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Gowron moods
  • Arousing.

  • Gowron moods
  • Gowron is life, Gowron is glory.

  • Everyone's favorite game from the 90s
  • If it is, it's not unusual

  • We would've been fooled
  • I'm still relatable...

  • OpenSSH is about to change. (For the better.)
  • I'm happy that it's not youtube but also disappointed that I can use FreeTube for subscribing..

  • How to own a house in Brooklyn, New York
  • Woah! a room with a window, who are you? Rockefeller?

  • Technology Connections: Tilting, taking turns, and winning free games: the many tricks inside old pinball machines
  • If anyone's curious, modern "virtual" pinballs, which are just a computer under a large screen inside a pinball frame, replicate this by using an accelerometer (like the one in our phones).

    The pinball emulation software is fed tilt metrics, and usually that software decides when to call it fault.

    And if anyone is really curious you can read in detail here:

  • Europe on high alert after suspected Moscow-linked arson and sabotage
  • Wow, I definitely didn't expect that "Factual Reporting" would be "Mixed", however going through the list, it shows several instances where they misunderstood either a scientific paper or misrepresented some fact.
    That said, I had before in some cases seen articles about AI being either false, misunderstanding the facts, or just parroting some CEO. I attributed it to AI being something relatively "new" to mainstream media, but this is pretty much eye opening.

    I like their "long read" articles though, but I guess it's time to find a new main everyday paper for me...

  • Flood water use
  • Is there any live animal soup?

  • Ant smell
  • have you tried ants?

  • Ant smell
  • Ants part of a super-organism often compared to a computer, so probably these people are sniffing their information packets.

  • The ‘Spectacular’ Failure Of Disney’s ‘Star Wars’ Hotel Is Going Viral
  • It is worth it. I was also skeptical, though if you play it on shorter 30' sessions, feels like an opinionated documentary. There are slow parts though by the end, but I'm still glad I checked and the author is an authority in theme parks.

  • Using any DE be like:
  • I just use butterflies.

  • That's so fetch
  • Gar gagagagard

  • Truth Social struggles to grow its U.S. user base, new data on Trump Media app shows
  • Ah, Russia! The free-est of countries! Free like the wind coming out of an open window.