Good things come in 3s....
The fent issue is there so he can skip Congress on it.
I used to mine them with cpu / GPU.
I bought a bottle of Jim beam for 25 BTC lol.
Its a smart play for china.
China will be happy to pump this with trump.
Trump will happily be told by china he can have it if they can have Taiwan. He won't care about the second part, just hearing he is ok to proceed will send him signing orders
Then Europe/NATO will object complain, block fight etc.
Suddenly dollar isn't the Petro dollar anymore because of their stability issues. China will step up and trumpet themselves as the stable one so use them.
Once Petro dollar isn't USA anymore all hell breaks lose economy wise.
They will save it's release until they need the distraction
Is this too dark for Saturday night live?
One was born here, with mental issues. No visas involved there so that guy above is commenting out his ass
It's so jarring when you have to interact with a platform full of advertisements after running that sort of setup too.
I occasionally open a link or two on my work phone that doesn't have all the blocks, and it's mind boggling how bad web pages and YouTube has become. Anyone who suffers through that would be brought to mental illness.
I do
Mine works. Sometimes it gives me a "recommended" podcast from my list instead of what I was listening to, but I just enter the app and go to queue and select th one at the top.
Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation
I've not heard of self hosted or ask Noah.
What are they about?
Your options are:
Apple phone
Bloated android phone like Samsung etc.
Chinese android phone (xiami etc)
Google phone with Android
Google phone with graphene. This still looks like the best of those options.
Or no phone? I guess people are hardcore enough that will be the option.
Edit: I stand corrected.
The issue with it is it favors simple cars.
A car with ten features is less likely to have an issue than a car with 1000.
On one side yes that's a measure of likelihood of having issues.
But on the other hand if the car with ten features has a failure with each one, it's not going to be a great car to drive compared to a car with 1000 features that has failures on 11.
Only way it works is if they use it to counter the "turning off solar at peak times" threat.
Different ants taste different!
I've had ants that taste like fizzy lime...
Non burgers here: I believe the sentencing for the conviction was delayed till after the election. And since that they have announced it has been delayed indefinitely.
They couldn't close their eyelids.
Better blind than dead.
First Brisket on a Big Joe 3.

Cooked my first ever brisket.
17 pounds / 8kg from Costco, trimmed somewhat. I had found a charcoal/truffle rub in NZ that I mixed with fresh ground salt n pepper, applied a day before.
Cooked with pecan smoking chunks, at a (dome temp) temp of 275F (135C) for the first 4 hours then 300F(150C) for another 3.5 hours in the foil boat. Fat side up, with a Kickstarter Meater in the top. Wrapped in wax paper, then towel tight into an Esky for 3.5 hours to rest.
Served perfectly rendered fatty strips in time to see the ABs keep the Eden park record alive vs the pumas.
Learning: Next time won't use the fancy rub. I definitely would just use salt n pepper next time.
I filled the basket with a decent amount of charcoal chunks. It barely used any of that on the cook and cool after, could probably cook two more briskets back to back with what's left.
Gloves to handle the meat is way easier than trying to move a hot 7kg blob of meat.
Anyone considering giving this a go: it was way easier than I thought it would be. But you need enough people to help eat it. We tried with 4 and barely made a dent.
How to get access to F1TV Pro in a country that doesnt have it?

Sadly I am located in a country with a Murdoch hold on the F1 rights (Australia, and barely HD kayo), and because of this F1TV pro is not available here. We only get the option for live timing.
A few questions I thought some of the lemmy crew might know the answers to:
- First, is this an Ok place to ask these questions on how to get access? Don't want to upset the mods etc. if this isn't, where might be a better place?
- In the past I have seen mention of using a VPN to another location (India, turkey etc), and then using something like Google pay to subscribe for an entire year. This i believe also just worked when not on VPN after subscribing, which was appealing (as setting a VPN for the TV and mucking about at 1am is not). But I had also seen that F1TV cracked down on this also, so it may not work again.
- Any other decent live stream options? I was an initial and long time user of "Hendo and his mates" "Race Tarting" crew which was amazing for the few years that worked.
Keen to hear what the community does or thoughts on what options are out there.