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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Out of Office
  • A guy at work did something like that. Went on vacation for a week, just never returned. Didn't return phone calls or emails. Eventually he popped up on social media about 6 months later and some coworkers spotted him and got the story. If I remember correctly (which I may not), I think his girlfriend convinced him to stay, so he did, and he just ghosted his job.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Okay, thanks.

    A recent experience here has made me think of the phrase "conveyor-belt health care". I think I made that up, but I may have heard it somewhere and forgot.

    In my case: I had major pain in my neck that was leading to numbness in my arm and hand. I didn't even bother with my primary care physician, I just scheduled an appointment with a back pain specialist. The back pain place is extremely efficient and has been very good about treating the pain..........but not once have they raised the topic of, "What caused this and is there anything we can do to prevent it in the future?"

    And, I don't want to detract from them, they are absolutely excellent at that treatment. But it's get in, get in the OR or exam room, chat for a minute, see you in 5 weeks. My appointments generally take 10 minutes or less when the doctor is in the room.

    Years ago I had issues with my neck - which turned out to have the same root cause, but the symptoms were very different, so I didn't connect them - and multiple primary care physicians told me to take advil, even after I told them this was a recurring issue. Irritating experience, to say the least. "Hey, I'm stuck on the couch and can only move in agony for a few days two or three times per year." "Take Advil." Conveyor belt moves on.

    I know we hate chiropractors here, with good reason, but it was chiropractors (who are also physical therapists, which might be the difference) who actually looked at the X-ray or MRI, found the underlying problem, and came up with treatment plans involving various exercises to attempt to solve the underlying problem. The MRI was ordered by the back pain specialist, so they had the imagery and could have found the issue. Why is there no room for that kind of analysis in our "legitimate" health care system?

    Conveyor-belt health care.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • The worst part is that many of these people would help you if you needed it - if you were, say, in a car crash, most of these people probably would help you out. But...for some reason...extending that help to a more general sense just causes them to start frothing at the mouth.

    I ride bicycles, and when I ride on Sunday mornings, I'm always amused by the thought that some drivers are probably on their way to or from church when they decide to pass me dangerously close, just for fun or to teach me a lesson or whatever the hell their justification is.

  • What is your set up? How do you use Jellyfin?
  • I run it on my Debian server that uses my 15 TB RAID5 array as storage. (When I built it, 15 TB drives were a I have a 12 TB drive in my desktop computer that serves as backup to the array.)

    I mainly serve it out to the client on our DirectTV streaming device. Works fine, other than I wish the intro skip plugin would be able to give me the option to skip on that client (the only way it works on the Android client is to have it skip automatically).

  • Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off
  • I have an old S9 right here on my desk. I cracked the screen, and took it to one of those screen replacement places, and he asked if I had insurance. I told him I didn't, and he said, wellllllll it's going to be a lot more expensive than you think to replace this screen.

    That wraparound screen they had was basically also the frame of the phone - you're not so much replacing the screen as you are moving the rest of the components to a new phone body. I wasn't sold on value of that wraparound screen in the first place; this didn't improve my opinion of it.

    We put a plastic screen protector on it and a new case, and I used it for a few months until we were ready to upgrade phones.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Even Go Fund Me came out and said, uh, wait, funding health care isn't what we really intended for the platform.

    I recall one of the coaches of a major league baseball team had some major illness and had set up a GoFundMe for it...the team decided to cover it, fortunately, but...come on.

    I don't know how anyone can seriously claim there's nothing wrong with our system, but they do.

    One guy said, in earnest, that it's a good thing that our medical system is so expensive - because that means it's a good system. (This was in response to me saying that I think our technology and care are pretty good; it's how we pay for it that's the main issue.)

    How do you even respond to that? I just ignored him. Does he think Europe has cut-rate health care? Canada?

  • TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it
  • This is fascinating. I'm reminded of a Mormon guy I (barely) knew that was murdered. If he didn't have the chance to complete his ordinances, well, I guess no kingdom for him - through no fault of his own. Does he get a pass or is he screwed into lousy second heaven for all eternity?

    The story: He was murdered by another Mormon guy over a woman. Murderer thought the woman was his last chance to find love and decided he was serious about it. It's likely he murdered another guy the woman was dating a year or two before, but that case was ruled a suicide and closed - by the time the known murder occurred, all evidence had been destroyed.

