All I see are awesome game recommendations, thanks everyone! Except for Stardew Valley.. that's my game. I love it but I hate it for reasons mentioned already.
I spent a vast majority of my college years and mid 20s playing an MMO by the name of Puzzle Pirates. Honestly, if it had maintained a large enough player base for the content, I probably would've been addicted a lot longer. I've never come across another game quite like it and it's a shame mismanagement of the company and shitty decisions about the direction of the game led it to a slow death.
I used to play yeaaaars ago doing custom scripting work and what not as a teenager to make extra money. I got on recently and it just seemed dead. Maybe I just forgot how to navigate, but I literally felt like I couldn't find people to even interact with.
the technology has improved tenfold, the game looks and runs so different now that its virtually unrecognizable, but the communities are shit, the user count is at best half as many as it was in the late 00s to early 10s. and most of the people online are either just parked in a shitty club, usually AFK, hiding in their private land, innnocuously buying stuff for their house or character, lagging the place up with scripted farms and such... a very small number of worthwhile game / activity and roleplay communities (RP is still basically a game...) .. and most everyone else is probably e-banging..
Holy shit is it still around? I remember playing that around the same period and going to all of the servers with free shit and occasionally coming across some weird sex server lmao.
when you say server, I think you're talking about regions (colloquially called "sims or simulators" in game)
while its true they do run on servers, usually 4-16 regions packed onto a single server... its easier to think of them as islands of virtual real estate, some are separate individual tiny islands of 256x256 meters, whereas others are joined to others of the same size. all of course, seperate from the continents which are owned by the company but land can be rented and such
privately owned land people can do whatever they want on it provided it isnt breaking law or TOS, and theres some weird shit that falls through the cracks.
the concept of SL is fascisnating, how it all works in the concept of a digital world, its been doing the metaverse 20 years before Mark Zuckerberg got the idea. the problem is, people are fucking freaks. and the metaverse is as freaky as they are.
Ehhhhhhhh. I had fun here and there primarily because I was playing with friends. I probably would have had more fun if I played something else though, sunk cost fallacy influenced me.
Like I hate it, it was a disappointment when I got it (maybe even more than Skyrim). I wanted Morrowind 2, I got “oh, the LOTR series is popular because of the film, why not flatten our setting into generic medieval fantasy?” instead of my jungle city with dragons flying around the canals.
The main plot is stupid, most of the faction plot lines are stupid (Mannimarco is probably one of the most embarrassing bosses in a video game of all time). Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine showed that there were still some capable writers at Bethesda, but Horse Armor probably got a lot more profit for much less effort. (And now, they’ve figured that they don’t even have to do that and can just resell what modders do.)
Despite how much I hate the game, I’ve sank thousands of hours into it - not just playing it, but modding it. Installing the mods of others, making and releasing my own. I have a dream of someday making a total conversion mod which would fix all of the things I hate about the main story and the landmass and the dialogue and the lack of roleplaying opportunities… to the point where I’ve also spent hundreds of hours making small stabs at the project.
I listen to other people play the game and talk about the game and complain about the game all of the time. I watch more hours of people playing Oblivion than Morrowind - which is the game I actually like and think is good!
Edit: Plot of Morrowind - complicated political intrigue, analysis of colonialism, and subversion of the “Chosen One” narrative, where you could make a very strong argument that the main character is a government agent sent to “fulfill” an indigenous prophecy to destabilize the region politically and further centralize the Empire’s control over Tamriel.
Plot of Oblivion - Mehrunes Dagon is now basically the Christian Devil (flanderizing the very interesting morality of the Daedra in lore). Your job is to fight all the evil cultists who want to bring him back for basically no reason, like even in their “paradise” they’re getting tortured for funsies. No one has motivations other than being bad guys or good guys. (See also how the Mages Guild portrays necromancy as “the bad magic” which was a religious thing in Morrowind but canonically seen as morally neutral elsewhere before they became the generic baddies you slaughter in dungeons and caves.)
