Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent Republican congresswoman and a staunch ally of Trump, suggested a return to "measles parties" for children. She criticized contemporary attitudes towards vaccination, stating, "Now, they demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids."
To be honest. They not going to learn until we address the people who enable her. The useful idiots, the ones who promote her for their own gains. Psy ops.
I was a kid when they were first developing the vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella (we called it German measles). So my brothers and I all got every one of them. I remember being sick with them, and with one of the measles types (don't remember which) I was so sick I though I was gonna die. I'll never forget lying there, even thinking of certain things made me puke (or dry heave) so I had to concentrate on not thinking of anything. I remember puking so hard it came out my nose. One of my brothers was so sick, his fever was so high, they took him to the hospital.
Do parents really want to put their children through this instead of a shot? WTF
Long before there was a vaccine, I developed meningitis from a measles infection. Luckily my parents weren't idiots and took me to the hospital. I ran a high fever, had febrile convulsions and hallucinated. Afterwards, I was over-sensitive to light for at least a week. Anyone who would inflict that on a kid belongs in prison or worse.
I spent SO MUCH TIME during my pediatrics clinical rotation explaining vaccines to new parents. In some cases, I sat there for a literal hour and debunked myths and conspiracy theories in order to get the parents to consider maybe doing a delayed vaccination schedule. I'm a medical student, so my time is basically worthless and I viewed this as a good use of it, but it was so incredibly frustrating to have to do over and over.
For other folks who know anti-vax parents (new or not), here's the best line of argument I came up with:
Vaccines have been around for a very long time now, and the only changes we've made to them recently is to make them better and safer. The preservatives in them like the mercury compound are perfectly safe, but we've still worked hard to improve the manufacturing process to minimize the need for those preservatives and make the vaccines as pure as possible.
Vaccines are made of little fragments of the virus or bacteria, or a modified, significantly weaker version of the pathogen to give your child's immune system a chance to see it before the real thing shows up. It's like giving your child's immune system a wanted poster or a punching bag to practice on because it has to make special tools to fight each different pathogen.
The reason we load kids up with so many vaccines in the first year or two of life is because their immune systems are still growing and it's an optimal time to introduce things for it to prepare for, and we want to give them some protection of their own before the antibodies from mom run out around 6 to 12 months of life.
We have decades of data showing that vaccines are safe and effective, and the complications and side effects are so minor compared to the problems that can come from the disease. And it's usually around 1000:1 ratio of complications from the disease versus complications from the vaccine, and the vaccine complications are almost always less severe than the complications from the disease.
If you refuse vaccination for your child for reasons besides an anaphylactic allergy to the ingredients, you are gambling your child's life with most of these diseases, and it would have been an entirely preventable death. Vaccines are very hard to make and we have prioritized making vaccines for the diseases that kill children. We don't bother making vaccines for things that are just a nuisance, so the vaccines we have exist for very good reasons. For the most famous example, measles has about 5 different ways it can kill your child that are impossible to treat or prevent once they have it, and many ways to cause permanent damage. The known and most common side effects of the measles vaccine are pretty mild and can be easily treated with medications we have available.
My explanation is simpler: "The body learns how to fight diseases by eating killed viruses. A vaccine gives you dead viruses, so your body can learn without having to get hurt first. A measles party uses living viruses, so your kid might suffer death or worse."
Then show them the results.
Probably not accurate in detail, but hopefully good enough. If not, then the brevity will let you move onto someone who hasn't abandoned their brain.
Another worth noting is if an antivaxxer says "we don't know what they put into vaccines", respond with "we don't know what they put in painkillers and yet you take them no problem". Nine times out of ten, these antivaxxers would take painkillers willy nilly without question. Saying this makes them question their line of thought. Heck, the same could be said just about anything. We don't know what cooks in restaurants put into the food we ordered, and yet there is no significant movement advocating to stop ordering takeaways or eating outside of home.
The sad thing about debunking is that you need to have direct contact with the person under a delusion to build rapport and need to be quite knowledgeable about the topic, but planting the the delusion can be done at a large scale by any eloquent doofus with time to spare. It's so frustrating.
It's definitely a starfish situation. You won't be able to save all of them, but you can make a difference to each individual that you help. It's my guiding principle in medicine for everything from preventative care to resuscitation. I can't save every patient, but I can do my best to help the one in front of me, and previous failures do not prevent future successes.
We had our cats in for their annual checkups a few years back, and the vet noted they were due for their vaccinations. The way she said it, we could hear she was bracing for an argument. I wonder if someone had laid into her about it earlier that day.
