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spaffel spaffel
Posts 6
Comments 22
  • Yep Menschen in schlechten Lebenssituationen zu unwĂĽrdigen Jobs zwingen.

    Entweder du lässt dich jetzt versklaven oder kannst schaun wie du deinen Magen füllst

  • Anon touches grass
  • It’s true

  • Wie macht ihr es?
  • Ahahah ist mir garnicht aufgefallen

  • How would you do this Technically?
  • Okay I was thinking the same just thought there came some new technology that was able to detect ai generated Content reliably

  • Welchen „Alltagsluxus“ gönnt ihr euch NICHT mehr, weil die Preis-Leistung nicht mehr stimmt?
  • Das tun sie auch. 300€ im Monat fĹ©r eine traurige Sucht. Hätte niemals damit anfangen sollen

  • Immer mehr KI-generierte KinderbĂĽcher in Amazons Bestsellerlisten?
  • Ich verstehe echt nicht wie man auf sowas reinfällt

  • How would you do this Technically?

    geteilt von:

    > > China has released a set of guidelines on labeling internet content that is generated or composed by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which are set to take effect on Sept. 1.


    Welchen „Alltagsluxus“ gönnt ihr euch NICHT mehr, weil die Preis-Leistung nicht mehr stimmt?

    Free Him!
  • what the hell happend here?

  • epic doge moment

    Immer mehr KI-generierte KinderbĂĽcher in Amazons Bestsellerlisten?
  • Ich hasse diese pure Profitgier die die meisten haben. Solche BĂĽcher sind meist Resultate weil irgendjemand das in der “Hussler”-Community bekannt gemacht hat

  • Wie macht ihr es?

    “Awful”: Roku tests autoplaying ads loading before the home screen
  • Can i pleace find a decent TV without smart-capabilitys? I just want HDMI thats it

  • Trump entzieht Bidens Kindern Secret-Service-Personenschutz
  • Habe ich bisher so garnicht drĂĽber nachgedacht. Interessant

  • Which game is it?
  • Traditional State - Could not formulate that more perfectly. Didn’t know how to describe this feeling until now

  • Which game is it?
  • I really recommend Eurotruck Simulator 2. It’s really great and affordable. SCS-Software is a great studio that listenes to the Community. Nothing is overpriced and it’s really great quality wise

  • Which game is it?
  • Yes I always drive the longest tours possible and listen to music. It is incredibly relaxing. And I often play it to get ready for sleep. But also Finalfantasy and other games aren’t my thing. Everyone has different preferences

  • Which game is it?
  • That’s great! If you have fun, everything should be fine :)

    For me, it’s Eurotruck Simulator. I just drive around and have done this for over 3000 hours.

  • Goth GF Meme Analysis
  • Ist 1 year after this post. Its currently 2am and i ask myself: how did i end up here

  • shitposting spaffel

    Which game is it?

    absolute lifestyle
  • I have a McDonalds a Shop where I can buy cigarettes and redbull in a radius of 500 meters from my home. I can’t stop because its yo easy not to

  • Yes?
  • No in The 50s everyone was smarter and everything perfect. /s

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • deal

  • 2meirl4meirl
