Requires a criminal history background check for the purchase of a three-dimensional printer capable of creating firearms; prohibits sale to a person who would be disqualified on the basis of criminal history from being granted a license to possess a firearm.
Technically it’s for any printer capable of printing a firearm or the components of a firearm, which is…. every printer. What a bafflingly stupid proposal. If you’re in NY, please call your reps and tell them to oppose this bill.
Well, that's a broad definition. I guess to whomever wrote that, a CNC mill is also a 3d printer.
A 3D consumer grade printer is not a true 3D tool since it can only move on 2 axis simultaneously. If you watch your printer closely, as it finishes it's path around the xy plane, there is a tiny halt as it changes active plane from the xy plane to xz plane, lifts the nozzle, then flips the active back to the xy to go along it's merry way again to lay down the new layer. And no, the hot new scarf joint is still a single plane movement. Sometimes such machines are incorrectly referred to as 2 1/2 axis because they aren't true 3 axis.
Source: I'm an old retired toolmaker. Trust me Bro.
There are gun parts that just can't be printed in plastic (reliably. There are proof of concept "all plastic except the firing pin" guns). But... because of how lobbyists tainted what few gun control laws we have, most of what makes a gun a gun CAN be printed and the rest can be bought as after market parts. That is why an incredibly common "ghost gun" is basically "print this and then go buy this replacement barrel and this baggy of parts to repair a glock".
Whereas a mill is great for those metal parts and you can theoretically mill an entire gun, it isn't going to be a gun you "want" to use and, odds are, you are going to need a lot more technical skills. And for stuff like "ghost guns" and the bootleg mods used in stuff like The Troubles? A 3d printer is MUCH more accessible and MUCH easier to make.
The reality is that neither is going to be effective in the case of a militia/uprising scenario (yes, you can print an AR-15 and it isn't THAT hard to reinforce the plastic to handle intermediate rounds. No, you can't print a hellfire missile or a predator drone or a tank). And for the purposes of a school shooting? Why print a gun when you can just grab daddy's glock out of his nightstand or junk drawer?
I'll also add on the reason why additive manufacturing is so loved by Industry. Milling is subtractive. You get a piece of stock and you cut it until it is the part you want. If you can guarantee said piece of stock is approximately the same dimensions every time, you can automate that. But getting a piece to those dimensions has a significant cost. 3d printing? As long as you clear out the build plate and sort of control the environment, it is the same operations every single time.
So to 3d print a glock? You go to one of the naughty sites, get the STL, make a few tweaks to your slicer, and start it (old Vice actually did a really good video on this). After that you wait until it is done, remove the supports, file the ever loving hell out of it, and you are ready to go blasting.
To mill a glock? You go to one of the naught sites and get the gcode. You then adjust that gcode to fit the dimensions of your piece of stock (or put in the time to make your piece of stock the dimensions the gcode is expecting...). You then do one process, stop it, move and remount the part precisely to expose the correct surfaces, and do the next process. And so forth.
Sure if you want a safe, durable, powerful firearm. Problem is, a new 3 axis machining center will cost over $50,000US, requires 3phase power, a large air compressor, specialized knowledge, tools, and skills far beyond a Bambu A1 combo. And running expenses are more than you make in a day. Plus they weight 10,000lbs/4500kg.
It's not bloody likely you are going to get one into your 3rd floor apartment. Let alone find and outlet to plug into.
You can fuck someone up real good with a 2X4 ( pronounced two be fore ). Yet I haven't had to pay for a 2x4 ownership license.
You can also really fuck someone up with a big bag of it actual shit or rocks or concrete or just a bunch of shit from Good will (which could included actual shit). Where do we apply for big bags of shit at the DMB?
Yeah, a dude actually made a ton of money during a gun buyback, by making cheap pipe guns. The buyback program had a flat amount as the bare minimum, meant to entice people to turn their firearms in. It was like $200 minimum. He made dozens of $5 single-shot pipe guns, and turned them all in. And since they were technically functioning firearms, the program was forced to pay out.
Anything to avoid having to actually address the systemic poverty and bigotry ingrained in the system that leads to violence...
