I still remember putting a spring inside and shooting something out of them at my minis. they are soo old and bring many memories. Mostly how easily they broke. This thing always somehow ended up disassembled on my desk much faster than all the others. It was disappointingly simple though. I liked to take apart these with elaborate click mechanisms
Am I crazy or have BIC lighters gotten worse in the last 6 months. They feel lighter, donât last as long, and seem to have flimsy construction in the metal guard and spark wheel.
Why is there a hole in the cap of BICÂź CristalÂź Pens?
Our vented caps comply with international safety standards ISO11540. These standards attempt to minimize the risk to children from accidental inhalation of pen caps. Traditionally the pen cap served only to protect the pen point. These vented caps allow more air to circulate around the pen point when the pen is capped. This further adds to the quality and overall performance of the pen.
You joke, but I have a cheap composition style notebook that I bought because it had a durable plastic cover instead of the old fashioned cardboard covered notebook I usually carry around. Each page has a qr code in the corner and it wants me to download an app so I can scan my writing and upload it to The Cloud.
I mean, I'm sure that someone might find that useful, but the whole reason I write with pen on paper is so I'm not distracted by technology and don't have to worry about booting an app and having connectivity while constantly worried that my work may not be saved/disappear.
The guy on the line wants to stop the money printer? No, no no... you don't change the top selling pen of the century. We can introduce a lighter though. Guess we're doing fire now.
Ah, the extremely shitty pen that scratches so bad you might as well carve your message into the paper. Lasts maybe 3 lines before it starts skipping but who cares. It exists to be as cheap as possible so your customer you don't respect can pocket it after initialing twice and signing something.
I hate bad cheap pens so much. I never would have gotten into fountain pens if there wasn't the counter example of how bad a writing experience can get.
For filling in circles? Yeah, they're fine. The circular movement tends to keep the ball moving and picking up new ink.
For writing? Hot garbage. When I switched to nicer pens (fountain pens and OHTO graphic liners), I had to unlearn pressing down so hard and cramping up my hand. A good pen can glide across the surface with little effort, and you don't feel like you need to stretch your fingers and wrist afterward.
This is why I got into fountain pens too! These days I find myself using a good rollerball or mechanical pencil for day to day, since they're a little more practical, but man oh man I do love a fountain pen...
Which is quite easy to remove luckily, shit really starts to become annoying when trying to light a fire with slightly damp wood. (Or having to relight a shitty joint every few hits)
It's a great pen, but I haven't bought any for years since joining the refillable pen club. Fountain pens are great, but you can also get refillable ball points. I thought for sure I would lose it, but you spend a little more and you really make sure to look after it.