There is currently a bill in the NY State Assembly to require background checks for the purchase of 3D printers
There is currently a bill in the NY State Assembly to require background checks for the purchase of 3D printers
Requires a criminal history background check for the purchase of a three-dimensional printer capable of creating firearms; prohibits sale to a person who would be disqualified on the basis of criminal history from being granted a license to possess a firearm.

Technically it’s for any printer capable of printing a firearm or the components of a firearm, which is…. every printer. What a bafflingly stupid proposal. If you’re in NY, please call your reps and tell them to oppose this bill.
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You can also technically make a gun with generic plumbing supplies or you could finagle one with random garbage and a drill bit.
Home Depot background checks are next.
You can fuck someone up real good with a 2X4 ( pronounced two be fore ). Yet I haven't had to pay for a 2x4 ownership license.
You can also really fuck someone up with a big bag of it actual shit or rocks or concrete or just a bunch of shit from Good will (which could included actual shit). Where do we apply for big bags of shit at the DMB?
"Papers, Please"
and then they use that info to perform a credit check to ensure you’re not a “risk” to let into the store
May I introduce you to TM 31-210?
THIS IS AMERICA! You can't post stuff like this outside of a classroom!
I am sorry (not), but I am speaking to you from Germany via an Austrian server. So:
Muh freduum of speek!
Did I do this correctly?
You forgot the screaming eagles and the guitar solo. Otherwise, a solid attempt.
Only if you say it louder while licking the boots of the people taking said freedoms away. Also you need to firmly believe that you are the free-est country in the world. Belief in angels is optional for now.
You can't post stuff like this in a classroom... At least in the south
Uhhh... Hello? How are the kids supposed to live in constant fear of being shot of not reminded that guns can and do exist everywhere?
Trust me, in the south, half of them have guns
Background checks for plumbers wrenches next.
The windchimes are not what they seem.
Aww. He just died (David Lynch).
Kinda odd and you can see it in my comments, but yesterday I made a Lynch reference.
Then I talk about David Fincher, but since I always mix those two Davids up I was very consciously not typing Lynch later.
That was all before news went public so needless to say he was on my mind a lot of yesterday. Very Lynchian.
“I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange“
2 pipes, 1 nail, 1 end cap, 1 12-gauge shell, done.
Yeah, a dude actually made a ton of money during a gun buyback, by making cheap pipe guns. The buyback program had a flat amount as the bare minimum, meant to entice people to turn their firearms in. It was like $200 minimum. He made dozens of $5 single-shot pipe guns, and turned them all in. And since they were technically functioning firearms, the program was forced to pay out.
LOL, and I got downvoted for saying the gun buybacks are stupid. People turn in crappy/broken guns for money to buy a better gun. Hell, I have 3 or 4 I'd ditch. Maybe more if you offered me $200 each.