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Appoxo Appoxo

Usually a lurker. Maybe I should've just shut up and thought for a bit longer before writing that comment...

If you want to talk to me elsewhere, you know how to reach me.

Posts 19
Comments 3.1K
  • Es gibt ein paar gute Clips aber weit nicht alles davon. Fürn Rest: Siehe Meme.

  • Best HDD/SSD for local media hosting
  • Had (and probably have it somewhere) a 2TB Toshiba drive for +5 years in my desktop as a games and programs data grave. Never once had an issue.
    My current NAS drives are also Toshiba helium filled drives and though loud are okayish under light read operations.

  • ich🚕☁️🦄iel
  • Ich bevorzuge WeaWOW + DWD.
    Beste aus (wirklich vielen) Welten:

    Zur Auswahl stehen:

    • DWD
    • MET Norway
    • AerisWeather
    • DarkSky/ApfelWetter (scheinbar haben die den Dienstleister gekauft)
    • Weatherbit
    • OWM (Offene Wetter Karte)
    • World Weather Online

    Und gegen eine zusätzliche Zahlung (soweit ich weiß sind die bereits genannten kostenfrei dabei):

    • AccuWeather
    • Foreca
  • ich🚕☁️🦄iel
  • Wenn das als zusätzlichea Budget für die Entwicklung der App reingeht, solls mir recht sein.
    Ich mag sie auch :)

  • you just got downsized, sucka!
  • You have a backspace.
    To do a space you need to press CTRL + Backspace to do a space.

  • Men of Lemmy, how old were you when you found out that bra cup sizes are not standardized in the slightest?
  • Maybe for friends but not for spouses.
    Maybe for you but not for others.

  • Why do People Choose BlueSky Over Mastodon?
  • Maybe you just arent the main target and thus be more suited to Mastodon rather than BlueSky.

  • Some YouTube Premium subscribers complain of seeing ads
  • Usually you see this for creatora like vtubers.
    I like them but I will never consider memberships. At best I will sub to an actual service like floatplane or nebula

  • Durge ends all. But sexily
  • Nope it's just a "Do you play as the good cop or as the bad cop?"

  • On the importance of backups
  • How much storage are you using and how much does it cost per month/year?

  • Steam Deck OLED: Limited Edition White - Launching Worldwide Next Week
  • The controller is about 3-4 years old if I remember correctly with moderate use.
    But I also use fluid soap. Afaik that may leave residues on equipment?

  • Steam Deck OLED: Limited Edition White - Launching Worldwide Next Week
  • I wash my hands after eating if I use my controller (else it depends if they feel dirty).
    Even doing that the thumbsticks (of my Shock Blue xbox series controller) are still are a bit discolored.

  • Microsoft stealthily installs Windows 10 update to nag you to upgrade to Windows 11 – and not for the first time
  • The US (which is usally a majority as it was for Reddit) just hasnt woken up yet /s

  • What are you buying now to avoid upcoming price increases?
  • I have one of those stores about 20min away by car. Excluding parking

  • checkmate
  • And it being OS makes it impossible to be stagnant. Just merge a new PR if someone was bored and chose to develop a new feature.
    Win-Win for community and developers. thumbs-up

  • Looking for feedback on my script

    Script is made to control Veeam VBR Thanks for taking a look at my massive feature creep ;)

    ```powershell <# .SYNOPSIS Startet ein Veeam VBR Job

    .DESCRIPTION Startet einen VBR Job basierend auf den Namen. Ursprünglicher Zweck war ein Verknüpfung von Jobs (z.B. als Pre-Execution Skript)

    .PARAMETER JobName Job-Name des Backup Jobs

    .PARAMETER JobType Typ des Backup Jobs Erlaubte Typen: VAW, VAL, VMware, Nicht erlaubte: Typen: HyperV, PVE

    $Get-VBRBackup | Select-Object -Property Name,TypeToString,JobType Backup Pretty Verbose Typ im Skript Notizen ######################################################################################################## Backup Copy Job Backup Copy SimpleBackupCopyPolicy / / VAW Managed SRV Windows Agent Backup EpAgentBackup VAW CMDlet deprecated for Agent backups VAW Managed PC Windows Agent Policy EpAgentPolicy VAW CMDlet deprecated for Agent backups VAL Managed SRV Linux Agent Backup EpAgentBackup VAL CMDlet deprecated for Agent backups VAL Managed PC Linux Agent Policy EpAgentPolicy VAL CMDlet (probably) deprecated for Agent backups # UNGETESTET WERTE! Proxmox VE Proxmox Backup VmbApiPolicyTempJob PVE Nicht nutzbar mit Powershell via Start-VBRJob VMware VMware Backup Backup Backup VMware Hyper-V

