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PlaidBaron PlaidBaron
Posts 55
Comments 231
1284 - Drive: 40 meters, Climb: 7.5 meters, getting a little wheel slip, and the local dust storm is spoiling the view
  • You say spoiling but we get to see a Martian dust storm. Thats pretty rad.

  • HP drain
  • Green good

  • What's your radical opinion?
  • As someone with rich Italian heritage, you disgust me. May god have mercy on your soul.

  • Born in the USA Was a Protest Song
  • This Land is Your Land is also not the patriotic song people think it is. At least, not in the way people think it is.

  • Peloton to ruin the secondhand market by charging a $95 ‘used equipment activation fee’ | It doesn’t apply to refurbished models bought directly from the company
  • I bought a simple spin bike thirdhand. Guy who owned it before me got it from a gym. You twist a knob and it increases pressure on a leather brake. Its built like a tank.

    Its great and like you say, if I wanted I could just look up spin videos on youtube for free.

    Why would I bother with a Peloton?

  • Suddenly it all makes sense.
  • On a human timescale? No.

    On a cosmic timescale? Hell yeah.

  • Trump sure seems pissed off over the Obamas’ DNC jabs
  • I havent seen the Huffington Post website in years. Clicked on this to see the video. About 20 seconds of the video, 30 seconds of ads, another 20 second clip. More ads.

    At least the article isnt paywalled. Ill give them that.

  • Rainbolt is unbeatable
  • Canada. Not as many as in the US but the Canadian flag is flown in many households.

  • Derby, CT road widening
  • Found the Eurosnob.

  • Inside the Worst Three Weeks of Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign
  • When you help a campaign based on a race to the bottom, always expect to be a casualty on the way down.

  • Sony Digitmatic

    Why do stretchy bread bags turn crinkly after being in the freezer?
  • Atlantic Canada. I don't mean like cling wrap stretchy. It just isn't like the crinkly kind of plastic. It has some give if you try to stretch it.

  • Why do stretchy bread bags turn crinkly after being in the freezer?
  • It seems to stay more crinkly even after normalizing.

  • Why do stretchy bread bags turn crinkly after being in the freezer?
  • That's how presliced bread comes in Canada. I'm talking the sandwich loaf stuff. Not nice handmade bread.

  • Why do stretchy bread bags turn crinkly after being in the freezer?
  • It dries it out a little but it's fine for sandwiches.

  • Why do stretchy bread bags turn crinkly after being in the freezer?

    So every time we get bread it comes in a stretchy bag. However, once we pull it out of the freezer later the bag is noticeably more crinkly and brittle. Anyone know why this is? I can't seem to find an answer to this phenomenon anywhere.

    Max Speed Limit by State
  • Who chopped the head off Maine?

  • Slum in New York City, USA, 1888
  • Living the dream.

  • Slum in New York City, USA, 1888
  • And yet they're dressed nicer than most people on the street today. Or at least most people in the local Walmart.

  • Tethered Bottle Caps
  • Im sitting here in Canada just learning these exist in the first place.

  • Yard lookin' fine tho.


    Plastic Raised Beds in Winter?

    Hi all. When I bought my house I also inherited several plastic raised beds. The previous owner told me to mound up the dirt every winter so the soil wouldnt expand and crack them.

    I was wondering if this is actually necessary or just something they thought they needed to do. I have never heard of this before but then again, Ive always only had wooden ones before.

    Im trying not to till the soil too much so Id like to avoid mounding it if I can. Does anyone here have plastic raised beds? Do you mound the soil or leave it as is?



    Cant even identify a simple ladybug.


    20 Sorrel Recipes 20 Sorrel Recipes (+ How to Cook It)

    Try these sorrel recipes for meals you won't forget! From pizza to soup to quiche, you'll enjoy learning how to cook with sorrel.

    20 Sorrel Recipes (+ How to Cook It)

    Some interesting ideas for using sorrel. Lots of nice recipes.

