US president says he wants people to move to neighbouring nations, after resuming shipments of 2,000lb bombs to Israel
Donald Trump has suggested large numbers of Palestinians should leave Gaza to “just clean out” the whole strip, after ordering the US military to restart shipments of 2,000lb bombs to Israel.
The US president said he wanted Gaza residents to move to neighbouring nations, and that they could be displaced “temporarily or could be long-term”, after a phone call with Jordan’s King Abdullah on Saturday.
“I said to him: I’d love you to take on more because I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess. I’d like him to take people,” Trump said, when asked about the call.
He also suggested Egypt as a destination for Gaza residents, and said he would raise the issue with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi on Sunday.
Reeeeeeeeeally hard to stop my self from screaming “I fucking told you so” to all the idiots who insisted Trump would be better for the situation right now
This is literally the exact thing I’ve been trying to point out for months
A lot of people here on lemmy believe fiercely that both sides were equally bad about it, and it is exactly that sentiment that led to 6.6 Million former DNC voters staying home while a fascist took power.
Trump is worse for saying the quiet part out loud, but the actions by all administrations since the establishment of israel show that this plan by israel is being followed regardless of what the president says out loud.
They can still argue that situation is better now but it depends upon a very specific meaning of “better” that doesn’t consider the Palestinian people’s welfare at all.
Saying, "I told you so" has zero effect. This people didn't reason themselves into their positions and will refuse any reason that would cause them to change their minds.
It was clear months ago these were smart people. Their utter lack of doubt continues to be the reddest of flags.
Good point; The message may be undercut by the grammar. Effect is a noun/adjective. Affect is a verb/adverb.
Disregard if you were actually trying to state that the concept of the number zero goes out and affects people in some unspecified way whenever that statement is spoken.
He secured a ceasefire, which is more than Biden could do. But ultimately, is he better? I don't think so. I'm not sure he's any worse, either. I wish we had better options.
Note that the ceasefire is literally identical to the one the US Department of State proposed the better part of a year ago. The ceasefire was enacted now, and not before, for reasons of political timing, nothing more. This falls in the same category as Nixon when when he pulled a very similar ploy with Vietnam.
He's certainly worse, Biden didn't piss off Canada and Mexico immediately.
I can't really speak on internal US policies, i.e. whether Biden's inaction or Trump's wild actions are overall worse for the nation but internationally, Trump is far far far worse.
Israel has been committing genocide in Gaza since day 1, they just pick up the pace sometimes
Every US president this century has enabled this
Biden and Harris were all on board with the current round of fast genocide and they should be remembered for it
Trump pretends to be anti-war but emboldened this shit by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem in 2018 or 19
Netanyahu wanted Trump to win, as evidenced by meeting him during the campaign last year
Any ceasefire supposedly happening right now is entirely to give Trump good press. He's going to give Israel even more support for their imperialist bullshit than Biden did and Harris would have
Because Trump won, the federal government is going after immigrants, nonwhite people, LGBT people, etc, and is going to further tear the good parts of the government down
I'm pretty disillusioned with the Democrats between the imperialism and almost completely giving in to the fascist takeover, but I wouldn't be looking to get out of the country if Harris had won, so thanks for that if you could have voted and didn't.
edit: I voted Uncommitted in the primary, helped out at my local Gaza camp, and have gone to rallies and distributed books about Palestine, so I'm not just sitting here at my computer saying all this
Exactly. Why can’t people vote for the lesser evil in the short term and push for change after the election too. There was no scenario where the protest vote didn’t give us a far worse option. As bad as Biden was on Gaza, he capitulated more than Trump ever will. Plus, one issue voting is just an insane mindset in a winner take all electoral system like America.
I saw a take a few months ago that voting third party isn't voting your conscience, voting your conscience is going against what you really want to do, to do what will actually result in the least harm happening. Our system of government is absolute trash but until it changes (and we should all be pushing for it to change) this is what we've got.
Why is America so be bed with Israel? Is it just purely a tactical location or is there way more underhand shit we can't talk about because if you call someone out for doing something they shouldn't and they are Jewish then you're a Nazi?
People must be getting bribes and threats and more people in the government must care about Israel than the number of people that care about Palestinian.
Surely people don't care that much about that patch of sand.
