People are already paying for ads in games. Look at American/European truck simulator where you pay to have Goodyear or whatever other company on your rig.
If they do it tastefully.. like a coke can in a cafeteria which would make it more realistic than a generic brand - it could work.
They’ve been doing this in movies for decades.
If it’s shit like pop ups or little red notification dots, they can go fuck themselves with a rusty screwdriver.
To be fair, advertising in sports games is essentially expected. Advertising is all over the place in real world sports.
We all know that's not what EA is talking about here though. They 100% are trying to figure out how to get that sort of advertising into other shit where it doesn't fit well. You know they'd put real world ads into a single player Star Wars game right now if they could get away with it.
It’s like how product placement in movies started off super small. Now sometimes it just fucking smacks you in the face where you think is this movie legitimately just an ad?
I was always wondering how much money shooters set in modern times like BF\COD get from weapon manufacturers and army. It's both an ad for service and a shooting range with a touch of competition.
And then we launch a municipal consulting company! with all of those new ambulances on the road, we need to get these city's to put a $15 million dollar roundabout in every other intersection.
Feel free. I stopped playing EA games and AAA titles years ago. You all enshitificated it enough as it is that I left awhile ago. Adding ads will only harden my resolve to never pick up another title.
Oh, ok. I haven't bought an EA game in over a decade, and the one that I was gifted ended up being broken and nearly unplayable, so I'll just continue abstaining from them.
I got about 150 hours worth before most of the guns were unlocked. Pretty happy with that. There was no new patches, seasons or any other junk to deal with
We should be so lucky. Plenty of games (and movies) already have ad placements. The NHL recently added fucking banner ads with motion to the boards. I can't even watch that shit anymore.
Theres a classy (well... less sleazy) way to do it. if EA want to make the billboards in the next Need for Speed game real advertisements it wouldnt feel as bad as unskippable 30 second video advertisements before each race.
We need Ai adblockers as fast as possible. They could even recognize ad banners on video feed and just cover them / fit screen with auto-generated fill based on pixels around
Depends how they do it—given a game is running locally, they don't need to connect elsewhere to get ads. They could easily bundle a load of ads with the game installation. In this case, it would need game mods, and they're not gonna be the kind of mods EA will ignore, they will actively combat it.
If they do function like a regular ad platform and fetch ads as they're needed, something like pihole will be able to block it.
The point of advertising is bidding and tracking, so they will be loaded online, always. But they f they go over the same connection as the game itself then pi-hole can't block it.
I've got a game that I purchased on Steam during a sale that sat in my backlog for a while before I went to install it. But checked the reviews again first and saw complaints about the EA launcher and realized "oh no shit, it's a star wars game, of course that's EA" and installed a different game instead.
I was then just tempted by a massive sale on mass effect complete edition (actual name might be wrong, but one that includes most or all of the games in one package). Like it is pretty much at the automatic buy level, but again looked at reviews and saw complaints about the EA launcher and moved on instead.
Though now I'm wondering if there's a workaround or something to de-EA their games.
Cocks a Cola! The official sponsor of this refreshing boycott is proud to announce a whole new cock flavor! Try cherry cock! And the all new mango cock!
This just in...cock!... Cock is not how you pronounce it? Couck? Oh okay, I'm sorry. But how about Pecksi? Pa pa pa pa pa! I'm loving it! So eat fresh papayas!
I don't get people bringing Coca Cola when talking about a company fucking its consumer in the ass (here is a cock analogy for you, you seem to like those). Boycotting Coca Cola because it's a company with terrible practices on their employees will probably not work because it doesn't affect the consumer experience. It's not like Coca Cola puts lead in its product or some shit that might affect the taste. Here the company reduces the quality of its product. For instance, boycotting Roku because they put ads in their HDMI cables that triggers when the user hits pause would probably work because it makes the experience shitty.
If you think boycotting doesn't work with gaming, you haven't paid much attention recently.
Companies used to do this, but stopped when every game reviewer called them out on it. It was always in kinda shitty games too. You can rest assured that EA is fully capable of making shitty games with ads in them.
