Marbury vs. Madison has been maintained by tradition. No one ever imagined a president who would simply ignore it.
MS: Why won’t people upgrade from Windows 10?
MIT didn't seem to think it did anything wrong and considered the school to be a neutral participant. I've seen nothing since that would indicate they accept any blame.
This changed a lot of people's perception of MIT, and not for the better.
Drugs are bad, kids. Don’t take drugs. Or at least not the ones he’s taking.
The only Human Bartender I'd vote for.
You voted for a guy who said he'd be a dictator. Now he's a dictator doing dictator things. His not doing dictator things would be surprising, not this.
Fear not! Billionaires are bowing down to Trump.
Another Sinema. The Democrats don't do a very good job of vetting Congressional candidates.
Dry run, I assume.
'things to work' for other "competent" white men. Only.
Democracy was on the line and they still couldn’t come up with a coherent strategy. Disband the party and build a replacement that does something.
Great. Now do something.
I looked at Joplin before switching to Obsidian from OneNote. It has a mobile app but I don't know if it does local storage or not.
He's unable to think about anyone other than himself.
Has NPR already become the propaganda outlet the MAGA crowd has always accused them of being?
I want to be able to create new notes based on specific format
i have a format for note-taking in meetings that I currently copy/paste to use in new notes. I would like to be able to create a new, empty, note based on that format so I can skip the copy/paste step. I have Templater but it seems far more complex than what I need. Any suggestions?
Trying to get and use JSON from a URL
Absolute JS newbie here. I am able to use fetch() to get JSON from a URL but I can't figure out how to do anything with that JSON outside of the fetch itself.
Here's my code (API key and GPS redacted):
fetch('https://www.airnowapi.org/aq/forecast/latLong/?format=application/json&latitude=X&longitude=X&distance=50&API_KEY=X') .then(result => result.json()) .then((out2) => { console.log('Fetch Output: ', out2); }).catch(err => console.error(err));
Any code that references out2 other than console.log() call gives an error that out2 is undefined. How do I get access to out2 anywhere else?