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Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.

Posts 1
Comments 663
Venting about shit. Angry about the willfully ignorant motherfuckers around me.
  • You will start to view him as someone funny, like a child

    Well his grandfather is so old he's probably well on his way becoming a child again.

  • Oil is oil
  • You can't judge until you try.

  • How do I pronounce "Kamala"?
  • Fun fact.

    In Finnish "kamala" means "awful".

    We are gonna have endless dad jokes with this one.

  • Two Kinds Of Chocolate Available. You Decide
  • It was somewhat viral.

    Only the caddy knows for sure.

  • Any funny captions for this picture?
  • This won't age well after Trump is finished with NASA and their funding turned in to a bankrupt ready golf resort.

  • Show me your fire pit.
  • That is what I call back to basics. You didn't even chop the wood.

  • Show me your fire pit.
  • Made some changes, because I have shitload of small twigs I need to get rid of. Now i can use them and not charcoal. New setup can also be used with a wok pan. Picture is from a testrun.

  • Human attributes for alien contact
  • I would probably suggest this option too, but keeping it individual level gives some hope.

  • Human attributes for alien contact
  • What kind of person would be cool under preasure? For example, in my experience people who take cool headed action in a accident scenes are very varying. Some people just go in to a no bullshit mode and execute a plan they really haven't even thought of. Emotion take a break.

    Would this kind of "automated" reaction be a correct way to go?

    Are there several forms cool headedness? Analytical cool headedness?

  • What scientific discoveries greatly weakened religion and the case of God ?
  • We should definitely start with this.

    If it's biblical sky daddy that influences our everyday lives, pretty much everything.

    If it's just more or less self-conscious entity behind the curtain of reality that sparked the universe, it's pretty much unprovable and so undisprovable.

  • Human attributes for alien contact

    Lets say you get abducted by aliens.

    They inform you that they want to make contact with human individuals, not the entire humanity. They have a limited telepathy and can "scan" for human mental traits like spiritualistic / non-spiritualistic, artistic / non-artistic, introverted / extroverted, anxious / chill, low / med / high IQ, technology oriented, business savvy, mathematically gifted, socially gifted, scientific, etc.

    They want you to define traits that would make encounters go smoothly and be representative of humans.

    Without knowing anything about those aliens or their interests. What is your answer?

    language of gods
  • It's a "burner toilet". Used in places where pluming is unavailable.

  • Poliisi epĂ€ilee Timo Vornasta useista rikoksista: vei aseen työhuoneeseen eduskunnassa – kotoa löytyi luvattomia aseita
  • Paljon menneen maailman demokraattisista rakenteista perustui kunnia ja luottamus ajatteluun. Pelottavin seikka viime vuosikymmenen muutoksista on se, ettĂ€ Trumppimainen röyhkeys on ajamassa tĂ€stĂ€ yli.

    Ei ymmÀrretÀ, ettÀ kolhut kunniassa ja luottamuksessa vaikuttaa myös alaisiin, tukihenkilöihin ja koko puolueeseen, mutta jos puolue ei vÀlitÀ, niin mikÀs siinÀ. TÀmÀ vaikuttaa myös toisin pÀin. Jos annat luottamuksen henkilölle, jolla on historiassa rikoksia, fyysistÀ vÀkivaltaa, alaikÀisten vokottelua ja natsikirjoituksia, yms, on tÀmÀn henkilön tulevat tahrat kunniassa myös osittain sinun tahrojasi.

    TÀmÀn takia ennen erottiin vapaaehtoisesti pienemmÀstÀkin, ennen kuin pakotettiin kollegat seisomaan tahrojesi takana puoluepoliittisista syistÀ.

    NykyÀÀn haistatetaan paskat tahroille ja uhmakkaasti jatketaan vanhaan tyyliin mitÀÀn anteeksi pyytÀmÀttÀ ja mistÀÀn vÀlittÀmÀttÀ.

    Eduskunnan istuntosalin tilalle vapaaotteluareena ja kansanedustajat paikallisista kontaktilajien harrastepiireistÀ.

  • may you live in interesting times
  • Image is missing a cut throat capitalist selling lemons and lemonade.

  • What life hack is so simple yet so effective, you're shocked more people don't know about it?
  • Human memory is bias towards most recent things in a group set. If your set is a "workout" or a "workday", doing the fun stuff last will affect positively all the memory items in the same group set. This works even if you know that your memory is doing this.

    We don't live in a "present now". We live in a mental image constructed from memory of recent past.

    Trick is not to do unpleasant stuff first, but to do pleasant stuff last.

  • That's much better.
  • ...and I assume you meant that women can't be a spiderman villain.

  • What would you do if a scraggly homeless person knocked on your door, and all he asked was for a sandwich, a bottle of water, a bath, and perhaps a beard trim?
  • There are some cultural differences here that affects the equation. If homelessness is taken care of that doesn't mean there are no people on the streets. There will however be a a certain "enrichment" in what type of people are there.

    Our constitution demands that everyone must have a life worth human dignity. If somebody looses everything, gouvernment provides housing and funds for minimum standards of living.

    So for that reason, only ones that are on the streets are the ones who can't/won't take care of themselves, even if these things are given to then, but are not so far gone they could be institutionalized. Everyone is still free to get hammered and be on the streets.

    Very often these people have long history on substance abuse and have degraded to a level of a child. Police often picks them up, so they can be washed, because they often soil themselves. They are not dangerous, because then they would be institutionalized, but they are very smelly and often vocally abusive.

    Would I open my door to these people? No.

    I would give then food and water if needed, but these are not things they ask for.

  • That's much better.
  • She is Miss Appear

    Woman who has never been seen, because she's always in a wrong place

  • That's much better.
  • That's sexist