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GladiusB GladiusB

I got in an argument with a toaster and now I lost a bet and I'm here just to get my house back.

Posts 5
Comments 1.8K
It's cool how they decide what's "official"
  • There is zero ambiguity in that. I'm so glad we are very clear on the definition.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • No. I'm saying not involving an ocean and being right next to Ukraine is a lot closer. But I guess you don't know anything about logistics or strategy when it comes to war. So do you. Keep thinking it's an easy choice. I'm done arguing about distances on a map when it is much closer than we are.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • It's on the same continent. And a big reason why Russia is where they are with the Middle East. My point is that it's not so simple to just stop with someone who is in the area against our biggest enemy. As well as another nuclear power. Pissing them off may not be a good formula. Even if they are doing shitty things. It's not a black and white decision to stop helping when they have been receiving it for 50 plus years.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • But there is a huge difference between intervention and stopping support for an ally that is RIGHT NEXT TO RUSSIA. Like do they even think that it's not a strategic decision? Is it the best take? No. Is it the best place to be in? No. But pissing off an ally we have had for 50 years is also a bad decision. Maybe weigh the options here.

  • The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
  • Why are the dumb people driving the car?

  • Remember that?
  • That is not what I said. Did you learn to read yesterday? I said you want Trump to win by getting rid of the only person equipped to beat him. Any other interpretation is your own shortcoming in comprehension.

  • Happy Fourth of July!
  • Land of Confusion would be another addition. I'm in favor of the Disturbed version.

  • why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Trump supporters have to as well but for different reasons. If they don't drink the Kool-aid and play along socially they are ostracized. Which doesn't help anyone.

  • Remember that?
  • "Let's come up with reasons to support Trump without sounding like support for Trump for 200 Alex"

  • Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed
  • Most of America. But they aren't becoming politicians. Mostly because politicians are really bad people for the most part. You get maybe 5 percent that don't have ulterior motives.

  • What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)?
  • I did not take him as in worst shape. I saw a person who couldn't believe the bullshit being said by a narcissistic moron. I would have the same look at my face in disbelief if I had to debate with someone that I thought still asked for crayons at a restaurant.

  • Why are fake laughs added to sitcoms?
  • But the government doesn't. Society does. My government doesn't make my kid need a vaccine. The schools do. Because the rest of the community demands it. Many communities do. It's not only a government kind of deal.

  • I swear it slows down when it knows I'm in a rush.
  • I'm a Linux user but a meat eater. So from our slice of pie, it ain't our fault you way to pay for a shitty product.

  • “Don’t worry honey, I got this”
  • That's because he wears a diaper

  • Scrabble
  • Oh I get it. But it's not meant to be literal since it's art.

  • "cool" and "hot" are both compliments
  • "You warm up the ice! It's the best of both worlds!"

  • CNN's debate was no fair fight
  • You just made facts up. "He lost votes during the debate" is not measurable in any meaningful way. It's still 5 months from now. There are other debates to come.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • It's a joke. Not an analogy lol

  • Lemmy world mobile

    I was rocking the Jerboa app and now it's not letting me login. Are there any other alternatives out there?

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals GladiusB

    moonmoons unite!

    My boy doesn't like the fireworks but he doesn't let him have a bad day. (He still acts like a derp).