  • is this employee in the room with us right now?
  • Update: They kicked me out of the meeting. The employee's first-line supervisor was still in it, and it was really short - they basically asked if the employee could do the job remotely or not. It sounded like they were going to approve the request. This whole meeting setup is very strange; it's never happened before on any accommodation request I've been involved with (maybe half a dozen over the years). Maybe they review a few at random or something.

  • Using HA to start my work laptop

    No major question here, just thought you might find this interesting. It's an example of the kind of (off-the-wall) things you can do with HA that aren't immediately obvious. When I was starting out with HA, I enjoyed reading these examples, because it gave me ideas for my own setup. And, I wrote many automations that should really be scripts, so hopefully this will help someone avoid that and recognize the power of scripts early.

    At home, my laptop from work sits (closed) on a stand under the monitors. I have a docking station for it, but the docking station doesn't have a power button to start the laptop (the official Dell docking stations have a power button, but other brand of docking stations don't). So, since I got that stand a few weeks ago, I've been pulling the laptop out and opening juuuuuuust enough that I could reach the power button, then closing it and sliding it back into the stand. There had to be a better way that didn't involve buying an expensive Dell docking station.

    The docking station power is on a Sonoff S31 outlet (flashed with Tasmota, not that that's important here) that is remotely controllable. Long ago, I set up HA automations that turned on the S31 when the laptop was detected on the network, and shut off the S31 after the laptop dropped off the network at the end of the day (leaving in a time delay so it didn't shut off if there was a momentary network glitch). So, I'd boot the laptop, and a moment later the docking station would kick on and connect the mouse and monitors to it. And the end of the day, I shut down the laptop, and a few minutes later the docking station shuts off automatically.

    I recently discovered the Wake on LAN integration. So, after setting that up, I wrote a script that turns on the S31, waits a while*, then triggers the Wake-on-LAN for the laptop...and it boots up! With HA, I can start the boot process while I'm still relaxing in the living room before starting work; in theory I'll go into the office and it'll be ready for me to log in.

    Heck, if HA knew for certain it was a workday, it could boot the laptop for me.....hmmm. Maybe something to think about for the future.

    *How long? Well, 30 seconds seems to be too short; the laptop doesn't respond to the WoL command after just 30 seconds with power applied. It did work this morning when I waited several minutes to try it again. I just changed the delay to 1 minute and will see how that works tomorrow.

    I also added a repeat loop (starting after that 1 minute timer) with three components:

    • A condition that looks for the laptop being "Away" on the network. (If it is "Home" on the network, the condition will end the script.)
    • If it is, then it tries the WoL command again.
    • Then waits 30 seconds and repeat.

    The repeat loop counter is set to 3, for a total of 4 attempts to start the laptop. I'll check the traces and see when it starts working, and set the initial delay accordingly, so that in general it shouldn't need the repeat loop.

    If people want, I can post (sanitized) YAML. But I do like explaining the process rather than just posting code.


    Hershey wins the Eastern Conference

    Four overtime games, including game 7. Bears went up 3 games to none, the Cleveland came back to tie it.

    Gotta give it to both goaltenders - Greaves for the Monsters and Sheppard for the Bears.


    Caps acquire Capfriendly

    This is a move I don't understand. But I wonder what it will mean for the site as a useful resource.


    Hershey Bears win the semifinals round

    The Bears beat the Phantoms, 3 games to 1, to advance to the next round. Next up, the Hartford Wolfpack.

    Monumental or Monumental 2 has been carrying the games, hopefully they continue!

    Home Improvement limelight79

    Latest rant...wiring by the PO

    This is not the first time I've ranted about the previous owner's wiring jobs, though I think they were on the other site (and I had a different username there).

    His greatest hits include:

    • Above a drop ceiling in the basement, a wire that went into a metal box without a strain relief, so it eventually wore through (for whatever reason) and started shorting out. Since it was above the drop ceiling I had no idea why that breaker would occasionally trip, then reset without complaint. Also, there are other things on that circuit, but the offending wire was only live when the light switch in the room was on, so it was harder to diagnose. It wasn't until we demolished the room that we found the marks on the box and wires and all.

