    I'll be using it mostly for gaming, possibly self-hosting various things as I think about them. I'd like it to be mildly future-proof, but I'd also like to cut the price down a bit. Right now it's going to cost basically my whole tax refund, and if possible, I'd like to save some of it to further my education.

    I'll be using Linux (don't know what distro yet, but that's another post for another /c/), hence the all-AMD build.

    Thanks in advance!


    ACAB rule

    Wasn't expecting copaganda in my game today, but here we are


    [XFCE] First rice?

    If anyone could tell me how to change the system font color, I'd be much obliged. tips cowboy hat


    A door-to-door sales company that sells "No Soliciting" signs

    Came up with this during the two days I mistakenly tried to start a new career.


    How to find saved comments

    I can see saved posts all day, but saved comments, well that's an issue. It was easy on the previous iteration, just wondering why I can't find it now.


    How to search within a specific community?

    On Boost for Reddit, this was the feature I liked the most. Is it just not implemented yet?

    Blurry Pictures of Cats swab148

    Blurry picture of a cat


    Making a meme out of whatever Star Trek episode I care to watch.

    I was gonna shout out everyone in this community, but I figured out that you were all sus, so this is the meme.


    [HELP] How to change default home

    My current "default home" when you open the app or click the home button is set to "Subscribed Top Six Hour". I would like to change that to "All Top Six Hour", but I can't seem to find where to do this. Android app, btw.


    Would a federated dating site work well? What would it look like?

    Basically title, every bit of online dating nowadays is either Match or Meta, and we're all about breaking corporate chains right?

    So these are the thoughts I had:

    1. Matches based on simple user selection: age range, lifestyle, hobbies etc. None of that dumb algorithm stuff that makes you reset your profile every month.

    2. ActivityPub protocol so that anyone can run their own instance, but can also be blocked if anything heinous happens.

    3. E2EE for messaging (and anything else if it's possible).

    4. Someone wrote an open-source anti-CSAM script for Lemmy recently, I hope we could adapt that to our use.

    5. Just, like, everyone have a good time on this app, we're here for love lol

    I am not a coder, so I would have no idea how to do this, but I wonder about the interest in such a creation. Maybe some of you out there could make something I could use to get a date (pls).


    Any drummers in the area looking to join a weird rock band?

    Like the title says, I'm looking for a drummer that wants to join a weird rock band. I can't say who our influences will be, because we don't know yet! I want this band to be completely original, musically diverse, but with a pop sensibility so we can still get gigs lol. I know Dallas is all about the metal scene, but I (and the other band members we already have) are opposed to this, so if you're a metal guy, please apply! Musical diversity is the name of the game here.

    I'm a jazz/rock guy, our singer's an R&B guy from NYC, and we have a violinist who's classically trained but wants to venture into other avenues. We also need a bassist, because I want to play guitar for this project, but if we can't get anyone else then I guess I'll play bass FINE, ugh.

    Anyways, if you wanna get in touch about this, message me here! Thanks!


    Making memes from every episode of DS9 [s01e17]

    In other news, I now have the ability to screenshot, and access to a warp tool. My shitposting powers grow by the minute.