Fucking Mannimarco was SO disappointing. You're chasing down this rouge faction of necromancers, corpses nailed to the walls, spooky as shit, rumors of The King of Worms fly, you finnally make it to him, and he's an Altmer in a cave in a brown robe all ''I'm an immortal who used to be in the Psyjic Order, was there when magic was first passed from Mer to Men, I single handedly invented enchanting, soul binding, and raising the dead, You have to fucking PRAY to me to make black soul gems!''
And you lob an arrow at him from across the room and he says the same things ever Altmer in the game does and falls over dead. Like... really? I was expecting ANYTHING to happen in the fight at all.
They could have just made him a litch with some thralls and a health pool and damage output high enough to make it seem like a boss fight. I've had more trouble assassinatiing pirates.
The build up is ridiculous! Traven kills himself to give you that soul gem.
Mannimarco is supposed to be a god! How is he just a high elf in a shitty reskinned robe that needs a staff to reanimate a single corpse? Mannimarco in lore would use Mannimarco in game as fodder for experiments - getting merked by someone who might not even know how to cast a fireball. (Getting rid of faction requirements also annoys me, but if you’re so opposed to making people replay your game for all content and think it’s immersive that you can be the Grey Fox, Arch Mage, Listener, etc…, then at least acknowledge it somehow. Like, if you become Arch Mage before you do Thieves Guild, at one point you steal from yourself. I guess you also do become Sheogorath, maybe that insanity is why.)
They could have at least made a unique character mesh for him based on his Daggerfall design.
When I did my first play thru on Xbox 360, and I realized there was no levitation or jumping spells – I can still recall the disappointment. That simple thing was enough for me to not like it as much.
However, going into portals sickened and scared me. I never got over it before I moved on to Skyrim.
The way the game is designed relies on a lack of levitation and jumping spells. They needed to make everything run on console (and designed the UI entirely around that, it’s torment to use vanilla UI on PC). Cities have to be in separate worldspaces, and levitating could get you into the placeholder spots on the map. It would also make closing those Oblivion gates trivial if you just float up to the top of the tower. (Real men just use paintbrushes).
It just doesn’t make any lore sense though. Necromancy is illegal too, but it’s certainly still happening!
Did you know on the original FFX on PS2 if you play more than 9999 hours the hours played flips over to 0000 again?
PS I also checked how many hours 9999 is because I wasn't sure if I was exaggerating how much I played the game, and it's less than two full years worth of hours, and I did in fact play more than that, easily.
You can 100% the Sphere Grid in only a few hours, if you’re smart about it. My guess is they were going around using Clear Spheres to wipe unneeded spheres off the map and replace them. The default Sphere Grid doesn’t actually allow you to max your stats; You need to clear the existing +2 or +3 spheres, and replace them with +4 spheres instead.
Even then, maxing your stats doesn’t require 9999 hours. Unless OP was farming experience in Besaid Island (the starting area) it shouldn’t take that long to navigate the grid and farm enough replacement spheres.
People used to just play the endgame in single player games. I probably put more hours into Tales of Symphonia after I beat all the content than before.
So I'm not autistic and these aren't necessarily bad games, but for my partner this is definitely Dragon Age. She has put an insane number of hours into the first 3 games. She knew The Veilguard was going to be bad. She KNEW, she told me multiple times even the second before she told me she bought the game. She got 3/4 of the way through before having a crying, screaming meltdown over how bad it was.
but she was okay with Inquisition? I don't get that at all. Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games of all time and I've beat it several times. Inquisition is straight trash by comparison. I beat it once and was immensely disappointed. Because of that experience, I haven't even considered trying Veilguard. I just know it can only be worse.