    • A duct fan to route heat from the pellet stove into the master bedroom...with the wiring completely enclosed in the ceiling, with no access to the box. Said duct fan has started making noise, so I'm going to have to cut that ceiling open and replace it, and I'll probably install one of those spring-loaded covers so there is access in the future.

    • A fascinating wiring job in the shed that is unnecessarily complicated and certainly a violation of the code on how many conductors can be in a box. I'm going to fix that some time this spring. This is actually a REALLY great one, so maybe I'll post it as a comment.

    On to today's hilarity. A few weeks ago I noticed the UPS for my computer in the basement had a red light on the back warning of a wiring fault. I never noticed it before, or I did and forgot, and it's not very bright, so you almost have to be looking for it to see it. Well, I got out one of those testers that you plug in, with three lights that diagnose the issue, and it showed no ground. Odd.

    I checked the other two outlets on the same wall, the one closer to the panel tested fine, but the one on the other side of the outlet in question also showed an open ground.

    Today I dug in to find out what was up. It turns out the ground was cut on both wires in the outlet the computer was using (supply from the previous outlet and the wire to the next outlet). It was not connected to the metal box or the outlet.

    WHY WHY WHY? Why did he do this? I can't fathom why you'd do this.

    I replaced all three outlets on that wall with new ones and made sure the grounds were connected. Nothing really wrong with the original outlets and covers, but they were old and beige, and I like white.

    Years ago I found an outlet in our closet that only had two prongs, no ground. The house was built in 1987, well after three prongs were standard. With some trepidation - what am I going to find here? - I opened it up and found that...there was a good ground there (to my relief) but he apparently just decided to use a two prong outlet. WHY? He had to have gone to special effort to find a two prong outlet to install. (Actually it is theoretically possible that was done by the builders, but everything else in the house is three prongs, and I can't believe it would have passed inspection.)


    Chalk Talk with Tarik El-Bashir last night

    This season, the Caps have been doing "Chalk Talks" with various people. These are question-and-answer sessions held before the game (at 5 p.m.), and last night Tarik El-Bashir hosted. They're for season ticket holders - we split season tickets with a group of people, and we had the tickets to last night's game, so we were able to go to the talk as well.

    I think the Chalk Talks are new this season; we've been in the ticket group for quite a few years now, and this is the first we've heard of them. I'm sure we would have at least heard of them before now if they had been happening before.

    (In case you're not sure who Tarik is, he's a former Caps beat reporter for the WaPo, and is now on TNT covering hockey. He played hockey through his teenage years, but he knew he was not going to be going pro in hockey when he was 17 or 18.)

    Extremely interesting chat. He told us a couple of his favorite stories. I'm going from memory, so I may have goofed on some details. I added a few personal notes in brackets.

    • His first major scoop was the Ovechkin contract signing in ~2008. Apparently he got a tip from a reporter in Toronto, who may have been tipped off by an agent. Note Ovi had fired his agent a few months before, and his mother negotiated the contract instead, so it's possible the spurned agent is the one that alerted the reporter. Tarik witnessed the signing by looking in the windows at Kettler. Ted Leonsis was annoyed, because they were planning to announce it at the season ticketholder event later that evening, but Tarik scooped them. Ted laughs about it now, though, and apparently also tells the story from his point of view.

    • He was first to interview Bruce Boudreau after his firing. Bruce wanted to wait ("It's Dale Hunter's day, let him have it"), so he told Tarik to come to his house the next morning at 7 with coffee and donuts [which seems very on-brand for Bruce]. When Tarik arrived, Bruce answered the door in dressy clothes, which got Tarik's attention, but Bruce said he was going to visit his mother. And that's how Tarik missed out on the scoop that BB was interviewing with the Ducks. Later, Bruce said, "What was I going to tell you? They hadn't fired Carlyle yet!" [I think it was Carlyle, but I'm too lazy to look it up, and it doesn't matter for the story.]

    • He also got an interview with Olie the Goalie after his last game with the Caps. Tarik noticed Olie taking his name plate off his locker after the game, but he was busy getting the story of the Caps loss at the time. Later he got to interview Olie directly about leaving DC and was first to get the full story. His editor said, "Great story, but you need to call GMGM and get his side of the story."

    There were a few questions.

