ICE's deportation actions signal that anyone who isn't a US citizen is 'at risk – period,' immigration attorney says.
Wisconsin resident Bradley Bartell voted for Trump's promise to crack down on "criminal illegal immigrants," but now his Peruvian wife Camila Muñoz has been detained by ICE.
Muñoz, from Peru, overstayed her visa but had applied for legal residency. On their way home from a honeymoon, immigration agents detained her at a Puerto Rico airport.
Despite no criminal record, she remains in a Louisiana detention center. Her case reflects ICE’s broadened enforcement that now includes documented immigrants.
Bartell, once supportive of stricter immigration policies, now questions the impact on families like his own.
Trump's social security hack!....pretend to be an immigrant and you'll get fed for life!.... So very not lol, but that's what my wandering mind does when I'm not using it.
The one bit that’s not being mentioned: they detained her from a flight from Puerto Rico, which is a US protectorate. Does that mean flights from other US states are now being examined by border and customs?
If you are within 100 miles of an international port, which includes international airports, not just water ports, or border crossings, your rights are non-existent, and can be ignored by law enforcement at their discretion.
Anti-genocide protestors are terrorists. Didn't you hear the president. Anyone he likes is an honorable patriot as long as he likes him. If he dislikes you, you're now a terrorist and heading to Gitmo. /S
These clowns always pull up the ladder after they "get theirs." Marry an immigrant and think you're safe? Vote to get rid of the ones you don't like via a Dictator. Dictators turn on their supporters sooner or later, for them it was sooner. Wait until he comes for the guns. He's the only president that has said guns should be taken away.
E: Getting lots of gateway timeouts for .world, anyone else? I'm in the US.
These are the people who truly deserve this though. Not her, but her fucking dunce of a partner. Hopefully he realizes how hateful and nasty the Republican Party is. If not, he’s just another waste of resources.
People got too used to being able to cosplay as oppressed victims of the state despite decades of minor policy changes between Democrat or Republican administrations.
All Americans got to enjoy conjuring any abstract worldview they wanted with the freedom of knowing they can say what they want whenever they want, never feel repression and just go home and watch tv. Maga got to pretend they were actively oppressed by the state which let's them justify supporting real state oppression towards people they don't like.
I imagine a lot of maga dorks voted for this, expected performative moves but a mostly stable continuity of the American center. I don't know if they'll ever admit it but I bet they are going to regret this president keeping his promises when they are stripped of all of their rights and their safety nets. The time for hyperbolics and hysterics are over, fascism is here, they are going to get ground down with the rest.
"I'm a good person and this was only supposed to happen to bad people" - every Far-Right muppet when it turns out that the in-group is a lot smaller than they thought and they ain't in it.
She overstayed her visa. And he should have known about it. Maybe this situation will urge people to take it seriously and take steps sooner.
"Documented" lol once her visa expired, she became "undocumented".
While the liberals are torching and destroying Tesla's because they think they have a right to do it, they're making heinous comments about people because it makes them feel better about their shitty immoral choices.
EDIT: Sorry this wasn't meant to be a novel. If I had more time it would have been shorter.
I understand not feeling bad for THE GUY. But you should absolutely feel bad for his wife. Moral values should not be conditional. I could have an undocumented immigrant cus me out and say "TRUMP IS AWESOME" and I'd still not want that guy to be deported for no reason. I know its a slightly satisfying "you got what was coming to you". But being leftist in any sense means staying true to your convictions and not falling for this type of reactionary response no matter how satisfying it is.
I've used this as an example before.
I want even KKK members to get free healthcare in the US. Because as much as I hate KKK members my leftist principles tell me that right wing reactionary ideas thrive in poor material conditions. Conditions on these fundamental leftist principles will not stand. The "got what was coming to them" response is absolutely a reactionary idea. These are conditions of revenge and not conditions of justice. They have no place in left wing principles.
You can absolutely enjoy the slight sense of irony and satisfaction from this snippet. But, at the end of the day, you're not saying anything different then "let's deport these immigrants because X" just like the right is. Its the same as saying "these brown people deserve to be treated badly because they didn't vote for Harris". It's insane reactionary ideas masking itself as leftism.
i can commend your empathy. but these are people who were told not to touch the stove oven because its hot. they insist its not hot, it will only burn other people they do not like-- not them. then they get burned. Leopards eating faces. etc
schadenfreude does not make us just as bad as them. the "both sides" argument has lost hold. fascism is coming, no one should feel bad for him or his wife for marrying a moron. its not a slight sense of irony. Its literally shooting yourself in the face in a voting manner. metaphorically.