GTA is filled with parody ads, which are actually fun content and not intended to make you buy something. The second they become real ads, you'll have brands complaining about being displayed next to gun violence or prostitutes, and all the fun goes away.
There's a reason there's no real car brands in GTA, because none of them want to be associated with running down pedestrian and drive-bys
Seems like people don’t think about it that way. Blaming “capitalism” for everything you don’t like is easy, but all it means is that these things exist because consumers want them. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be paying for it.
You're not understanding what I'm saying. This is them testing the waters. All companies that are publicly traded will continue to do whatever they can to make a profit. Consumer be damned. I don't buy AAA games, but it doesn't change the fact that changes like this will propagate across the gaming industry and make it worse as a whole. The issue here is them trying to turn a profit for shareholders no matter what. So many of these companies are prioritizing making a profit why they happen to release games and not vice versa. That is a result of the last stage unregulated capitalism we have in America and those same tendencies that they've propagated to the global economy.
Don't be so naive to say "just don't buy it bro." I won't. It doesn't really affect me that much RIGHT NOW. But it might, the more they're legally allowed to and the more they get away with the more everyone will do it. It happened with DLC's, then releasing unfinished games, in game purchase in games you have to buy, etc. God forbid I don't want the entirety of AAA gaming to be a pile of shit. It's time for lawmakers to step in in this industry and most others and put limits on what type of things companies can do to make a profit. And this goddamn law that companies must do everything they can to turn a profit for their shareholders must be done away with.
It may not be, because no amount of money is ever enough for a wealthy neoliberal. You could pay $200 in pure profit for a game and there will still be slimy executives saying "We could make that $201 if we showed them ads and $202 if we sold their data"
In the right context it doesn't necessarily hurt immersion. We've come to expect car racing to be filled with ads because car racing initially was an ad.
That is thoughtful and people didn't complain... They now want to shove in your ass and make you suck verification dick whle at it to ensure 100% engagement
Fun fact, Euro Truck Simulator 2 has mods which adds billboards with regional ads. Players are voluntarily downloading mods which adds ads for more emersion. The default ads were not enough.
It helps that the dev, SCS Software, is not a dickhead and has supported the game for more than a decade with good DLCs with virtually no problems.
When I did a lengthy focus group for VR about 8 years ago, one of the questions they asked was how I would react to seeing ads in game and they probably got the most heated and emotional response out of me than any other question they asked me.
"we'll be mindful about placing ads in our games because we're getting absolutely no revenue from new games we produce...which means they'll be everywhere."
And even more I see no reason to pay for their products. If they're going to be getting ad revenue then I'm sure as shit not giving you any more upfront. Bunch o' double-dipping twatmuffins
The only way I could see this not being a complete shit-show is if they integrate them into the game in a way that makes sense, which has been done in places before. Banners along the roadside in a racing game (which exists in real life), a sci-fi hologram advertising "new-new-new coke, now with added element-320" as you walk by, etc
But since it's EA we're more likely to get an ad for hemmoroid cream during a loading screen, and the loading screen will be extended to ensure it plays the whole ad
Rainbow Six Vegas did it really well nearly 20 years ago. Lots of the ads and posters scattered around Vegas had real ads they'd change out. It really was more immersive.
I'm surprised that the billboards and stuff in games are not ads already. So many racing a FPS games that have scenery of billboards and stuff, it's all prime real estate for ads.
Honestly I'm shocked if they haven't put ads during matchmaking and around the stadium in their sports games. I remember that being a thing in the PS360 gen
Bro... Most of these "software" patents are a joke... Aka lets patent the best practice so other guy has to work around it but can't really stop that anyway
You could sell it anyways then buy something else that might have a better chance of rising. No guarantee that it will work out, but also no guarantee that EA stock will ever get to the point you're hoping it will. Thinking you need to hold it until you get your money back is literally the sunk cost fallacy.
And I just looked at their stock right now, if you bought it right at the all time peak, you're only down about 15% right now.
Oh yay, my Sim can watch real ads in-between in-game TV shows while listening to Katy Perry in Simlish, wearing their official Diesel clothes, and putting on their MAC makeup.
Can't wait to be blasted with a stuff pack full of vintage Pepsi-Cola™ merchandise next!