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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Oh Joe...
  • Fuck yeah, I can just copy and paste this whenever you tell people without ranked choice voting to vote independent. People can watch you not answer anywhere then.

    Okay sure, let's have this discussion.

    The first massive favor I'll do is give you the benefit of the doubt and accept you're saying this in good faith and not as a right-wing sock puppet.

    The next massive favor I'll do is accept your (ostensible) plan is wildly successful, far beyond what you could reasonably hope for. Everybody is so moved by your comment that you convince 80% of Democrat voters to vote independent and every single one votes for the same independent party. Hell, I'll even throw in 10% of Republican voters.

    The only thing we won't give you is the ranked choice voting needed to stop your idea being dumb as fuck. We'll stick to reality for that one.

    So tell us how the next 4 years play out in your head. Polls close, votes are counted. Democrats 9.8%, Toothfairy Party 44.1%, Republicans 45.9%.

    Then what?

  • Trump–Biden Debate Conspiracies Have Already Flooded the Internet
  • Aww, don't start being coy, tell us what happens next. Explain how our problems are solved after following your advice. I've given you the best possible setup I could, assuming a level of success unquestionably beyond what you're able to achieve.

    Unless you're willing to give us even a token explanation of the second half of your plan, it really does look like "Republicans win the election" is where your plan ends.

  • Trump–Biden Debate Conspiracies Have Already Flooded the Internet
  • Okay sure, let's have this discussion.

    The first massive favor I'll do is give you the benefit of the doubt and accept you're saying this in good faith and not as a right-wing sock puppet.

    The next massive favor I'll do is accept your (ostensible) plan is wildly successful, far beyond what you could reasonably hope for. Everybody is so moved by your comment that you convince 80% of Democrat voters to vote independent and every single one votes for the same independent party. Hell, I'll even throw in 10% of Republican voters.

    The only thing we won't give you is the ranked choice voting needed to stop your idea being dumb as fuck. We'll stick to reality for that one.

    So tell us how the next 4 years play out in your head. Polls close, votes are counted. Democrats 9.8%, Toothfairy Party 44.1%, Republicans 45.9%.

    Then what?

  • PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.
  • This could be some of the laziest discourse I've seen. It's a meme. Did you want it to list every single Democratic Party policy in that first panel? Do you genuinely think you've invalided their point because you've shown a meme isn't absolutely watertight and accurate for every case you're capable of imagining?

    I know you just wanted an excuse to tell us your opinions but fuck, at least try

  • History repeats itself.
  • 1000kg, depending on fitout. Going to block you now because you're clearly never going to shut the fuck up, no matter how links people give you or how many times you're embarrassingly wrong.

  • History repeats itself.
  • Yep, I was wrong and you did post a photo.

    See how much easier that is than convoluted shit like "research about a cars blind spot is only valid in America, even when the car is exactly the same"?

  • History repeats itself.
  • Oh look, the goalposts have moved again and apparently outside the US, people in giant trucks have xray vision that let's them see through solid metal.

    I'm not engaging any further. You're a fucking idiot, driving around in a fucking idiot's car, and you've already done more than I ever could to prove it.

  • History repeats itself.
  • I can't believe I missed this photo of your "over capacity" truck carrying less than the rated capacity of the cars you insisted were too small and a photo of what looks like loose pine needles.

  • History repeats itself.
  • I’ve literally never had an issue and I’ve never heard of that being an issue

    Well fuck me dead, that's a shocking plot twist. The guy who responds to every comment with "spoonfeed me this widely available information" hasn't heard of something.

    Do you not look at the road when you’re driving or something?

    It's basic geometry, which was apparently too much to ask of you. Maybe we should have started at "object permanence" and established that things continue existing, even when your vision of them is blocked.

    Can anyone provide anything that says this is a real concern…? Because people keep saying it, and no one wants to prove it. So strange… should be easy, no? So why can’t anyone do it?

    Most people probably just assumed you were aware of this extremely common knowledge and that if you weren't, you were capable of being a big brave boy and typing "pickup truck blind spot" into a search engine by yourself.

    But nope, you'd rather accidentally admit that you don't know basic safety information about your own car.

  • History repeats itself.
  • They're not pulled from your ass because they're wrong, they're pulled from your ass because you only decided they were important after your "it's not possible" didn't hold up.

    And why would towing and capacity not be part of the conversation…? They are literally the two most important factors when deciding on trucks.

    Towing and capacity only matter if you actually use them and the majority of truck owners clearly don't. You can't justify the environmental and social cost of giant trucks by claiming "It can tow 10,000kg" and then never tow anything. An ebike is capable of towing "nothing".

    So don't be coy. Show us a picture of your truck towing 10,000kg. Show us your neighbors truck towing 10,000kg. It's why you needed them and why you couldn't possibly drive a smaller car.

    Why does everyone deflect from the actual reasons people buy trucks and perpetuate this stupid “bed size is what matters? People who use trucks know this how car people talk about trucks…… because that’s literally not a concern for people who use trucks… you’re literally showing your bias and lack of education lmfao

    If you're going to try and insult someone's education, try not to precede it with a paragraph of barely coherent word salad. "People who use trucks know this how car people talk about trucks"?

  • History repeats itself.
  • Let's be honest, the bed size doesn't matter either since the majority of the trucks you see on the road are carrying nothing more than a LARPing driver -- that's why they keep making them smaller and smaller.

    But the numbers you pulled out of your ass weren't part of the criteria when you told us all it "wasn't possible".

    Also, I absolutely adore the salty little down votes you give anyone who replies to your comment without agreeing with you, even when you demand a reply. It's like something a grumpy toddler would do.

  • History repeats itself.
  • The other way a giant truck can solve your "driving my kids around" problem is via the massive blind spot in front. If you're impressed how much you can fit in the back, wait until you see how many tiny little skulls fit between the road and your line of sight.

  • History repeats itself.
  • And if people were buying massive trucks for their unmatched safety, that would be a point worth making. Unfortunately, there's thousands of cars on the market that are safer than both those options (for both the occupants and the people around them) and some of them can fit just as much in the back.

    There is no justification for these trucks. Not safety, not cost, not the environment, not accessibility and not the amount of stuff they can theoretically carry.

    The only excuse is "I'm a massive cunt" and people are absolutely right to not accept it.