It's more like a guilty pleasure when you have no control over the situation anymore to see the people who chose to fuck it up suffer the most consequences. When given the chance, I would never let something like this happen, but since it happened outside of my control I think it's fair to bask in the irony
You have every right (see what I did there?) to feel that way, but feeling some degree of comfort and karma that bad people also get bad things happen to them instead of bad things just being limited to the victims of capitalism, is just a simple sensorial reaction to the reality of the world and not in any way some sort of "anti-left" idea. In fact, wishing the best wishes to the boot that's stomping on you is probably the worst things to do, since it teaches conformity in the structure of the class system. To fight the imbalance of power you have to want to fight, and historically speaking spite is among the best motivators there ever is.
Also lol, good work trying to equate me with those right-wing KKK nutjobs! Yeah! Because there is literally no difference between wishful thinking, and actually doing material damage to someone because of your Trump dogma! Right?
Geez, what tiktok does to media literacy these days...
But you do you. I'll continue to cry a crocodile tear for the guy.
(Yes, the wife deserves a real tear, but that does not mean I can't cry a fake one for free)
He would have gotten the same by not voting. By not voting you are supporting the candidates that least want you to vote. Those who are the most harmful to you.
He could have gotten something different by voting for someone who was not against him.
Maybe a controversial opinion but I don’t think anyone belongs in an ICE detention centre regardless of who their spouse voted for. I don’t think this is funny.
Empathy and goodwill aren't infinite, like any resource they can be depleted. I really cannot muster enough fucks to give about someone who voted for that turd a second time. Feel sorry for his wife, though.
Yeah, I agree, it's not funny, it's a fucking nightmare, and I hate that so many people are dumb enough to believe the restrained version of Trump the media sells and not the words coming out of Trump's idiot mouth.
As someone who doesn't live in tge USA, I don't feel empathy for everyone who voted for Trump or didn't vote at all because eQuAl SiDeS bAd. Project 2025 and deportation plans were known before the elections so you brought this down on yourself. It really sucks for everyone else though, within USA and its (former) allied countries.
Maybe it's just me... But as much as Trump is a terrible person, I don't think his fans should be put in camps, deported, etc. Same with fans of genocide joe.
Good. I hope he's fucking devastated. I hope his entire world is fucking crumbling. Everyone with three working braincells or more knew exactly what would happen if we let the christonationalist fascists have total control of the government, and pieces of subhuman trash like him willingly made it happen.
I had a Scottish chick in Edinburgh tell me that I was the only American she enjoyed talking to. I didn't realize just how poorly we were viewed overseas until I went myself.
The amazing thing about this is that Americans who travel are on average a lot more open-minded and intelligent than those who don't. And we still make a terrible impression.
People here don't even think. I feel like most people in my life barely understand they exist. They are like walking products that work for the evil that created them.
Honestly I think this is part of why conservatives like homeschooling so much; being in a close classroom environment teaches most people empathy as they quickly realize they are not the center of the teacher or anyone else's universe.
Conservatives want to deprive us the lesson of empathy.
From the article I don’t get a sense he is at all questioning his vote. He feels his case is special and the government messed up. For him. She’s vetted, so it’s ok. The others deserve what they are getting.
[Him and his wife] have been thinking a lot about [his] vote for Trump.
"I knew they were cracking down," he said. "I guess I didn’t know how it was going down."
He imagined the administration would target people who snuck over the border and weren't vetted
But his wife, "they know who she is and where she came from," he said. "They need to get the vetting done and not keep these people locked up. It doesn’t make any sense."
The dumbfuck doesn't show any contrition at all, he just says oops I didn't know. When this topic came up in the interview, he didn't admit any regret or that he put himself (and his wife) in this position - he just says that the government is wrong to do this to him/his wife, and that they should go after other illegals instead. What a piece of shit.
My sister in law's family are all El Salvadorian refugees in Houston. Everyone under 50 are citizens now, but las abuelitas are not. They were all massive Trump supporters hoping that he will kick out "all the illegals" but are convinced that their grandparents wont be deported, and that they might be able to bring in more family.
Juxtapose that to my family, where my English mom was naturalized 20 years ago after coming to the US on a green card. My family have always been pro-immigrarion since we would never dream of denying someone the same opportunity that we were given. We are all ao flabbergasted by it, but they all love Bukele as well, so i guess it shouldn't be a surprise.
This is the problem endemic with the GOP voter mindset as a whole. They lack any shred of compassion and only care about themselves. The point of a society is shared burden. If you don't want to love your neighbor, go live in the woods
These shithead said out loud what they would do - so he is mad because he voted for what trump said he would do. What a dipshit. Sorry, you don't get s Oops this time.