Gaza was fucked under either presidential option and we all knew that. Now we also get to enjoy getting fucked by Trump at home and hand the right the country. Other countries get to get bullied like Canada, Colombia, Greenland, Panama, and who knows who else and to what insane degree. Plus, Gaza will get to deal with a president that doesn’t bend to protest pressures at all and gives 0 fucks about humanitarian issues. We sure showed Biden for being an AIPAC puppet like the rest of the government. This is why the right has taken our government over. We constantly in fight and ignore realities for ideological purity while the right unites under the broad strokes of their agenda. When no option has the desired outcome, sometimes you have to pick the lesser evil.
Nope, under the Democrats, there are many Representatives who would listen and put pressure on a Dem president to do the right thing. Thanks to people with a smooth brain who think BOTH SIDES SAME, they are going to find out what everyone else already knew.. they were never the same.
There's no happy-feel-good everyone walks away with their faerie tale sitcom ending.
The world situation is fucked, when your options are crawl through broken glass or swim across a river of piss, well it might not smell good, but at least I'm a strong swimmer and urine is allegedly sterile.
Okay I double checked, urine isn't sterile, but it has low amounts of bacteria and isn't going to lead to me bleeding out or needing immediate medical attention.
It's time for people to understand that the blue and red party in america are the same shit and voting someone else or not supporting the government is the only way to make a change.
Dnc centrists who wouldnt let any possible supporters of Palestinians into the democratic party convention are the real unsung heros here, right?
Do your posts like this one make you feel better about yourself? Thats why you're posting isnt it. You told yourself you 'held your nose' while voting but you didnt really hold your nose at all. You were happy to drop every semblence of basic human morality and dignity in order to win-- and then you lost anyway.. Now you're angry at those on your own side who didnt shit their own bed and roll around in it like you did.
To win at all in the future and reclaim the demographic losses, the dems need to admit that what was done in Plaestine was wrong. They need to admit Biden and Harris both were not doing their job and not representing the working class, but were simply chasing corporate and special interest campaign dollars. If the party can do that it might survive. Otherwise its probably dead, becuase No one thinks the democrats stand for anything, and the rage evident at the elites related to Luigi's prosecution is increasingly the response toward out of touch dem leaders. No one supports corporatists so get your shit together.
It's funny you think there will be legitimate elections in 4 years. I mean Republicans are already pushing ways to give Trump a third term. So like, congrats on having Gaza screwed even harder while simultaneously throwing away any semblance of democracy?
At least the corporate corrupt Dems gave a small window for changing things democratically while not screwing over Trans people in the USA as well.
By abstaining you allowed the greater evil to prevail, not prevented any evil from occuring.
Dnc centrists who wouldnt let any possible supporters of Palestinians into the democratic party convention are the real unsung heros here, right?
The guy you're responding to never said that. You've discredited your entire comment in the first sentence and there's no reason to even bother reading the rest of whatever you wrote.
Great fucking job, bothsiders. Now you get Genocide++.
I really hope you’re happy that your conscience is clean now the guy who’s main spokesman said Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’ and who himself declared it ‘could be better than Monaco’, clearly with an eye towards beachfront real estate, has the power to make that happen for his own gain.
This was entirely predictable, and we told you this would happen. Trump told you so himself. The dems weren’t perfect by any stretch, but Kamala absolutely wasn’t looking at the situation as to how she could personally profit through real estate development if the Palestinians were just wiped off the map as quickly as possible. Trump likely had the choicest property mapped out, with property developers already submitting proposals.
If you abstained because of both-sides re Israel, fuck you. You at best were played and at worst helped to play others, and now we ALL get to suffer.
Great fucking job, bothsiders. Now you get Genocide++.
Sound like you still haven't acknowledged the ongoing genocide or understand what is going on in gaza. There's no such thing as genocide or genocide++ the same way there's no holocaust or holocaust++.
People who chose not to support any scum with blood on their hands have no guilt, they did the correct thing. Assuming you supported the red and blue parties you have more guilt than everyone else, you gave your vote to murderers.
Instead of telling you to go fuck off like you did i'm going encourage you to document yourself on what's going on in gaza and how governments worldwide are allowing it to happen.
All this finger wagging because people criticized democrats sending billions in weapons which were used in the genocide? Somehow it's protestors fault in this scenario.