We, of course, had the vaccinations done, much to her relief.
Just had a thought. What if we took a insignificant amount of the virus and injected it into people. This would allow them to develop antibodies so that if they do become exposed they are ready to fight it.
Probably safer then just exposing people to the virus. Could also do it to enough people that it virtually eradicates the virus.
Just an idea. We would also have to do a bunch of testing and have a bunch of regulations around it. Just to prove there isn't any unwarranted side effects.
What if we took a insignificant amount of the virus and injected it into people.
That's called vaccination. At least, that was one of the original methods. You can use killed virus, weakened virus, a related virus that triggers the same immune response (for example, cowpox for smallpox), or a selected part of the virus that will trigger the immune response but is not capable of infecting you. The last is the most common method used now because the weakened-virus approach can go badly wrong.
Ben Franklin was anti-vax, but came around. Also these fuckwits are so dumb that they don't know vaccines have been around throughout when America was "great" and way beyond.
In his defense, in 1721 vaccines were really a new unproven technology. And if you don't know it works, or even what causes diseases in the first place, it's reasonable to be skeptical. It's also reasonable to change your mind when you see it does really work.
I have a better idea. What if we take the genetic code of the virus, inject it into people and have their own bodies produce many more virus particles so they get a stronger and more targeted immune response? Who knows, someone could win an important prize for that.
Chickenpox is also pretty dangerous to adults, they cause similar issues like an adult getting measles or rubella, and it's capable of causing pneumonia and orchitis( infertility), there is a small chance it can cause brain inflammation much like shingles can
As a former child (read: captive) of ultra conservative christian fuckwits, I implore you to try to care. It’s not those kids’ fault they have shitty stupid parents.
She thinks the measles are like chicken pox, pretty much harmless to young ones. My parents tried to get me sick in the 70s, that's just how it was done before we had a chicken pox vaccine. Finally got it at 16, still have the scars nearly 40-years later. But I got my shingles vax!
She's literally this stupid. Some things we see these nuts try to pull off make sense, from an evil point of view. This move is plain stupid, and because we've forgotten what measles are people will listen.
BTW, I'm 54 and just now learning what measles are and how bad it can be. I had no clue, because I've never met anyone that had it.
no, it makes sense. devaluing human life, and spreading the idea that sometimes the weak just die, with nothing anyone can do about it, is very much something they want to do. plus, burying your children is one hell of a sunk cost.
that's not to say she's cognitively functional, but that's why her masters won't put their foot down.
i had chickenpox as a kid, i remember the aveeno baths for it, we were set in the same room to "inonculate" the rest of the siblings. as there was no vaccine at the time. Chickenpox is quite severe for adults though. i did get shingles around 20yo though. theres is shingles to potentially turn severe, but its rare. shingles can cause meningitis, and encephalitis, as well as spinal cord damage.
people who arnt sure about thier chickenpox immunity can ask thier doctors to do antibody titers(it doesnt detect dormant chickenpox in your ganglia though because theres no way to detect it outside of autopsy), your doctor maybe reluctant to administer the test though.
When my cousin had chicken pox my mom popped her finger in my cousin's mouth, then popped that finger in my and my brother's mouths.
I was a kid in the 90s and while pox was already somewhat of old sounding word, it feels especially archaic to realize that kids don't have to go through any poxes anymore.
When my husband moved to Germany from Russia, he had no idea whether he was vaccinated as a child or not (he very likely was, but there weren't records he was aware of and his mom died early). So he went to the doctor's to ask for titers. They said they could test that but he would have to pay out of pocket, and offered to just vaccinate him again for free. He went through all the children's vaccines - including chicken pox, which wasn't around when we were kids (90s). It is the simpler, more accessible, and cheaper alternative to titers.
Thanks, conservative Christians, for decades of public instruction in abstinence only, for cultural supremacy of purity culture (I'm thinking specifically of the early 90s/00s where churches were all teaching the same curriculum and so many of the hottest celebrities all said they were waiting for marriage).
Knowing nothing about how relationships should work, how to navigate emotional problems effectively, or what red flags to look out for has sure made relationships and communities stronger, all across the country.
Why are people debating measles vaccines again? The covid vaccine debate was stupid but I could kinda understand the concern there in comparison to this
RFK JR has OF COURse saying it isnt neccesary to vax against measles, he did only partially backtrack that by only adminstering 2000doses lol. remember RFK JR is the one that resulted in 86 children deaths in samoa.
That's because they aren't pro-life, they're pro-birth. After you're born, unless your parents are rich, you can fuck off and die in a gutter for all they care.