    .EXAMPLE Start-VeeamJob.ps1 -JobName passes F1234567-1abc-1234-ab1c-1a2345b6c78d to $JobName

    .NOTES Author : Appoxo Version : 2.0

    .LINK Job-ID auslesen: Get-VBRComputerBackupJob | Where-Object Name -CLike "Name" | Select-Object -Property Id, Name #>

    [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Enter Job-Name of the VBR-Job")] [String] $JobName,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Art des VBR-Jobs. Die Bezichnung ist NICHT canse-sensitiv!")] [string] $JobType )

    Begin { Write-Host "Script started successfully" $ExitCode = 0

    #TimeStamp Logging: function Get-TimeStamp {return "{0:yy/MM/dd} {0:HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date)}

    <# #Debug Values: $JobName = "L1 Backup Appoxo-PC2 (Games)" $JobType = "VAW" #>

    # Variablen $workingDir = "C:\Skripte\SkriptLogs" $log = "$($workingDir)\Log-StartVeeamJob.log" $JobDetails = Get-VBRBackup | Where-Object Name -EQ "$($JobName)" $timeout = 9

    # Vorbereitung if ($JobType -in @("VAW","VAL","VMware")){ Write-Host "Valid backup type selected" $JobTypUnbestimmt = 0 } else { Write-Host "Invalid backup type selected. Please choose something else :)" $ExitCode = 1 exit $ExitCode }

    if (Test-Path -Path $workingDir) { } else { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$workingDir" }

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $log -PathType Leaf)) { New-Item -ItemType file -Path $log Add-Content -Path $log "Log zur Überprüfung der Start von VBR-Jobs" } }

    Process { Write-Host "You passed the following information:" $data = @([PSCustomObject]@{"Job Details"="$($JobDetails.Name)"; "Selected Job Type"="$($JobType)"}) $data | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Host "The following Job-ID was found for this job: $($JobDetails.JobId)"

    Write-Host "If there is an error please abort NOW." while ($timeout -gt 0) { Write-Host -NoNewline "`rThe script starts in $($timeout)" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $timeout-- } Write-Host "Starting script now!" Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Start des Backup Job Skripts. Für den Job '$($JobDetails.Name)' wurde die Job-ID $($JobDetails.JobId) gefunden!" | Add-Content -Path $log

    try{ $startTime = Get-Date Write-Host "Validating input... This may take a while" if((($JobType -in @("VAW","VAL"))) -AND (($JobDetails.JobType -in @("EpAgentBackup","EpAgentPolicy")))) { Write-Host "Valid backup type '$($JobDetails.TypeToString)' was found. Starting now!" Start-VBRComputerBackupJob -Job $JobName | Select-Object -OutVariable JobResult } elseif (($JobType -in @("VMware")) -AND (($JobDetails.JobType -in @("Backup")))) { Write-Host "Valid backup type '$($JobDetails.TypeToString)' was found. Starting now!" Start-VBRJob -Job $JobName | Select-Object -OutVariable JobResult } elseif (($JobType -in @("PVE")) -AND (($JobDetails.JobType -in @("VmbApiPolicyTempJob")))) { Write-Host "Der Job des Typs $JobType ist aktuell nicht implementiert" $ExitCode = 1 exit $ExitCode <# Write-Host "Valid backup type '$($JobDetails.TypeToString)' was found. Starting now!" Start-VBRJob -Job $JobName | Select-Object -OutVariable JobResult #> } else { Write-Host "Invalid backup type '$($JobDetails.TypeToString)' was found. Please restart the script!" Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Bestimmung des Typs für den Job '$($JobDetails.Name)' nicht erfolgreich. Angegeben wurde '$($JobType)'" | Add-Content -Path $log $ExitCode = 1 $JobTypUnbestimmt = 1 }

