I was running for my train. After entering in the station airlock, for a reason i still can't explain, i turned right instead of continuing straight ahead and BAM, i hit a glass with my face. Now i have a little scar, fortunately hidden behind my eyebrow.
I had a very sturdy, energetic dog who loved chasing a thrown ball. He was tied to a long rope (about 100 feet). I did not pay attention to where the rope was and threw the ball and he exploded from my side and flew like a rocket after the ball. The rope, unfortunately, was tied to a tree in the direction I was throwing but was curled behind me. I was wearing shorts and as the rope started to be pulled away, it pulled up against both of my calves and abraded all of the skin from the backs of my legs away in a moment, and then the rope was pulled taught, deftly swiping both of my legs out from underneath me, dropping me backwards onto my head on a stone patio, splitting my scalp and spraying blood all over my white canvas outdoor furniture. The dog looked very proud for catching the ball when he loped up to me afterwards.
Cooking. Took a tray out of the oven and put in on the top. Turned to grab a spatula and caught the edge of the tray with the loose end of the oven glove.
As it slid off the top my dumb ass quickly grabbed for it with my ungloved hand, missed, and just pressed the searing hot tray into my stomach and thighs.
Two pies on the floor, that while I was whimpering in the cold shower upstairs, the dog ate.
I was making whipped cream with an electric hand mixer while talking to someone at the same time. While talking and looking at them, I wanted to turn off the machine, but as I didn't look at it, I put my hands right into the whisk instead of the switch I was trying to reach. Out of pain and shock, instead of turning it off with the other hand, I moved the switch in the wrong direction to its maximum and broke my finger.
I was carrying a hoover downstairs and slipped. The hoover fell down the stairs faster than me and stopped at the bottom obviously. The wire had partially unspooled and the very British three prong plug was sitting on the ground, pointing straight towards the sky.
Guess where my arse landed once I had finished slipping down the carpeted stairs?
Partially tore three quadriceps muscles and two calf muscles break dancing at an arcade bar when I was black out drunk. Just didn’t know when to quit until it was too late. Both my primary doctor and the person who did the MRI thought it was hilarious. To be fair, it was.
When I was about 4, I was jumping on the sofa, back and forth from one arm to the other (because the middle was lava, obviously)
Misjudged it and ended up going headfirst off the end into a china cabinet next to it, glass doors and all - I ended up missing the first month of school, 32 stitches and basically half a Glasgow smile to show for it, I'm told it looks very cool
I fell off a first floor balcony, helping in a move. Landed on a bush, bounced off it, and came to a stop on a stone paved floor, after breaking a kitchen cabinet with my shoulder and back.
Cut my brow on a twig in the bush, twisted my left ankle, scraped my left shoulder, elbow and hand.
Would do it again.
Hadn't I leaned too forward to release a foot of the cabinet, it would have tumbled down onto another person, with no warning, straight into their head.
Fell asleep drunk. Knocked over a beer as I went to sleep. Thought, “I’ll worry about that in the morning.”
Must have woke up to go to the bathroom and slipped cause I smashed my head on the corner of a coffee table. Ambulance. Thirteen stitches. Scar covered by hair. Home looked like a murder scene from me steadying myself against the walls with blood on my hands.
I was stuck at home for several weeks after a back injury. I was on Vicodin and could barely get out of bed, no tv. So I started beating it. Well, with Vicodin, it makes it very difficult to finish and I lost track of time. By the time I had finished, I realized I've been at it for 5 hours. My dick hurt for 4 days afterwards, and the Vicodin didn't really help with that pain.
Motorcycle training course had a section where you drive fast and when they drop their hand/blow a whistle you emergency brake. Then they check stopping distance. My old bike was front drum brake, the course bikes were modern with front disc. I clamped the front brake too hard and supermanned over the handle bars and broke my wrist. I did the rest of course (4hours) with a broken wrist because ending early would mean signing back up on the waiting list. At the end of day you sign your licensed. I could barely write.
Unzipped my fly at the urinal, started my business, unconsciously learned forward towards the end - as one does - and smashed my face against the wall in slow-motion with 15 drunken dudes silently watching because I forgot I have no toes.
Last christmas, I was splitting wood with a wedge and a sledgehammer, and the sledgehammer broke. It didn't hurt anyone, but my dumbass decided to pick up the sledgehammer head and start smashing away. My pinky slipped, and got crushed. I didn't break any bones, surprisingly, and made a full recovery.
