Republicans’ efforts to portray Elon Musk as a MAGA martyr are failing, as his victim narrative struggles to resonate with conservative audiences.
Musk’s controversial statements and perceived elitism, including his complaints of being targeted by Democrats, have alienated even right-wing supporters.
Protests and vandalism against Tesla have damaged the brand, and Musk’s ties to Trump have hurt the Trump’s approval ratings, especially on economic issues.
Attempts to rally sympathy for Musk, including his emotional Fox News appearance, have largely backfired.
I don't want Elon dead, I want him to go bankrupt, fail at creating some NRx corporate dictatorship so hard that he brings about a socialist utopia, and then end up getting the drug and mental health treatment he so badly needs for free, eventually issuing an apology for becoming such an asshole and proceeding to live out the rest of his days giving Ted talks around the theme of how being the richest person on earth was the most miserable time of his life.
Why would any person want to kill Muskrat? I can't even think of 10,000 reasons. I certainly don't think the world would be a better place if he was feeding worms in a shallow grave.
What a whining fucking maggot.
Elon and that whole cohort of cowardly cunts are destroying education, Social Security, international relations, food safety, financial security, and any kind of safety net for the tens of millions of people who will fall through the cracks and die because of their greed. Yeah, no fucking shit people want you dead. It's not out of spite, or jealousy, or political differences. It's self preservation.
Oligarchs deserve what's coming. The Oligarchs are trying to convince the people they don't have rights. At first the people will peacefully demand the restoration of the constitutional order. When the oligarchs refuse, the people will fight back, taking the fight to the doorstep of the oligarchs. If fighting starts, it will be too late for the oligarchs - the people are well armed.
Musk and the other tech-Nazis who invested in Trump want to tear down the government and replace nations with individually owned territories, which each of these corporate criminals will run like a personal fiefdom. Think 13th century feudalism but with internet and cars. A bunch of lords owning everything including the people. "Freedom Cities" that will be wholly owned and operated by your corporate overlords.
You are pretty much describing the premise behind Max Berry's book - Jennifer Government.
In the alternate present the novel portrays, the United States has taken over all of North and South America (except for Cuba) and dominates much of the rest of the world. The United States adopts "capitalizm", a form of minarchy that abolishes taxation and privatizes government.
People take the names of the corporations that employ them as their surnames, and persons with two jobs hyphenate their name, e.g. "Julia Nike-McDonald's". Employees of the government, including the novel's title character, take the surname Government.
Unfortunately, the takeover of the US government by billionaires isn't fictional anymore. If Musk and the others get their way, the Supreme Court will be disbanded or powerless. The Senate and House will have no control over the government's spending which is their constitutional role. All government power will be vested in the presidency and he will be their CEO. The billionaires will be a board of directors that gives the CEO / President his orders.
Something tells me the ones who think they’d be in charge would be quickly disappeared in theses “self regulating” “cities”.
Also, who do they think is going to move there? Do they believe liberals will gladly join their psycho future vision? The maga people are already against cities in general. They’ll never move to one….. so who do these people think will live/work/support their cities???
Their plan only works if the masses are desperate enough to move to their territory. That's why their plan starts with dismantling the current economy and institutions. Then they can say "come live and work in TeslandTM where there are jobs and opportunities" but where you have to use TeslabucksTM to buy everything.
I could be bought with a walkable downtown, commitment to the highest public education standards, affordable and accessible medical care, affordable housing, net zero buildings, xeriscaping, high speed rail, internet fiber everywhere, extensive parks and nature areas, diverse people and cultural events, shops and restaurants, and an effective technology supported town hall government ….. and a good brewpub.
The tech bros are supporting all that, right? Right?
People cheer at the news that Tesla dealerships are burning. That isn't because they hate Tesla, it's because Musk is an insufferable piece of shit. He solidified his legacy of trash when he went alt-right.
He's now the villain and always will be
And the fucker revels being a villain. CPAC appearance on stage with a chainsaw, telling Bob Iger to go fuck himself, Nazi salutes, the list goes on... His brain is obviously mush, but I kinda wonder how he thought this was going to play out for his companies any other way than it has.
He thought he was going to be second in command in Trump's cult, and every MAGAt would be buying Teslas and using Starlink for Internet. He thinks he's a Hero and he thinks everyone will support whatever he does just because he's the one doing it.
He didn't read the fine print before he aligned himself with Trump and now he's paying the price & crying about it which is having the effect of making him look weak & stupid, when he thought it would make him a martyr.
Drawn and quartered, via Tesla vehicles. It is a quiz show where every time Musk fails to answer, one of the vehicles move several feet. These questions, can be about how many people lost their jobs and lives to Musk, and what rules DOGE broke in order to ruin them. Upon 10 questions failed, all the vehicles run free, and Musk becomes a wishbone.
There might be a bear animatronic as the host to this event.
I think honestly it’s not just the conflict of interest threat that warrants someone in public office divesting themselves. We’re seeing that it’s better for the companies too - keeps them insulated from the impact of unpopular decisions.
"All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction."
If he were killed they would all give fake sadness and fake tears but in private they would all be 'FINALLY'. The internet will be up in arms with celebration, and the simps will eventually forget they even knew the guy.
I don't care if he's dead or not. I just never want to have to hear that stupid Twitter guy say another word. I'm at the point where a single sentence from him makes me cringe enough to throw my phone across the room. Dead or irrelevant makes no difference to me. Just wish he was gone. Go to Mars already idiot.
I want him to blast off on a self funded one way trip to Mars with his closest friends. Then televise him and friends trying to create a Mars society. It would be better than any reality show produced yet.
i mean, what did he expect if he threatens to slash social security? any attempt to slash social security is a declaration of war to the civil class; and if you're declaring war, you better be ready to die.
how can we respect their lifes if they don't respect our lifes?