    # Job Result report if(($JobTypUnbestimmt -EQ 0) -AND ($JobResult.State -EQ "Stopped") -AND ($JobResult.Result -EQ "Success")){ Write-Host "Execution of the Job '$($JobName) was successful" Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Backup Job $($JobDetails.Name) erfolgreich ausgeführt" | Add-Content -Path $log $ExitCode = 0 } else{ Write-Host "Execution of the Job '$($JobName) encountered an error. Please check the VBR-Console" Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Fehler beim ausführen vom Backup Job '$($JobDetails.Name)'" | Add-Content -Path $log $ExitCode = 1 } #Stats $endTime = Get-Date $executionTime = $endTime - $startTime } catch { Write-Host "Something went wrong during execution" Write-Host $_ # This prints the actual error Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Error: $($_)" | Add-Content -Path $log $ExitCode = 1 } }

    End { Write-Output "$(Get-TimeStamp) Skript abgeschlossen für $($JobDetails.Name) Job-ID $($JobDetails.Id)" | Add-Content -Path $log Write-Host "Script ended." $seconds = "{0:N2}" -f $executionTime.TotalSeconds $minutes = "{0:N2}" -f ($executionTime.TotalSeconds / 60) Write-Host "Time for stats! The script took $($seconds) seconds or $($minutes) minutes)" exit $ExitCode } ```


    Hot racing tip of the day



    Help with permission settings and ACL

    Trying to set tight permissions on my future NAS. The essential on what I have: TrueNAS NFS storage <- mounted via NFS -> Proxmox VE Host <-> Debian 12 VM That's all fine and so on. My little Debian VM: NAME FSTYPE FSVER LABEL UUID FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS sda ├─sda1 vfat FAT32 A5D7-88E3 505.1M 1% /boot/efi └─sda2 ext4 1.0 3c43a477-51fd-425b-aee8-a6e75224f781 48.5G 16% / sdb └─sdb1 ext4 1.0 media e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281 933.2G 0% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281 sdc └─sdc1 ext4 1.0 nas 0f3a3d74-901d-4243-b20b-59210c1cee18 46.4G 0% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0f3a3d74-901d-4243-b20b-59210c1cee18 sdd └─sdd1 ext4 1.0 backup fbe21b9f-2339-4223-ac7e-00e75374fc32 46.4G 0% /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-fbe21b9f-2339-4223-ac7e-00e75374fc32 sr0 Background:

    • media = media library for Jellyfin
    • nas = small (future) file server for my PC running Windows
    • backup = used to store backups of various services like Firewall backups with SFTP etc.

    The storage on the debian VM will be mounted by a NUC running bare metal Debian due to hardware acceleration. The proxmox host is unable to do it due to it also being a NUC. But I like the flexibility I will soon have because I can just nuke my bare-metal NUC without loosing any data.

    Anyway my real problem is with permissions on my media drive. My permissions right now are as following: ```

    1. /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281# ls -l media drwxrwxr-x 3 nobody nogroup 4096 Oct 12 20:45 media

    2. /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media# ls -l data drwxrwsr-x+ 6 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 data

    3. /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data# ls -l * drwxrwsr-x+ 7 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 media drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 recycle_bin drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 torrents drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 usenet

    4. /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data/media# ls -l * drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 anime drwxrwsr-x+ 3 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:22 movie drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 music drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 soundtrack drwxrwsr-x+ 2 mediaU serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:21 tv Current directory tree: srv-dev-disk-by-uuid-XXX/ └── media └── data ├── media │   ├── anime │   ├── movie │   ├── music │   ├── soundtrack │   └── tv ├── recycle_bin ├── torrents └── usenet ```

    What I am trying is:

    • Docker host mounts /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media via NFS
    • The docker containers should only be able to access the the data directory inside it (2. ls -l) as mediaU:serviceG
    • In addition I wanna access, modify and move files with my windows user without being part of the service group. Because of this I have setup SGID and ACL on the /media/data/media folder. The ACL was set recursive as follows: ``` /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data# getfacl media/

    file: media/

    owner: mediaU

    group: serviceG

    flags: -s-

    user::rwx group::rwx group:extUserG:rwx mask::rwx other::r-x default:user::rwx default:group::rwx default:group:extUserG:rwx default:mask::rwx default:other::r-x ``` So far so good. mediaU:serviceG has RWX permissions (2775). My user is part of the group extUserG also with 775 permission.