Sitting in a rocking swivel patio chair while shaving the dog and I leaned forward to get his belly. The chair started to tip. I startled and i was able to stop it from tipping over, but then it felt like my back locked up and i couldn't move. Husband helped me into the house and i missed several days of work. I did the exact same things three years in a row. I still have the chairs. Dog died and that's likely the only reason it stopped after 3x.
It's the small room you find at the front of stores that has one set of doors to the exterior and one set of doors to the interior. It helps prevent the warm/cold air from getting in.
When I finished my exams at school, I felt exuberant, and a group of us ended up at the village playground. For some reason I perched myself on one end of a see-saw and got a "friend" to jump out of a tree onto the other end.
While he was in mid flight I reevaluated my choice, and tried for a safe dismount. I nearly made it but one foot was still on the seat. That foot went up by what felt like a mile in the space of 0.003 seconds and I did a flip onto my head. Dazed, I immediately tried to push myself up and the see-saw caught me on the downstroke. Blood everywhere. Stitches in my head.
I was going to carry a 5 gallon jug of water on my bicycle. I was just going to let the bicycle handle the weight by balancing it on the top tube between my legs, as I had already done a number of times before.
But this time, as I lifted the jug to place it on the top tube, it came down just a little too far back and totally smashed my left testicle!
"Five gallons of water weighs approximately 41.65 pounds (or about 18.9 kilograms) at room temperature. This is based on the weight of one gallon being around 8.33 pounds." - DuckAssist
For the next few months, my left nut was misshaped, thank goodness it didn't outright rupture!
Got a concussion in a pillow fight. I was in the top bunk in a lean-to at summer camp when I was maybe 13 or 14. Forgetting the low ceiling above me, I jumped to my feet, planning on launching a pillow at someone poking around another bed. Promptly slammed my head into the ceiling, knocked myself out and wound up going to the doctor shortly after. Pretty sure I still have a disc somewhere with images of the small minor brain bleeding I got as a result.
So this is half on me, and half on my father. (I inherited my "stupid idea" gene.
When I was 16 my dad was building a greenhouse on our small acreage. Frame was up, everything was ready and it became time to lay down the heavy clear plastic sheeting that would form the surface.
As he was up in the top nailing down each corner, it was my job to hold each corner down as tight as I could from the ground by using a rope attached to the corner of the sheet. (I don't know if i'm describing this properly).
Any way, my father's fault in the story is this: The only "rope" we could find was baler twine. It's thin, coarse, and can easily slice like a saw. We secured a long piece of it to the corner of the sheeting and my job was to basically "tug of war" the corner in order to keep it taut for my father to secure.
Anyone raised in the country already sees exactly where I'm going with this...
MY stupid part in this story is this...
In an attempt to get a better purchase on the baler twine, I wrapped it a few times around my hand, through my fingers, etc...
Did I mention it was a bit windy that day? So a guest of wind took the corner and ripped it out of my hands, with the twine literally zipping through my fingers, slicing them nearly to the bone because friction + baler twine = weirdly effective saw.
Four fingers on my right hand were left with ring scars from where the twine zipped through them and my right hand was out of action for about a week
I needed to fill the medicine boxes for me and my partner, and I had a few bottles of medicines I just got that I needed to put in, so I’m carrying them down the stairs, one of the bottles falls out of my hand, lands like a wheel on a stair, I step on it, and I fall down 3 stairs. My butt and elbow hurt and I was so mad. 😡
I asked a man with boxing training to hit me in the face so I could try to be prepared in a fight. When I woke up he said he didn't think I was going to not block or anything.
Played computer games for a few hours in a non-ergonomic position and instead of taking breaks or resetting my position I just powered through. So off and on for the last 6 years I've had chronic pain in my elbows.
As a bored kid waiting for my turn on the family computer in the basement, while waiting for my older brother to finish, I once stapled a finger. Don't remember which, but it was just really dumb.
When I was a child, I used to gallop down the stairs like you'd see a lot of people doing in everyday life. I got to a point in my puberty that I had grown just enough to slam my head into the wooden stud at the bottom of my stairs going into the basement.
I'm pretty sure my IQ went down by about 25% that day.
Was attempting to walk over a short trailer ramp (maybe a foot above the ground), caught my flip flop on the ramp grate and fractured by tibia, fibula and ankle. Yea, from a foot off the ground. Never broke anything before and even when I did, I only have this lame story. Haha.
