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noxypaws Noxy

Furry (feral dhole), he/him, feet/(hind)paw worshipper, car appreciator, mechanical watch wearer, cloud engineer, thinkpad/pop!os!!/i3wm user, occasional synth/guitar/handpan player, car/track enthusiast

Avatar and banner artist: Heatherwolf

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Comments 398
What is something you've done that you believe very few other people have done? Only one caveat: it can't be cool or jealousy-provoking.
  • Nah I just think they're horrific for the environment, and a pretty shitty way to visit new and distant places

  • What is something you've done that you believe very few other people have done? Only one caveat: it can't be cool or jealousy-provoking.
  • Was specified. Probably pretty rare these days, but this was ~11 years ago for a cruise with Holland America (and I hope to never go on a cruise ship again for the rest of my life)

  • Trump reveals executive order requiring Pam Bondi to prosecute ‘anti-Christian bias'
  • please don't lean on LLMs to finish your thoughts for you. even if Kagi is awesome, don't do your own critical thinking such a disservice.

    I totally agree with your point though. I'm pretty anti-religious myself, but at least having grown up catholic I did have to learn about a lot of that stuff.

    and yeah, these fucking nazis are about as literally anti-christ as anyone can POSSIBLY be. These fucks would waterboard their own savior without a second's hesitation.

  • CEO of Brave rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros
  • Oh that queer hating fuck is still around?

  • Canada proposes 100% tariffs on Tesla, I have an alternative: open the door to Chinese EVs
  • Replacement batteries are really not a concern with EVs. They last longer than most folks expect and they come with pretty lengthy warranties.

    It's still ridiculous how expensive they are to repair or replace, and for sure that will hit some folks hard, but it really should be quite rare to replace an EV's battery

  • Canada proposes 100% tariffs on Tesla, I have an alternative: open the door to Chinese EVs
  • Yes.

    EVs are definitely better for the environment than ICE powered cads. But they won't singlehandedly solve climate change, let alone all the harms when places prioritize single occupancy passenger cars at the expense of public transit.

    And sure, I'm drawing a line here because cars are one of the precious few industries where you can still buy union-made.

    Where do you draw that line?

  • Canada proposes 100% tariffs on Tesla, I have an alternative: open the door to Chinese EVs
  • You should also worry about if Chinese EVs meet reasonable labor standards. Which they don't.

  • Canada proposes 100% tariffs on Tesla, I have an alternative: open the door to Chinese EVs
  • Replacing nazi cars with slave labor cars is a pretty fucked up idea.

  • Nintendo wins piracy lawsuit against file-sharing site
  • Dstorage is the site that the headline failed to mention

  • ~~Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals~~ [see comments]
  • These motherfuckers are actively making tech as a whole less secure by destroying any trust the public may have had in firmware updates.

    Urgent security fixes are gonna go unpatched on a lot of shit because consumers are seeing more and more firmware or software updates actively making things WORSE.

  • fuck this
  • All federal funding will stop

    That's the only part here anyone needs to know.

    He'll threaten to pull funding for his stupid pet issues first, then pull it anyways for everyone else.

    Therefore, fucking ignore his threats, nothing you can do will ever appease him and he will go back on his own word like it's a bodily function.

  • Tim Walz says he may run for president in 2028 despite failure of Harris campaign
  • Loser says what?

    Nobody associated with the Harris-Walz campaign should have anything the fuck to do with 2028 presidential campaigns. They should all be too embarrassed to ever show their faces again.

    AOC should be the candidate. Nobody to the right of AOC should even fucking bother with the primary, even if that describes 95% of the Democratic Party.

  • "Politics"
  • The USA is not civilized enough for a federally operated and mandatory centralized medical records system. Not even close.

  • "Politics"
  • But It should have already existed for medical use. Back in 2010, it’s not insane.

    If, hypothetically, a single centralized medical records system was established in 2010, the current administration would be able to get into it for their own nefarious purposes of tracking which people are getting gender affirming care, abortions, or anything else they feel like a pretense to go after the "undesirables"

    Perhaps in this hypothetical it would have seemed overly paranoid in 2010, but current events clearly demonstrate that such paranoia is well-founded.

  • im gonna stick to my old hitman games on disc thanks rule
  • yeah, totally agreed. Really phenomenal game once you're in it, but the constant attempts to upsell shit and the pathetic online stuff really do seriously detract from the overall experience.

    I still do recommend trying 3/WOA if you can get it for a good price. Freelancer genuinely adds a lot to the game and the new destinations from 3 are excellent.

    But I totally understand not wanting to even bother.

  • im gonna stick to my old hitman games on disc thanks rule
  • What do you dislike about the most recent 1-3/WOA other than the online requirement and the microtransaction bullshit?

    to be clear, either of those alone are a totally valid dealbreaker!

  • "Politics"
  • There should be some mechanism in place for Doctors to get this information quickly, and by nature that would probably involve the government

    This is an insane proposal. If doctors could see such info, so too could the literal Nazis running the government. What you're proposing as a centralized repository for medical info would instantly become a literal "round up these people and put them in camps" list.