The degree to which you bend over backwards to support the legitimacy of a system where BOTH SIDES of the two-party system fully support israel is astonishing. You speak of others getting played, yet here you are getting played into thinking you can make a difference in a government that has fully supported israel since its establishment regardless of who is in power.
You’re kidding, right? You think that aid is because of trump, when you’re responding in an article that says his stated motives are the opposite of that?
Much of that aid was already secured before he took office. Shit takes time – especially in a war zone. Wait a month or so and get back to me on whether aid from the US continues. The US has been giving aid to many places that will continue for a short while until the new policies filter through.
Listen to what the new moron-in-chief says, and notice that some policies take a bit of time to take effect. Like the US economy, for instance. Large systems don’t turn on a dime.
No, he doesn’t actually want any other countries to take them in. They should just leave their own country… He’d prefer that they simply walk into the Dead Sea so he doesn’t have to think about them anymore.
Yeah well see we talked to all the neighbors but they didn't want them so unfortunately some of them may have gotten in the way when we bulldozed the site ready to lay the foundations for the new condos. /s
I get the sentiment of these posts. Gaza had no chance. But now our LGBTQ and POC homies are in real danger and that's what really pisses me off. It's now going to get dangerous to even protest against the Gaza genocide.
Returning the US to the tribes seems like a good idea all around. The Navajo did a damn good job taking care of their people with COVID vaccinations. Let the Seminole take back Florida.
You know, given his comments about it being prime real estate, I wouldn't be surprised if the word "Strip" in the name evokes a sort of Vegas Strip and that's what Trump is thinking. Nevermind that people fucking live there, to him it's Jewish Vegas (or Atlantic City if you know Trump's preferences).
Genocide Joe also tried doing this plan like 5 months into the genocide. Sent American envoy and all to pressure Egypt but to no avail. Egypt would not take them for Biden and it looks like Egypt is not taking them for Trump either.
It's like those fairy tales Zionists try to convince you about that every belief system should seek their own nation. It's easy to come up with free land when you have zero value for the people living on it.
This makes me think of the many people within the chain between Trump and Netanyahu. The spineless motherfuckers personally handling these weapons need to grow the fuck up and start replacing warheads with packet ramen.
You get to do that once, maybe twice, depending on how often the shipments are going out, and how long it takes them to find you. Then the fire hose of weapons resumes. That's not productive in the general or personal sense.
As leftists like to say to justify their one-sided attacks against Democrats: "Republicans are going to Republican".
Leftists know this and still decided to do all they can to make sure they give the reins of power to Republicans yet again to "punish" Democrats when all their privileged white asses are doing is punishing lgbtq, poc, and now Palestinians despite their use of their issue to justify not voting Democrat.
From what I gather, you're making the insinuation that the people who refused to vote for Kamala due to her (and Biden's) support of Israel are responsible for Trump and his heavy-handed approach.
I'd retort by stating that Israel has killed near 100k Palestinians and reduced most of the territory to rubble all while Biden's administration had been sending bombs, guns, tanks, missiles, and money.
The main difference between Trump and Biden on this issue is how loud and open they are about it.
Is there a difference between discretely supporting apartheid or openly supporting apartheid? Probably, in an intellectual sense. But what difference does it make to the tens of thousands of Gazan widows?
So is your solution to give the country to the right and hope for revolution? Super cool for all the people here and abroad who have to suffer under revved up American fascism, including Gaza. Counting on that very slow train maybe pulling into the station seems like a solid plan.
About 15 months with no redline, and 2 months of sige on a refugee camp, more bombs than any other historical events dropped, they couldn't do it, I don't think the can do it in 9 months.
Wouldn't this backfire terribly for Israel. Palestinian armed groups could establish a strong foothold in Egypt access to a large area for military activities and a larger recuitement base?
So probably no a coincidence that this is literally “Israel can take territory” and “Egypt can open their mouth” if they both want that aid to continue to flow.
This is a horribly immoral and unjust thing to even suggest. That said, if the only other alternative is that they stay in Gaza and get exterminated by these psychos in Israel, then I have to think that relocation, and living, are the superior option. THAT said, none of the countries he's talking about are going to take them.
Honestly. They should, and they should treat them well. We've already entered the countdown to Israel's declaration of war on Jordan and/or Egypt. If they take them then Israel claims militants got out and are being harbored. Oh no! But if they don't then Israel will claim West Bank militants escaped to whichever country and are being harbored.