It’s just disappointing to see how drastically the series has changed. It started as a top-down strategy RPG, and now it’s just a generic hack-n-slash game. Game publishers have shied away from games like the original Dragon Age, because they want to sell as many units as possible. And they think generic hack-n-slash games sell better. Games like Baldur’s Gate 3 have proved that there is still a large demand for more traditional RPGs, but the publishers simply don’t want to take the risk.
It is a good came I just got tired of it due to the constant inventory management and the rapid day night cycle making me feel like I had to speed run everything.
Besides that the art, music, controls, and, aesthetic are all wonderful.
I want to play AC so badly. Every time I pick it up my brain is hit with nostalgia from when I played it as a kid on my N64 and GC but now as an adult I enjoy it more watching my kids play it and talk to me about their villagers.
This is unironically one of my favorite memes because it fits me SO WELL:
On Minecraft I have ~150 days playtime on PC, after switching to Prismlauncher (after some development drama) I have another ~22 days playtime. Along with my 1300 hours on switch it's a total of 234.5 DAYS looking at pixelated blocks in a children's game.
that's not even including my time in PE edition from when I was little or the multiple years I spent in Lunar client which doesn't track playtime. In total it's probably WELL over a whole year of JUST Minecraft.
I have logged over 200 hours in RuneScape just this month.
It probably helps that I have a job where I can have it running next to me. At this point, it is basically just an idle game that I only need to touch every ~15 minutes to refresh my idle logout timer. Pretty much the only times it’s not running are when I’m asleep or physically away from a computer.
Hell, even when I’m away from my computer, it keeps running as long as I can touch it every now and then to stay logged in. If I’m AFK’ing slayer with aggressive enemies, I only really need to touch it to refresh my inventory or the idle timer. Even when I’m playing other games, RuneScape just runs quietly on my second monitor.
One day I’ll get around to playing Nomifactory CE. I’ve somehow played the base one twice over the past five years.
I’ve been so alienated from friends playing the most popular game on the planet in multiplayer because I can’t play Vanilla for shit. Not since 1.2.5 probably.
I’ll play no Minecraft for two years and then immediately nolife a modpack for two months.
Good shit. The best value game I have ever bought, no question about it.
But you can always do more. I have a childhood friend who, when some leagues were released, averaged about 14 hours per day for Path of Exile for two weeks straight. Like 180 hours playtime in two weeks.
Another friend of mine should be at about 8000 hours of Rocket League by now on his main account only. That's over the game's full lifespan though.
Definitely mine too. It doesn’t even run faster than 1x.. which is sucky slow but my own fault for having too many livestock animals to support my ~60 pawns… (peaceful gets very out of control if you let it) but now I have an outpost mod and as soon as all my kids are adults, most of them are gone.
I have the most hours in Warframe, but Factorio is on a different level. If you're anywhere on the spectrum, it is pure crack cocaine. The only reason I haven't bought the DLC is because I know it'll consume a month of my free time.
How are the micro transactions on warframe? Do they shove them down your throat or do you need to pay them to play? Was considered trying it out but free to play games tend to be shitty.
Pretty good, and somehow getting better with time; especially considering how much you can get out of the game for completely free.
The game's main premium currency is platinum. There's no way to get it through in-game activities. You can buy it directly, it is included in most cash-only purchases, or you can trade it freely with other players. Most of the trading is organized on the third-party market board, and the in-game trading chat... exists, I guess.
Most of the game's items (weapons, warframes, companions, upgrades) can be farmed through regular gameplay from random drops, from specific missions or boss fights, crafted from gathered resources, or bought using in-game currencies. You can buy most of them for platinum, but don't have to. The only payment-exclusive items are cosmetics (skins, helmets, color palettes), but not all of them, and inventory slots. There are also many late-game items that are impossible to buy and have to be earned. Some items are also sold in discounted packs. As of the latest major update (released literally a few hours ago), you get an additional discount for items of a pack that you already own.
