my assumption is that he wants a guy like that to assist in the operations of a new american run private cartel network, after they have ousted mexican cartels who cant be reasoned with to give up their profits to the US Oligarchs and private contract groups. they get a chance to install their own american run mexican cartel in mexico, and take over their drug trade for private funding operations. it would explain the 3000 troops they sent to the southern boarder, among other "official" reason.
this guy will help them with connecting with private sellers, to private clients, and logistics. im also assuming that this "new silk road" will be heavily monitored under the guise of decentralization and privacy, for use in things like blackmail, and coercion of users. or simply to attack other drug trade networks by undermining their image and pricing.
but what do i know? im just some guy in a bathtub.
I love that out minister Joly flat out told CNN, and I'm paraphrasing, "if we are being honest America is a net exporter of immigrants and drugs to Canada. Don't lie and say this is about drugs or immigrants it isn't. It's about destroying the Canadian economy so you can annex us for everything that makes us one of the most desired countries in the world to live."
Oh man, talk about a head fuck. Sending drugs/immigrants to Canada and guns/gangs to Mexico. We(usa) are rightly fucked as a society, over half of us probably feel a weird joy of being such a cluster fuck of a trailerpark neighbor. The shit we prop up, including narcissistic actions being praised, makes me glad that I'm seeing so many countries pushing back on importing more "American culture" and going by their own light.
I think the "seriously fuck america" is a little much and vague. Even if immigrants and drugs from Mexico were previously perceived wrongly (at least in amplitude and hysteria), I never thought "fuck Mexico". I think people are kinda forgetting that even if the coaches have changed, this is still America's playbook. They're not going to play unless they make us pay. We've been targeting smaller countries and doing the same bullshit with a clean smile to the world for decades. Look at the ACA, now everyone HAS to have insurance (doesn't help affordability, and sometimes costs more), and they've tacked on a yearly fine if you don't comply while basically allowing the government to subsidize the insurance ceos.
We're a publicly traded country now though instead of being privately cut-throat. Stock holders want their continued profits and they see bigger gains in bigger countries.
also, mexico's cartel problem MAY have been started, or at least seriously ramped up, by the CIA-it's exactly their SOP, and it got seriously bad like right after a teacher's strike in oaxaca got juuuust a little too much popular support, started looking really communist.
Ross Ulbricht's release was a deal with the Libertarians for their endorsement.
Silk Road did not offer weapons and he did not hire a criminal to murder anyone. The FBI staged the whole thing. They forced his old roommate to pose as a murder victim. He later appoligized.
A pretty messy affair and Ulbricht's release is justified. Even though Trump only did it to gain Libertarian votes.
85% of people arrested with fentanyl at the border as U.S. citizens.
The vast majority of people arrested here for trafficking children are U.S. citizens (and children are over 3x more likely to be trafficked by an acquaintance or relative than they are a random kidnapper).
"Illegal aliens" commit less crime than natural born U.S. citizens.
Violent immigrants, perverted trans people, and incompetent DEI hires are all moral panics. You hear so much about them because the Republican party has nothing to offer that will make your life safer or easier.
It’s also just missing the point entirely. The US is primarily responsible for ensuring that illegal substances do not cross its borders. The much, much more logical response by the US to this threat would be to increase searches of vehicles crossing the border. Obviously, we would still have to pretend that a drug as compact as fentanyl can in fact be stopped effectively, but in any case securing the border from the US’ side is not Canada’s responsibility.
i'm not sure if you meant the number to be interpreted literally, but isn't 250lbs of fentanyl a lot. both psychonautwiki and substancesearch state that a "heavy" dose, which is where you start to seriously risk overdosing, (regardless of method of administration) is around 100ug. some quick back of the napkin math:
250 lbs ≈ 1.1*10^11 ug
1.1*10^11 ug/(100 ug/dose)=1.1 billion heavy doses
1.1 billion doses/365 days≈3 million, i.e. assuming you take a heavy dose every single day if the year (which, again, will likely kill you), 250 lbs would be able to supply 3 million people for a whole year
of course, this is assuming 100% purity, so these numbers probably change quite substantially if "fentanyl" is actually defined as "substance containing fentanyl"
of course none of this is with the goal of defending whatever the fuck trump is doing, i just wanted to put into perspective that 250 lbs can actually be quite a lot for super potent substances like fentanyl
They've made a business out of selling panic and fear to the masses. Betraying their own people for money. Never trust a conservative politician or business person.