    • Someone asked about Wilson's punishment. He agreed Wilson deserved punishment for his action, but Tarik noted that another player [whose name escapes me] committed a two-handed slash earlier this season that resulted in just a $5k fine. He actually called it "The Wheel of Justice" and wished that Player Safety was more consistent.

    • Some talk about up-and-coming players, LaPierre and Miroshnichenko. Great things to say about both, but Miro in particular he was impressed with - even late in the game in that loss to Toronto, Miro was working hard and engaged and upset at losing that way.

    • Carbery - he noted that part of what makes Carbery so good is that he has excellent communication skills with the players. He will tell them exactly what they need to do to improve or get more ice time or whatever, and the players really appreciate that, and when Carbery talks, they listen. Carbery is also extremely smart, Tarik noted. If the team gets into the playoffs, he thought Carbery should win the Jack Adams award [he noted he doesn't have a vote on that award].

    There was a question about the turnaround that led to the following two answers:

    • He talked about Ovi's turnaround - and no, he has no idea what happened either. He joked that maybe riding a camel centered Ovi's mind [I assume Ovi was on vacation somewhere riding camels over the all-star break]. And the power play is suddenly firing on all cylinders, likely in part due to Ovi. The power play is suddenly the best in the league over the last 5 games at 44% [note this was before last night's festivities].

    • Lindgren has stolen something like 8 games for the Caps. This is an actual statistic - I forget the math but it's something like high danger chances minus the final score. Kuemper has been struggling, but Lindgren has been a star.

    He mentioned another interesting statistic. Unfortunately, I forget what the statistic was. It may have been goal differential. But no team has ever been below -10 and still made the playoffs, and the Caps have a good chance of being the first. It was just another piece of evidence of how incredible the turnaround is.

    They gave away some signed pucks - Strome and Carlson IIRC, and they gave away a signed Ovi stick. Random drawing for everyone who was there.

    Tarik knows the game so well. I've been watching for ~15 years, and I learned a few things from him. He's an excellent speaker, too, which isn't surprising given his position, but he handled the audience Q and A very smoothly too.

    The talk finished up around 5:45, so you have time to walk around and hit the food stands, not all of which were quite ready for customers at that point.

    It was a great experience. If you ever get the chance to go to one, take it.


    Updating notifications

    Hi, all. My wife and I recently got new phones, and it got me thinking again about how notifications work.

    Currently I have several automations (maybe 10) that send notifications to my phone, her phone, both, and possibly other devices.

    But when we get a new phone, or replace a tablet, etc., I have to update every single one of those automations. And I inevitably forget some or introduce errors.

    Is there a better way to do this? For example, it'd be nice if I could abstract the concept of "my phone" out in those automations, then I'd only have to change the device "my phone" in one place, rather than a bunch of places.

    Any thoughts on this? Maybe I'm missing a way to do it. Thanks.


    Gritty takes blame for stolen Jagr bobbleheads Gritty takes blame for stolen Jagr bobbleheads |

    Flyers mascot jokes after shipment of Penguins promotional item goes missing

    Gritty takes blame for stolen Jagr bobbleheads |

    Of course he does.


    Kuzy looks happy in Hershey; Oshie was practicing on the ice today

    No link because I'm lazy.

    My wife sent me Instagram shots of Kuzy in Hershey, and honestly he looks happy. Maybe he needed a change of scenery to wake up or something.

    And Instagram also had pictures of Oshie practicing on the ice today! Not sure if it was with the team or not, but...I'll take it either way!


    The new stadium plan has hit a snag... Leading Virginia Senate Democrat deals major setback for Washington sports arena bill - WTOP News

    A leading Democratic Virginia legislator said Monday that proposed legislation to help pave the way for the NBA’s Washington Wizards and NHL’s Washington Capitals to relocate to northern Virginia is…

    Leading Virginia Senate Democrat deals major setback for Washington sports arena bill - WTOP News

    No. I can't do it. I want a team who's the same in the morning as they are at night. What's that word? - Consistency. - Consistency.

    The Simpsons Movie clip with quote - Consistency. - Consistency. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip.

    - Consistency. - Consistency.

    You just never know what team is going to show up from day to day.

    We love them, but there's a reason we call them the Cardiac Caps...


    Shelly and their terrible customer service

    This is a long one, but I'm done with Shelly. Too bad, I like that they support HA, but the treatment on this last order is outrageous. The good news is I'm only out $24.