Right because my situation is special. I’m special and these laws don’t apply to me. @shithead I’ve voted for you 3 times, please help rectify this mistake.
Hold the fuck up, she was already OVERSTAYING her Visa and these idiots thought it was a good idea to TRAVEL? Nah they both got what they fucking deserved. It doesn't matter that you're awaiting your residency application, you have already passed your exit date, why the fuck would you be traveling for your honeymoon
Edit: I'm literally standing in the airport awaiting my fiance's return from Mexico right now, this shit makes all the people who actually read their paperwork and follow the rules, look bad when they get lumped in with these idiots.
Being in an international relationship, I'm sure you understand how tricky and stressful some of these paperwork matters can be. Just deciding what type of visa to apply for when you are in a relationship can be taxing.
You are right that for the majority of people, the bureaucracy works as long as you file things correctly. They should have done it right from the start. But there are a lot of personal situations that can complicate it.
As an aside, it is mind boggling to me the number of immigrants who wholeheartedly support Trump, even with family ties that are endangered by his actions.
Many many reasons for the immigrants who support him all of them bad reasons obviously.
-White-Passing Hispanics, especially CDMX, Monterey within Mexico and outside, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil (obv. not the darker skinned Brazilians) etc. that can be seen by whites as "the good ones", and by the Hispanics themselves. These people, the ones who make a point to embrace the "whiteness" of their bloodline, allowing them to identify more with their European colonizers rather than the darker skinned natives, or even Mestizos (mixed race, though at this point most people are decedents of decedents of decedents of the original Mestizos). Their tie to that European "whiteness" somehow makes them better than those darker than themselves.
-Machismo culture being deeply ingrained in many families causing them to "admire" a "strong" man. Not a single macho man is actually macho (except for Macho Man) under Machismo, it is a warped idea of what constitutes macho that idolizes the men and puts them up front as the default lead of any situation especially family just because they are male.
-There is unfortunately, a STRONG sense of "I got mine" or pulling the ladder up behind you among many many immigrants, Hispanic or otherwise. This goes along with the sense of "well we did it so it can't be that hard", they fail to realize that yes, it may have been easy for you but for others it is not.
-Last I can think of, the kids and grand-kids of immigrants. Many did not get taught about the struggles of their ancestors, or were taught and don't care, sometimes you just get a bad egg kids who doesn't give a shit about his heritage. Sometimes this comes from their feeling like an "other" when living in an area with a Hispanic minority. This can cause them to seek out belonging and feel resentment to their ancestors and heritage for bringing them there, for making them into a minority and grow some unhealthy selfhate, and then falling in with like minds who also hate the "others" making them into "one of the good ones." (ive types this term too many times today)
Apparently she got stuck in the States when all the borders were closed during the pandemic, which seems pretty reasonable grounds for overstaying.
But - she didn't leave when the borders re-opened. She had fallen in love and at some point she filed paperwork to normalize her status - though they're pretty coy about when they filled the papers, so I suspect that was done after the borders re-opened and she should have left.
I'm also going to point out what I haven't seen in any of the comments so far which is that, with ICE being pressured to increase the number of deportations, they're opting to go for low-hanging fruit. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean raiding places that they've known for decades are hiring illegal immigrants, arresting and prosecuting and imprisoning the owners and managers.
It does mean that they're hanging out at at least some airports, and it sounds like they're running passenger lists ahead of time (because they knew exactly who to approach). I mean, why to go the trouble of driving out to some farm or factory in the middle of nowhere, trying to chase down people who know the area better than you ever will, when you can sit at a comfy air-conditioned desk and only bother to get up when the computer lets you know that your "target" is trying to check in for their flight?
Agree completely, and to me when people like these two decide to do whatever they want because their love is "special", it shows ICE that hey, this is way easier and they'll focus more on these situations. This puts all the completely legal and above board immigrants in danger now.
I agree, but she and anyone else in her position have SIGNED paperwork in agreement with the terms that by X date you will leave the country. What the fuck else are we supposed to do if we just shrug and say oh well it's just a date. These two were blatantly attempting to trounce the laws and just do whatever they wanted.
Exactly. Did my dude think he could Karen his way through Customs?
Papers have to be in order with Biden or Trump, now it’s worse though because they detain your ass.
I have little sympathy for Madame. She travelled out of the country to Puerto Rico for her honeymoon, knowing she overstayed on her visa. Given what had happened in the weeks leading up to them leaving the US last week, she really should have not gotten on that plane.
The reason I sympathize with Madam is the same reason I sympathize with most migrants: they're not doing it to hurt the country they migrate to, they're trying to have a shot at a better life. I totally get what you're saying but that doesn't make her a bad person.