But I always think the libertarian "just legalise all the drugs" is just odd.
Regulated? So you mean preventing people from taking really stupid shit? Sounds great sign me up lol
People gotta accept there are trade-offs to living in a society, and one of those is that there's a limit to which we allow each other to get high. Because there are some drugs that make people aggressive, and I personally think these ought to be curtailed where possible. (Again, not a "war on drugs" style curtailment. But distribution, still illegal and criminal)
You wanna take shit like meth? Cool, go out to the woods and never use socialised medicine where workers are at risk from people on such drugs, or just randoms walking down the street.
I don't think taking hard drugs should put you in prison, or even give you a criminal record, but actually legalising the distribution? Nah. Go live in the woods/hills away from everyone else.
Because there are some drugs that make people aggressive, and I personally think these ought to be curtailed where possible. (Again, not a "war on drugs" style curtailment. But distribution, still illegal and criminal)
The first such drug that comes to my mind is alcohol. Its distribution was also criminalized in the past, eventually leading to an increase in organized crime.
I don't know if Meth use should constitute total exile from society, especially if you are trying to get off of it. Its a highly addictive drug and usually people use it because of a state of being deprived and desperate of any joy in life.
Pardoning Ulbricht is the incredibly thin silver lining of Trump's presidency. These drug war advocates talk like they really believe this problem can be solved with criminal justice, meanwhile they defund harm reduction education and make healthcare inaccessible. It's diabolical.
The war on drugs is not ethical and the very last people I will get behind are law enforcement. The case against Ulbricht was a tissue of lies and fabrication.
I had never heard of him or the Silk Road. I just looked it up and it seems like there was some benefit to creating a place where people could find drugs without the dangerous human encounters that can happen during these sales but it also said that the site was used to trade in illegal weapons, hacking tools and tutorials, hit men for hire and other unlawful goods and services. Doesn't sound like much of a silver lining to me. More like an aluminum lining.
Did this stupid mother fucker really refer to the Prime Minister of Canada as "governor"? Can't tell if pushing the 51st state bullshit or he's just that fucking dumb!
He has been for a while now, which is actually a violation of the US' nato obligations. But who care anymore, the US is no longer an ally.
Edit: it also violates a ton of border treaties, and half a doze international agreements the US has benefited from for a long time. But just with NATO:
Key points of the treaty
The parties agree to settle disputes peacefully
The parties agree to refrain from using force in a way that goes against the United Nations' goals
The parties agree to consider an attack on one of them as an attack on all of them
The parties agree to consult about threats and defense matters
The parties agree to safeguard the freedom, common heritage, and civilization of their peoples
The parties agree to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area
Threatening Canada violates all of these and then some.
It's the new "we'll build a wall, and mexico will pay for it" - a clause so dumb that people will complain about that, unknowingly tugging "normalcy" a step in that direction.
Canada at least has a "Governor-General" who is appointed by the British monarch.
Edit: like several other commonwealth states, Canada is a completely separate country from the United Kingdom. It just happens, by law, that King Charles III is the king of all of them.
When talking about what Charles III is doing in relation to Canada in his position a king, we're supposed to refer to him as the monarch of Canada, we just don't tend to do it because he doesn't live here full time.
All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased and law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
For the whole drug exchange platform fair enough it might have beeneoverkill. But we are still talking about a guy who was up for killing people on his way. Not sure they are the best for society
As much as I hate Trump, I don't think this is the "gotcha" it is being portraied as by this tweet. Silk Road was one of the best things to happen for the "safer use" movement of all time. The ability to not have to deal with shady street dealers and order from darknet suppliers on a platform that had legitimate reviews and an escrow system was a huge improvement to the safety of drugs users. It meant a much lower risk of contaminated drugs or getting scammed out of your money.
Of course Ross allegedly also attempted to hire a hitman, which is how he got caught, cause the hitman was an undercover agent, so he allegedly is not a good guy regardless of how you think about him helping people get access to cleaner drugs, but that's besides the point the author of the tweet is trying to make
People died from overdoses not to mention lots more ruined lives. I get you like the idea of drugs that are safer to order but that does not make it a good thing.
Also lots of child pornography, murder for hire, human trafficking, and all kinds of other shitty things took place. So yeah, not exactly a good thing.
Silk Road did not offer child pornography, weapons, people or hitman services. Ross Ulbricht did not hire a hitman to kill his roommate. He was framed by the FBI and the roommate was coerced into helping stage the murder. The roommate later appologized and tried to get Ulbricht out of prison. Don't believe all the propaganda. Drugs are dangerous, but law inforcement is always more dangerous.