    On November 25, I placed an order for a H&T and a Plus 1 Mini as part of their sale, and I received a confirmation for the order.

    On December 8, I received an email stating they were overwhelmed with orders and it would be some time before filling them. Okay, that's annoying, but I didn't need them right away - but the H&T I did want fairly quickly because I was hoping to replace an unreliable Zigbee sensor.

    Then I heard nothing for several weeks, and the order never arrived. Finally, on January 4, I created a ticket in their support system about it.

    They completely ignored that, too. I started seeing ads on Facebook for the Plus 1 Minis, one of the things I ordered, which irritated me.

    After about two weeks, I made a comment on one of the ads that my order and the ticket were both being ignored. A few days later, on January 24, I got an email from them saying:

    > Excuse us for the delayed reply. We are extremely overloaded.

    > For unknown reason, the order is not visible in the US admin system. That's why it is not dispatched yet. Maybe there is a bug in the system about this order.

    > However, we informed the US team that the order must be dispatched asap. They will dispatch it soon and you will receive an email with your tracking code.

    > ​Please be patient.

    > We want to apologize for the delay and for the inconvenience caused.

    I've heard nothing more, almost a week later. I just logged into the ticketing system to discover that they CLOSED THE TICKET. So they can't see the order, and they closed the ticket that refers to it. The problem is NOT resolved - there's no tracking number, no estimated ship date, and no products at my door. I'll be surprised if I ever get the stuff at this point. (I checked my spam folder, and it's not in there.)

    Terrible service. I will never order from them again.

    I can still file a Paypal dispute, apparently until May. I'll give it a few more days, and if I haven't heard anything, I'll do that.

    So, let this be a warning to you about ordering from went okay the first time a few years back, but this time has been a disaster.


    This post is crashing Boost for me

    Running on a Lenovo Yoga Tab 13, Android 13, version 1.0.4 of Boost.


    This potential move to Potomac Yards

    Discussion time! Thoughts and opinions!

    We live in Maryland, and I'm glad our tax dollars aren't involved in either deal. What bothers me more is just the waste of it. What's wrong with Capital One? Other than those railings in some sections that prompt the occupants of those seats to lean forward and block the view of the people behind them. But that could be fixed with glass partitions.

    I haven't been to many other NHL arenas to compare, but we did visit the Canes last year, and I don't recall any "Oh, I wish Capital One had that!" moments about the structure. Except maybe the nearby campground, but that's not happening in DC or Alexandria (nor would we really need it for the local team).

    Driving: For us, driving to Potomac Yards is roughly the same as driving the Capital One on paper, but I suspect the reality will be somewhat different. If there's an issue on the bridge, theoretically we can drive through DC, but I already know that the freeway is usually backed up there during rush hour - we're usually getting off on 395 north right where the backup begins. Getting to Capital One has more options if there's a crash somewhere on the route.

    Parking: I'm sure Leonsis feels he's missing out on a lot of parking fees that currently go to other garage operators, so now the cost of parking will go to him, and it'll be your only option, aside from Metro. I wonder how the merchants at Potomac Yard will deal with people parking there to go to events - maybe validated parking.

    Getting there by Metro: Yellow line only! Unless they also run those special blue trains that they used to run to Franconia-Springfield after events (I don't know if they still do that). Gallery Place-Chinatown is on three lines with a LOT more access. Nats park is only on green, but it's also closer to L'Enfant for transfers. I'm curious how that will play out. Maybe they'll run more trains from Potomac Yards to L'Enfant and Gallery Place after events.

    Eating options: I know Chinatown's food options have really suffered in recent years, even before the pandemic. But there are still a ton of options in the area.

    But at the new place...what options will there be if I don't want to have to park twice? Last I knew, there weren't many restaurants in that Potomac Yards shopping center.

    I think overall we're not looking forward to this change, if it does happen. I know it's a long way off - the 2028 season is what it sounded like - but neither of us are excited about it. We'll see what happens.


    My new gravel tourer is on the road

    Hello! I don't have pictures yet, but I finally finished my mixed road/gravel bike and took it for a short ride (in wet conditions) over the weekend, and I wanted to celebrate a bit. Sorry for the long post!

