CEO of Brave rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros
The IRS rules governing nonprofits still required the Mozilla Foundation to beg big to go big: the parent had to go find big grants from Soros, Ford, Knight, MacArthur, and give smaller grants to many. This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs and nonprofits (too many glowies there for me, too). Which meant I had a hostile MoFo over my head the minute I got CEO appointment from the MoCo board...
Of course I can't comment on anything about my exit, for reasons that only the most loopy HN h8ers still can't figure out.
Would that apply to James Bond? I've always wondered how everyone in those movies didn't instantly know who he was. Kinda like Archer. Archer is definitely a glowie.
Eich should have been banned from any technical enterprise after inflicting Javascript on us all. His shitty views just reinforce that position further.
Agreed, his garbage attempt at Self has caused long term ramifications for software development. We could have been using a real language for years now.
The origin story of Brave is entirely right-wing. He was forced out of Mozilla because of his public stances on political topics. It's no secret that after being forced out for his politics, he went on to create a new browser company.
They grew up getting their heads shoved into toilets, and are now eager to shove somebody else's head into the toilet. I'm in my mid-30s, and I absolutely remember the teachers turning a blind eye to a bunch of kids ganging up on me with sticks in middle school, only to get detention for hitting them back with the book of arthurian legends I was trying to read.
We basically got taught that bullying is a good thing the strong do to the weak, and it fucked up multiple generations.
Yeah and a lot of them are mad that they only got money and power while the other kids getting our asses kicked, the queer kids, got to be cool as adults instead. /hj
Like i got taught not to be effeminate quite violently. While teachers picked on me for being weird and smart. I guess I just can't give a shit about these people who love to make sob stories to justify their cruelty and bigotry. They can heal or get out of the way.
That's the thing. They always were shit, just with Trump's War on Woke, they now feel like the money they've always spent on good will of the public, DEI programs, keeping a muzzle on the racist/misogynistic/bigoted person running the company isn't really needed. Now all that "wasted" money can go where it belongs...into shareholder profits.
Between this, Proton and Firefox's change of terms, most of the advice I've seen on tech that protects your privacy seems like it's going the way of the dino.
You're right and it's so fucking annoying. I really want someone to jump into the niche and provide support for those of us who get to remember how to sysadmin again.
I don't want/need "plug and play" but I also don't really have time to relearn everything I knew "in a prior life."
Suggestions? At this point I'd love to have a backend for my email that isn't Microsoft.
im not aware of proton changing terms, but their CEO announced he has trump's dick down his throat. well, as far as it'll reach. between his lips, at least. so they can't really be trusted to not snitch at this point.
This spineless mouth breather just realised there's a buck to be made by glazing other alt-right mouth breathers. At least he can finally be himself now. Thankfully, his product is just google chrome repackaged and thereby sucks major ass.
"Just"? No, he's always been open about this, and that's why his appointment as Mozilla CEO was so controversial in 2014, and why the board revolted and he ended up resigning 11 days into his tenure.
The whole origin story of Brave is steeped in right wing politics.
Always has been. I considered anyone who used it slightly sus until further proof. And if they basically advertised it, I considered them too far gone to try anything else.
99% of people don't care about the things that you care about, and use the products they enjoy using. Classifying people by the web browser they use is crazy talk.
As a reminder, Eich was turfed from Mozilla for joining an anti-LGBT hate campaign (and thus alienating a whole lot of developers, sponsors, and users); and his So Brave browser pushed NFTs and stole money via referral fraud.
If I'm reading their financial records correctly, the year he left Mozilla was the year he was paid the most, even though he didn't stick around for most of it. So this retelling of history is, at best, incomplete...
He was CEO briefly, until the controversy over his appointment got loud enough. It makes sense he would've been paid the most that year, especially with the golden parachute CEOs get when they leave.
His appointment remains one of the most damaging events in Mozilla's history, as it led to the resignation of multiple prior leaders (including previous CEOs). Making him CEO might've been Mitch Baker's worst decision as chairwoman.
I remember back when that referrer thing happened and people on reddit were tripping over themselves to justify it and explain why it's actually ok... What a joke.
I mean, he's technically better-behaving than Mozilla itself then.
But I think these endless splits over disagreements and inability to cooperate in the split state are systemic.
So maybe the whole typical-left "let's unite and make a thing and boot everyone who shows a sign of rot" is systemically harmful. See, people who show signs of rot - they are the better kind. The really bad people don't show any signs of rot until it's too late. Actually they may not show anything, be like Mozilla tops.
And also one kind of rot is not rot for some people, and the other is not rot for other group of people, and so on. It would be good to build a way of cooperation where people are impeded from cooperation only with whom they themselves disagree, and not the majority.
Same as my other idea that there should be a way of moderation, where a person's ability to choose is strengthened with all the amazing technology we have, and not with benevolent MITM.