He is such a ridiculous asswipe that it seems like he’s doing it on purpose to help distract from other billionaires falling in line or random horrible shit the administration is doing.
I doubt it’s an act, and I suspect he’s really just that much of an asswipe, but damn.
He's one of the most prominent disconnected individuals out there. It's almost certainly not an act, he's just an idiot. One of the most powerful and influential idiots that has ever existed, unfortunately...
He and Trump are very similar. Both managed to make a bunch of other people's money tied to their personal brand and both had a whole lot of interests trying to help build them up while simultaneously running interference to keep them from making actual decisions about businesses because those folks realized what a moron that he was, until it gets out of hand and they can't control him anymore. It's a perfect storm to just make the most insufferable people, idiots who have been told their whole lives by everyone how great and smart they were by an 'in crowd'.
Honestly, I don’t think there’s any distraction tactics. Anyone who can’t see what’s happening is blind. It’s full on dictatorship in progress, people.
Clarence Darrow wrote: "All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction."
Empathy, like tolerance, should really be considered a social contract. If he doesn't have empathy for the less fortunate than him, I have a really hard time having empathy for him.
I wish for him to be reborn as bee, so that when in anger he stings a person, he must remove his stinger himself in a desperate plea to survive or tear his innards out in the ultimate karma that would humble his soul.
Just every day some little misfortune to balance out karma like wet sleeves after washing hands, occasionally stepping into dog crap, marmalade toast falling on the floor upside down, a few paper cuts, stepping onto lego barefoot, mobile phone falling into toilet bowl and so on.
At this point they might as well go back to trying to make a martyr out of the United Healthcare guy who's name I remember about as well as Elon Musk remembers what compassion is.
Elon Musk is a real victim, inside of having "more money than anyone should ever be able to amass or dream of spending in one lifetime", now he only has "more money than anyone should ever be able to amass or dream of spending in one lifetime".
"Wahhhh! People I've demonized and repeatedly talk down to don't like me! Just because I'm destroying any positive programs the government has and taking your future safety nets away doesn't mean we can't still be friends!"
A core principal of a martyr is being widely liked. No one gives a shit about this dude. Even the people who he surrounds himself with don't give a flying fuck about the dude. Musk himself makes every interaction with him transactional. Add in his default behavior of being an 11 year old edgelord wrapped in a 50 something whale body with hair plugs that's awkward as fuck to be around, and yeah it's not hard to see why nobody likes this fucking billionaire with attachment issues.
Dude needs to ditch the ketamine and perhaps get actual therapy. And actually having a better diet and exercise regimen wouldn't hurt either.
They say things like this because their base wants to kill people they dislike. Most people don't want to kill people they dislike, they want them to win three Guinness World Records for longest lasting, least operable, and largest hemorrhoids.
Musk, if you cared about your fragile reputation, you should never have entered politics in the first place. We would've just been back to hating you because you're the richest and the symbol of capitalism.
But we hate you because not only are you that, but you happily stomp over things you don't care to understand why it is important to have them in the first place that so many Americans rely on. You are Trump's bitch, you got here because he rewarded you for supporting him, like he has with all of his corrupt buddies.
Get the fuck out of politics, dissolve your stupid tongue-in-cheek government branch and fuck off.
he lost his mind when vivian came out trans, and GRIME started dating chelsea manning. and nobody would back him on trying to get ouf the twitter purchase. he now compensates with ketamine and cocaine.
Seriously! If I were the richest man in the world, I'd just fuck off quietly to my secret billionaire volcano, where I'd get fucked up on wine plundered from a sunken Spanish treasure galleon, and drugs you've never even heard of, for as long as I want, because literally nothing can affect you when you're that rich! Why would you invite so much mockery??
Because true respect is something money can’t buy.
They say money can buy you whatever you want, but really it can only buy you items and appearances. But rich people spend so much time just throwing money at various desires and issues that they tend to confuse appearances with substance. Note Musk buying ‘skill’ at video games, and the push for AI—because it allows them to pretend to have skill at something they don’t.
So they endlessly chase appearances, and are confused when all they end up holding is empty air. An unsatisfying feeling, to say the least.
When you have everything else, and you’re still not happy, and throwing money at the issue is your only skill, you keep trying that, no matter how often it doesn’t work.
I realized this morning that for how much Luigi is praised there haven't been attempts to follow his example.
I don't know why that felt relevant on this post and I'm definitely not advocating anything, just an observation
Just because you didn't hear about something doesn't mean it's not happening.
The home of State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation (SAIF) CEO Chip Terhune in Lake Oswego, near Portland, was shot up in the early hours of Feb. 21, the Lake Oswego Police Department said Wednesday.
Most people capable of murder do not care about their fellow humans; and those of us who could often lack means or have to protect others closer to home. They cannot just go away without harming others who need them.
Once you get past all those filters it’s a very tiny percentage of people who have motive, means and opportunity. Most of those get unlucky.
What a misguided thinking, way to shoot on their own feet. By now, it should be clear that anything republicans perceive as weak, fragile, or reflective of their own insecurities triggers aversion.
trump managed to survive such perceptions because his mugshot projected a "cool" toughness or because narratives like "chosen by God" framed threats to his life as some divine bs. Musk on the other hand… getting his feelings hurts and being bullied by democrats does not create strong optics for republicans to rally behind, especially given their frequent ougabouga war cry of "dems/woke tears" or "go woke go broke".
Keen to see where this leads as musk is clearly expending significant influence at a rapid pace.
Their problem is not that they don't get it, it's that they can't sell it. We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, Elon Musk is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle age, middle class, middle income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family, and American values and character, and you heil Hitler.