Buuuut I've been on Debian for the past year with absolutely no issues. I think that, for 99% of computer users, the whole "rolling release" design for an OS is more trouble than its worth. Give me a stable release that I can get used to for a couple years, then one big update at a time - little updates every day that unexpectedly change and sometimes break things just make the experience of doing things more finnicky and unpredictable.
That was also the final straw that made me leave Windows, for the record.
I may be wrong on this, but I believe they don't give you that option, and just ask to be connected to the internet before continuing setup. You can, however, do some shenanigans to open up command prompt, and after a little bit of typing in commands from the internet and restarting your machine, you can then skip the account login and just make a local account.