September of 2006 I was cleaning the house and had just finished mopping the upstairs bathroom and was taking the mop and broom back downstairs when my wet shoe slipped on the hardwood stairs (No carpet or treed). I fell down 8 steps landing on the landing. At first I thought I was fine, but when I stood up I instantly fell down. It was at this moment I noticed on the wall was a streak of blood about 3 feet long. Touching my temple revealed a good bit of chiseled spam. So it's possible during the initial fall, I slammed my head into the wall and knocked myself out for a moment. Though I've never been able to figure out if that is in fact the way it happened. I have no memory of hitting my head though.
That wasn't the part that really hurt me though. I realized I had no control over my right leg. It didn't "hurt" really, but it was just hanging at an odd angle. Not know exactly how hurt I was, and not sure what else to do, I called 911 and an ambulance ride later had me in the ER. 6 hours of tests and waiting and it was revealed I had shredded my patellar Tendon.
The next morning I had a surgery that was supposed to last 3 hours, it ended up lasting 7 because the surgeon accidentally cut into an artery in my leg and I lost a great deal of blood before they could get the bleeding to stop. I ended up having to have 3 pints of blood to stabilize me before they could continue sewing my tendon back up. The way it was described to me was like trying to sew together to wet mop heads. I spent the next year of my life on my back before PT to learn to walk again. I gained 200 lbs in the year and it took me nearly 15 years to get the weight back off, I'm still struggling to get the rest of it gone.
To this day I have trouble walking, major back issues, and tons of nerve damage on my right side that I'll have till the day I die.
Y'know, I'm not a surgeon and probably missing something, but I feel like there must be a way to open a leg with very little risk of nicking the femoral artery.
Thought that the discomfort in overhead presses and triceps dips was something I should push through. The result was that I tore both a rotator cuff muscle and the labrum ibn one of my shoulders. I'm still recovering from the surgery to put my shoulder back together. :|
I poured boiling noodle water over my foot, had a big blister there and couldn't walk in shoes for weeks. It's almost a year now but the skin is still itchy sometimes.
Broke my nail once because i had my finger where the door hinge was and kid me was the not the brightest tool in the shed
Also I have really bad scarring from when I used shaving cream and whatever I did fucked up my leg enough that I just have a bunch of dot scars now which is partially why I only wear long pants now
Went for a motorcycle ride when it was 12 degrees fahrenheit. I was warm with some heated gear, but I was on my Street Triple with Pirelli Rosso III tires. I stopped at a store for a while and didn't think about the tires being cold. Gave it a bit too much throttle when leaving and the rear end slid at about 15 MPH. My leg went down first and it snapped my left MCL. I could barely walk for a month as it healed and had to go through physical therapy. My leg is solid now, but there's some nerve damage from the bike landing on my leg, which decides to make itself known occasionally.
I had good gear and good boots. The damage was caused by me instinctively putting my leg down while the bike was falling. That's what snapped my knee. The nerve damage was because the pointy part of the tank (it extends outwards a bit at the top) landed directly on the side of my knee. I'm pretty sure having the riding pants with armor is what kept me from further damage as my kneecap was the first thing to land.
Jumped off a moving train and immediately ate shit, dislocated my shoulder... The train did not seem like it was going very fast. We were still at the platform, just getting going.
There's a gif out there of a guy doing the same thing, that someone edited so he explodes when he hits the ground... Just like that but no explosion... Except the explosion of pain of course
There was a row of chairs (touching each other) at work that are purposefully very heavy. I wanted to look under the chairs, so I was lifting them one at a time. The last one was a corner chair and a lot heavier. I stuck my head behind the last chair to look under it, dropped it, and caught my jaw. It hurt like fuck but fortunately didn’t do any actual damage.
When I was younger I learned a lot of things the hard way. For a decade of my childhood I went to the emergency room at least once a year due to accidents.
I did the one about jumping upwards under a shelf recently-ish, so instead I'll share the time I tried to stand on an exercise ball to reach something. Of course, I didn't make it, and did a faceplant into some hard cube bins.
Most recently? Cleaning snow. The driceway is short and at a slight slope, and is on the north side of the house. The sun warms just enough of it to melt snow, but the water seeps down to the shaded area created by the house and refreezes. I cleaned all the snow, noted the slippery patch, and did a good jub avoiding it. Wouldn’t you know it, just as I finished the work I forgot about the patch and stepped in it snd went down immediately. Hurt my wrist, pretty durecit was a hood sprain. Sill hurts today if I apply the right pressure, and it’s been a few weeks since i landed on it.