    My issue and how I tested it under the root user executing commands via su:

    • Works: root@NAS01:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data# su mediaU -c 'mkdir dir-mediaU'
    • Doesn't work: root@NAS01:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data# su appoxo -c 'mkdir dir-extUserG' mkdir: cannot create directory ‘dir-extUserG’: Permission denied

    BUT if I enter one level deeper inside the freshly created dir-mediaU folder I am able to create files with my personal account: ``` root@NAS01:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data# cd dir-mediaU/ root@NAS01:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data/dir-mediaU# su appoxo -c 'mkdir dir-extUserG' root@NAS01:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data/dir-mediaU# ls -l total 4 drwxrwsr-x+ 2 appoxo serviceG 4096 Oct 13 00:45 dir-extUserG root@NAS01:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-e3e0eac5-806a-44e9-a0e9-07fb99a18281/media/data/dir-mediaU# getfacl dir-extUserG/

    file: dir-extUserG/

    owner: appoxo

    group: serviceG

    flags: -s-

    user::rwx group::rwx group:extUserG:rwx mask::rwx other::r-x default:user::rwx default:group::rwx default:group:extUserG:rwx default:mask::rwx default:other::r-x ```

    So dear Lemmy Community: Have I done something wrong in my setup or thinking? I have no problem as it is right now but I am sure it will be annoying to troubleshoot in the future so might as well fix it while still setting it up.

    Thanks in advance for helping slowly escaping the windows world :)


    Advice needed for networking/architecting


    Hello fellow self-hosters and homelabbers, A few weeks ago I was able to fill my new NAS with the proper hardware I needed to expand on my earlier setup. Due to the new capabilities I also wanted a fresh restart. But the more I think about doing one thing, the more I hit other road blocks amd think about doing Y. So I wanted to ask how you would solve my goal.

    My current (main) setup:

    • Hardware: 11th Gen i5 Nuc with a 8TB HDD attached via USB
    • OS: Debian 11
    • Software: OMV6 for management and Docker for a diverse set of containers
    • Current containers: HortusFox + MongoDB, *arrs-stack, Jellyfin, uptime kuma, unifi network application + mariaDB, traefik, wallos

    Current available hardware for use:

    1x 13th gen i3 NUC running Proxmox 8.2 1x 11th gen i5 NUC 1x uGreen DXP4800+ NAS with 4x15TB HDDs in Raidz2. The OS is TrueNAS scale

    My plans:

    • NAS storage made accessible via NFS to the proxmox VE.
    • NAS storage mainly planned as mass-storage for Jellyfin.
    • Reimage my 11th gen NUC with a bare-metal Debian install for Docker. (I will not virtualize on the 11th Gen NUC because I can't pass the iGPU to the VM and not really interested in LXC containers)

    Problems and questions I have at this moment:

    1: Should I do a media-storage VM only utilized for serving media and do the computing on another VM or do a general VM for both?

    • Upside to an all-in-one VM: Less problems with serving storage between many different nodes and keeping it organized. Upside to specialized VMs (storage & compute VM): Better focus on ressources like CPU and RAM. 2: Should I place my whole docker stack again on the 11th Gen NUC or place the stacks in their own VM(s)? Example: service stack in service-focused VM media-focused stack in media VM (which also serves the files for jellyfin) Jellyfin bare-metal/dockerized on NUC 11th Gen

    I hope someone can maybe help me untangle my grown mess and plans. My skills with Linux are not very deep and very beginner level. If you are willing to help please be patient with stupid questions.

    If you have any better solutions, pointers to research, (blog) articles on architecting such solutions, examples how you solved storage/management or just willing to help me, I'd be very grateful :)


    Cloudflare plans marketplace to sell permission to scrape websites Cloudflare's new marketplace will let websites charge AI bots for scraping | TechCrunch

    Cloudflare announced plans on Monday to launch a marketplace in the next year where website owners can sell AI model providers access to scrape their

    Cloudflare's new marketplace will let websites charge AI bots for scraping | TechCrunch

    And I mean that almost literally

    So often they go end of sale. Once gone and restocked I will hoard it.


    Light Eye of Stuttgart21

    This was a guided tour of the future main station in Stuttgart called Stuttgart21.

    More pictures: (Disclaimer: The descriptions could be wrong for the east/west orientation :P)


    New Update from my Opuntia

    cross-posted from:

    > Was grown from seed. > Last time I posted about it:


    New Update from my Opuntia

    Was grown from seed. Last time I posted about it:

    plants Appoxo

    Does this look like graft?

