There are the "reasons" he's making those decisions, and then there are the "pretenses" he uses when the opportunity comes around to make them.
Swiss banks hold a lot of money from oligarchs and billionaires. Putin wants pressure put on them. But Trump has to find the "pretense" to do it so as to at least nominally not be seen as a russian asset. But what a coincidence, Lindt announces that they're going to supply Canada directly from Europe to avoid his tariffs. And BOOM. Pretense established.
This focus on the balance of trade is sooo stupid. The US spends more than it produces so it has an aggregate deficit on the trade balance. To stop this, you need to force Americans to spend less (I.e. ignite a recession), or produce more.
Tariffs against selected countries that have a strong bilateral trade surplus with the US will not affect the US’ aggregate trade balance, since it doesn’t affect consumption by/ or production of the US economy. This is common knowledge from econ 101, and shouldn’t need to be explained to a president that supposedly has a degree in business.
To stop this, you need to force Americans to spend less (I.e. ignite a recession), or produce more.
Well, you need them to import less (i.e. stop making foreign government loans) or export less (i.e. start buying foreign government loans from other countries).
Neither of them is exactly a recession, but it's a large change that would trigger one if done badly. (AKA, the current administration will absolutely trigger one if they try - they aren't trying by the way.)
As Belgian I do think Switzerland is one of the best countries on the entire planet. There's a reason why they have 30% immigrants, and it's not because German is a fun language to learn 😁
I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. .-- John Stuart Mille
These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:
Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
Which is good, and I say that as an American. The current leadership cannot be trusted. It's going to be a long time before we can be trusted again. If ever.
Switzerland might really be one of the few countries no one can ever take over. Even if no one else cared — they will — sending troops running up a mountain where everyone has rifle skills and hidden bunkers is definitely not a military strategy I ever heard of.
The Nazis had every secret fortification, every hidden bunker, everything mapped out, they were just leaving them for later. Probably wouldn't have come to that Switzerland would've done a San Marino, which almost holds the record as the only country to ever elect and de-elect fascists, and elect and de-elect Bolsheviks. "Almost" because the fascists went AWOL upon Mussolini's death, before they could be voted out.
Switzerland enacted reforms years ago. I doubt they’d go after them when they can go after the Cayman Islands or Jersey or wherever. And I doubt they’d go after any rich person’s money. The Panama Papers were published years ago along with others and nothing happened.