    0 Novel socio-environmental vulnerability index pinpoints sustainability issues in Brazilian river basins

    Brazilian researchers combined environmental physical, social and economic indicators to create an index that measures a region's vulnerability and used it to analyze the basins of the Parnaíba River and São Francisco River in the Northeast of Brazil. The index is named SEVI (for Socio-Environmental...

    Novel socio-environmental vulnerability index pinpoints sustainability issues in Brazilian river basins

    Starting the Gigantic Crossword Puzzle

    1 meter wide. 666 clues total.


    Oh how the tables have turned...

    Not sure Im ready for one of these 'internal combustion' cars I keep hearing about. Until they can sort out the risk of the flammable liquids you have to put in them from catching fire it seems too dangerous and impractical.

    10 How forests can cut carbon, restore ecosystems, and create jobs

    To limit the frequency and severity of droughts, wildfires, flooding, and other adverse consequences of climate change, nearly 200 countries have committed to the Paris Agreement's long-term goal of keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. According to the latest United Nations Intergove...

    How forests can cut carbon, restore ecosystems, and create jobs
    0 Dandelion Cream Pie (Edible Flower Pie)

    Dandelion cream pie is a fun way to enjoy fresh wild dandelions in the spring.  The petals taste like honey, and they make a surprisingly good edible flower pie! Every spring, I get the littles

    Dandelion Cream Pie (Edible Flower Pie)

    I have not tried this yet but I am...intrigued.


    Weed of the Week: Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea)

    Ground ivy can be found in many countries around the world and grows aggressively. It is often viewed as a highly invasive weed in lawns and gardens. It is notoriously hard to remove and control.

    The good news? It tastes like mint (sort of). Ground ivy makes a good mint substitute and can also be used as an herb in cooking. Makes sense since it is part of the Lamiacae family which includes well known herbs such as basil, mint, oregano, and thyme.

    Being an abundant and easily identifiable weed with few lookalikes, its an easy plant for beginners to cultivate. It is best to pick the smaller leaves as the larger ones can be bitter.


    Note: A bit like cilantro, the taste is a bit polarizing. Some people love it, others find it unpalatable.


    Got this little Sempervivum today!

    After trying (and failing) to rescue an overwatered Echeveria plant from the supermarket, I sort of got addicted to succulents and went out and bought this one. I have no idea what Im doing but Im hoping starting with a healthy one will be a better introduction.


    To all 17 subscribers: How did you even find this community?

    Thrilled to have y'all here but this is a very niche topic. How did you find this place?


    Some Online Resources for Beginners

    I wanted to share a few useful resources for those out there who are interested in finding edible weeds but don't know where to start.

    Picture This App, and app that uses AI to identify plants taking a simple picture. I have found this app to be quite accurate but remember to always check and see if there are look-alikes out there which may not be edible.

    Eat the Weeds, blog style website with a huge number of entries on edible weeds. A very useful resource to start finding edible weeds you might encounter.

    Wild Edible, another great blog style source outlining several wild edible plants. Importantly, entries often have a look-alike section which can help you determine if youre looking at the right plant.

    If you have any other trusted resources, share them here!


    Flag of France


    What would cause these flies to die on this piece of grass like this?


    The way this leaf is changing colours


    Bittercress - Remove or keep?

    Hi all. I have quite a lot of hairy bittercress in my garden. I think it rode in on the compost I got this year. Ive been removing it from directly around my pea plants but in the open spaces of the garden where its really taken off, Ive surrendered and let it be.

    My question is this: Should I be removing it or should I leave it as a kind of live mulch. It doesnt appear to be hindering my peas or other plants in that bed but if it will do long term damage to the soil Id rather take care of it now.

    Anyone have any experience with it. Is it worth the effort of removing or do I just let it be?


    2 Australia's first wellbeing framework is about to measure what matters – but it's harder than counting GDP

    The new wellbeing framework, set to be released, has five broad themes and about 50 indicators treasury will track over time. Our new book shows how important but difficult measuring wellbeing can be.

    Australia's first wellbeing framework is about to measure what matters – but it's harder than counting GDP