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toomanypancakes toomanypancakes

I don't have an only fans or anything, I just like showing off 💜

Posts 83
Comments 400
How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • I changed my gender at around 25 because I had significant issues with my voice, my body, and my genitals that caused me significant distress and interfered with my life, but they were present and ever increasing pretty much since I hit puberty. I knew something was wrong from an earlyish age, and dealt with it pretty much just when my husband was okay with it. I'd always envied women for their natural sex characteristics, and if I didn't get a negative reaction when I came out as a teenager I would have transitioned much earlier.

    I think if you're happy in your body's secondary sex characteristics, you probably don't have to worry about being trans. From what you've said here, it sounds to me like you probably aren't.

  • It's dessert time, what's your perfect post-dinner treat?

    My weakness is tiramisu, it's so frickin good. Hook me up with a piece of that and I'm in heaven.

    But what about you, what dessert item really moves your meter?

    Do people hate you online too?
  • Online it depends entirely on what I'm talking about whether I'm loathed or not

    I don't usually get hate offline though, because I don't talk or leave my house

  • Block rule
  • That's exactly why I never block anyone

  • Work from home
  • Just wanted to expand on this

    Depending on the program/insurance type, it might require that you can't hold down any meaningful job, caused by a medical condition that lasts longer than a year.

    For SSI or SSDI, you basically have to be bed bound ("less than sedentary"), statutorially blind (corrected visual acuity 20/200 in the good eye), have a condition severe enough it meets the strict requirements in SSA's listings of impairments, or have a mental condition that prevents you from being at all able to fulfill the demands of unskilled work. The rules get more lenient after age 50 the older you get though.

  • This 2000-Year-Old Wine Is Still Pourable. But You Don’t Want to Drink It
  • I was in the drink it camp right up until

    the experts found bone remains and a gold ring at the bottom of the glass vessel.

    It must have been a bone dry white wine though

  • Choose wisely
  • Tit loans for sure, I could use a bit of a bust boost

  • Sleepers of lemmy, do you have your cell phone in your dreams?
  • Not at all sure tbh, I've never remembered having a dream. They sound neat though!

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • No, but my dad does often drive me to doctor appointments I'm not allowed to drive back from if hubs is still at work and can't take me

  • Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking
  • Yep! That way they can be used for slave labor for the owner class.

  • They don't teach you this in school.
  • Take the right teleporter at the start instead of the left!

  • Vegan's Feet
  • That must be a vegetarian, as a vegan both my feet look like the one on the right

  • Masturbate into the mayonnaise jar to keep it topped off and fresh.
  • I can't make semen anymore, does this technique still work?

  • Fuck the law
  • You could smuggle in an entire watermelon with that hat, dang

  • non vegan pizza time
  • They're the same industry. Impregnate cows to keep them producing milk, steal the babies away and either raise them to get impregnated or send them to be slaughtered for veal. You're either lying or clueless and I don't really care to find out which it is anymore, I've lost interest. Have fun.

  • non vegan pizza time
  • You don't care about milk, you don't care about veal. I don't know why you'd pretend otherwise.

  • non vegan pizza time
  • Oh, we're upset about your treatment now? My mistake. I meant

    Good sir, you can have the veal. No need to abstain, it's fully in line with your character and your beliefs. Please enjoy your meal, my lord.

  • non vegan pizza time
  • Oh like you care, go get you some. We won't think any less of you.

  • Aloo Mutter

    Served it over rice, turned out pretty tasty


    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?

    I just put on an album, The Eminem Show, and I'm curious what everyone else has on. Music, a video, the television, some mystery noise from next door? What's gracing your ear holes as you read this?


    What's a small, silly thing you and your partner like to do?

    Using my husband and me for an example, when one of us is going to the grocery store, the other person often adds something like "Love!" and "More love!" to the grocery shopping list.

    What's a silly thing you and your partner do?


    What's the dumbest nickname you've ever given one of your pets?

    I have a lot of runners up, like Amrito for Amy, or Bradinglesmirch for Briar, but I think the dumbest has to be Scott Von Scott of the Scottsdale Scotts Who Did Scott So Scottily in the Battle of Scotteen Twelve.

    So I ask you, what's the stupidest thing you've ever called your furry friends?


    What's your hobby or pursuit that influences how you like to identify yourself?

    For example, I play the drums and tend to think of myself as a drummer. Do you love games, consider yourself a gamer? Are you a chef, a bodybuilder, maybe an artist? What is it that you love to do?