"Life is a sacred gift" but housing assistance or healthcare for all is a bridge too far? Lmao.
But on the serious note, they want poor to be confused, miserable and desperate. They themselves take all the best healthcare, all shots and boosters, but they want for pandemic to happen because it would occupy ordinary people's minds and also give the government additional abilities to control everyone, while the collapsing market would once again benefit the rich and make poor even poorer. There's no downside for the likes of MTG, Trump and RFK as long as they are in power.
i had no sympathy for anti-vax adults during covid, their choice to risk their lives. But children with basic vaccinations? their parents are taking the risk and the ones that didn't choose are getting the consequences
She's a House Representative. As long as the public in her district in, I believe, Georgia, keeps wanting her to be the one to speak for them, she's gonna stay.
She is the best representative Georgia chooses to send. They like being just this fucking dumb. Send her once, you got tricked. Send her twice? You're just stupid and obviously angry enough to hurt everyone else just because you're in pain.
better to start kissing everyone with cold sores, and give everyone mono, or CMV, and chickenpox at the same time, since all of those are herpes viruses. they can try herpes B virus(but this comes from a wild animals.
I'm pretty sure they did recently develop a vaccine for Ebola that they are trying to distribute in the affected areas of Africa, but I'm afraid that US governmental funding, the WHO, and American-based NGOs were involved, so who knows if the money exists for the manufacturing and distribution anymore.
Quick, somebody make a placebo an "ebola vaccine" and convince Republican politicians that they're not true Trump supporters unless they have an Ebola Party at the RNC.
gingrich was also the ones that started the thing with the senate to not work with the senate unless they caved into your demands, MITCH just ran with it and amplified it.
Greene has promoted antisemitic and white supremacist views including the white genocide conspiracy theory, QAnon, and Pizzagate. She has amplified conspiracy theories that allege government involvement in mass shootings in the United States, implicate the Clinton family in murder, and suggest the attacks of 9/11 were a hoax.
This is why Republicans are stupid, a vaccine is a controlled and safe measles exposure with some risk that is 1 in a 100. You are doing the same thing with measles parties but more reckless dangerous levels of infection and putting your kid at risk of death like 1/15 if you send them to the measles parties.
1 in 100 is ridiculously overstating the serious risks, borderlining on misinformation. You are not doing the same thing with measles parties at all
Here are the risks of the mmr vaccine
Death: literally 1 in a million. These are typically due to anaphylaxis. In much rarer cases underlying immune disorders are triggered, underlying neurological conditions such as encephalitis are triggered, or very severe thrombocytopenia occurs. The majority of cases of thrombocytopenia induced by the vaccine (which is still astoundingly rare) are not nearly this severe and are correctable
Anaphylaxis: literally 1 in a million
Febrile seizures: between 1 in 3000 and 1 in 4000
Thrombocytopenia, a low platelet count: 1 in 40,000. Again, most cases are not fatal
Mild swelling of the glands similar to mumps: 1 in 1000
Mild side effects like rash or fever though? About 5%
Now to contrast:
If you catch measles you have about a 1 in 1000 chance of dying. This is in America, the risk is higher in less developed countries and countries where vaccinations rates are lower (and thus pockets of America where vaccination rates are low may see higher death rates). This is because of the potential risk of developing pneumonia and encephalitis
People who are anti vaccination do not understand medicine at all and do understand the most basic statistics. The fact of the matter is vaccines can and do cause harm. There is no getting around that fact. But the chance of you encountering the harm from vaccines is astronomically lower than the risk of of encountering harm from the diseases they are protecting you from.
To put it quite simply: if you vaccinate your child with the mmr vaccine they have a 1 in a million chance of dying. If you do not and they catch measles they have a 1 in a thousand chance of dying. If you purposely infect them with measles you should be charged with child abuse.
One other devastating reason to vaccinate, particularly against measles: measles can give your immune system amnesia. All that precious “natural immunity” that these ghouls profess? You can just fucking LOSE it and have to relearn how to fight off previous infections. It’s a goddamned factory reset to day one, but without mommy’s antibodies you got in utero, nor from breast milk. Unless you’re Robin Arryn of the Vale from Game of Thrones.
I should start selling pillows. Not comfortable pillows. Just a brand of pillows to scream into when life hands you no other options for releasing your frustration.
Well, that is certainly one way to vax a community against most contagious diseases. And I will admit that it’s better than not vaccinating at all. But not by much. The standard vaccine protocol would be cheaper and more effective.
It's actually worse because measles infection wipes out your immunity for other infections. Not to mention that even if you don't die, 40% of people with measles infections end up needing hospitalization.