The worst limiting factor for a new player is warframe and weapon slots. Your account can only hold a limited number of certain items, and slots are almost exclusively purchased with platinum (a small number can be earned through Nightwave, a free battle pass-like system). A new account starts with 50 non-tradable platinum -- my recommendation is to buy 2 weapon slot packs (12p for two slots, 24p total) and a warframe slot (20p for one).
After playing with trains in factorio, then just staring at them go in pure ecstasy for 10s of minutes. I am now convinced I'm much further on the spectrum than I thought.
When they say a month of free time, the really mean a month of neglecting the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, showering, and cooking at home. And probably also a month of being late to work too.
I just spent 20 hours on the demo for the new game roadcraft. I'm just pushing dirt around in a tractor like I'm playing with Tonka trucks back when I was 5. I haven't really done anything interesting, just leveled dirt. Anyway, ill probably put in another 6 hours today after work.
Dota 2. Almost 10k hours. I got matched against s4 and had to face him in the mid lane. I got wrecked and I uninstalled the game, that was a few years ago now. I figured if I just matched against one of the best players in the world then I actually completed dota and it's time to stop.
I had 10k hours in DotA before DotA2 was even a thing. DotA2 never pulled me in quite the same, but even so the best day of my life was when I uninstalled that shit for good in 2015.
There was a shitty f2p MMO called GunZ online once upon a time. It was so badly programmed that glitches literally became the primary gameplay loop.
I loved it. For those few that could get into it, it was a unique heaven of fps and fighting game that filled a void an over caffeinated teen with nothing but hyper focus and time didn't know they had.
Osu (stylized as osu!) is a rhythm game... Developed by an Australian group, wiki says it first released in 2007. Probably by far the most popular rhythm game out there, and probably the only one that can rival DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and DDR-clones/lookalikes. And unlike DDR which requires a ridiculously expensive setup (a reliable DDR pad would cost close to $1k and is extremely loud) or being a regular at your local Japanese arcade to play, osu can be played by anyone with a PC, a mouse/trackpad, and a lot of hopes & dreams
Osu was inspired by the Nintendo Ouendan series on the NDS; in that game you use the little pen provided by NDS to click circles/drag sliders/etc on the bottom screen; obviously works well with the NDS form factor. The osu team decided to translate this into PC gameplay where you need to control stuff with keyboard/mouse... and somehow it worked quite well!
Since osu is completely free (I believe it is still very much free-to-play, no idea how they monetize), relatively accessible (see counter-example of DDR above), and is a legitimate & very serious rhythm game, I think it quickly gained a sizable and very passionate player base. And unlike lots of other rhythm games where the charts are curated by a company, osu's charts are created by players & "peer-reviewed" by mods, so there are a LOT of charts, basically any anime/game-related song you could think of is in the game as an approved chart, which further helps grow the popularity. Needless to say it just kept growing from there... I think even back when it was the 2010s and I was playing the game actively, there were already a bunch of community groups, and ppl literally had names for different play styles. I think my style of primarily using mouse but mashing keyboard Z/X key for combos was called the Seiiryu (blue dragon) style or something... I forgot sorry
As for the gameplay itself... Osu's gameplay is actually quite unique in terms of rhythm games especially back then. Back then the gold standard of rhythm games I believe are DDR and IIDX, both of which are vertical fixed-screen drop-down notes where you have to time the fixed buttons to the notes. Osu on the other hand has dynamic notes where circles fly all over the screen. However, this also means that at higher level gameplay, osu relies less on your "sense of rhythm" and more on... precise mouse movements, almost like an FPS. I think nowadays games like maimai/WACCA/Chrono Circle might be similar to osu's playstyle. They did add more game modes though; they have a taiko clone, a "catch the fruit" game which is even more unique than their base game, and a djmax/iidx clone.