I’m going to guess there were prescription meds available on SR. The danger is, if they weren’t going through FDA or any oversight, it’s very possible they were some other “mix” containing addictive substances.
This is even more preposterous when you realize trump's boys are presently organizing Florida into the cocaine/meth distribution point for Latin America. They have a mob boss for a dad. Mobsters like the money drugs bring in. Expect trump to make ALL drugs illegal again - even medical marijuana. Mobsters make lots more money off illegal drugs than legal ones (except for the mob owned pharmaceutical companies - I think we've all seen their pricing in action... $400 dollars for a drug that costs $5 to make (looking at YOU, insulin).
Well, that's not quite what happened. There is evidence he ordered the hit and paid for it. The tainted cop tricked Ulbricht into thinking that the killing took place.
The same people that keep complaining about Trump supporters defending him no matter what keep making the same mental gymnastics to defend Ross Ulbricht without realizing.
No idea why people keep defending him, he's a piece of shit that should've stayed behind bars.
Worse; you could buy people from the silk road. Wives, children, nanny's slaves... Along with military equipment, drugs ofc, stolen goods, and pretty much anything illegal that has a buyer.
Had a friend that liked buying drugs there, and would send me screenshots of some of the insane ads he found. He was pissed when it got shut down, and moved to a market called 'Agora'.
Broke off that friendship quite a while ago and haven't heard about it since. Not really my scene...
This isn't true, there was no category for buying human beings. I don't even think hitmen were allowed to offer their services.
Military equipment and stolen goods, absolutely. Hacked accounts, too. But any ad he found was either promptly removed or was never on The Silk Road to begin with.
Other non-drug markets did exist at the time but I never went on them so I can't confirm if they were selling slaves.
I wish I'd have saved some of those images; I can assure you they did exist. I don't think it was a prominent part of the site, with their main focus on illegal substances/goods, but it was definitely there.
False, no human trafficking, cp, or hitmen services were allowed and were promptly removed, except when Ross him self tried to buy one. Obviously people attempted to hide their sales, just like they do in the clearnet, but the site had a policy against many things.
Maybe they weren't permitted/encouraged, and eventually got removed, but you could definitely find them there. I wish I'd saved images; but this was 15years ago.
Another garbage pardon by garbage people. Why does he like criminals soo much!? Oh yeah, he is one himself.
I guess the silver lining is that we can recognize no one single entity should be allowed this discretion to pardon people. Donald Cuck's abuse of this privilege helps us realize that is should not be a privilege at all.
And yet no more than 2% of the drug problem is entering through Canada illegally, apparently. The bulk is smuggled in by regular citizens via regular channels. Funny that.
Can you source this? I can't find any links that talk about fentanyl sales being banned. The site sold thousands of drugs/gold/bitcoin/cash/ids/hacking tools, on and on:
Banning a popular drug seems unlikely. Testing to make sure people weren't selling it anyway certainly never happened.
Anything to "harm or defraud". It was not a popular drug - it was fraudulently added to other drugs, making a greater profit at the expense of customer lives. Middlemen and even some end users were expected to purchase testing kits from third parties.
Fentanyl is so bad it is prohibied even on deep web illegal marketplaces. Do some research before spreading lies. A lot of stuff was not allowed on the silk road.
I agree that Trump doesn't care about the fentanyl issue. If he did, he'd be ending the war on drugs.
I would like to point out, Ross Ulbricht was sentenced for running a website, to double life plus 40 years in prison without possibility of parole. It was a bullshit sentence that came at the end of a trial of questionable integrity. The fact that neither Obama or Biden pardoned him is one more embarrassment for the Democrats.
He was not sentenced for running a website, holy shit man. He paid to have people killed and in at least one case believed it happened (it didn't, the hitmen were all scammers or law enforcement)
Let's not paint a rosy picture of Ross Ulbrecht here.
Woah, woah woah. You need to check you facts on this one. He was not sentenced for trying to have people killed. He was publicly accused of murder for hire, but not charged.
He was sentenced for running a website and the judge wanted to "make an example"
By all means link me a source that shows he was convicted of murder for hire if you think you can find one, but I can already tell you that you can't.
I think the argument is more, "Sir, I'm the manager at this Walmart and I have no idea what these people were exchanging amongst themselves in the back aisle."
Either way, double life + 40 years is a bullshit sentence for what this is.