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Federal Marijuana Prohibition Makes Youth Prevention Efforts 'More Difficult,' Top Anti-Drug Group Official Says
  • Sorry for the noob question, but how come states can legalise something that is banned federally? Doesn't this violate the supremacy of federal law?

  • Pals ecstatic after spotting ‘Northern Lights’ - but it was a Premier Inn sign
  • Given how seldom the northern lights appear in Norfolk you'd be forgiven for not knowing where to look for them

  • Georgia's leader says a divisive media bill passed by lawmakers is unacceptable and she'll veto it
  • I think it's supposed to act as a soft power veto by sending the bill back for one more reading. Unfortunately soft power is not a thing in ex-Eastern bloc countries

  • Keir Starmer sets out what Labour would do first if it wins election
  • Is it me or do those new glasses make him look like Antony Albanese (Aussie Lab PM)?

  • Keir Starmer sets out what Labour would do first if it wins election
  • Do you think he could call it to be during the summer holidays?

  • Mistakes were made. And will be again.
  • But only when the bargaining fails

  • UK's sexiest man for the second year running
  • Ah, Britain's response to the...

  • Don't
  • could

  • Don't
  • Thank you for refraining

  • Like most normal human males…
  • He tries so hard, god bless

  • tood
  • I didn't know cats played music

  • How could you betray me like this
  • Unless it's a heated political argument with your relatives

  • It's educational
  • Next up: Baby's first pint in Glasgow

  • Magical Kingdom Rule
  • Fed to the unicorns

  • It's not fair.
  • Psst, the real life hack is to drink tons of coke so that they all fall out and you can get a permanent artificial set installed as soon as possible

  • How Bernie Sanders wins an argument

    We've given up on trying to persuade people and that's a mistake. Learn from one of the masters. Sign up for email updates!

    How Bernie Sanders wins an argument
    Evolution of the alphabet
  • It would have been cool if it included the modern Greek and Cyrillic alphabets as well

  • Evolution of the alphabet
  • I think it's a miracle that people 2000 years ago were using the same alphabet as us. I guess it just goes to show how important the longevity of recorded information is.

  • How to make showering not boring?

    For me showering means standing in a windowless room staring at a blank wall for 20 minutes (I get lost in my thoughts). Also there are several steps and I have to think about each of them. This means that I only end up showering when my fear of coming across as dirty becomes bigger than the dread of being bored. What do you do?

    Why aren't apps updating in the background?

    This has started showing up for some reason, suggesting that instead of updating my apps in the background, Google Play is waiting until I open an app to check for updates. Is there like a setting somewhere I need to change?

    Certified online course for learning STEM subjects?

    I'm thinking of switching fields within STEM and there are some mathsy modules which I missed out on during my undergrad (biology) that would come in really handy right now. Since I would like to avoid doing another bachelor's from scratch, I was hoping there might be a website that lets you pick and choose from a range of undergrad-level subjects that you would take online, and then possibly give you a certificate that you could put on your CV. Does anyone know if something like this exists?

    Task breakup

    I've found that breaking a daunting task down into concrete steps and eating away at it in baby steps helps me get it done. When I take Concerta, it helps me focus on the boring nitty-gritty bits, and it enables me to focus on activities like reading where you don't have to do any planning. But the actual process planning/task breakup stays just as cognitively straining as before and becomes the new bottleneck to my productivity. Can this also be fixed with a pill, or does everyone have it this hard and is it a skill that you get better at over time?

    I keep fucking forgetting what I'm doing every 30 seconds. It's crippling me

    I can't work on maths problems: by the time I key a calculation into my calculator I've forgotten what I was actually calculating.

    When I open my phone to write an email, by the time I have the 'new email' screen open I've forgotten what I wanted to write and to whom.

    When I go off looking for something in another room, I forget what I was looking for by the time I've entered it. I constantly mutter 'What was I doing? What was I doing?'

    This is so debilitating -- I can't live like this. What can I do?

    What person can help me sort out the big picture of my life?

    21M, my life right now is such a mess.

    My childhood feels deficient in some things, I really want to move out, my life is spread over multiple countries and I can't decide how to fit each into my future, I'm struggling & demotivated at university, and I've had no success dating and just can't figure out why.

    I have a long term plan to get myself out of this but I'm afraid that the plan may prioritize the wrong things or be naively ambitious or specific. I'm AuDHD and seeing as it was my thinking that got me into this mess, my plan to fix it is probably riddled with the same mistakes. Which would mean I'd stay stuck where I am.

    What would really help me is to consult my plan with a wise person who has watched many people's life trajectories and who would be able to advise me on what parts of my plan are naive or likely to fail. Since I am AuDHD, I also need someone who will alert me to the sorts of narrow-minded ways of thinking that got me to where I am, because I am obviously blind to these. Or maybe the problem is that I think too much altogether. I can ask for individual pieces of advice on Lemmy but I'm looking for someone who would look at my life in a more holistic way.

    What sort of person would be able to help me? I have tried coaching but coaches seem to focus more on CBT and have lacked the wisdom that I am looking for here.

    Sharing: what's worked for bumping into friends/dates

    My best bet has been to meet people at workshops:

    • Class of 30 new people each time
    • Assertive, inquisitive people (my kind of person) spontaneously filter themselves out because they're the ones asking questions
    • Opportunity to approach them at break times, can work in small groups
    • Laid back

    School canteen. You are forced to spend an amount of time sitting next to a bunch of random strangers, some will be friendship groups. You can tell if they are cool just by listening in on their conversation, and it removes any barrier that approaching them would usually be as you are already sitting next to them. Best come when the canteen is full because then there won't be any empty tables that you'd need an excuse for not sitting at.