    I bought the frame on sale a few months back from Velo Orange, it's their Pass Hunter model. I had been kind of eyeing them up for years, as they're based near me, for this kind of bike. My eventual goal is to tour the GAP and C&O canal trails with it - my road bike, a CAAD12, would not be up to such a tour. I'll also take it with us when we go camping - we were out west for a few weeks last year, and there were a lot more gravel roads than this east coaster is used to.

    The groupset is a GRX Di2 2x11 with hydraulic discs. I know some will disagree with the electronic shifting for a touring rig, but I've read all of the arguments on both sides, and it's what I wanted. In hindsight, I wish I'd realized that the VO Pass Hunter frame isn't really Di2 compatible, because there are limited options for fishing the wires through the frame - a restriction that never even occurred to me until after I had everything. But I can live with it.

    This is my first build, my first experience (ever) with electronic shifting, and my first experience with disc brakes (aside from a very short test ride years ago), and my first experience with hydraulic brakes. Lots of learning!

    The wheels are from - did you know they have decent deals on wheels, too? DT Swiss rims, Shimano hubs, Shimano rotors, 38c tires mounted, rim and tires tubeless ready, but set up with tubes. I got 700s, but I probably should have gone with 650b for the clearance on the rear wheel. Longer term, I'll pick up a set of 650bs with mixed road/gravel tires, and put pure road tires on my 700c wheels.

    I had a bike fit on my road bike (a CAAD12) done a few years ago, so I used the results from that as a guideline for this build. In particular, the top tube on the VO is longer than the Cannondale, so I got a shorter stem to compensate.

    I did end up getting wider handlebars (46 instead of 44), but the gravel handlebars feel a LOT wider than the road handlebars. Which, for an all day ride, probably isn't a bad thing - more positions.

    I want to test it more, but I'm thinking I'll set the handlebars a little higher than my CAAD12's are, relative to the seat height - because, one, they're wider, so my arms are out farther when I'm on the hoods, meaning I'd be leaning down a bit farther, and two, comfy, all-day touring bicycle.

    The bike is all black. I'm not very imaginative. It's like, how much more black could it be? None. None more back. I don't usually name my bicycles, but suddenly I want to call this one "Smell the Glove". (The VO paint is actually black with flakes and a chrome logo, it looks pretty cool.)

    It's definitely a slow bike with the weight and tires on it now, but that's okay - the point was to build a comfortable, ride-all-day tourer, not a speed demon. It weighs 24 lbs without water bottle cages, bike bags, etc.

    After my test ride, I'm even happier with my decision to go Di2. And that's with repeatedly hitting the wrong buttons to shift on the ride (I have no idea why I was doing that, it's essentially the same as the 105 5800 on my CAAD12, but I kept doing it).

    Bar tape: I am terrible at wrapping bars. I have no fear of the mechanical or electronic portions of building a bike, but bar tape...I dunno. It's very stressful for me, I think because it's so visible, and I feel like everyone is looking at it and going, LOOK WHAT THAT AMATEUR DID! But, I think I actually did a credible job on this one, for once. Tip for anyone else that suffers the same phobia: Look for extra long tape, it's one less stressor!

    Suppliers: Frame came from VO, obviously. I got the Di2 setup off eBay - oddly enough, that seems to be the easiest way to buy a groupset, if you need the whole thing. for the wheels. I went to for a lot of the parts, and when I couldn't find what I wanted or needed there, I went to Amazon. I ordered a few random parts from other places, too - I think the handlebars came from another bike parts supplier.

    Costs: I expected this to cost more than a pre-built bike would, but if I wanted that VO frame, building one was my only option. But now that I think about it, I might have actually saved a little money this way. This bike, the first result on google for "Di2 gravel bike", is $3495 with 2x, and I'm pretty sure I have less than that into my build. And I included pedals and a good saddle that fits me in the cost, neither of which comes with most pre-built bikes.

    Plus, I probably put a few better components on than would be stock, like softer bar tape, and Easton stem and seat posts, and so on. And, I got the parts I needed - such as the correct stem length for me - so I'm not replacing parts that came with a pre-built bike, either.

    So, while it doesn't feel like it, I probably did actually save some money over a pre-built bike. Of course, I spent hours working on it, and I bought several new tools at the same time - strangely, I never had a bike stand before, so I bought one as part of this build. (I don't count the tools as part of the build costs, as I'll very likely use them again.)

