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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • I'm an accountant.

    The best accounting software will be the one your accountant uses.

    When clients are on the same platform that I use internally everything just matches up and it's beautiful and elegant and amazing.

    When clients are using something else it just doesn't fit our workflows and it's just more of a fuck around, which of course the client gets charged for.

  • Fan & thermostat for cabinet cooling

    I want to put some devices like NVR, modem, router, et cetera in a closet.

    I'm having an electrician install a 240v AC power socket in the closet.

    I'd like to cut a hole in the top of the closet through to the ceiling cavity for an exhaust fan.

    I'm hoping to decommission my home server so I'd like to avoid having to run exhaust fans from a computer / PC power supply.

    With all that in mind, I'm looking for one or more devices that will allow me to run two PWM case fans with thermostat from 240v.

    Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I've been flip flopping on this over the last 48 hours.

    I can't dispute that Joe doesn't seem fit for another presidency.

    That said, it sounds like it's really up to Biden and the First Lady to decide to withdraw before anything will happen.

    In the mean time, this discussion isn't helping progressive voters. Trump will preside over an irreversible lurch to the right. Progressives need to unite behind a candidate - anyone the faintest pulse will do.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • you can either a) reward them for moving left or b) punish them for moving right

    You're talking about the political will of a nation as you would training a puppy. It's incredibly reductive and simply not how the overton window works.

    If the republicans win the next several elections the democrats will move further to the right to try to steal votes off them. The republicans will have to move further to the right to differentiate themselves from the democrats.

    Not surprisingly, the more republicans win elections the further right everything moves.

    Your position is exactly where the conservatives would have you. They can't win your vote so their best outcome is to convince you not to vote.

  • Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • This isn't a hill I care enough to die on.

    I've never bought a series in any format. It's always been piracy and for at least the last 5 years catch and release.

    What I mean is, I don't want to keep series in any case.

    That said, now I think about it, if I didn't pirate everything then keeping copies of what I'd paid for world feel important

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • Perhaps, but I think there's a lot of people overstating the impact Biden's performance will have on the end result.

    November is a long way off. There's plenty of time for either party to fuck things up.

    Trump's legal stuff still has a way to run between now and November which I think will have a far bigger impact.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • I think a lot of voters of every age vote against their own interests.

    I mean honestly it's hard to imagine that a Trump presidency would be good for anyone who is not either part of the Trump family or already very wealthy.

  • Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • I agree that nuclear is an option that ought to be considered as part of the mix.

    I'm not convinced that it's right for Australia given our unique circumstances.

    I disagree on cost. We've never built nuclear. We not only need a reactor, buy need to buy all the relevant skills and build all the supports to create an industry. I genuinely believe that the cost per kWh would be far greater than our other options.

    The many hundreds of billions is better put to renewables, storage, and hydrogen cracking.

    There are some next gen reactors being built in different places. Smaller output, less waste, salt cooled. We should let others bear the cost of development and see how it pans out.

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • Not necessarily.

    Perhaps 20 years ago Biden WorldCom acquitted himself better.

    That said Trumps performance is a well established debate strategy called a gish gallop - just say dozens of lies and your opponent won't be able to rebut them all. If they try, they won't have time for their own points.

  • Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • building nuclear power plants isn't just like putting a leg of lamb in the oven though.

    it would take a gargantuan investment of money, skills, labour, et cetera. All of which ought to be directed to building out renewable facilities.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • I don't really understand how it could be too late.

    Float a candidate under 60 and they win riotous support from Democrats and undecideds.

    Biden is the only Democrat that Trump has a chance of beating.

    Perhaps there has never been changes this late in the cycle, but come on... we're breaking new ground in so many ways.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • I don't really follow. Didn't Obama ask RBG if she wanted to retire so he could put up a left leaning judge? That's not disrespectful nor respectful, it's just sensible.

    She refused, predictably precipitating the current shit show out of hubris.

    She may be a great woman deserving of respect but she fucked up, bringing harm to an entire generation of women.

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Me too. I think you could change to more or less anyone and get a bump.

    It really seems as though the populace is extraordinarily weary of these two tired old assholes.

    Anyone under 60 would mop the floor with Trump's toupee.

