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Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • Watching a panel of news anchors discuss this today, I was struck by the ashen looks on their faces. As if they had today witnessed a mortal wound to the nation.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • So that they can be appealed to in any specific case and decide for themselves.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • It’s horrendously incorrect. Listen to the dissenting justices, or constitutional scholars like Luttig and Tribe. Basically anyone who’s serious and not a craven Trump crony.

  • Icon Drive
  • It’s honest work. Thank you!

  • The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially
  • Trump could kill anyone and they would determine that it was official business. On the other hand, Biden could have the Republican judges executed and replaced with sycophants who could rule that this also was an official act. It’s a bad ruling.

  • Knowledge is power
  • Fetchez la vache!

  • Sovcit did a thing.
  • The collateral is the paper?? Holy shit

  • Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison
  • They are ready to serve (time)

  • American Chattel Slavery Might Be Uniquely Cruel in World History
  • Shout out to John Adams and his boy.

  • Finding your motivation
  • It's not disposal, it's d’esordio

  • Pros and cons of Proxmox in a home lab?
  • Also needs mentioning: clustering. I have a years old cluster with none of the hardware I originally started with, but my Pi-hole is still there. Having the ability to migrate guests between hosts is a game changer when you frequently replace or rebuild said hosts. With the right setup, migration can have as little as a few seconds of downtime, or even no downtime at all. You can’t do that with bare metal installs.

  • Which uploaders do you rely for TV show torrents
  • I don’t know how Joy gets such quality from small files, but damn.

  • Is really possible to understand the magnitude of ones own brain?
  • Depends what you mean. If I’m understanding you, then no, you’d be dealing with some kind of metadata recursion problem. On the other hand, on my hard drive I have a file detailing the schematic of the drive.

  • Could offline physical piracy be good to games?
  • There’s dozens of us! But seriously, i2p has a future for this

  • Angry Republican hangs anti-IVF posters outside congressional office
  • Exactly. Conservatives are the “us” that the law protects but does not restrict, and everyone else is “them” who the law restricts but does not protect.

  • Steve Bannon to report to prison on Monday
  • As bad as it is, i’m not sure cirrhosis deserves that

  • Ignore all previous instructions is the new Bobby Tables
  • I’m here for LLM’s responding that 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything, just because enough people said the same.

  • Efficency
  • Trying to think how tri/hex is more efficient than any regular tiling, say squares.

  • The certificate for expired on 12/11/2023

    Browsing to, I get SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE. Is there a problem?

    1 Tire Dust Makes Up the Majority of Ocean Microplastics, Study Finds

    Recent studies have shown tire emissions to be a larger threat to global health than anyone realized—and EVs could make the problem worse.

    Tire Dust Makes Up the Majority of Ocean Microplastics, Study Finds

    Skeletonwitch - Fen of Shadows Fen of Shadows, by Skeletonwitch

    from the album Devouring Radiant Light

    Fen of Shadows, by Skeletonwitch

    From their 2018 LP Devouring Radiant Light


    Windir - Arntor, A Warrior

    Title track from their 1999 LP
