Picture conservative white southern men who never got their GED trying to frantically Google what a VPN is, because they're missing their interracial porn before the Klan meeting that night.
This is asinine, even when internet access to porn didn’t exist people had so much porn, and they’ll continue to get it. All this does is shift the business elsewhere.
Yeah pornhub seems pretty legitimate and safe these days.
All these bans do is force people to go to sketchier websites which don't have as thorough vetting process for their videos and likely have a lot more illegal / harmful content.
Yeah pornhub seems pretty legitimate and safe these days.
Yeah, they got threatened a few years ago with essentially banking cutting them off if they didn't make a concerted effort to purge anything shady, which they achieved by purging basically all end-user uploads that weren't verified models or studios.
It highlights that their elected officials are messing with something they like. It is also a lot safer for the business to block a geographic area than deal with PII.
If they operate in those states they need to obtain proof of age. I don't exactly know how that works, since I haven't had to do it, but I imagine it is something like uploading a driver's license picture. If you have all that personal information you have to protect it, or risk information disclosure and lawsuits. A porn favorites list and personal identity info together in the same system is just asking to be hacked.
Always just an excuse to get rid of the things they don't like, such as social security.
They absolutely want to regulate you on a federal level. They just want to decide which things get enforced/funded, and which should be left to the states/community/church, or what they really mean, nothing.
That's not enough butter for that, that's too much gay for this. They never wanted small government. They always wanted big government with the exact same ideals they have.
"You have too much pep in your step! 5 lashings for you!"
So people better understand: Pornhub did not get banned by law. There is a law that requires porn sites to verify age with IDs in many southern states. Instead of complying Pornhub location banned themselves.
You left the most important part out; why is PornHub not complying? Understanding the situation requires knowing the very real concerns about privacy and data security as compliance requires keeping copies of IDs on file for verification.
IOW: Pornhub refuses to attempt to secure the PII of everyone who wants to visit the site. It's not within their scope and any website that agrees to do this bullshit is suspect as fuck.
I work for municipal government in Texas and I'm not allowed to write down or take a picture of someone's DL number or date of birth, which is a bitch when we're trying to cite a contractor named Jose Gonzales for illegal construction.
lol .... as if .... I'm sure there is a boom in subscriptions for VPN services in the south at the same time .... especially for every political office holder at every level of government
And yet when we pointed out that Project 2025 talked about banning porn, a lot of people didn't think it was serious. This is just one way that such an idea can play out.
I don't think porn could ever be fully banned - prohibition doesn't work. (Besides, I already made a promise to create erotic art specifically in order to spite any such enacted law.) But considering how modern porn and its variety has enabled many people to acquire niche preferences, this is still going to trigger a challenging time for a lot of people.
If this plays out like it's played out in other countries the only people who will actually be prevented from accessing pornography will be lawmakers, because they'll be the only people not tech savvy enough to be able to circumvent the restrictions.
Others have mentioned already - the issue here isn't porn sites being banned, but states mandating age verification and the privacy concerns related to that verification.
I'm not sure I even care about an age limit being enforced for pornography, but doing so will necessitate de-anonymizing internet traffic (further) and make private browsing less feasible. There are other laws being proposed that would require personal identity verification on social media sites, too, and that would be the death of lemmy and any other anonymous shitposting sites that are left.
Regardless of any shitposting, just being forced to hand your ID docs to your Facebooks, Reddits, Twitters, etc with their track record of processing data is not an attractive proposition.
but doing so will necessitate de-anonymizing internet traffic
It's always funny how people from the mass surveillance and selling intelligence data lobbies suddenly rush to finance and support this sort of political virtue signalling when it looks like it can gather support, even in the EU where they are going as far as to propoe of getting rid of end-to-end encryption.
Kinda strange that world blocks that word. I'm on a queer instance and I can still see that word, in fact I don't think I have ever encountered any removed words on my instance.
I actually just checked after seeing this post, no ID requirement popping up in Tennessee for whatever reason. I also realized I don't believe I had ever typed pornhub.com into a browser before until now. If somehow i had ever been there it was from search engine results I guess, never knew they had a main page.