  • (Meta) fine_sandy_bottom

    unverified email

    I was invited to sign up this morning.

    I attempted to do so. When I try to sign in I see an "unverified email" toast error. I haven't received an email asking me to verify.


    IP Block Lists & Docker Networking

    Just wondered if any one is using block lists for their docker containers.

    IPSum publishes a great list of IPs worth blocking.

    The thing is, I know docker networking interacts with iptables in a complex way such that the iptables INPUT chain is ignored.

    The docker docs say you can put custom rules in DOCKER-USER chain, but my iptables knowledge isn't great and I think I'm more likely to mess something up than to have any success.

    The thing is, I'm sure that this is something loads of other people have encountered, and I'm sure there must be an easier way.


    Whats on in Perth - Easter Edition

    In Perth for Easter weekend.

    What are some cool things to do / places to visit?


    [solved] Install MicroG on rooted Galaxy S20+

    If anyone could point me to some information or guide about this I'd really appreciate that.

    I think the official and friends need to be uninstalled first. I've tried that with adb, console reports "success", Google Play Services is no longer listed in Settings > Apps.

    But... if I try to install MicroG via Fdroid or Droid-ify it goes through the install process, there's no error, but MicroG Core is not shown as "installed". If I try to install the apk with adb it says the currently installed version is newer than the one I'm trying to install? seems to just assume you know how to install.

    I read something about signature spoofing but I thought that was only for older devices.

    Any insights / suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: I think this is the answer:

    9's warrant canary Warrant Canary

    Existing and proposed laws, especially as relate to the US Patriot Act, etc., provide for secret warrants, searches and seizures of data, such as library records.

    Some such laws provide for criminal penalties for revealing the warrant, search or seizure, disallowing the disclosure of events that would materially affect the users of a service such as and its principals and employees will in fact comply with such warrants and their provisions for secrecy. will also make available, weekly, a "warrant canary" in the form of a cryptographically signed message containing the following:

    • a declaration that, up to that point, no warrants have been served, nor have any searches or seizures taken place

    • a cut and paste headline from a major news source, establishing date

    Special note should be taken if these messages ever cease being updated, or are removed from this page.

    The current message is here:

    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256


    No warrants have ever been served to, or principals or employees. No searches or seizures of any kind have ever been performed on assets, including:

    ALL San Diego locations ALL Denver locations ALL Zurich locations ALL Hong Kong locations ALL Fremont locations

    ( from )

    Biden administration to unveil contractor rule set to upend gig economy

    Moon lander problem threatens mission after Vulcan rocket makes successful debut

    Beckenbauer revolutionised game and became icon of German sporting success)

    Spurs 115, Cavaliers 117 Hawks 110, Magic 117

    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (FreeBSD)

    iEYEAREIAAYFAmWceF8ACgkQBzwoLX1vgGyjAgCffCEAilX5M6WY4SnxLJOF5J5f rSYAn14WCiZKbj+fKaqEpj4ThDWEOysB =256H -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    This scheme is not infallible. Although signing the declaration makes it impossible for a third party to produce arbitrary declarations, it does not prevent them from using force to coerce to produce false declarations. The news clip in the signed message serves to demonstrate that that update could not have been created prior to that date. It shows that a series of these updates were not created in advance and posted on this page.


    Organise Google Takeout Files

    I downloaded all my photos with google takeout.

    The folder structure is an absolute mess.

    It would be nice to organise them into YYYY/MM folders but I haven't been able to think of an easy way to do that.

    I note that all images seem to have sidecar files ? Like matching json files. I've never encountered these before and not really aware of any command line tools that support them. It's just another challenge as regards writing a script to re-organise files.

    Any insights much appreciated.


    Gerbera v2.0.0 Release Gerbera v2.0.0 · gerbera/gerbera

    We are happy to announce that Gerbera Media Server 2.0.0 is now available. This release is a new major release and contains two noteworthy changes. The JavaScript integration has be overhauled to s...

    Release Gerbera v2.0.0 · gerbera/gerbera

    Gerbera is a UPnP media server. I've used it (and it's predecessor mediatomb) for many years. Rock solid. Works well with VLC.
