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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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US Government said try working, you can return to disability during trial period. Now they claim unable to go back during trial period because of obscure technical reason.
  • I did. I had proof that they had received the first application, which I sent via mail. After that, I went in person.

    We only even found out that they had lost my first application because I received a letter (which should have gone to my attorney) saying that my case was being closed because they hadn't received blah blah blah.

  • What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard?
  • I don't think that's weird. A lot of people don't know that "the state" means "the country" unless you are specifically talking about individual states within a country. I can see how that could be confusing for somebody who doesn't know better.

    I'm reminded of when I was in like 8th grade or something and I was confused about how the UK can be a country but England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland are also countries. Similar concept.

  • What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard?
  • Not one that I overheard but one that I was involved in:

    I said that I didn't like bright yellow. This apparently was extremely offensive to the friend I was dating at the time and he had to convince me that I was wrong and there is no room for opinion on the matter of color preferences.

  • US Government said try working, you can return to disability during trial period. Now they claim unable to go back during trial period because of obscure technical reason.
  • On a somewhat related note, I was recently denied SSDI despite that I have been on private long-term disability insurance for a few years now, and despite that the two doctors the SSA had me see both said that I was disabled. That's right: their own doctors said I was disabled and then they denied my claim.

    Oh, and this is after they lost my initial application. Twice. That led the private insurer to harass me about not having an answer from the SSA.

  • Washington Governor Orders Team to Study Data Centers’ Impact on Energy Use, Job Creation and Tax Revenue.
  • Good! Those tax breaks were a mistake. They're bringing power-hungry data centers in right when our power supply is decreasing due to the (appropriate) removal of fish-killing dams. All in the name of bringing "high-paying jobs" to rural areas, but anyone in the industry knows that data centers do not need huge numbers of employees and, for the tech industry, the pay is relatively low.

  • The best thing about not living in Chinatown anymore is that New Year's fireworks are only on New Year's Eve

    I spent a few years living in the international district (Chinatown, Japantown, Little Saigon) and people would set off fireworks and firecrackers in the neighborhood for days or even a couple of weeks after New Year's. And then again on Chinese New Year's. And there's also this group that likes to go and bang on drums while marching around the neighborhood at those times. It was awful and it made my dogs so stressed out.

    Now that I live in a mostly Vietnamese neighborhood outside of the international district, I only hear fireworks on New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year's. It's great not having to worry about whether or not I should drug my dogs for days on end.

    I personally enjoy fireworks displays, but I don't think they should be allowed by unlicensed people at their own homes.


    Help remembering a horror movie

    About 4 years ago, I watched a movie which I enjoyed but can't for the life of me find. It involved a white couple getting lost in deep rural Appalachia and getting taken in by a cult-like small family in the middle of nowhere.

    I don't remember the details very well since it was a few years ago and I watched it pretty late at night. I think it involved the woman being drawn in while the man wasn't, and there being murder (in a shed?), but that could be me mixing different movies up.

    Does anyone know what it might have been?
