My exact first thought. If he's going to abuse his power and force govt services to provide twitter updates it should be accessible to all without restriction.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) on Saturday said it will stop e-mailing news organizations and reporters with updates about two plane crashes that occurred earlier this week.
Moving forward, the federal agency tasked with investigating transportation-related accidents and disasters said news organizations and reporters will have to follow the agency’s official account on X
That is the insane part. Honestly I thought so. I literally read an bias as fuck biography of that guy, believing that I would find some competency. Even they failed to spin the yarn in that way. The most positive spin was effectively "musk is a good promiser/beggar".
Context, it was in the early Tesla days, in which people hope he would kickstart a change.
I struggled through it with two new laptops last month. The command prompt method didn’t work anymore. I was however able to bypass after disconnecting the Internet a few times during the setup process to make it fail at trying to create an online account. It’s like it will finally give up after two or three times and allowed me to setup a local account finally.
It sure looked like an option last time I tried, but it was more hassle and I was just trying to create a guest account for a friend, so I didn't bother.
Also Microsoft backed off on the intrusive AI stuff about 5 minutes after announcing it because there was such an uproar. The funny part is I was working for Microsoft at the time, and you could tell the leadership really thought consumers were gonna love it.
For anyone reading this that has to install Windows, when you get to the point where it asks you to log into a Microsoft account, hit shift+F10, type oobe\bypassnro into the command prompt and after it reboots select "I don't have an account"...
I would still maintain that Linux is a better option though.
Yeah but with Linux you have to open up a terminal and input cryptic commands someone on the internet gave you in order to stop the distro from spying on you... /s
This is where you lost me. Literally no one thinks this. Even the most anti-Linux folks on the planet don't pretend Linux spies on you more than Microsoft...
I might be dumb. PC vs Mac is a common way to differentiate. Laptop vs stationary is a common way to differentiate. Isn't "PC Laptop" a pretty descriptive and non-overlapping way to unambinguiusly distinguish the item?
Probably is just abusing his power and platform to move public opinion in the direction he wants. Looking at the rest of this thread, most of us took the bait.
You can press SHIFT+F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
Execute OOBE\BYPASSNRO command then.
After this, setup will reboot the computer and after reboot, you’ll get a new option I don’t have Internet or Continue with limited setup to skip the Internet requirement.
I did this when installing Windows 11 for a friend, was also my first experience installing Windows 11 as well. Having to open a command line during the installation process really nullifies the "Windows easy" and "linux hard" stereotype.
Ah, yes. Now you need a twitter/x account to login instead of a Microsoft account AND all possibilities to create a local account are removed.
Be careful what you wish for.
Musk is crazy stupid rich times a million, but he's an order of magnitude shy of being able to bully Microsoft with his wallet. With the resources of the US government, sure. but not his checkbook.
I've had 2 instances where the Shift+F10 method didn't work on a Windows 11 Home edition install. 1 was a brand new HP laptop I set up for a friend. It came with a bunch of bloatware so I created a bootable USB and reinstalled the OS. It didn't pull up a command prompt when I tried the command no matter what I did. The second was at work. I accidentally let it update during the setup and afterwards it accepted the bypass command, but still never gave me the option to log in without a Microsoft account. I have a feeling they're phasing that option out for Home.
At least Pro has the domain join option. Still it sucks that Bitlocker gets set up automatically and associates the key with the first Microsoft account you sign in with.
If you buy one in s mode, then you can't run 3rd party programs or particular built-in ones. That includes command prompt, which is why shift-f10 didn't work. It's ok as you can get out of it by, going to the ms store after logging in as an admin!
We now see the problem with s mode in the out of box experience.
You're right, it was in S mode. I had to create a junk email address to unlock it. The original account was an admin but it wouldn't remove S mode without an MS account.
Unelected immigrant with illegal unfettered access to all data in the entire federal government complains about having to have a microsoft account to use Windows.
The fact he's too stupid to Google "do I have to use a Microsoft account to login to Windows 11" is astounding. People believe this guy engineers rockets, laughable.
The number of times people have told me, "well SpaceX engineers have been quoted as saying he's very competent!" Yeah, how big was their bonus after that?
Companies that function have Musk handlers. Twitter and now seemingly Tesla have failed to keep him at bay and you can see the end results.
In two years time there will be retrospective articles about how could the country have let him fuck the government up so bad, how did no one see this coming, why did no one stop him... Etc
Bill Gates openly likes vaccines so Microsoft is the tech bros you're allowed to hate in that world. Not a compliment to them or anything, I'm a Linux guy myself but that's the right wing motivation for the Windows hate.
Nitter (the software) recently had an update, as long as you just provide a valid Twitter account, you can easily run an instance. The previous versions of Nitter used an unauthenticated GraphQL API, but it was shut down at some point. I still don't know how and managed to survive though.
Yeah, this is just pot calling the kettle black, or seeing the splinter in his neighbor's eye but not the beam in his own (or whatever it is in English).
I may be wrong on this, but I believe they don't give you that option, and just ask to be connected to the internet before continuing setup. You can, however, do some shenanigans to open up command prompt, and after a little bit of typing in commands from the internet and restarting your machine, you can then skip the account login and just make a local account.
This guy is the definition of stupidity, Microsoft has many things to be hated on but this is not one of them. He is complaining just like the average Windows user
He is probably using a company laptop which by default requires a Windows account to be used, if it’s his personal account that’s another story but this is also how Microsoft tools are built. You don’t like this way instead of complaining just switch to macOS or Linux
Lots of people in this thread calling him out for not doing the bypass, and I really don't want to be defending him, but he did try too. The issue was that the computer automatically connected to a nearby open wifi network so was not presenting the no network option. I'm completely sure that no bad actors are going to take advantage of this fact to infect new machines.
I mean, it apparently just needed to be de-selected, but my comment was more about how bloody concerning it is that Win11 devices just connect to whatever nearby open wifi network they can find to phone home.
I am pretty sure he uses Linux because he said something once that seemed linuxy. I forget what. Does he seriously use Windows or is this more "edgy humor"?
With Linux so easy to use, it's hard to understand why someone would use Windows unless they had a really low intelligence and struggled to learn anything new (like they had a brain disease, developmental issues, etc.) or if they were using it it in an enterprise or virtual setting.
Leon might have tried Linux once. But he was famously fired from PayPal for trying to switch the codebase from Linux (which he didn't understand) to Windows. And Windows ME or some shit. Not even the somewhat stable version that was also out at the time.
With Linux so easy to use, it's hard to understand why someone would use Windows unless they had a really low intelligence and struggled to learn anything new (like they had a brain disease, developmental issues, etc.) or if they were using it it in an enterprise or virtual setting.