And... yeah. In short I think osu could be seen as the gateway drug into rhythm games due to it being free, having charts for just about any song you could think of, and having a passionate community. Now that you've sunk yourself in the rabbit hole, grab your wallet and pay for that $1000 DDR setup you have always wanted, $2000 maimai ADX controller setup, and mortgage on the suburban single-family home to play it in so you don't get complaints from neighbors. You know you want it. Do it. DO IT (/s obviously)
Give Songs of Syx a try. One guy, who developed the game in a shed in Poland so he could get away from his family. You can try the "demo" which is the full game just one version behind. Once he gets tired of developing it he said he'll make it open source. Think dwarf fortress but you're capable of having a population of thousands. Oh, and nevermind the race riots or cannibalism.
EXCUSE ME! Spreadsheet simulator clearly DOES NOT fall under the category of 'worst game' in any way whatsoever! Now hold on for a second while I log into my 7th account...
Oh god, all the clicker games were like fucking methamphetamine to me. I remember there was this 'city' clicker one where you built roads, and I straight up played nothing else for three weeks, every moment I could when I wasn't working. I'm glad I don't even look in their direction now, because I know I could get sucked back in.
I kind of miss when No Man's Sky was an endless, empty expanse. That sense of loneliness and futility was an emotional experience that it doesn't have now. It's become a much better game, no doubt, but putting time and careful planning into that long crawl towards the galactic centre felt right.
Rimworld, Vicky 2, Ck2, Hoi4, Eu4, Fallout 1 2 3 and New Vegas, Morrowind, Skyrim, and currently Vintage Story. My tastes are damned good profligates can you say the same?!
I keep going back to ONI to try and get into its endgame. But I quickly start getting kicked around in a back alley by the temperature stuff. Like trying to figure out colony-wide temperature control.
Heat control is definitely the toughest boss of the game. Satisfying as fuck to be constantly pumping in cool O2 into the main colony block though once you get a handle on it. The steam turbine aqua tuner loop is key to fully nailing mid to late game temperature control, and needs to be implemented later on to actually get liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
You can easily go hundreds of cycles though without needing a steam turbine as long as you are properly planning your base. There are a lot of aspects though that need to be considered. Most of which boil down to (heh) just not building your temperature sensitive things next to hot or heat producing things.
One neat trick is to create a vacuum with liquid locks on either side so that heat is not conducted from one side to another. Another more basic trick is finding a cold biome or cool salt water geyser and pumping liquid through it then insulating the pipe ( p-water best because it's high specific heat capacity and low freezing temperature) and then running it through your base with some radiant/normal piping at picked spots to release that coolness.
The two focuses you need before you get to creating coolness are to try not to let heat in from outside (don't dig into hot biomes without insulated tile or liquid locks) and try not to unnecessarily generate heat on the inside of your colony block. You also want to try to just largerly separate where your plants are from where your cooking/machines are until you can actively control the heat generated.
Even without a steam turbine room you can just plop down an aqua tuner next to a pool of water outside your base and radiate that now cool water into the base for quite awhile before the system would break down.
Haha I did volunteer at a track for a bit and they paid me in rally car lessons, driving one of their WRXs through the woods, which was a blast.
They were convinced I'd done it before because before they taught me how, I was already good at left foot braking and could smoothly heel-toe while shifting, but in reality I hadn't driven an IRL stick shift for more than a few hours at most. That's not to say I didn't make some silly mistakes though lol
Bought an FR-S recently and once I get some new tires on it, I'm gonna see how I do on a not-dirt track!
Anyway I've switched to PC now, if anyone wants to race...
Years ago, I played Homefront: The Revolution which was a ridiculous premise (North Korea magically invents and develops microcircuits in the 20th century instead of the US, and invades the US) but had solid weapons and a really great remote-control car bomb.
Its version of the flying cameras from Half Life 2 that actually identifies you and calls for reinforcements also was spot on.
It also had a pretty cool pause-screen song.
Then it had trouble working with computer upgrades, and I moved on to other things.
Hellgate London was such fun, unique hybrid twist on ARPG and looter shooter, I was sad when I heard it was shutdown.
I woulda played it more if I had known it was about to be shutdown. There were some crash bugs and sudden difficulty spikes that made me quit, thinking Id come back to it later. That later never happened.
Yeah it's a shame the official multiplayer didn't last long. There's some fan projects with that but none of them scratched the same itch for me.
There were a few patches for the game and they're still available, but the difficulty spikes are still there, it gets grindy in the last couple sections of the game.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts and Sword of the Stars 2.
part of Sword of the stars 2 is even now it sometimes gets so laggy that you can't finish a game. You just at some point declare that you've snowballed enough and can't be beat anymore.
Hundreds of hours.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is at least getting better now that the devs have abandoned it and modders are taking over.
Ah, I have fond memories of PS2. I slowly stopped playing when I started finding less and less coherent platoons working together. I'd join squads that were spread all over the map. It had so many fun things with it too, but somewhere along the way I started losing interest.
Currently playing World of Warships. I play in 1-3 month stints and don't touch it for months at a time. I always enjoy coming back to it because they just keep adding more stuff.
I love the game (and hate it), but it's my friend who has the autistic fascination. He got me into the game, and then started quoting all the ships' descriptions as I was looking around. I have no idea how some people can just memorize every armor layout for every ship. That's next-level insanity.
I haven't actually played WoT since they added tier 8-10 light tanks, but god did I sink a lot of my teenage years into it. I have been really craving it lately, but I know better than to go back to it.
When I was in college it was WOW. I have soooo many hours in that game. But it also helped fix a lot of issues I had with social anxiety. I went from basically never interacting with people in that game to being elected to run a 60 person guild. I didn't even campaign they just nominated me for it when the previous GM left. It did a lot to help me feel like I could be normal. Then I got a job and a GF and didn't have time to play as much anymore.
These days it's Warframe but I don't have enough free time to really get into video games like I used to anymore.
I don't think I've ever busted as much ass to beat a game as a child as I did with Bubsy. Maaaaybe getting the "Happy End" in Bubble Bobble, but of course that's a friendship effort. Thanks, Scott, for helping me achieve that all those years ago.
When I don't know what to do or watch, i like to watch some rust videos. I love that game. The idea, the execution, the building, the insanity of it. The only downside is that i can't stand the average rust player. Over all these years i played 12 hours of rust. It's the only game i own that i play once a year and immediately uninstall after every session.
I once went on a role playing server and it had really nice people on there. Everything was civilized too, they had police officers walking around lol.
Everything Hidetake Miyazaki makes. It's basically the same game, but it's spread across 7 games. (Well I guess technically 6 since he didn't direct DS2).
These are the worst games when it comes to sucking up my time and energy. The games themselves are actually bomb ASF.
Space Station 13 on the BYOND client. Someone has a space station 14 play test available on steam right now and I'm desperately trying not to get into it
Oh yeah, SS14 has finally made the game playable with high ping... anddddd has therefore I've put like 300 hours into it.
Its really one of the few games that seems to avoid a community of "meta-gaming" or "instrumental play" which sucks all the fun out of a lot of games with huge roleplay potential.
Popular games are popular because they appeal to a wide audience. Very few games would be able to survive solely on an autistic playerbase.
But also, you don't have anything to be afraid of. You are who you are, a diagnosis wouldn't change anything about you. It would only give you access to more tools to cope with things you're bad at (assuming you don't live anywhere where a diagnosis would be used against you).
Euro truck simulator 2. I have already spent ~200 hours in that game. Personally I like it because of the multiplayer mod and there you can see all kinds of drivers over there... Ngh
Anyways, I recently bought 4 map DLCs for the game, I'm sure that will make me sink less time in that pit (/s)
I have over 2,000 hours in terraria and way more in minecraft. Really anything with good building or creative features is going to hook me for quite a while.