For those looking for alternatives, there are a number Firefox forks such as Mullvad and Librewolf and then there's Chromium and it's various forks (just avoid Edge and, now, sadly, Brave)
crypto, homophobia, fits in with conservatives they all believe in these types of scams. either they buy into crypto, or they are peddling it-themselves.
Terry A. Davis popularised the term. He was a software engineer that ended up with a very bad case of schizophrenia. While unemployed due to his illness, he streamed while working on his own operating system that he built with the intention of "communicating with God". While streaming, he used to go on these rants about how federal agents are spying on him, calling them "glowies" more often than not along the n word with a very hard r at the end. The term "glowies" has very racist associations.
In other words, you need to be somewhat fairly far down the alt-right pipeline if you actually talk about "glowies".
TempleOS is legit super impressive, it's a shame the dude was pretty much insane but also that's probably what it takes to code an entire OS from scratch entirely by yourself.
Glowie, also known as a Glown****, is a slang term popular on 4chan's /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users in order to bait others into sharing incriminating information.
In 2017, schizophrenic computer programmer Terry Davis, known for his TempleOS software that he claimed was dictated to him by God and meant to be God's third temple, made a video showing off various aspects of TempleOS. In the video, Terry says, "The CIA n*****s glow in the dark, you can see them if you're driving. You just run them over, that's what you do."
The term "glow in the dark" refers to the obvious nature of their camouflage, leaving them exposed when they're trying to hide in the shadows.
In fairness to Brave CEO I did not know it had racist origins and only thought it referred to the last paragraph.
That's the problem with racist bullshit. They scrape the racism off and peddle it everywhere until it's widely accepted and not tied to it's roots anymore.
He's got a "white guys are persecuted" complex because people call him out for abusing gays, trans people, women and minorities. He's comparing that to the not-very-effective anti-Irish prejudice in the 19th century. Unlike the murderous attacks on Black Americans and Chinese immigrants, it was never ensrined in law and was largely ignored: Irish people could vote, marry who they wanted to, own property, run businesses and hold political office. The main sources of anti-Irish animusat the time were the Know Nothing party and its friends in the KKK. Both hated the Irish for being Catholic.
Ohh, Thanks I did need a dictionary for the OP, but you still left out the racist 4chan verbiage around the etymology ("CIA N*s glow in the dark").
It's a bit worse than that, the term started with a slur attached
Glowie, also known as a Glown*****, is a slang term popular on 4chan's /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users...
The originator of the term is the late Terry Davis, a paranoid schizophrenic and developer of TempleOS. He used to go on angry rants about "glow in the dark CIA removeds", or glowies for short.
Is ungoogeled-chromium any less skeezy? It's not my main browser but every now and then I need a Chrome based browser or some sites just don't work right.
Not his first time having a public melty over woke themes. What is it about tech CEOs and advanced brain rot? Are they getting too high on their own products?
I don't think it's complicated. People are in fairly small cliques, and social contagion is real. In the relatively happy case it turns you into a woman or something, in the worst case it turns you into a planet-destroying asshole.
Yes and they literally have turned the idea of Admin Rights into the Divine Right of Kings.
"I know how to be an admin, thus I should run the fucking world."
When Cisco helped roll out The Great Firewall of China, they made great pains to explain that all they were actually doing was setting up the hardware and software to do what they were already designed to do. Computers and computer networks were never designed to be democratic in nature at all. Now that computers run the world, these jabronis think they deserve to be the Kings of it all.
Maybe he's jealous he's not as rich and powerful as his ideological peer Marc Andreessen, who turned proto-Firefox from a university project (Mosaic) into a company (Netscape)...
Andreessen had fuck-all to do with Firefox. He had worked on Netscape Navigator (which changed names several times over the years and is now known as SeaMonkey), but he had left Mozilla years before Firefox, which was a from-scratch rewrite, became a thing.
In that regard -- writing shit code that was best thrown out -- him and Eich (the fucker who inflicted Javascript on the world) are quite similar.
Vivaldi is a very good browser, but if you want to support open web standards it would be better to use a non-Chromium-based browser like one of the Firefox derivatives. Also Vivaldi is closed source. Still, I do like Vivaldi.
Of course ff over everything. Zen browser is nice too. I say Vivaldi because of the chromium/blink rendering engines, Vivaldi has a consistent track record. They haven't tried to push any crypto down your throat and uBo still functions. They offer a different experience and welcome their community feedback
Wish people would stop blaming this on ketamine, a dissociative drug that is very safe (used on children and small animals for surgery), and that typically has the exact opposite effect of how Elon is behaving.
This is 100% him. This is in spite of the ketamine.
usually ketamine would have an opposite effect, other things like alcohol and stimulants will amplify those things. much like musk, he probably uses alcohol alot too.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic. As someone who has always struggled with depression and has done ketamine, it does seem like it would be a good fast-acting, but short half-life anti-depressant (the afterglow lasts well after the buzz). Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term. Heard it messes up your bladder.