    Plant is a Yuzu Tree

    The tree is declared as a "Citrus Ichangensis x Citrus reticula" but the buldge looks suspiciously like something after a grafting process. I don't have a problem with it but the seller didn't mention any grafting being done. I am also cautious because I live in a zone 7a area and don't wanna kill my first attempt.

    Any help is appreciated :)

    More pictures: ! !


    In search of software for managing my life (like a helpdesk but in a lite format)

    Hello fellow selfhosters, I tried to find a piece of software that could achieve my goal but maybe I am not searching in the correct areas. So I thought of asking here for suggestions or directions I could take.

    What I am looking for:

    I am looking for software that could fill a purpose of tracking like a helpdesk ticketing portal but not be a full blown ticketing portal. For example I want to track current tasks like an RMA I am doing right now with Logitech (currently organized in my email inbox/folders) or keep track of shipments (currently tracked in Google Keep in this format: Shop | MM YYYY | Order-ID | Contents | Tracking:<Shipping Number>)

    Features I am specifically looking for:

    • Tracking items (like shipments)
    • Keep track of issues (fix light bulb), Tasks (go to citizen office to renew ID),
      • Optionally: Keeping communication like E-Mails (like go back and see the communication history with Logitech concerning the RMA#999999)

    Platforms I use:

    Android and Windows.

    What I have found so far and seemed to fit:

    • Kanban Boards:,
    • Ticketing Boards: Zammad, glpi, freescout
    • Whatever that can be classified as: Leantime

    How I am coming to the conclusion I need something like that

    • As mentioned earlier, I keep track of some stuff like shipments, overtime todo, money I am owing or someone does owe me in Google Keep. It kinda works but I feel like I am straining the borders of it's use case. And I fear Googles Graveyard
    • I keep track of my e-mails via folders (to some extent). But I will probably not find the email of communication I had 5 months ago with that system. At work we use a classic ticket helpdesk system. I can more or less find the ticket of an issue a customer had on the phone and correlate it with the problem I have right now.
    • Some of my knowledge base is in for technical stuff or minor stuff like "find x here", while the stuff related for real life (e.g. recipes) are stored in OneNote. It's not necessary to consolidate it but maybe I can remove some of each into the new system?

    What I would like to avoid:

    Things like creating companies to track tickets with. I would rather just keep track of the issue (maybe with some form of history to go back in time?) and not be lost in endless classification of company number, telephone, contacts etc.

    Maybe I am in search of a unicorn-glitter editiontm and just need someone to tell me that doesn't exist or I am not looking for the correct thing or term. The help is highly appreciated :)

    PS: While preferred it doesn't need to be selfhosted. It should be accessible via smartphone (app or web doesnt really matter) and on desktop (program or web).


    Currently in consideration are (thanks for the suggestions so far!):

    • OpenProject
    • Focalboard
    • Vikunja
    • Tarallo

    Honeybee on a daisy


    Dragonfly in restaurant

    cross-posted from:

    > Species: Aeshna cyanea > > Yes, it was alive at the time and left alone (outside of taking a picture)


    Dragonfly in restaurant

    Species: Aeshna cyanea

    Yes, it was alive at the time and left alone (outside of taking a picture)


    Opuntia Ficus-indica

    Update from last post. Steadily growing :)


    My favorite picture from the Zoo

    Visited the zoo on the 27th Aug and was reminded to post it here by @[email protected]


    What do you feel is your reaction to caffeine?

    I have a slight suspicion that every time I consume something with caffeine it has a specific effect on me.

    A good cup of black or green tea: Slight headaches at some times. A cup of coffee (from work coffee machine): Depending on strenght slight attention issues or headaches. A cup of coffee from a coffee shop which roasts its own coffee: One time a bit of stronger attention issues than the work coffee.

    I usually notice it right away after consuming. But I also have a very strong issue with staying hydrated. Usually drink 0.5-1l per day until I notice the usual dehydrated-headache or when I am really focused and loosing it at times. Usually it's less prevelant at evening/night times.


    What happens with the media if an instance goes down

    Is the media downloaded/cached to the federated instance or will it go down with the hoster?


    From seed to small cacti | Opuntia ficus-indica

    I forgot to mention, that the picture is a bit old already (my bad). Here is an up-to-date one:
