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DeeBeeDouble TheCreativeName
Posts 3
Comments 42
  • Bin so froh gerade in Schweden zu sein, hier wirds nicht wärmer als 24°C :)

  • Wine 9.9 Released
  • Ah, that makes sense. Too bad. I have all my games on steam and haven't yet found a way to play them with the patch. I could, of course, compile proton with the patch myself, but somehow I am too stupid for that.

  • Wine 9.9 Released
  • How did you get it to work within proton? Last time I looked, the Wayland patch wasn't yet included in proton. I'd love to use it for my games too.

  • Wine 9.9 Released
  • That's good to hear, thanks!

  • Wine 9.9 Released
  • Any news on wine on Wayland? I haven't heard anything in a while; is it still being worked on?

  • What my dad sees. What I see.
  • I can't see the wizard and the horse anymore lol

  • Rome knows what's up.
  • I think I have been at exactly this one once lol

  • How to hide this
  • Just add HideDesktopPreviewBanner=true to the [General] section in the ~/.config/kdeglobals file and restart plasmashell with systemctl restart --user plasma-plasmashell.service or just log out and back in.

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • Surprised. At your surprise.

    Haha, that's hilarious.

    I guess I was expecting something between €50 and €80. But certainly nothing over €100. For two years, of course. 

    But you have to understand that I watch a movie maybe once a month, and I do not need a VPN for anything else. Tor works totally fine for all my other needs.

    Also, I do not and never did pay for any other online subscriptions, so like many of you suggested, I would not be saving money by canceling them and spending money on a VPN instead. But I can see how it might be a great option in your case.

    website keeps a block-list of IPs that are known to belong to VPNs.

    That's a good point; I've never thought about it this way. But if you say that one can easily find an IP that isn't blocked yet, I guess it would be fine.

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • My point is this: the cost of a VPN subscription shouldn't be compared to the cost of a subscription streaming service, because 1) they serve two very different purposes, and 2) when you break it down the VPN sub always wins. 😉

    I know, and you're right. It was just meant to serve as an expression of how surprised I was by the price.

    No holiday sales, no spring cleaning sales, no bulk discounts, nothing. And I view that as a positive thing.

    So do I.

    Apparently, people get upset when you tell them that you were surprised by something you didn't expect. 

    Anyway, let's not make that discussion about my view on the price of a VPN; I feel like this is kind of irrelevant. 

    What's more important, do you know if they blocked all those 123Movies websites? After all, this is the most important requirement I have.

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • So what do you do when a new movie comes out that you want to watch?

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • Interesting. What is that "private torrent tracker"? How exactly do you download from it?

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • is at odds with

    I just didn't expect it to be this much. After all, two years of this would cost me €120. I expected it to be more like €50. So I guess in this case, it is about the money; after all, there is a reason why we pirate ;)

    Personally, I prefer to give my money to Mullvad than to Netflix.

    Don't worry, so would I. There is no way I'm supporting this company. It was just supposed to be a comparison. 

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • Thanks, that might be an idea. I would still definitely prefer a way to do it for free, but as a last option, I'll look into this.

  • How do you watch moves while staying private?
  • While that would probably work, as I already said, I do not want to pay for one. It's less about the money but more about that I'd have to give them all my information - my name, credit card details and so on. And I am not willing to do that, as a VPN is only private until the government or whoever asks for all your data, which would include the Website and the fact that I visited it.

  • Flatpak Steam crashes on startup
  • Well that's that then. I also have no idea what to try anymore... I guess you'll just have to wait until some random update fixes the issue. Sorry.

    Edit: Since you reinstalled everything, I think it could be some cache on your system that went bad. That would explain why both the Flatpak and native versions don't work and why the rest of your system works. But I have no idea where that cache might be...

  • Flatpak Steam crashes on startup
  • This just can't be...

    After some deep digging, I found one last Idea. Try launching steam with the -vgui flag and let me know if that works.

  • Flatpak integration is still not great
  • I use the Firefox flatpak on multiple different desktops and distros and I've never seen this issue. All on wayland (no difference on x11 either). Weird.

  • Flatpak Steam crashes on startup
  • Okay... Now that you have the non flatpak steam, could you remove flatpak and xdg-desktop-portal*?

    Reboot and launch steam again.

    This is the last idea I have for now... If this also doesn't help, it is probably a different issue than this and this, and you should report it to valve.

  • Flatpak Steam crashes on startup
  • I am pretty sure that it has to do something specificially with the Steam Flatpak

    That is also possible. But then why is it working for everyone else? I used the steam flatpak multiple times today with no issues. I guess you could also ask the same question for the system package issue theory.

    How about the package manager version? Is that working? That could give some hints on whether it's the system or the Flatpak package.

    Arch, yes. This is what all the people who had to remove xdg Desktop portal use. How could they remove it if it's a dependency of flatpak? Maybe they don't have flatpak.

    If you have too much time on your hands, you could try another fresh arch installation on another hard-drive. If it works there, we know it has to be a system package. If it doesn't, it's probably the Flatpak.

  • 100% Hand Drawn

    All credits go to former Reddit user u/Err404UNameNotFound

    He decided to delete his account and gave me permission to repost his work here.


    A guide for Discord screen sharing on wayland

    Note: This was originally posted on Reddit. However, I have now decided to move the guide to lemmy and I will most likely delete the one on Reddit soon.

    There are multiple options to achieve Wayland screen sharing with discord. I will cover two here.

    OPTION 1 (Recommended):

    There is a web-based discord client for Linux called "Webcord" that supports Wayland screen sharing. You just have to install it, open it, sign in, and you're done.

    You can install it by downloading your preferred package from here or by using the flatpak version avaliable on flathub.

    If you dont have flatpak set up - here is another quick guide.

    That's it! You can now start screen sharing on Wayland!

    In case you are interested in streaming your desktop audio as well, there is another Discord client called discord-screenaudio to do just that. It is also available on flathub.

    OPTION 2:

    What you'll need:


    Open WebApps and click on the little + icon in the bottom. Fill in the name (Discord) and the web Address ( The icon should apply automatically. As a browser, choose your Chromium-based browser. Then activate the switch "Isolated Profile" and click Ok.


    You now should be able to find Discord in your application-launcher of your choice. If you see discord twice, that means that you have now both the "real" Discord app and the new WebApp. Then try to launch the WebApp Discord. You now can sign in and use discord just as normal. However, there is still no Wayland support. We will activate it in step 3.

    Step3: (unnecessary if you use Firefox)

    While in the WebApp Discord, press Ctrl+T. A new window should appear. Then type chrome://flags in the address bar and press enter. Now search for "WebRTC PipeWire support" and change it from default to true. Now click "Relaunch" in the bottom of the window. If you have done everything right, you should now have Wayland support :)

    I hope I could help you in some form, and have a nice day!


    Optional: (And for more advanced users) Running the Discord WebApp without the use of Xwayland

    Since Chrome version 97:

    While in the Discord WebApp, press Ctrl+T. Type chrome://flags in the address bar and hit enter. Search for "Preferred Ozone platform". Change it from "Default" to "Auto". Then relaunch Discord. That's it.

    Chrome Versions below 97:

    Note: This is ONLY tested with arch/Manjaro and Brave. It could work on other systems and browsers too, but this is not guaranteed. So you basically just have to enable chromium Wayland flag. You can do this by creating a config file at $HOME/.config/brave-flags.conf. Do that by running nano $HOME/.config/brave-flags.conf (If you are running another browser than Brave, I guess you could replace brave with the name of the other browser, but I didn't test this). Now insert the flag --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland save it by pressing Ctrl+O and exit with Ctrl+X. Now launch Discord again and see if it runs natively on Wayland. You can do this by installing and running xeyes (when installed, simply run xeyes in your terminal). When you move the mouse over a window and the eyes are moving, it uses Xwayland or X11. If not, you successfully activated Wayland.