    I think when you frequent these two activities you are almost guaranteed to bump into your kind of person eventually. Can anyone think of any other good scenarios?

    Strattera vs Sleep Deprivation

    I've long had problems with random, unfounded bouts of anxiety. I've been taking Strattera and it has partially helped with this: when it works (which is 80% of the time), I can feel it keeping me in a mellow headspace at moments when I would have previously had racing thoughts and mental tunnel vision. Specifically, the source of the anxiety is still there, because I can feel it spark into action and put adrenaline into my blood, but the Strattera seems to be blocking it from affecting my mind in any way. While this is a significant improvement, it's still not perfect because the adrenaline in my blood still tires my body out quite quickly.

    Recently I went a whole day on 2 hours of sleep, and I realized the sleep deprivation stopped my anxiety more optimally than the Strattera. My brain was too sleep deprived for the unfounded anxiety/fight or flight to even be initiated, which meant there was no adrenaline to block from affecting my mind in the first place. What's more, my mind was just generally more chilled out and slowed down (no hyperactivity or hyperfocus or anything), kinda a bit like if I was stoned, and I felt far less inhibition to spontaneously blurt out thoughts that appeared in my head without thinking about them, which I actually quite enjoyed because it meant I was being my peak authentic self.

    Whilst the Strattera helped stop the immediate effects of my anxiety, the sleep deprivation got me into the actual overall target state that I want to be in. Now I obviously can't go about being sleep deprived every day from now on. Does somebody understand the chemistry of what Strattera does vs. what the sleep deprivation does? Is there any medication that could create the same desirable effects as the sleep deprivation?

    How long would it take to temporarily come off Strattera?

    Hey guys, I've been taking Atomoxetine for 5 months and I'm thinking of trying a different med because it isn't stopping the ADHD for me. I've been thinking it would probably be best to come off Strattera before I try the new med, firstly so I can be sure that whatever happens is caused purely by the new med, and secondly so that I can see what changes the Strattera actually caused.

    How long did it take you guys to come off it (how quickly did you lower the dose)? If I wanted to start taking it again, would I have to wait another 6 weeks for it to work, like I did the first time?

    Jobs that I can study while doing?

    Hello everyone, For reasons I won't get into here, I'm looking for a minimum wage job where I would still have enough downtime to self-study an online course I'm doing. I've been thinking something like this might be possible in a receptionist style scenario. Has anyone done this before? What sorts of jobs are good for this? I'm gessing it's probably jobs where they are looking for a person to pay just to have someone on-site and on-call...

    Rant: why AR headsets are bad

    (Posting this here so I can copy it later)

    I still think that AR glasses are a bad idea and will change society for the worse while making Facebook a lot of money. The reason why the internet currently has a bad effect on society is because it lets you block out the bad parts of reality while locking yourself a cozy bubble of content that suits you personally. Applying the same filter to people's vision will only exasperate these effects. And a shift to AR will benefit Facebook massively: now, instead of just being able to influence what ads/posts you see, they will have the power to choose what parts of reality you percieve. Nobody will percieve the same reality anymore. Can you still see society being able to reach consensus then? Problems that are currently public will become private problems of those who cannot afford the AR to block them out. And all for Facebooks profit.

    A truly responsible attempt at AR would focus on technologies that create the same experience for multiple – ideally an unlimited amount – of people. Think 3D tabletop diaplays, smart objects (think reMarkable tablet), holograms. This is accessible to anyone in the room (= inclusive), and guarantees that everybody will still be locked into the same, shared experience of reality.

    ADHD-friendly sports?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a sport to do because I'm super skinny and I'd like to gain at least a bit of muscle. I've done cycling and bouldering in the past, but neither made me any less skinny. The problem with sports is it's very hard to do any sort of exercise with ADHD because beyond giving you no stimulation, it gives you negative stimulation, like when doing the plank. What's more, it usually requires a ton of logistic prep/going somewhere, which itself is boring and becomes a barrier. One thing I can see motivating me is doing it with other people (I enjoy chilling with people and having banter), but for that I might as well go to a pub/society where there's no pesky ball I have to kick around. Team sports like football never really appealed to me for some reason anyway. Has anyone had success making sports fun?

    In theory, could Parliament initiate a snap election?

    I was just thinking about the way the British constituiton works. I know that it is in the hands of the PM to decide when Parliament is to be dissolved and a GE is to be called. But if a majority in Parliament wanted a snap election yet the PM was refusing to call one, then couldn't they just pass a bill declaring an early election, which would bypass the PM due to the principle of parliamentary supremacy?

    What's that new genre of electronic music I hear in Ukrainian war videos?
    • It reminds me a bit of techno
    • The melody is played on an e-cowbell
    • The videos have this meme dog: !
    What causes that saliva smell that you get in your mouth after breathing a lot in freezing weather?

    In a similar vein, sometimes my breath feels sort of 'milky', even though I haven't eaten any dairy products. What could that be?

    Edit: Apparently this is not normal?? Try this experiment to see if you get the taste as well: Next time it's freezing outside, sprint for a bit so that you're left taking deep breaths in the cold air by the end of it. That's when I get the taste. My saliva also feels a bit thicker, probably due to the cold air.
