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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Plex is discontinuing its “watch together” feature
  • Jellyfin is absolute dogshit though.

    Sauce: I just installed it on my media server that concurrently runs plex. I run the app on a fire tv cube to use it... and it crashes* constantly.

    Edit: More stuff :)

    -My media library when imported immediately showed seasons of shows as separate shows, it doesn't intelligently automatically merge it like Plex would.

    -Subtitle options are not consistent or robust. I MUST have subtitles due to having a multilingual family which is largely ESL, if they speak English at all. This is the problem I tried moving to jellyfin to fix.

  • The U.S. Economy Depends More Than Ever on Rich People | The highest-earning 10% of Americans account for almost 50% of all consumer spending.
  • not that long ago, a single working man could provide for a house, 2 cars, a wife and 2.5 kids.

    While women worked for pennies on the dollar, people of color weren't allowed to go to school with white people and women didn't go to college, they went to secretarial school. Plus tons of people were dying from all manner of health conditions because there were no regulations for practically anything.

    The "golden days" have some serious nostalgia but they were far more fucked up than people remember. Buying a home from 0 has always been like living in poverty for almost everybody in the US. Only the top earners have ever had vast excess of earnings.

    When houses were 35k people were making $3500/year or much, much less.

  • The Tesla takedown has begun. A national protest movement seeks to strike a blow to Elon Musk’s net worth
  • You know how we "make an example" out of people who do things we don't like?

    We need to make an example out of billionaires that put up hundreds of millions of dollars to manipulate elections. Billionaires and big business should have no place in politics.

  • rule :(
  • Next you'll ban butter, cheese and salt because "fat makes you fat" and "salt gives you high blood pressure"

    Because in 2025 we want our poor to eat unseasoned rice, beans, pasta and potatoes while they work our fields and factories so the ownership can get another, bigger super yacht this year.

  • who got rich with gov't money??
  • The money is already diverted. That's what the tax cuts were in 2017.

    This is just a way to upset various government agencies that might otherwise not be ok with law being upended to accomplish the goal of eliminating services our elected government has mandated.

    The entire legislative branch is broken now.

  • RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants
  • Too much money involved for that.

    Pharma has an open left leaning culture but once you get to executive leadership and the board the only thing that matters is sales. The bribers (aka lobbyists) will work with anyone.

    You can bet your ass there is more chance of the FDA getting disbanded than drugs having prices regulated or simply being banned from sale. I'm expecting the biden price negotiations for medicare and medicaid to go away so the pharmas can milk us even more with their exclusive monopolies for the first decade or so of sales.

  • The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad.
  • Good thing I pirate all their shit already if I want it.

    I stopped paying for Amazon Prime over a year ago once they announced similar bullshit with their video service.

    Once Disney dropped subscription sharing.... I started downloading their shit too.

    Now i'm left with Netflix and Crunchyroll. I'm this close to axing netflix. Crunchyroll is kinda shit but at least it's cheap.

  • YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power.
  • This is the thing that I literally do not understand. Self-segregation is the stupidest shit.

    A coalition of independent farmers or farmers with a specific agenda is much better than dividing shit by race. Race is the least meaningful way to divide people.

    My wife is black, but she's not stereotypical American black. If she owned a farm she could be on this list... and she has zero roots in the historical american bullshit. She's literally an immigrant who pulls six figures in the corporate world. Most of the people of her cultural background are trump supporters for some stupid fucking reason (they think trump will only deport the "other" POCs, not their own, surely THEIR brown people are better right? Morons.)

    If her trump loving copatriots registered as "black' farmers they could be included in this list... and by buying through them we'd be supporting the establishment no less than if we just went to a mega-corpo grocery store.

    I'm all for supporting businesses and groups that are doing something positive for the community or at the very least are trying not to actively make things worse for people but blindly "buying black" is stupid. I'd much rather buy from a fucking worker owned co-op farm that is politically aligned as far away from hate as possible.

  • Mexican president reveals U.S. concession Trump failed to mention as tariffs paused
  • Those texan gun dealers love selling to the cartels through proxy buyers. They are so easy to find if you have access to the right information - just look at whoever buys more than two guns in a 6 month period... the top 80% of that list will probably be unable to procure all the guns they bought because they distribute them over the border.

    If we can smuggle people in to the US easily, it should be trivial to smuggle weapons out of the US easily. Hell, if you take out the receivers you can do it in plain sight, just move the receivers illegally.