The annoyingly stupid part is that for most fevers that don't approach the "You need to go to the ER right now" point it's actually best to simply let it run it's course and not try to "break" it with drugs since a fever is your body's own defense mechanism.
But these antivaxxers will do this stupid shit, then go "see it works" and then try to apply it to everything else
Yeah, pretty much anything in the triple digits is “call the pediatrician” levels when dealing with babies. Babies’ immune response is more focused on accepting immunizations from breast milk, and it will basically try to integrate things that have been filtered through mom first. The default response isn’t straight to “kill it” but rather “study it so we can protect against it later.” So babies’ immune systems really aren’t prepared for a full blown infection, because it won’t jump to actually fighting the infection until it is already pretty bad. If their temp is in the triple digits, it’s usually a sign that they caught something that didn’t already get filtered through mom’s immune system.
I feel bad for the kids. They don't deserve to die at the hands of incompetent parents.
One of the downsides of disrupting natural selection is that now we are keeping some people alive that probably should be taken by natural causes before they were able to replicate.
And honestly, if she was giving baby Tylenol and antibiotics and whatall, I wouldn't care if she put onions in their socks. It doesn't hurt anything in the long run. But they don't.
The thing with the onions is a well-established folk remedy. I even had it done to me when I was a little kid. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't help (and appears to work because fevers generally go away on their own) but the OP isn't simply making it up. Many people must have thought that it worked well enough that it was worth passing down over generations.
I think its kind of weird everyone just assumes this was posted by a woman, unless I'm missing something. Men are parents too, and they can also be dumb like this.
It's not sexism. Your brain naturally attributes probability from things it has seen in the past. The natural remedy of OPs sort is dominated by female sex so your brain just makes natural connection because it wants to be efficient in it's world building process.
Sexism is when you don't self reflect on initial thoughts that you do not control and pursue these notions further in thoughts you control or simply refuse this dichotomy all together if you're a wilful idiot powere by trauma.
Mom groups are definitely a thing, and even where things don't have to be for moms specifically the mentality still exists. My daughter was a "nano-premie" and was on oxygen for a while. I'm on a group for parents that have to deal with that, and every week or two there will be a post starting with "any moms who _______"
I like to answer those posts and start by asking if dads can also answer (but also give a real answer too!)
It is kind of hard when you try to be an involved dad but then get ignored in different ways
I've joked about onions in socks being a home remedy for stupid shit, but I never imagined that anyone would actually do it. I hope they didn't get it from me.
I'm a time traveller from the future. Your legendary home remedies and LPTs, or "scutigerisms" as they're known, have become the basis for our entire culture!
What happened here is that some time passed. She could have rubbed her elbows with goose fat or did a rain dance and would have had the same result in the same time frame.
Urgh a cut onion helps breathing when you have a cold with nasal congestion, it doesn’t do jack shit for fever. There’s natural stuff that decently works but gets a bad from morons like this. Ughhhh.
Yeah.. My wife does the "bowl of onions" thing when the kids have a flu/cold with congestion. It does help with that part so they can breathe a little easier. It also makes the room stink for up to a week, and I seriously doubt it does anything for temperature unless cleared sinuses somehow also help bring that down.
You can also accomplish similar with a humidifier and some vaporub etc. I prefer the vaporub personally