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The Average™ arch user
  • I don't use arch, but this applies to my android habits.

    Nova has way too many settings now, though.

    I use gestures and look&feel and that's about it. Custom icons here and there. Maybe my app drawer has custom folders, colors, tabs. And maybe my folders use custom gestures, transparency, and colors, and icons.

    But that's it.

    On Linux I use the fuck out of custom aliases for basic commands like ls or grep or less - mainly for appearance.

    This is the most useful alias to me personally: ls='ls -aph --color=always --group-directories-first'

  • Canadian food banks are on the brink: ‘This is not a sustainable situation’ |
  • The tenant, being "Christian", is utterly dismissive of the needs of others. I suggested offering it to anyone in the house before tossing it. Freezing things. Not taking things in the first place. Mentioned that he's basically stealing the food out of mothers and children's mouths. Nope. Doesn't work.

    Some actually delight in wasting.

  • Canadian food banks are on the brink: ‘This is not a sustainable situation’ |
  • In Windsor the line for one food bank near me has gone from a few people to hundreds.

    But they aren't Canadians.

    90% are foreign students.

    One is a tenant here.

    He throws away 75% of the food he gets. 2 days ago he threw away 6 boxes of kd. 3 pies. A jar ofbbq sauce. Buns, bread, candy, pasta. He kept the 3 tomatoes. (I kept the kd and BBQ sauce because there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. The pies were eaten by animals instead of hungry people)

    You can watch others take their boxes and bags of food, sift through and throw out what they don't want.

    Some have taken bags of vegetables only to dump them on the street.

    If they can spend 60k on school they shouldn't be stealing from hungry Canadians.

  • Loyalty should never demand a reward.

    Loyalty should never demand reward. Loyalty itself is the reward. Else it's just prostitution by another name. (This thought inspired by golf)

    update issues

    Jerboa was the first client i tried. I've tried several others. Jerboa is my lemmy app.

    The only thing that bothers me is after an update (this happens using both izzy and fdroid repos) upon relaunch i get "network error". It looks like i'm still logged in but my username is gone from the sidebar. If i try to log in i get json errors popping up in red text into the ui. Not a dialogue window, but within the background graphics.

    I have to manually log out, close app, and login again.

    This issue has been persistent across a number of updates since i started using the app.

    I use a vpn/dns/firewall but have the app excluded/bypassed, except the dns (dnscrypt/doh/tls fallback.) Dns allows everything it should. ?

    Android 13, may security updates.

    Images show dns from store refresh to relaunch after update. Will pull logcat to see if it shows anything.



    7's Main Community masterofn001
    thank you.

    Just wanted to say thanks to the host of this instance.

    The mini essay was a great idea. I definitely believe it will keep out at least some level of the riff and the raff. As much as people may dislike the idea of a gatekeeper, I believe it will make and keep the community much more fun, friendly, and useful.

    I feel much more at ease on this service than on Reddit. I don't feel like I'm arguing with bots and trolls. Or dealing with bad actors and agitators. I'm discussing things. Reading the actual articles. And not doom scrolling. The nature of this service seems more organic.

    Again. Thank you for your time and service to this (hopefully) growing community.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Hi guy

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