Sir however is a dumbass: he did the very thing the guy he voted for said he would crack down on and now he's bitching and moaning... Well ya know, faces, leopards and all that.
I know it’s been getting a lot of mileage on Lemmy lately, but:
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
Wilholt’s Law
He figured he was in the first group, and since conservatives tend to think women are property, he figured her being with him put her in that group too. Whoops.
This is a really good read on these types of situations. He's a white guy and he thought that was enough. that means the rules don't apply to him. I think as we are trying to figure these people out we sometimes overcomplicate it and a lot of the times the reasons are really quite simple. Just like them.
They thought by bending the knee to Trump, they would be exempt from his bullshit. You're 100% right here. He doesn't give a fuck about Americans, their families or the down troddened.
The money the couple saved for a down payment on a home has evaporated into attorneys fees and savings to pay a bond for her release, if she's given that chance.
There's a silver lining to this. Think about all the high quality white collar jobs (lawyers) that this is supporting. Way to stimulate the economy, Trumpers! /s
An american woman wouldn't put up with his shit. My brother is unfortunately a trumper, and he got a foreign wife because she is the only woman that will put up with his shit that a normal woman would have walked out of years ago.
She slaves over him like a tradwife, raises his kids that isn't hers from the previous woman that walked away from his shit. But he's got joint custody.
the way the media talks about immigration and trumps policies are very specific and very corrosive. most of us here having this conversation understand what's really at stake because we think about and analyze these things, but american media intentionally lets people who don't know think they know what they don't.
let me explain.
when donald trump talks about criminal aliens in our country, he means anyone born on foreign soil, born to foreign parents, or with citizenship somewhere else who has committed a crime. a crime to him is any breach of law. and he uses the terms "illegals" and "aliens" to distance people from their own humanity. but the media will cover it as he's only interested in criminals. you know, like drug kingpins, traffickers, gun runners. our mass media misleads the populace. the reason they do this is doing so does numbers for them. when you have a for profit media apparatus, you will make more money if there is always an emergency. this way they can trick people like this guy into making their own emergency, and then they can package his tragedy and sell it to us.
You can't promise to round up and deport 10 million "criminal, illegal immigrants" without implying that all of the ~10 million undocumented residents are criminal. Unless you've been listening to Ann Coulter and believe there are 50 million undocumented - 1 in every 6 people in the country.
The more I see stories like this, the more I wonder if Americans can make it out of this hole they've dug. The average inhabitant seems... rather lacking, compared to other developed countries.
Exactly, the US government has made it this far on good luck and overall commitment to a mythical American ideal. All it took was a successful populist candidate and some class war propaganda to undo all that.
Brexit was indeed a dumb move, but let's be honest here, it's nowhere near what's happening in the US right now. I can't think of anything comparable in a first-world country, at least not since WWII.
The average Russian probably still thinks that Ukraine is Nazis and that they are winning. The average Chinese doesn't know about Tiananmen square students protest or the brutal suppression much less Uyghurs genocide. Name a country and there's something along those lines ongoing or at least in recent history. The far-right in Europe is doing much like America was just 10-20y ago other places are already ahead into their authoritarian phase.
HA HA HA! The dipshits Bradley and Camila found out. The article indicates Camila was flown to a privately run detention center in fucking Louisiana, WTF, GITMO was closer. Are the fuckers at DOGE checking how much the shit is costing US taxpayers?
IMO, people think this way because they’re trying to do the right thing, but the nebulous others are not. Deporting those others would make it faster and more acceptable for themselves to be approved. Clearing the queue and getting a glow up, for a ridiculous analogy. Fear leads to irrational choices. Telling people they’ll be 1000% more patriotic if you vote for them is an evil but successful tactic pandering to this fear.
He didn't vote for Krasnov Trump, He voted for his wife to sit in an ICE detention center.
He should also be arrested for knowingly harbouring a foreigner who overstayed. As her sponsor, it was his responsibility to ensure she did not overstay.
ICE is under extreme pressure from the White House to ramp up enforcement. Top ICE officials, including the newly installed acting director, were re-assigned within weeks of Trump taking office, allegedly over frustrations that detentions and deportations weren't rising fast enough.
I think this is really the main cause. Trump envisioned that once he took office, he would flush the millions of illegals who voted for Biden in 2020 like rats. (I picked that analogy on purpose, he thinks they're sub-human).
The problem is that those people simply don't exist. They never tried to vote (because that is a sure ticket to getting kicked out permanently, after spending time in jail). But most immigrants that are easy to find are the legal kind.