Anyone who knows me that on the ice rink I turn into the human equivalent of a scruffed cat. My friend wanted to see me skate and I didn't want to disappoint so I ended up launching myself by pushing off of a wall. Suffice to say I ended up landing square on my butt! 😂
like half my concussions have been the stupidest shit ever. once when i was a kid i randomly decided to jump down the last 5 or so stairs. but there was a door there so i fucken CONKED my head on the frame, spun backwards, and then SLAMMED my shit for a second time on the bottom step.
that was probably the worst one, i think it legitimately fucked up the way i form memories. i have a lot of face blindness issues now, but i always INSTANTLY recognize people from my childhood.
I have many stories how I either accidentally cut into my fingers or break the bones. But most of them was pretty logical (still stupid tho) why it happened but one time was I going to lift up my friend + the chair they sat on for the lols and my ring fingers bone broke... I don't know how... Your guess is as good as mine
Okay so I was having a hard time pulling the plug out for our dryer. I Was only able to get it out partly. Part of the metal from the plug was exposed, so I wrapped my hand around those parts to get a better grip. Smh. You know what happened next.
When I was ~10 I was running around the house with a white bedsheet over my head. I was pretending to be a ghost while I chased my older brother around the house. Unfortunately I slipped backwards on the sheet and hit the back of my head on my mom's solid oak coffee table. Immediately blood started soaking the sheet red and I obviously screamed out in pain. My mom came running into the living room to find me screaming and the sheet just turning more and more red.
At this time we lived about an hour away from the nearest hospital and my mom knew if she tried to take me in for stitches that I would probably bite the doctor or something (I have a pathological fear of needles). So she opted to shave my head and tape it shut. Then she instructed my brother to keep me awake for the next few hours (she was worried about a concussion) and she let me watch whatever movie or play whatever video game I wanted for the rest of the day.
It healed fine and now I have a small scar on the back of my head that is only visible if I shave my hair super short.
Was doing some woodworking with the big power tools my dad had set up in the basement. First time using the table saw, I start my cut and realize the blade wasn't high enough and wasn't cutting through the whole piece of wood. I knew that I couldn't let go of the wood while the machine was running, or it would become a projectile.
So I turned it off and immediately let it go, turning it into a projectile because the blade was still spinning. Luckily it only caught the back of my finger, though it left a scar.
Scraped a huge chunk of skin off my foot while drunk in a pool. I was at an Airbnb in the desert with some friends.
One friend and I worked our way through 40 beers in about five hours but we didn’t realize that until later on—something about the 110°F weather and swimming made drinking far too easy.
The pool had a very rough texture at the bottom and no part of it was especially deep, so I mainly bounced around on my toes while we were in the pool.
When we finally got out of the pool I saw blood everywhere coming from my foot, it had probably been bleeding for hours because I remembered pretty early on I’d stupidly jumped in and hurt my foot. I immediately went inside and ended up sleeping for 10 hours, missing all the fun everyone else had that evening. Because I was on my toes the entire time my ankles hurt for a few days.
It’s been seven months but I still have a mark on my foot, and it itches sometimes still.
When I was in middle school, on an organized camping trip to a lake where we would work on our canoeing skills, another kid and I started to horseplay. We were struggling over who could take a specific canoe paddle. My opponent held the handle, and I the blade. We each tried using the paddle to shove at the other & cause them to lose control, thereby securing the paddle for our own exclusive use.
Nevermind that there were a dozen other equally good paddles laying around unclaimed, we had to fight over that specific paddle.
I wound up losing my grip right as my opponent shoved. The blade hit me square on the bridge of my nose. I bled like crazy.
It wasn’t until several years afterwards that I realized how perilously close I had come to losing one or both eyes.
I bought a new pocket knife when I was 16 and immediately started testing it out by slashing at the Bouganvillieas in the garden. I followed through too hard and slashed the thum on the other hand,took out a scallop the size of a 5c piece, but not all the way. Got it stitched back up but I still have tingling there to this day.
I was 17 and drunk, had a new pocket knife and saw probably the largest traffic cone I've ever seen in my life. The better part of 2m tall(over 6ft), and that cone was asking for a shanking. All fun and games until the lock on the blade failed and the knife closed on my thumb. Walked 4km to the closest 7-11 where I guy I knew worked so I could use the first aid kit. Probably should have gone to the hospital...or at least a GP. Healed up mostly fine, just if I have quite a long gaming session using a controller that thumb will lock bent and I have to force it to unbend....
Don't go bauldering while still drunk / deeply hungover. Did a challenging route that I had only recently gotten the hang of and leapt for a grip. Fell. Turned in the air and landed on my ankle. Stupid injury.