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dan1101 dan1101
Posts 13
Comments 1.8K
Did you lock your front door when you left home today?
  • I just use the garage door opener, so sorta.

  • Did you lock your front door when you left home today?
  • I rarely touch the regular doors, I go out through the garage.

  • my fault gang
  • Why is the frog a dumbass?

  • my fault gang
  • I believe that's a frog dumbass.

  • my fault gang
  • Well no I guess this is exactly the sort of thing the lizzard is talking about.

  • my fault gang
  • I don't think that would apply to me.

  • New Crazy Taxi title will be an open-world, massively multiplayer AAA game, according to Sega
  • Have the taxi drivers compete and fight for the fares.

  • CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership
  • Yeah I read some transcripts and commentary, good enough. Already know I would never vote for Trump.

  • A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden's debate performance
  • Why don't one of them run? Oh they aren't viable candidates? Then you work with what you got.

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • America big, America great. America have a lot of problems. A lot of good things and a lot of bad things.

    We have so much wealth and resources, it just needs distributed much more fairly.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Once a car jumped the curb and managed to fly over a chain link fence and land in my parents front yard. On flat ground. Had to take the fence apart to get the car out.

  • USA presidential candidates
  • Jasper is my guy. More paddlin'

  • Steam/GOG Summer Sales
  • Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate for $20

    Sunset Overdrive for $5

    Stopping now lol.

  • Elden Ring Dev FromSoftware Suggests Turning Off Mouse Control Apps to Improve Shadow of the Erdtree Frame-Rate
  • Yep lean and mean is best for gaming. Dodge all those utility apps Have nothing running in the background that isn't essential.

  • What’s Your Oldest System?
  • Original 6-switch Atari 2600. Spent so many hours playing it. Hope it still works haven't tried it in decades.

  • Most people probably wouldn't know about the Titanic if it wasn't for the movie
  • It was already very famous because they called it unsinkable and then it sank on its maiden voyage.

  • The Steam Summer Sale is live now!
  • As far as I've seen the prices stay the same throughout.

  • Forza Horizon 4 Is Disappearing And It's All Because Of Stupid Licenses [not known if music, real-world car models etc.]
  • Coincidentally it's on sale for $12 right now, an all-time low price.

  • 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

    A report shows that while the industry is growing, its biggest competition is Fortnite, GTA, Call of Duty, and Roblox

    60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

    This data will probably only lead to more live service games. :|

    technology dan1101 Florida Middle Schoolers Arrested for Allegedly Creating Deepfake Nudes of Classmates

    In what appears to be the first criminal case of its kind, two teenage boys were charged under a 2022 Florida law for allegedly creating AI-generated images depicting middle school classmates.

    Florida Middle Schoolers Arrested for Allegedly Creating Deepfake Nudes of Classmates

    This is strange to me. Did the students create the deepfake nudes or did software create those nudes? A normal image editor program won't just create explicit material on its own, the user has to do it with a mouse/tablet/whatever. But AI algorithms will. Even if the kids were giving the instructions to AI, why isn't the software and/or the company that runs it at least somewhat liable for creating child porn?

    Suppose the students drew the nudes themselves, but they were really bad stick figure drawings with a name beside them to say who it's supposed to be? Is that illegal? What if they were really good artists and the drawing looked like a photo? At what point is the art considered good enough to be illegal?

    1 Why Teslas Totaled in the US Are Mysteriously Reincarnated in Ukraine

    Ukraine’s fearless and expert EV mechanics bring electric vehicles declared unfixable in the US and Canada back to life on the other side of the world.

    Why Teslas Totaled in the US Are Mysteriously Reincarnated in Ukraine

    The Ukranian guy in this article didn't like spending $400 a month on fuel for his Jeep. So he spent $53,000 getting a wrecked Tesla imported and fixed, so he could pay about $50 a month to charge the Tesla.

    Now he just has to drive the Tesla for 12 years to break even on fuel costs. Good move. :|


    How do you feel about valet parking?

    Valet parking seems to be getting more common at some city locations that don't have a good parking situation.

    How do you feel about valet parking? Doesn't bother you in the least, will do it if you have to, will never do it, something else?

    Personally I don't like some random person driving my car.


    What does cigarette smoking do for people?

    I've never smoked, but I've been around people that do. What do people feel during/after smoking? It doesn't seem to make people high or hallucinate or anything. It maybe mildly relaxes them?


    UC Vanguard and Freestar Rangers questlines question

    I've been getting diverted on sidequests, capturing ships, and exploration too much.

    But I really don't want to do the Constellation questline yet, I've seen some spoilers and I'm not ready for that . I'm thinking of concentrating on the UC Vanguard or Freestar Collective questlines. Can I complete those without interfering with the Constellation questline?


    Crimson Fleet Captain ship

    Just went through a Starfield experience that sort of awed me. Wanted to capture some pirate ships, I took a mission from Freestar Rangers mission terminal to destroy a "Crimson Fleet Captain." I thought it was a person, but that's the name of a ship.

    Engaged the ship, battle was fairly easy, took out their engines with EM weapons and boarded the ship. I was immediately blown away by how big and full of stuff the ship was. I've got a couple class B ships, but this one was probably 5 times the size of my Aegis. There were rooms after rooms, a few big open areas, several kitchens and sitting areas, a medical bay, storerooms, weapon rooms, armor mannequins, and a medium size trek-like bridge. The ship had at least 3 levels, and had probably 10-15 pirates to fight. Got to the captain's chair and was able to sit in it because I had leveled up my pilot skill enough. The ship was mine! I did this sort of thing last week with a smaller but impressive ship, but wasn't able to sit in the chair because my pilot skill was too low, so I had to abandon it.

    All the time I was fighting my way through the ship I was saying "oh my god" to myself as I saw how much bigger this ship was than the ones I was used to.

    For all it's shortcomings Starfield really nailed the ships, they are very unique and even compare very favorably to ships from Space Engineers, Empyrion, and Elite Dangerous. Elite Dangerous ships might give them some design competition but you can't walk around in them IIRC.

    ETA: The ship is apparently originally a Crossbow III, it's not all that huge but compared to the starter ship it's massive:


    Biden administration/NHTSA supporting Mass. right to repair law again A Controversial Right-to-Repair Car Law Makes a Surprising U-Turn

    The Biden administration has changed its mind about a Massachusetts state law giving mechanics and car owners access to more diagnostic data.

    A Controversial Right-to-Repair Car Law Makes a Surprising U-Turn

    >Car manufacturers could comply with the law “by using short-range wireless protocols, such as via Bluetooth,” to give owners or independent shops authorized by owners access to the information they need to diagnose issues with and repair vehicles, the letter says.

    Hopefully no manufacturers are allowing changes to the vehicle wirelessly. It should be read-only.

    4 Scientists reconstruct Pink Floyd song by listening to people’s brainwaves

    Breakthrough raises hopes that musicality of natural speech can be restored in patients with disabling neurological conditions

    Scientists reconstruct Pink Floyd song by listening to people’s brainwaves

    Sound clip is pretty creepy.


    Our entire existence may be a sort of stable spacetime bubble that can pop at any moment.

    Like ants nesting on a river bank, some only live a few days. A colony could live for many ant generations on a riverbank but when a big flood comes their entire world is wiped out.