Netanyahu's refusal to leave Lebanon and Syria along with the uptick in Greater Israel propaganda from ministers makes their 10 year strategic goals pretty clear.
Edit to add, oops I forgot the conclusion! Lmao. This gives them a motivated and highly available population to arm and send against the IDF when the inevitable happens.
Blinken and his senile boss got told by Egypt and Jordan to fuck off over accepting refugees back in November 2023. Jordan threatened war if that happened.
The Democrats are Zionist puppets just like Republicans. The only difference is Republicans don't shed crocodile tears.
Democrats commit genocide and suggest ethnic cleansing, here is how they are better than trump.
This is the US position since 1980 so maybe direct your anger at people who is committing genocide instead of blaming people who are trying to change on going genocide.
You know what? Maybe we should give them a nice place to live in the west bank. A prime Palestinian ground. Where, you ask? Oh don't worry, we'll find some other population over there to suppress.
2047: Oh no, the Palestinians are committing genocide! Let's give the genocides population a different place to call home
Congrats American leftists, this is what you wanted. You got played and it was so damn obvious. “But Biden…” well enjoy Trump.
The American right united and the American left splintered into little self made groups with special labels and began fighting, hating and rejecting each other.
“I didn’t vote trump, i just refused to vote Biden!” Well you got your choice then, so shut the fuck up and eat it. You think you hurt the democrats by losing them the election? You think they care or will lose money?
You guys essentially chopped off your own foot and are happy cause you sprayed blood on someone you didn’t like.
Ps: American leftists have no fucking clue what a leftist is. Hating and calling fascist on everyone who is slightly right or even left of you is not being a leftist.
The Gazans aren’t going to leave, it is their land. What will Trump do? Biden already destroyed 60% of buildings, 92% of homes, 88% of schools, 68% of cropland, 68% of road networks, while only 50% of hospitals are partially functioning.
Gazans will rebuild with or without US support. The vast majority of the world recognizes their right to self determination. The US is the odd one here and with Trump at the helm it is increasingly isolated.
People like you didn't standup to stop genocide because the democrat thought rightly it is not an issue for you.
Democrat refused to secure Michigan, or learn anything from Clinton loss, and hand everything to " a threat to democracy "
Democrat did nothing to limit the influence of oligarchy on the state, and didn't bother addressing basic stuff like raising minimum wage to an acceptable rate. And many other things.
So you should direct your anger at the party that didn't give a damn about " greatest threat to democracy"
It's probably the only way to end the conflict without waiting several generations and hoping that cultures change over that time, and a significant improvement to the quality of life of most people in Gaza.
The land itself is not the deciding factor. The conflict would end if Egypt agreed to annex Gaza and no one was forcibly displaced. I think any rational Israeli would agree to that (this may not include the current government) but Egypt doesn't want it, and reasonably so.
Whaat? How is it at all fair to kick these people out of their homeland? Especially after Israel’s response was so incredibly disproportionate when compared to the October 7th attacks. Like what 3k people vs well over 40k??? Bombing hospitals???
Given Trump’s comments about the real estate in Gaza let’s not pretend he just doesn’t want to give it to Israel if he gets a piece of the development pie. Let’s not forget Netanyahu was visiting Trump before he assumed the presidency.
It’s not right. The Palestinians should have their land back. The only moral solution is a two state solution. The only secure solution is a two state solution. Dispossessing regular people and effectively kicking them when they’re down isn’t exactly a deterrent to terrorism.
I fear they’ve already decided what they’re going to do and now they’re just trying to make everyone buy it.
I don't know what exactly Trump has in mind but I think the key factor is giving Gazans citizenship in an Arab country. They can keep the land if, for example, Egypt agrees to annex it.
You a fool if you think so. Resistance groups will start operating and attacking Israel from egypt. Egyptian week economy can't sustain the coming of 2 millions more people. Also egypt admistrated gaza before it didn't turn well
Egypt's current government is pretty good at suppressing opposition. Generally that's not a good thing but it does mean that Egypt can probably handle Hamas.
Egypt is a lot harder of a target than Gaza. Also Egypt can't. By international treaty they have to stay West of the Suez Canal. They tried to shut it down once and the entire world agreed that meant they lost the ability to physically control both banks.