"Irish need not apply" was a common thing in job ads at one time; asshat here is doing the usual conservative thing of pretending to be unfairly persecuted
I think Waterfox looks pretty great and works well for me. Not sure how different it is from Firefox Mobile itself since I switched from Chrome to Waterfox directly, but assume Firefox probably looks pretty similar.
its from terry davis, the schizophrenic talented developer who wrote his own OS (TempleOS) from scratch as one of gods temples or something, however he was pretty racist and delusional, so would see "glowies" of CIA agents or whatever trying to get him, and now the term is used for people suspecting others of being federal agents
We could have had Scheme in the browser instead, but the control freaks won and we got saddled with an inferior language instead, misleadingly named after Java because it was so long ago that some people still thought Java was cool.
Does anyone know of a decent browser that syncs between Android and Windows versions that isn't Firefox based? Mobile Firefox's UX is not my cup of tea
To expand on your second point in case anyone isn't sure what you mean:
Different browsers render webpages slightly differently, because they use different "engines". The most popular browsers are Chrome or Edge, both of these which use the Blink engine, whereas Firefox uses a different engine called Gecko.
Web developers want their websites to work for most people, so they develop websites that are optimized to run in Blink, which means they sometimes don't look as intended on Gecko (Firefox). It's not Firefox's fault that developers are doing this -- of course developers want to reach the most users possible. There's nothing wrong with Gecko, either -- if it were more popular, then developers would build sites for it instead of for Blink. But, this issue of sites breaking can sometimes turn people off.
(Conversely, I develop for Firefox first, so sometimes webpages I make don't render properly in Chrome/Edge. That's not ideal, but I don't care much. I think Gecko is the better + more consistent engine, and I'm not interested in chasing mass appeal.)
Cromite on Android checks both those boxes. Ad blocking isn't great, but the developer isn't Brave.
Firefox + uBlock Origin might be better if you haven't tried that specific extension before. It works more than okay for me, but I realize YMMV and that's especially true for non-flagships
Ever since I switched to GrapheneOS, Vanadium has been working well. Never had a problem with Firefox + ublock, or Librewolf (except with a corporate intranet webapp that specifically required users to use Chrome).
I've been trying to move away from Google Chrome for awhile now. Brave was the easiest move for me - it's super slick and almost exactly like Google Chorme. But they just cannot help themselves from pushing Cryto BS on the startup page like every day - it's weird. I get they offset advertisements with Crypto, and maybe before The President ran a Crypto rugpull I'd be onboard, but now that the Rich Elites have publicly shown their hand in how they want to use Crypto I just can't support Brave.
Anyway, I've moved to Opera for the time being. If anyone else has suggestions I'm open to hear em, but like, I'm too used to webkit devtools.
After Firefox changed its TOS a lot of people (including me) have jumped to LibreWolf. It takes FF, removes any parts that phone home, and turns on many privacy options.
It takes a little tweaking to make all websites work correctly. I have it running almost perfectly on windoze. I tried installing on Ubuntu last night but my Linux newbie status held me back.
Turn it all off and it's no more in your face. The browser itself functions great when configured according to your needs.
Fuck their CEO though. Focus on the product. It works and consistently ranks as one of the highest orivacy based browser according to the EFF and multiple non profit sources.
I understood what he said. Strip out some rude terms and it sounds accurate. The comments here sound like someone shouted “squirrel” to a pack of rabid dogs.
I also lack common sense and am posting this comment. In my feeble defense I really don’t know the guy, and suspect he likes baiting others
Which is accurate? It reads like an unhinged paranoid conspiracist. Do you think Geroge Soros runs mozilla? Do you think it's being controlled by federal agents?
Regardless of the CEO, Brave is a great product. The crypto stuff is easy to turn off. Fantastic ad blocking, rarely any problems. What is the best alternative with great ad blocking?
I have more problems with uBlock Origin breaking the website. Also, it doesn't block other elements such as cookie walls and news letter signup garbage.
I used it as a secondary browser for a while. I didn't particularly care for it. It's a shame Edge is spyware corporate garbage because that's probably the best Chromium browser besides Ungoogled Chromium. I use Librewolf and the CachyOS browser now.
This whole thread is a Reddit-style two minutes' hate session that gets pissy about the language of his post without addressing the content.
Eich is right to be wary of US Intelligence infiltration of the non-profit sector, and his characterization of the sector's hiring preferences is probably accurate.
Also the image presented by the glowies concept is hilarious, and demonstrates again why the Right memes better than the Left.
Except the content of his post also blames the left, which is kind of fucking stupid when the government is undergoing a billionaire coup of the PayPal boys.