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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Anon thinks about Google
  • I guess I should point out I live and work in coastal Georgia.

    So I dunno why I have such a different experience. I'm on my phone a lot calling people and using GPS with no overheating issues unless it's in direct sunlight for too long.

  • ‘It has officially happened’: Mechanic says he can’t work on your car because they’ve officially been locked out of computer systems
  • That's treating people as Humans. But in our capitalist hellscape, we aren't people, we're Consumers. We exist to provide money to companies, and they're ever interested in finding more ways to make us give them money.

    It's not enough that you buy a TV, the manufacturer needs to have ads in it. They need the telemetry on what you watch, when you watch it, and for how long so they can make the ads more relevant. We can't have you replacing your phone battery, so we'll make it an internal component so when it goes bad you're more likely to just get a new phone.

    But we can't pay people more, because that's an expense.

    The line must go up at all costs.

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • Windows is way more documented. Not necessarily by Microsoft but by the absolute waste community.

    If I had a nickle for every BSOD error code I researched only to find "have you tried running sfc /scannow? What about a refresh? You tried both and nothing worked? Just reinstall!"

    More documented my ass. Linux at least tells me what's wrong. "No space left on device" or "missing dependency" is way better than "Error code 0x0000007e"

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I have a pixel 6a that I use a lot, and it only overheats if I leave it in the phone holder in my work truck when I park in the sun.

    What are you doing that causes the phone to work that hard?

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • I think my favorite part of swapping has been forgetting how Windows does things. I'm so embedded in Linux and how it works every day that I don't remember where to go for certain things in Windows without having to search.

    I remember some power user shortcuts like run prompt shortcuts (appwiz.cpl or control userpasswords2) but I used to be able to walk people through how to get certain pages in the Windows UI, and I couldn't do it today.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I only replaced my Pixel 2 with a Pixel 6a because the screen broke. Took it to a repair place and the screen stopped working after replacement.

    I had that phone for ~8 years and I hope to get similar mileage out of my 6a.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I have to use Teams, Outlook, and Sharepoint for work.

    What kills me about the search functions in all of them is how bad it is. I work for an ISP, and we use identifiers for different services. I can search SharePoint for the unique numerical identifier of a circuit and get multiple results returned.

    Granted, the first is usually what I'm looking for, but none of the other returned results have the identifier anywhere in them.

    Same for Outlook. So much junk noise returned when searching for anything.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • You can declare them identical on this issue, but even considering how complex politics is, this is the system we have to work with. First Past the Post voting can only support two political parties, full stop. Voting for a third party splits the vote for one party and secures a victory for the other.

    It's fucked. But there are real, long term lasting implications to this election beyond the tragedy in Israel. Republicans are eyeing repealing things like no fault divorce, marriage equality, and voting rights.

    Authoritarianism is on the rise globally, and holding Biden accountable for Gaza will put the guy who said his nuclear button is bigger in office. The guy who already tried to illegally remain in office, has not conceded his election loss, and maintains to this day that he is the duly elected President. Who stole classified documents and kept them, refused to return them when asked, and only after being caught red handed with them did he say he declassified them with his mind.

    Hold Biden accountable for his actions and inactions in Gaza. But don't kid yourself that because they're both bad in Israel that they're otherwise identical.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • I made the swap after they forced Windows 7 update behavior to change. You used to be able to download updates but you got to choose when to install them. Then they changed it to either they're on and fully automatic, or fully off.

    At the time, I was running a computer repair company, and my work computer running Win7 was running a data recovery on an accidentally formatted drive for almost two days. After I had left and the program finished, Windows was all "Oh, the computer is idle now. Let me give you a 15 minute warning that I'm going to install updates and reboot if you don't cancel".

    After the second time, I formatted my work computer. Shortly after, I did the same to my gaming PC. Haven't looked back once.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • If you think Biden is responsible for the crisis in Gaza, do you think giving the Presidency to the guy who has said, on multiple occasions (including in the debate last night) that "Israel should just finish the job" will make things better?

    I guess you can't have a humanitarian crisis after the genocide is complete...

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • Some of us manage to break the cycle, but despite how much I love Linux (ups and downs) I understand that it isn't for everyone currently.

    What most people want is a stable system they can just use without understanding much if anything about how the underlying systems work. They don't care that wifi drivers can be fixed through a few terminal commands, they rail against the fact they have to do much of anything at all besides click [Next >]. And I can't blame them; that's what Microsoft has trained them for.

    So many people with random toolbars and junk extensions in their browsers because the [Next >] button is how they get past whatever problem they have. The average user isn't very tech savvy, and it takes someone with a desire to learn to truly thrive in a Linux environment.

    I've converted my mom to Kubuntu, and she does well, but she's also an outlier (she has an expired CCNA certification).

    Linux suffers from a catch 22: there's not enough users because there's not a lot of commercial support because there's not enough users because... And the people who are donating their time to make it better are saints as far as I'm concerned, but there's only so much people can do for free. Things truly have gotten better, but until more typical user types can adopt Linux with little to no fuss, not much will change.

    And that fact hurts my soul.

  • Landlords didn't get their job for their brains, also ALAB.
  • Obviously there has to be an incentive for Jim-bob to tie up his retirement savings and credit worthiness in a house that he doesn’t live in. You may not like the fact that people have to qualify for bank loans to buy property, but this is the world we live in.

    Obviously if I think landlords are a leech on society, then I must also be in favor of free property for everyone! There's no issue with having to qualify for a loan for a house, but don't piss in my shoes and call it rain. All landlords do is drive up the price of living for someone who could have potentially bought the house they're renting. If they're able to rent it, then they're clearly able to afford the mortgage payments, upkeep, taxes, etc. Plus extra to support the living expenses of the owner.

    Oh, your anecdotal evidence about your parent’s home surely beats my Nobel-prize winning economics study citation.

    I sure missed any citations in your post. Unless you think just naming a publication counts as citing it.

    Because I have anecdotal evidence for someone who bought a house for $400k in 2004 and then later sold it for $280k after the real estate crash.

    cool story bro. There's always cases of people losing out because they buy high and sell low, but in your anecdote, what would the $400,000 home be worth today had the homeowner held onto the property? There is no stock portfolio that would appreciate in value the same way houses have.

    No, you get different scam calls which you assume are the same but are definitely not, since these ones just go out to names on lists of property owners, not random residents.

    Tell me more about the phone calls I receive and how they're not 'real' scam calls.

  • Landlords didn't get their job for their brains, also ALAB.
  • The tenants are able to live in a house that they can’t afford to buy because they don’t have credit and credentials that satisfy the bank.

    So they should pay the same expenses, PLUS extra to support the landlord who could meet the bank's criteria for a loan?

    The tenants are able to move out with a couple months notice if they get a job elsewhere. They don’t have to worry about selling the house or finding a way to pay double mortgages when they move elsewhere…

    They also don't have to worry about cashing in on the appreciated value of the house since they moved in...

    The tenants money is not tied up in a property, they are able to invest it in the stock market which has a higher rate of return than home ownership (which only keeps pace with inflation on average, per Case Schiller).

    Funny joke. My parents bought a house for $90,000 in 1993 that is worth ~$400,000+ today. What percentage of investments could offer such a yield in the same time-frame?

    The tenants don’t get constant calls from scammers claiming they want to pay your property for CASH TODAY.

    I still get those same scam calls despite not being a homeowner.

    Got anything else?