Tfgames.site (not a commercial site, but a database of adult videogames involving physical transformations) stopped allowing access to IPs geolocated to at least some states due to similar laws, ID or no.
As of today, Florida, Tennessee, and South Carolina join the list of 17 states that can’t access some of the most popular porn sites on the internet, because of regressive laws that claim to protect children but restrict adults’ use of the internet, instead.
I hope PH is putting a list with the names of the representatives who are responsible for this on the home page for those states. With phone numbers and mail addresses of the reps offices.
I wish, I’d move there if they had half the benefits they do in the PRC. Universal healthcare, maternity leave, sick leave of multiple months, unions in all companies, workers councils in all corporations, rent controls, price controls… man, please let your comment come true.
For every 1 porn site that has to comply with US regulations there are 100 that don’t and they won’t implement any IP blocks. Absurd that they really think this will have any effect.
proton VPN has some free locations, haven't used the free version in a while because I switched to paid mullvad but iirc they're: Switzerland, USA, Canada, Taiwan, Germany (I think?)
The servers are free but slower and you can't torrent on them.
I feel like if there was some type of course that would teach young people about sex and porn in a healthy manner. We could call it "sex education". This would be far better use of tax payers money instead of knee jerk bans and overreaching privacy violations.
Or finding suriving anime centric stores, one of my friends would get hentai at one since they didnt even question why a teenager was there so long as he bought something other than hentai. That is how he got into Bezerk.
Not for long, with Net Neutrality forever murdered yesterday, ISPs will soon be blocking VPNs with aplomb and pushing their own. The whole Internet will become airplane WiFi.
We're sorry, you seem to have an unacceptable amount of uncategorizable traffic. Please refer to our terms of service policy and upgrade your account accordingly to proceed.
Honestly? Probably not. Pornhub is far and away the best porn site out there in terms of selection, ease of use, speed, and most importantly, they have the least annoying ads of any porn site I've ever been to. Other porn sites really don't even come close
Ahem, good Internet person. In the south, freedom is going STRONG. It is taking away jobs, revenue (ex:PorhHub), medication, rights, health, safety, life, and freedom. Er...ah...um...
It's not states blocking porn sites. It's states treating porn site companies similarly to bars. "If we catch you serving minors, we're gonna sue the shit out of you."
The only legally airtight way to know you're not serving minors is to check valid IDs for every visitor. Just like a bar. But since doing that for a website is a huge burden and still a tremendous risk, companies like Pornhub aren't playing ball. Instead of complying with the new laws, they're simply choosing to refuse service to any user from one of these hostile states. Can't get in trouble for serving minors from certain states if you don't serve anyone from those states at all.
Of course they can, ineffectively, and sometimes legally. It depends on the details.
I suppose here the states will lose in court, but it takes time... 1A is on the people's side, and precedent is also on the people's side. But the Fifth Circuit Appeals Court is batshit crazy, so who knows.
I live in Maryland. There is a law under review currently. It has not been passed. I joined a site, and was fine for a day. Went back on the next day and got the verification notice.
I looked up the status of the law, and freaked out thinking I was being scammed.
I live in a state where it’s not banned and it’s so annoying when iCloud Relay routes through one of the states in the South. I need to turn iCloud Relay off and proceed.
The fact that the law is hard to enforce doesn't really make it better, IMO. It may be kind of worse, really - it makes the enforcement arbitrary. Everybody's accessing porn illegally, so any time the police decide they don't like you they can drum up some porn charges and actually pursue them.
No it's not illegal to access the porn, the porn sites are just required to "prove you're over 18" using an approved mechanism, which in practice means a scan of a state ID. Porn sites rightly don't want to touch that kind of PII with a 100 foot pole so are just blocking all access instead. Technically, they attempted to comply with the law exactly as the law requires so nothing illegal has occurred. Basically it's a giant waste of everyone's time and the only lasting impact is that VPN companies are loving this.
Traffic in truck stop bathrooms and motels near Sunday schools has spiked dramatically as the access to porn sites has gone down... Very weird coincidence.