Took me a while to realize that it's not the font names listed, but in my defense I'm down with a cold.
But I would like to know the font names.
Stimmt. Wir sind im Postfaktischen und es ist völlig egal was sie gesagt hat. Sie hätte die ganze Zeit Tiergeräusche von sich geben können und die AFD hätte was daraus gedreht.
Natürlich nicht. Ich hätte eher erwartet, dass die Erstellung von improvisierte Sprengsätze zur Ausbildung gehört. Da ihr Einsatzprofil asymmetrische Kriegsführung enthält. Und der Kollege hätte ein kleines bisschen OpSec mitbekommen sollen und weniger Spuren im Internet gelassen.
Also war er ein ziemlich schlechter Soldat. Sollte er aber eigentlich nicht, da er in eine Eliteeinheit war.
Moment, war nicht der Attentäter ein Green Beret, also ein Elitesoldat? Etwas addiert nicht hoch.
Isn't this collective punishment?
Die Detonation habe offenbar größeren Schaden anrichten sollen, doch die Stahlkarosse des Tesla Cybertrucks habe einen großen Teil der Druckwelle aufgefangen.
Hab genau an dieser Stelle aufgehört zu lesen:
"... Das muss schnelle und spürbare Konsequenzen für die Täter und spürbare Auswirkungen auch in die linksextremistische Szene haben."
After some short bouts of Forza Horizon 4 and Dirt 5 I'm back at Final Fantasy XIII, hoping I can finish it sometime soon.
That depends on the cheese used on the topping. If it's mozzarella I'm headed for a miserable time. Anything aged is OK: cheddar, swiss, aged gouda.
My personal experience is cooks love to use butter in everything, so I'm always wary.
After comparing the sound quality of Amazon, Spotify, Deezer and Tidal, the dynamic range of Tidal really stood out - even in lowest quality. At that time, I read that Tidal had the highest payout to the artists. I also like that the service is partially owned by several artists.
The recommendations and feeds are really top notch, just the right mix of stuff I know and like and nice surprises. The "Daily Discovery" often explores a certain genre or mood. There are so many cool bands I've found - also from genres I don't usually listen to. I can wholeheartedly recommend the service.
Komme mir langsam vor wie in dem Film Brazil, ständig Anschläge und alles ist einfach so bizarr.
My hot take: of it's open source and they don't receive money from me, I don't really care.
significantly contributing to the team's most successful era
... but not towards its success! So carefully worded.
“He had it coming,” says Christopher Null, a journalist
Despite all their drawbacks, I'm keeping my Fairphone and Framework laptop. On the phone, I've replaced the USB socket and the battery, and have upgraded the motherboard on my laptop. It's cheaper and keeps me locked in their ecosystems. Everyone wins, including the environment!
Why can't view this without an account? Fuck insta.
I grew up in the States but never was a citizen. In second grade after a while of this silly ceremony I asked the teacher if I really had to participate, because it didn't really apply to me. And the teacher was totally cool with it!
It was even wierder afterwards, being the only one sitting and watching everyone.
Read that the battery life of the Go isn't remarkable. How is it used as a tablet?
So you're saying that it's progressive to use bitcoin as ... money?
Kann bestätigen. Habe frei, erster Griff war zur Dampfterasse.