From what I understand the "problem" as it's being framed in terms of ghost guns and inner city crime or whatever the buzzword is this year is not hobbyists running off a lower or frame for themselves. None of those guys in the hood and their switches are buying Bambus or building Vorons and suddenly turning into 3D printing gurus -- Someone, or several someones more likely, are deliberately mass manufacturing these things for sale to the criminals which is already thoroughly illegal. Find the gun runners and stomp on them. I thought you guys were supposed to have this big scary police force and surveillance apparatus?
California is cracking down hard on ghost guns right now... Its super important in LA. Its gotta be the single most biggest issue they are dealing with right at the very moment.
Ah. So I suppose that means California has successfully solved the skyrocketing cost of living and inflation, drought, rampant homelessness, and uncontrollable wildfires?
It's mostly a bunch of little hood gunsmiths, making them and selling them to customers. It's literally the gun equivalent of an attic full of weed plants.
Gonna require background checks to get plumbing supplies or to go to the hardware store? Cause I can make a gun a hell of a lot easier and quicker with that shit, than I can with a 3d fuckin printer.
I used to run a hardware store. We saw people assembling parts to build zip guns, potato cannons, pipe bombs, bongs, and other similarly related naughty projects all the time. You want to know what I did about it? I told them to let me know how it turned out.
Some boob from the ATF actually came by and tried to grill me real hard about ammonium nitrate at one point shortly after 9/11, and I had to tell him the same thing over and over again phrased many different ways until he finally got it, which was that we don't sell any fertilizer other than prepackaged blended consumer products, i.e. we did not sell any pure nitrates to anyone because we could not, because we didn't bother to carry them. End of discussion.
There was still plenty of crap available on my shelves to make a quite competent bomb if you knew what you were doing. But I didn't go into detail and I sure as shit wasn't going to go around teaching anyone.
How stupid, I use my printer to print minis for DnD. But, wait, it could theoretically print a gun, better get a background check, and have a waiting period of 6 months... fucking stupid.
Let's try to address the problems that led to this. Nah, let's try to ban stuff instead.
It won't even be effective. As I pointed out earlier, hoodlums in the ghetto, who are the implicit targets of this, aren't buying Bambus and becoming 3D printing experts overnight just to run off one off-the-books Glock. Someone with five or six brain cells to rub together is printing guns in quantity and selling them to the criminals. Anyone willing to employ that business model can and will simply kit build a printer rather than buying an off the shelf unit, which is certainly not difficult to do. It just adds one extra step to the operation for anyone who truly wants to do this, and 3D printing a working firearm is already a pretty decent commitment especially if you're not already an experienced printer. Especially Glock frames.
Ehhh typically the hood gunsmith is the guy with a 10 stack of braincells, who gets an ender and becomes decent enough with it to print a lower, slap a cheap nbs parts kit in it and finish it with an even-cheaper-than-PSA upper, and sell it for $200 to anyone he knows, rinse and repeat. Really makes his money printing switches and DIAS.
Are they going to require background checks for purchasing metal working equipment? Or maybe just make it illegal to bring any metal to melting point without a license.
Keep in mind that this is a state that bans nunchuks.
Never mind, NY banned nunchuks in 1974 but then in 2018 a federal court decided that New Yorkers have a 2nd amendment right to nunchuks.
Maybe there's a constitutional right to keep and bear 3D printers too? If your life is in danger, you can use the concealed printer you're carrying to make a gun and then defend yourself with that gun.
Don't worry, my state considers throwing stars to be "assault weapons" now and their sale and possession is banned. There's still stupidity abound if you care to look hard enough.
Just FYI, you can't buy a firearm at a dealer outside of your home state without having it shipped to an FFL holder in your home state. E.g., I can't drive to Family Firearms in Alabama from Georgia--where i live--to buy a gun. I have to order from them, and then have it shipped to an FFL near me, and then fill out the paperwork in my own state. In states that allow private, p2p sales (which is most of them), you could buy a firearm with cash from an individual, and they'd never do a background check or fill out a 4473.
Again. This bill was introduced last year, by the same person, and it died at the time because of some grassroots actions. Now, the wording is slightly different (so it can be introduced again as a "different" bill), and it's being tried again.
If you're european and ask yourself why 3D printed guns are such an issue in the US: It’s not because entire guns are easy to print (or printable at all), It’s because of their idiotic gun laws: in the US, the only controlled part is the receiver or frame, which often enough is made of plastic anyway, while the most important part -the barrel- is freely obtainable.