So, when ICE simply couldn't find the vermin in the numbers Trump wanted, he fired them all and put in new people willing to go farther. So now, any non-citizen is suspect (as well as citizens who don't "look like" citizens). This is going to continue to escalate. This will turn into a major diplomatic problem. Other countries will need to start denying automatic visas to US citizens. Trump won't pay attention until his Corporate masters yell at him for making it so they can't just jet off to Europe whenever they want.
he would flush the millions of illegals who voted for Biden in 2020 like rats. (I picked that analogy on purpose, he thinks they're sub-human).
And that is the Nazi (and other authoritarian, not even just right fascists) talking point. The painting of a people as "Vermin", the villainization of a minority or even a majority or comparatively similar size group. The point is to gear your people to think deep down that the "others" are beneath them, beneath deserved respect, sub human scum that you shouldn't be worried about what happens to them.
US Citizens cannot legally be deported, and the 14th Amendment protects you from forced revocation of your citizenship. The only way you can become a Non Citizen again is denaturalization, or renunciation.
I don’t think it ever did. It does qualify you for legal residency status, resident alien or “green card” as most people refer to it. I’m pretty sure that status can be voided if you did anything illegal along the way. For citizen status you still have to go through the process.
Once we are married (very soon) she will apply for a change of status to CR1 Visa (Temporary Residency for a spouse of an American citizen)
From that point you have 2 years to finalize application for a Green Card (permanent residency)
Once she has her Green Card, so long as she isn't a criminal breaking any laws (non immigration related, felony shit) then she is a legal, permanent, resident.
You then have to maintain that Green Card status for a minimum of 3 YEARS to then apply for full or dual citizenship. (Though you apply 90 days before that 3 year mark arrives)
Let's start arresting Trumpers (not just husbands, but farmers, restaraunt owners, hotel owners, factory owners, etc) for multiple counts of aiding and abetting and see if they still think supporting him is a good idea.
Have sympathy for the wife. She didn't vote for Trump.
Frankly, I hope she is freed quickly, and that she realizes how his actions led to her predicament and drops his ass like a bad habit as soon as she's free.
Dumb motherfucker forgot that "criminal illegal immigrant" is redundant. If they're illegal, they're criminals, even if it's overstaying their visa. Including his wife.
I don't think this is correct, because I'm pretty sure that overstaying your visa is a civil violation, not a criminal offense. All criminal acts are illegal, but not all illegal acts are criminal.
I doubt someone who voted for Trump understands the difference between a criminal and civil violation. Hell, our own government treats ICE like a criminal law enforcement agency with guns and bullet proof vests, not clipboards and name tags.
Correct. It's a civil violation, and increases the risk of deportation. Normally foreigners overstaying a visit don't immediately get deported.
The overstay consequence is that it leads to a 3-year re-entry into the US ban if the overstay is under 1 year or 10-year re-entry ban if it's over 1 year.
Either way, this really sucks for the couple. They most likely won't be able to have a life in the US anytime in the coming years.
Okay, so now his political views are getting changed just because of fair enforcement of our laws? It's not legal for her to be in the country. She's imprisoned and awaiting deportation, and the law will likely be interpreted to prohibit her from attempting re-entry for a number of years.
I don't see why you are downvoted, he got exactly what he asked for.
I suppose it's that you call it "fair enforcement of law", which it is. The law is super strict and maybe not fair, but that's what he wanted, and the law was upheld as is. She was not targeted unjustly or unfairly under the law. Thus it is literally fair enforcement of the law. It's the law that sucks.
That's their fault then. We have clearly-written laws; and in places where they're not clearly written, you can call your local ICE office or your immigration lawyer (because anyone who's living abroad or trying to become a citizen should have an immigration lawyer on retainer), explain the situation before you're in an illegal condition, and see what they can do. I know that visa extensions exist.
It's easy to pick on this guy but pretty much the same goes for everyone: americans keep voting for red or blue and unless they are the billionares enriching themself over and over they always end up getting fucked
It's a binary choice, if we omit the Russian-backed shill
#BothSides aren't the same
pick the option of the two that is better. Repeat as the candidates evolve
I'm not sure whether these "#bothSides are terrible so let's not vote" are unable to detect nuance, can't read, can't do math, intentionally disenfranchising people, actually thinking they're crusaders, or kids in the basement hating everything because the science homework is due.
Still very committed to being uncommitted, even while other people are facing hardship. Will you still be uncommitted when you're facing hardship from the MAGAs?
You are making the same mistake of this guy. Don't wait the government to fuck up with one of your relatives to understand that the red and blue parties are the two faces of the same medal