    To do yet:

    • Ride it and adjust the handlebar height as desired, then eventually cut the steerer tube, again. I did an initial cut to get it in the right ballpark, but there's likely another inch or so that could come off.

    • Check the rear brake - it engages a lot lower than the front brake, so it might need to be bled. I adjusted the engagement point, but it's still quite different compared to the front. It doesn't feel spongy, and I can lock up the wheel, it just travels a lot farther back. I'd rather it be more consistent with the front brake.

    • Adjust the clipless pedal tension. I'm used to SPD-SL cleats, and I've used SPD before, but I was having a miserable time with these at first, so I loosened the tension. I'll want to crank that back up.

    • RIDE IT!

    Mistakes I made:

    • My biggest was the Di2 wiring thing. The frame was really intended to have cables, so I have bosses for shifters or cable mounts that I'm not using (they're covered with caps that are the same color as the frame, at least). I wonder how hard it is to remove that thing - I had to repair similar downtube bosses on my old aluminum bike, and that just had a metric threaded rod running between the two sides. Maybe cut a rubber plug for the holes...hmmmmmmmmm.

    • I bought a second band clamp because I thought the first one was interfering with one of the water bottle cage bolts...but while I was waiting for the new clamp to arrive, I figured it out with the original clamp. Not sure what I was going wrong at first.

    • There are a few spots I could switch to shorter Di2 cables, but the necessary length is extremely hard to predict, I've learned, and those cables are not cheap. One that's too long is the one for the rear derailleur, and that one would be very easy to change and could be done whenever I feel like it. The other is the cable from the junction near the bottom bracket to the shifter - I have a 1200 mm cable, but a few cm shorter wouldn't have hurt. But neither one is so long that it's a major problem, either.

    3 Police report reveals details surrounding Milan Lucic's arrest, domestic abuse allegations

    Boston Bruins forward Milan Lucic is set to be arraigned Tuesday on a charge of assault and battery against a family member.

    Police report reveals details surrounding Milan Lucic's arrest, domestic abuse allegations


    He's taking an indefinite leave of absence, though it looks like he was already on the IR due to ankle issues.


    40v string trimmer issue

    The 40v Ryobi string trimmer that I bought in 2020 is behaving strangely. It seems to be doing one of three things, depending on the day I use it:

    • It works normally, or
    • It will run as long as I hold the trigger down, but if I let it stop, it won't restart until I remove the battery for a moment, or
    • It won't stop running - spinning at a very slow rate (not so fast that it's dangerous, but it shouldn't be doing it at all) - even when I let off the trigger.

    This happens with both batteries I have - one is 4 ah and came with the trimmer, the other is a 5 ah and is about a year newer. There doesn't seem to be any consistency between how it operates and which battery I use.

    Up until a few weeks ago the trimmer worked normally all the time, no issues at all. Then one day it started doing this out of the blue. There was no impact or damage to it.

    Any thoughts? It feels like some sort of logic board issue to me, assuming there is one in the trimmer.

    I'd think if it was the trigger itself, it would do one or the other thing and wouldn't reset when I removed the battery...but who knows.

    Thanks for any ideas!


    Backups, people...backups

    I use Samba backup and it runs nightly, fortunately.

    I tried to update to the latest HA core the other day, and it failed. Reboot and weird things stop working all over the place. The log showed the recorder and a bunch of other things failed to start. When I looked at the command line, I found that files had apparently been corrupted. My configuration.yaml, all 791 lines of it, was gone, in favor of the stock configuration.yaml file.

    I restored from the most recent backup before the trouble began, which was taken Saturday morning (I assume the corruption is why it didn't run after that). No dice. Friday's backup got me up and running again, fortunately. I had to re-do a few things I'd changed Friday, but what a relief.

    I made the changes again and made a new full backup. I also increased the number of backups to keep from 7 to 10.

    Do regular backups, people. Save yourself a lot of headache. I use the Samba option, but there are options to upload to things like cloud storage as well.


    Gritty puck from the Hockey Hall of Fame

    My wife picked up this puck at the Hockey Hall of Fame last week. I think there's something odd about Gritty...she disagrees. Not saying what it is so as not to bias you. I'd like to get a ruling from the internet on this, please!

    Airstream limelight79

    66th Annual Airstream Rally makes big waves with remarkable community contributions
